View Full Version : Toy Review - DOTM MechTech Voyager Megatron

Sky Shadow
24th April 2011, 01:31 PM

Dark Of The Moon MechTech Voyager Megatron.

This is the greatest Transformer of all time. Not even Lugnut can compare to the glory that is Dark Of The Moon MechTech Voyager Megatron. For one thing, Megatron is finally a truck. For the first time, he is on equal footing to Optimus Prime. (Deliberate or not, this is also a neat nod to Prime's 'brother' comment in the first film.) Since he is a truck, it means the toy actually transforms into something real and not just a made-up pile of scrapmetal as Megatron did in the previous two movie toylines. In Mack truck mode, this toy has astonishing engineering. This is a one-piece Transformer with trailer, and yet the cab can turn independently of the trailer as in the picture below! If you cannot appreciate the genius of this, keep staring at the photo below until you do. Keep staring! Okay, good.


Some bits of the transformation back and forth are a bit tricky, particularly the front grille-and-bonnet and sides of the cab, but ultimately every single piece locks securely in where it should in both modes. (Except the tarpaulin in vehicle mode, unless you tie it down with Lilliputian ropes. What do you expect – it's a tarpaulin!)

In robot mode, Megatron carries a MechTech fusion cannon on his right arm, a tribute to his G1 namesake (and this toy will also be available with G1 Megatron [apparently in Megaplex colours] in Japan – the most brilliant Transformers two-pack ever.) MechTech seems to mean 'A Weapon That Does Stuff' and in this case if you push the ladder on the fusion cannon the sides extend out and forwards to make it a longer cannon. Megatron has one big eye and one small one (and this is also paralleled in vehicle mode, where one windscreen is much thicker than the other.) I am told that if I actually remembered anything from Revenge Of The Fallen I would know that Megatron got some face and arm damage at the hands of Optimus Prime (or something) and that this is a result of that.

To truly appreciate the brilliance of DOTM Voyager Megatron, you must understand that in over twenty-five years, HasTakTom has never attempted anything as bold as this toy. Until now, no toy in Transformers history has ever had a poncho. Not Lockdown, not the Jointron brothers, not even Drift - a character known for nothing more than his love of ponchos. The poncho transforms from shroud to tarpaulin (and back!) and you will get literally months of pleasure from transforming it back and forth. I love this toy so much, that I might even go back and buy some older Movie Megatron toys.

[Sky Shadow goes and looks through images of every single older Movie Megatron toy.]


Okay, so it turns out that I won't be buying them (except maybe that Voyager tank one with a lobster claw for an arm – he looks fricking awesome.)

There have been a lot of complaints about 'Hasbro grey' in recent years, and this toy is Hasbro's clear response to that. It states, in no uncertain terms, "#@(* you! Look at this marvel! Some of the greatest sculptures the world has ever seen are grey and this is yet another to add to that pantheon. Hasbro grey is awesome and you're a bunch of whingers".

In summary, it will be hard for Hasbro to top themselves after DOTM MechTech Voyager Megatron. So... how could HasTakTom incorporate the ingenuity of this toy into future Transformers releases?

I would say "more ponchos". Maybe a whole line of Transformers with ponchos or a new franchise: Transformers: Robots Disguised Through The Wearing Of Ponchos. Nevertheless, until they release a Lugnut toy with a poncho, this toy will remain the pinnacle of nearly three glorious decades of Transformers engineering.

I give this toy five ponchos out of five and my highest possible recommendation.


Vector Prime
24th April 2011, 01:44 PM
Thanks for the colourful review SS - makes my review of Shockwave absolutely vanilla in comparison to this literary piece of work! :p

I'm shocked that you rate Megs higher than the glorious Lugnut himself. :eek:

Still, I'm not convinced - unlike yourself, I'm not a fan of his poncho (or ponchos in general) nor am I a fan of his colours (or lack thereof), so sadly, I will have to vote, "only if cheap"

24th April 2011, 01:47 PM
I can't tell if there's any serious endorsement in this review (started off like there was) or if it's just Sky Shadow taking the piss. :rolleyes:

I look forward to actual reviews.

Sky Shadow
24th April 2011, 01:51 PM
I can't tell if there's any serious endorsement in this review (started off like there was) or if it's just Sky Shadow taking the piss. :rolleyes:

I look forward to actual reviews.

This is an actual review! :( I heartily endorse this event or product.

Vector Prime
24th April 2011, 02:04 PM
This is an actual review! :( I heartily endorse this event or product.

Don't worry, I believe you mate. :)

I'm just not a big fan of this Megs.

