- December Acquisitions
- Transformers Holy Grails and Loose Ends
- January '08 Acquisitions
- 2007 total acquisitions, and your best/worst.
- Best Op shop/antique store tf find
- February Acquisitions.
- March Acquisitions.
- Premium Optimus Prime Leader Class
- April Acquisitions.
- Missing mail in Queensland?
- May Acquisitions
- June Acquisitions
- July Acquisitions.
- The Kyle Appreciation gifts (from Ozformer members).
- August Acquisitions
- September Acquisitions
- October Acquisitions.
- November acquisitions.
- December Acquisitions
- January Acquisitions
- 2008 Acquisitions: Your best and worst?
- February Acquisitions
- March Acquisitions
- April Acquisitions
- May Acquisitions
- Buying Pre-movie
- June Acquisitions
- July Acquisitions
- August Acquisitions
- The Vintage Transformer Liberation Thread.
- September Acquisitions
- October Acquisitions
- November Acquisitions.
- December Acquisitions
- January Acquisitions.
- After 4 years of searching....finally!!!
- February Acquisitions
- March Acquisitions
- So I came back with some cool stuff
- April Acquisitions
- May Acquisitions
- June Acquisitions
- July Acquisitions
- August Acquisitions
- September Acquisitions
- October Acquisitions
- Gen1 themed ltd ed skate board decks
- November Acquisitions
- December Acquisitions
- January stuff
- February Acquisitions
- March Acquisitions
- April Acquisitions
- May things-n-bits
- JUNE Acquisitions
- Soundwave MP3 Player
- ... I would have waited an eternity for these...
- JULY Acquisitions
- August bits and bobs
- Reprolabels.com Run
- September doobiewhackers
- October Stuff
- The Regret Thread
- November Numnums!!
- December Decadence!
- Christmas captures
- January's stuff
- February Finds
- March Masterpieces
- Competition Prize Acquisitions - past and present
- April's Apprehensions
- May Materials
- June's Jaunts
- July Jackpots (and Junk).
- August's Abundance
- September's Stylings
- October Overindulgence
- November Nuggets
- Decembers Drafts
- January's Jubilations
- Result of Recent Japan toy hunt
- February Fun Times
- March Madness
- April's Automatons
- May's Merchandise
- Juicy June Junk
- Jolly July Justifications
- August Amalgamations
- September Selections
- October's… purchases
- November Nummies
- December's Decorations
- bday transformers
- January Acquisitions
- Febrewary Funnies
- Massive March Merchandise Moochings
- April's Arrivals
- May Mayhem Madness
- June Super-Lucky 3 Dragons Supeshyaru FAITO PUNCH!!!
- Return of an old friend
- Lucky finds
- July's Jubilant Jewels
- Transformers G1 1984 Stamp Set from HG Toys
- AoE Movie Display Stand! Story & Pics
- August Awesome Acquisitions and Arrivals
- September's special selections
- October and his fine Fembots
- New 30th anniversary reprint of first 8 TF comics!!!
- Got my wedding cake topper!
- November's Never Negative figures
- December's Decorative Deliveries
- 2014 - Your Best & Worst Acquisitions
- jolly January jubilations
- February's Fistpumping Finds.....
- March's majestic merch
- April's Able Additions
- thought you might like to see this
- Takara Bookset reissues.......
- Marvelous May!
- Joyful June!
- July's Wallet Devastations
- August's Awe-Inspiring Autobots!
- Springer's September Spring Suprises
- October OTCA Originals
- November's Nice Things
- December's devastating delights
- Joyfully jubilant January
- February Acquisitions.
- March's Acquisitions
- April's Account Attacking Aquisitions
- May May be a-May-zing
- Getting jiggy with June's Aquisitions
- July's Fort-Max sized purchases.
- Bombastically brilliant bots bought in August...
- September's Shockingly Savage Savings Splurge & Somewhat Superficial Showoffs
- October's not-so-ordinary offerings
- Nothing New for November
- December's Delightful Deals
- January's very important adult action figure collectable investments
- February's fabaliciously fancy figures fit for Fabio
- March Merch Madness
- April's eternally delayed collectables
- May end up spending all my money this month!
- June-eed help with your toy addiction?
- Would July-ke that help with your toy addiction?
- August I could come up with a toy-related pun for what we got this month
- Remember September?
- October's Obtainments
- NOOOOO - I've spent too much on toys again - VEMBER
- Deck the halls with December's bots, fa la la la laaa la la la laaa
- January's Joyfully Jolly Jubilant Justifiable Junk
- February's Fantastic Fabulous Acquisitions.
- March-ing forward to bankruptcy March acquisitions.
- April Foo---- "KABOOM" There Goes My Wallet Again!
- It's Gonna Be May
- June (don't tell my Wife about my) purchases
- Prime 1 Studio Optimus Primal
- July’s Joyful Jifts
- August’s Awesome Aquisitions
- September's Sumptuous Supplements
- October's Occasional Obtainments
- November's Nostalgic New Stuffs
- December's Delightful Deals
- TF Xmas Presents 2018
- January's Jackpots
- February Future Buys
- March Madness - 'Madness no THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!'
- April's Amazing Amassment of AWESOMENESS
- May-all-your-purchases-be-MISB!
- In Awe of Shockwave
- June's Fortunes
- July Acquisitions
- August's Action-packed Additions
- Stunning September Scores
- Overwhelming October Obtainments
- November Newbies.
- Delicious December Drops
- January Jealousies
- Far out it's February
- Marcho Madness
- April Acquisitions
- May's Mercantile Magnificence
- June's Additional Assets
- What Did You Buy in July?
- Augusts awesome acquisitions
- September splurges
- October ordinary
- November’s new nabs
- December Delivered
- Jumpy January's Joys
- Fantastic February Footholds
- March forth and manhandle your new Transformers memorabilia
- Awesome And Amazing April Acquisitions
- Meataxe May Macquirements!
- Junes jubilant jewels
- Duly July
- Augusts awe inspiring additions to the addiction
- September's Every Purchased Transformer Exclusive, Memento, Book, Extra, (or) Robot
- Octobers obligatorily spooky acquirements for the obsession
- November’s new(ish) toys
- December's Naughty or Nice List
- January's Junk
- Fighting Spirit February
- March's Mad Masterpieces (and other Transformer toys)
- April Fuels
- MAY-hem Attack Squad
- June's Transformable Bricks
- Beast former Meiji 1988 Takara cards
- July? No, I told the truth
- AUGmented Reality
- Salutary September
- Octobers obvious objects
- November, the month before December, but after October, & things wot I got
- I Am the New Leader of the December-cons!
- Not-Not Happy, Jan!
- February's Fascinations
- March's Malappropriations
- Ay-this is getting expensive now-pril
- Mo' money, May purchases
- Joyful Jewels june 2023
- Jetstorm's July Jackpot
- Augmented August 2023
- Septembers Soaring Spendings
- OCTimus Prime's Ordnance
- Novembers Naughty New Numbers
- Yuletide Yummies (December 2023)
- Jiving in January getting more Junk
- Fantastic February Finds For Fans
- Magnificent March Merchandise
- April's accumulations
- we May Play
- June in, turn on, drop out
- Jumping Junk in July
- All things grand in August
- Something Special in September
- October's occumulations
- November Neat Novelties
- December's decadence
- Things we got in January