View Full Version : Devastator custom 15 inches tall

20th February 2011, 03:49 PM
Hi there,

before i start i just wanted to thank ptvite for kindly giving me permission to make this guy and ofcourse for coming up with the original build.

Whenever i see one of these guys put up i always love seeing all the little differences from one to the next, so i tried to include lots of differences in mine.I decided to change a few of the proportions of Devastator to make him look more action mastery but without losing the transformation. there are a few changes from the original design in this one too. I extended scrappers body quite a bit so that he was longer in leg mode (same for mixmaster) scrapper transforms exactly the same way as normal. instead of the usual demolisher for wideload i used the build team dump truck which means i was able to get rid of the extra kibble at devastators back and make his dump truck tray fit on closer to the body (figuring out how to make the truck transform into devs abdomen was a pain though, but finally figured out how to do it without making wideload a partsformer). I also wanted to make my guy kind of unique so i scratch built his head, or rather heads, he comes with three different expressions one that is kind of grumpy but mostly nuetral (thats the one in most of the pics) then there is also an angry yelling head and a head with a smug little smirk just for funzies.

my fave part of the original was his wing shield so i scratch built one that was much more in keeping with the gen 1 version. i dont really like seeing the unicron waist parts as they are very recognizable so his groin parts are also scratch built. i also scratch built his arms as well as his hands (no other bot parts were used at all) so each finger is ball jointed and has a pin joint (wow those pin joints look much easier to make than they actually are :) and lastly his gun was scratchbuilt to be very close to his big honkin magna laser, the gun is about 9 and a half inches long too. after i made them in styrene and sculpting material etc i cast the heads, the wing shield, the arms, the hands, the gun and the groin parts then cast them in a very nice resin.

ofcourse this guy brakes apart into all of the constructicons who also transform. i think thats everything, i will be setting up a sales thread for him soon too. well hope you like him.

pics on my flikr account

20th February 2011, 03:55 PM
saw this the other day and it is an absolute amazing piece of art

21st February 2011, 04:32 PM
Too right!
An absolutely amazing effort there Robot_Art! :eek::cool:

Out of curiosity, what was the total build time?