View Full Version : Poor man's custom Autobot and Decepticon HQ

10th April 2011, 12:17 PM
All you need is some photocopy boxes, a colour printer and sticky-tape/glue.

I found the wall patterns on the web. I don't have the link here at home with me but when I get to work I will post the credit.

We have an A3 box as Autobot HQ (mine - used glue) and A4 box Autobot and Decepticon HQs (the kids' - used stickytape. theirs is likely to have more wear and tear).




Edit: here's the links from the author: http://forums.tformers.com/talk/index.php?showtopic=91920

and the index: http://x4.ofgraphicdesign.com/projects/ark/

Vector Prime
10th April 2011, 01:40 PM
That's actually pretty cool mate.

I was thinking of doing something like that just so I could take some pics of some figures with a backdrop against them.

10th April 2011, 03:14 PM
I actually used this as my background on my intials stages of photographing its cool then but you cant really get good light exposure from it. But reagrdless its a very goo background design

10th April 2011, 04:45 PM
Nice work snakey! I'd consider doing the same for some of my scenes

11th April 2011, 12:30 PM
These aren't intended for photography - if you've seen my pics you can see there's no hope for me - but I reckon they'd be good to liven up my shelves and displays.

And the kids love them.