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  1. How to use this section.
  2. Excelon Zero's Needs
  3. Melbourne Missionaries
  4. Parts for G1 Thrust
  5. MP-5 Accessory Kit from TFsource
  6. Looking for Piranacon parts
  7. G1 Ultra Magnus missiles
  8. Takara Classics Pre-Order
  9. Alternator Ravage Jaguar XK instructions
  10. Action Master Prowl
  11. Classics Optimus Prime vs Megatron Boxset
  12. Alternators Lot on Ebay
  13. G1 Jetfire Gun pod
  14. G1 Scorponok MIB
  15. Classics Starscream and Optimus Prime
  16. G1 Ultra Magnus Parts
  17. Masterpiece Starscream
  18. C-131 Raiden Giftset on Oz Ebay
  19. G1 Micromasters
  20. I'm stumped on what to nab next...
  21. G1 Ratbat - Any condition
  22. Alternators Group buy
  23. Toy list
  24. WTB Ravage and/or Seaspray
  25. G1 Sandsorm Junker
  26. Cybertron Defense Hot Shot
  27. Takara Classics Megatron Preorder
  28. Scf + Pvc
  29. WTB Tech Spec cards
  30. Want list!
  31. Looking for G1 Vintage style!
  32. Binaltechs Wanted
  33. Sifun's Alt/Binaltech wants :)
  34. WTB Alternators Mirage
  35. Looking for Robot Replicas Barricade & Bumblebee!
  36. Browning?
  37. Fortress Maximus
  38. WTB remote control Optimus (from Tandy/Dick Smith)
  39. Need G1 Cyclonus gun
  40. Black Incinerator... where/how?
  41. Premium Prime & Megatron!
  42. SofaMan's Wants
  43. Softimus Prime and Slumblebee
  44. WTB [Melb]: Bruticus Parts
  45. A difficult Encore decision
  46. G1 lookout
  47. Second Melbourne Takara Classics Order
  48. LF: Protoform Prime!
  49. A difficult big decision
  50. G1 Bumblebee
  51. WST Prime's Trailer
  52. Anyone have a Lynx they would like to sell?
  53. G2 Starscream
  54. Jizatoys.. Anyone??
  55. WTB Legends
  56. Movie Voyager Blackout and Deluxe Jazz
  57. WTB Alt Mirage
  58. Final Battle Jazz
  59. WTB MIB G1 Commemorative series
  60. WTB G1 Parts/Weapons
  61. WTB: "Classics" Devastator
  62. MP starscream coronation on ebay for $26
  63. Beast Wars 10th anniversary
  64. Anyone interested in Alternators Group Buy?
  65. Energon Shockblast Weapon
  66. WTB: G1 Soundwave accessories
  67. Cheap DVD ?
  68. MP-02 Ultra magnus
  69. Beast Wars
  70. cybertron snarl
  71. bits n pieces :)
