View Full Version : Custom classics Streetwise

24th April 2011, 11:29 AM
Car mode complete... couple of touches needed on bot mode.



24th April 2011, 11:35 AM
Lookin good snakey!

Need some sheriff star stickers :D

Vector Prime
24th April 2011, 11:36 AM
That looks nice mate!

Good old Generations Red Alert light bar put to good use I see. :p

24th April 2011, 01:22 PM
nice, looks better already!

24th April 2011, 02:32 PM
Ooh! - Now that is nice man, Bloody well done Snakey! :eek::cool:

24th April 2011, 04:51 PM
Lookin good snakey!

Need some sheriff star stickers :D

I know... there's no way I want to try painting them on :( so I'll be haunting the party items aisles looking for some black stars

24th April 2011, 08:51 PM
Very nice. Can;t wait to see robot mode

24th April 2011, 09:06 PM
Robot mode!

Drift body with Red Alert's light bar and a modified Blurr head. I had thought of using a different head but my choices were limited, plus the mold has a fairly unique neck joint, so Blurr was the easiest.
His windows have black electrical tape over them. After my experiences painting Turbomaster Boss' windows I figured this was the easiest way.
There's a bit of a cheat when transforming from car to bot; you have to swap the legs out at the thighs.
I'm not too happy with the shade of red on the legs; I may revisit that. The head colour isn't a perfect match but I think it's noticeable only if you look closely.


I know this makes the arms look a bit long but I wanted some way to set him apart from the base mold.


Rear view: you can see I've left the original's feet on. I may dremel them off later. You can also see I've painted the back of the head red like the toy, even though it can't be seen from the front. ("Why? Because I'm an idiot, that's why!")



As for the rest of the Protectobots.... I think classics Inferno or Grapple could be good for Hot Spot (altho I want to make a Motormaster first), Ratchet or some other van-type figure for First Aid, and I'm mulling over whether Wreck Gar could be made into Groove.

And there's no way on earth I'm going to try make Defensor.

24th April 2011, 10:05 PM
looks ace next to blades. have you thought about cybertron mudflap for hotspot, or would he be to small? any way great work!

25th April 2011, 12:45 AM
Man, that is a pretty darn good custom man, if only you could track down a 'Star' sticker for the bonnet - That way it would help to break up some of the white that covers everything above the light bar. ;)

Dude, I cannot wait to see Motormaster! :D:cool:

25th April 2011, 01:24 PM
Mad work. Love it. Looks great standing next to Blades. What about Armada Sideways for Groove?

27th April 2011, 12:40 AM
Hmmm, I'm not familiar with the Arm. Sideways mold. I don't know if he's deluze-sized, but for some reason I'd like my Groove to be deluxe-sized, scaling be damned!