  72. WTB: Energon Superion Maximus and Bruticus Maximus
  73. Is this Skywarp real and not a KO?
  74. End of Line @ BBTS - Wave 2 Movie RH + Incinerator
  75. Animated Wave 1 at Robot Kingdom
  76. Angolz group order
  77. Can any club members hook me up with the Seacons?
  78. Classics Wanted
  79. Want: Cliffjumper's jetski thing
  80. looking for sharkticons
  81. Looking for Swerve
  82. WTB G1 Landfills Targetmasters
  83. WTB: Armada Predacon...
  84. Escape from Chinese womens prison 3
  85. Wanted: Junker G1 Roadbuster
  86. WTB : Titanium Ultra Magnus
  87. CASEFRESH ORDER: Melbourne
  88. WTB: Cybertron Primus
  89. Wanted: G1 Junker Bits
  90. WTB: Energon Terrorcons!
  91. TF comic wants
  92. Any Alternators?
  93. Ultra Magus Mp-02
  94. WTB - Transformers Galaxy Force
  95. Trailbreaker/Hoist Radar Scanner
  96. Any Evac's in SA ?
  97. WTB: Cheap Classics Bumblebee/CJ
  98. Seeking some Rare Transformers
  99. G1 Slingshot
  100. Any SA Members ordering from robot kingom?
  101. Robot Masters Star Saber
  102. Cybertron Starscream
  103. G1 Transformers Victory Great Shot
  104. WTB: Optimus Prime Voice Changer
  105. WTB or trade for Classics bots
  106. Wanted Menasor Head
  107. cybertron map
  108. need help looking for beast wars characters
  109. G1 Bits & Pieces that I NEED like a drug!
  110. Looking for a complete G1 Optimus Prime
  111. Some Transformers Im after
  112. Transmutate
  113. wtb masterpiece starscream
  114. WTB: Botcon (Cybertron) Ramjet Legend
  115. WTD G2 slingshot, complete or parts
  116. RK out of Encore Omega
  117. WTB Predaking
  118. G1 Optimus Prime fists + 1 roller wheel
  119. WTB Beastformer
  120. Headmasters Mini-Casettes
  121. URGENTLY WTB Classics
  122. WTB G1 BLaster Junker
  123. GI Jane VS the G2 Transformers
  124. Wanted: G1 silverbolt junker
  125. wtb mp ultra magnus & mp skywarp
  126. G1 Shockwave part
  127. Melbourne BBTS 100 Item Order
  129. WTB: Sinnertwin and Abominus Parts
  130. WTB Piranacon - Yeah I know, long shot :)
  131. WANT Classics Ultra Magnus Pweese
  132. Stuff FFN needs
  133. WTB: MP02 Ultra Magnus
  134. TF Premiere Collection hadcover book
  135. classic universe and g1
  136. MP-05 Hips
  137. Hasbro Classics Optimus
  138. Animated Ratchet in Sydney (was Animated Magnuses In Sydney With Working Heads)
  139. Parts Needed
  140. Henkei or Classics 2.0...?
  141. Need: BW Optimal Optimus Deflector Shield and Missile
  142. Gen1 Optimus Prime
  143. pink lego blocks
  144. Kiss Players Sparkbots
  145. Lugnut in QLD?
  146. Wanted, Box only, Animated Grimlock.
  147. Wanted: Alternators - Rumble
  148. space destruction team
  149. Wanted : Vintage Hasbro Trading Cards
  150. MP Prime head
  151. Wanted : Crasher!
  152. Wanted-G1 Headmaster Junkers
  153. Activators Bumblebee in Sydney
  154. Wanted: Acid Storm
  155. Wanted: Signed AHM #1
  156. Wanted Animated Grimlock Box only.
  157. Wanted: G1 Hook
  158. Wanted: G1 Blades, Groove, Right Defensor foot
  159. Wanted: Left over repro' labels
  160. Encore Metroplex
  162. SAFORMERS im after a MAsterpiece convoy.
  163. Long live Galvatron
  164. Wanted: Variant Airazor's gun and Allspark cube
  165. Whoopass' WANTS and Trades list
  166. Marvel Transformers Comics wanted
  167. Wanted Henkei thundercracker
  168. Wanted: Henkei Prime
  169. WANTED: Classics Ultra Magnus
  170. Wanted: Universe Galvatron and Acid Storm
  171. Perth: Anyone getting MP Thunder from RK?
  172. Wanted: Alt Jaguar Ravage
  174. Sell me stuff!
  175. Wanted: G1 Parts
  176. Wanted : Energon Towline, Divebombs and Cybertron/Movie Armorhide
  177. Universe/Classic SDCC Nemesis Prime
  178. Animated Legends Starscream
  179. Wanted: G1 Soundwave lose
  180. Want: Salvage
  181. BT/ALT Dodge Viper mold Gun/Engine?
  182. Want: Action Master Starscream and Prowl Junkers
  183. WANTED: G1 Robot Points
  184. WANTED: G1 Grimlock Junker
  186. Loose Classics Rodimus?
  187. Energon Insecticon
  188. Fatbots' want list
  189. Universe Bruticus
  190. WTB Grand Scourge parts or whole kit
  191. Wanted BAD: THS Nemesis Prime
  192. lio convoy
  193. WTB: Alternator Decepticharge Box/Packaging
  194. Battle Damage Optimus Prime Bust
  195. Movie Deluxe Bumblebee 2008 Camaro - for 5 year old boy
  196. Looking for a spare G1 roller
  197. G1 prime parts needed.
  198. WANTED: Powermaster Prime Junker or Parts
  199. Wanted: MP-4
  200. Wanted: Red Bumblebee and Chop Shop
  201. WANTED BADLY Titanium G1 Ultra Magnus
  202. Wanted: G1 Scorponock
  203. WANT: G1 Galvatron red trigger and knee caps
  204. Wanted: cybertron Starscream part
  205. Cybertron Jungle Planet map...
  206. ALt Rollbar front grill and Alt Swerve/Camshaft
  207. Wanted: Universe Legends Hound, Jazz
  208. WTB G1 Galvatron parts
  209. g2 Transformers Rescue force
  210. Classics mirage + astrotrain
  211. Movie Wingblade part
  212. Looking for: Animated Snarl
  213. Beast wars wanted
  214. looking for: Encore Prime, Megs & Soundwave boxes
  215. BEAST WARS!!!
  216. Other wants
  217. ME WANTEE
  218. Wanted: Transformers The Movie Poster (1985)
  219. Wanted: Henkei Ligier (Mirage)
  220. G2 Megs MISB Wanted
  221. Wanted Autobot Reprolabel
  222. Looking for G1 Combiner parts: Superion + Defensor.
  223. G1 Predacon EMPTY BOXES WANTED!
  224. Wanted: Titanium War Within Optimus Prime
  225. Predaking Divebomb - figure only any condition
  226. Easiest way to get TFA Target exclusives?
  227. SDCC Exclusive Universe/Classics Nemesis Prime
  228. WTB Botcon Classic Dreadwind
  229. Wanted: Transformers crossover Marvel Spiderman
  230. Liokaiser helmet - KO or G1
  231. wtb: g1 ROBOT HEROES!
  232. WTB: Premium Bumblebee movie
  233. Wanted: Universe Ironhide
  234. WTB: Icy's List of G1/G2 Needs....and Trades
  235. actionmaster Decoys
  236. Some of my wants
  237. WANT: Energon/Armada Unicron and Cybertron Primus
  238. Kup's G1 needs list
  239. Wanted: Classics Mirage
  240. G2 Slingshot & G2 Superion Right Fist
  241. Movie ratchet wanted
  242. Encore 13, 14 Wanted
  244. Who has a TFC minobots set for sale?
  245. Original Trailbreaker
  246. Wanted : MAGMATRON
  247. WTB: Stan Bush: Call To Action
  248. G1 Sharkticons
  249. In need of Classics 1.0!
  250. Help me finish the '07 Movie line!