Sky Shadow
24th April 2011, 02:28 PM
Don't worry, I believe you mate. :)

Thanks! To be honest, if I didn't love this toy, I wouldn't have reviewed it.

In fact, I love it so much that I even posted my review on TFW2005 - only my second post on that site since joining in 2004 (back when the TFW2005 was still futuristic! Yes, I suspect certain aspects of the review may confuse the heck out of them.)

Sky Shadow
24th April 2011, 09:00 PM
One other feature I failed to mention - the fusion cannon can lock in 'deployed' position if you rotate the ladder diagonally. Which makes for a very G1 Onslaughty vehicle mode:


9th May 2011, 12:08 AM
Best movie Megatron toy - ever. (yeah, nothin' like being a big fish in a small pond :p)

Seriously though... TF1 and ROTF Leader Megatrons were massive disappointments. TF1 Voyager Megatron is okay, but I can'ts stands the ice kibble. I've never handled ROTF Voyager Megatron IRL so I can't really comment on that. But DOTM Voyager Megatron is the best boxed movieverse Megatron toy I've come across so far, and for the first time I don't feel royally ripped off by a movie Megatron toy.

As Sky Shadow said before a lot of this toy's merits over its predecessors comes from the sheer virtue that it has an Earthen alt mode! In robot mode it looks more like a Transformer because it has Earthen alt mode kibble. TF1 and ROTF Megatrons looked more like weird alien robots, and their alt modes looked forced (i.e. like alien robots deformed into a jet thing and tank thing). DOTM Megatron's alt mode is a Mack - a licensed vehicle!

At he costs half the RRP of a Leader... win.

Yeah, there's lots of grey plastic on this toy, but it honestly doesn't bother me. The olive green plastic is metallic which is really nice. The MechTech weapon can be mounted on either forearm, though I imagine most G1 fans would mount it on the right arm to make it look all fusion cannony. :)

The poncho can be used for both robot and vehicle modes and is easily removable if you don't like it. I'm guessing there's probably a scene or two in the movie where Megs is covered, so they've included it for that (cos if they didn't, fans would whinge about it then 3rd party producers would make one :p).

My only gripe about this toy - and it might just be because I can't transform one step properly - is the lower legs. Is there a proper way for each of them to interlock firmly?

9th May 2011, 10:44 AM
That's done it! Since Gok approves too it'll be a purchase on sight now! :D Was gonna hold out for a bit but I've been swayed!

9th May 2011, 10:48 AM
You make a decent sales pitch Sky Shadow, I was leaning on the fence with this guy but I think I'm sold! :D

Hopefully we'll see a decent 3rd party custom cloak pop up soon...

9th May 2011, 01:19 PM
The Poncho is pretty awersome, but the previous Voyager Megs had the glorious power of a crab, utterly crabtacular!

I will be getting this Megs so I can compare with Crab Megs and see who is the true champuion of Movie Megatrons.

That last image doesn't appeal at all though, it's poncho free!

9th May 2011, 02:48 PM
Finally! Does this mean we can stop hearing about Lugnut?

Sky Shadow
11th May 2011, 02:34 PM
Finally! Does this mean we can stop hearing about Lugnut?

Lugnut has countless acolytes, of whom I am merely one. The only cure for hearing about Lugnut is deafness or death, whichever comes first.

11th May 2011, 03:25 PM
To be honest, it's the acolytes that are the most frustrating. The originality and creativity displayed by the movement's leader(s?) is still quite enjoyable. ;)

11th May 2011, 03:48 PM
I was somewhat on the fence about this but the fact that the cab is articulated sold it

13th May 2011, 12:03 AM
I'm gonna agree with Sky Shadow and admit that this is one mutha of a figure.

Bot mode looks like an action figure with excellent proportions, enough articulation and amazing detailed sculpting. Articulation is excellent with engineers now using double joints for the elbow and knees for superior arm and leg bends and poses. Hands that look menacing than holloween like his previous movie incarnations and that poncho/cape just completes this mode. The sandy themed colours really suit this nomad like incarnation of a destron leader. Not a big fan of the assymetrical eyes as it reminds me too much of Skids and Mudflap. Megatron is not meant to look stupid. I hope they explain that well in the movie.

Conversion is everything a modern transformer should be unless you hate complex conversions. This has some ingenious tricks and folds that forms a very solid alt. It is near perfection, especially with the articulated trailer, even if it is a very small angle. It's a pelasure to see each panel of the alt mode appears as you twist, fold and bend it to its alt mode. Then it all clicks into place and nothing is loose. The backend can be tricky to align with the gas tank but a littlegentle nudging and alignment with the pegs will guide you there.

The alt mode is solid and aside from the bonnett seams, everything else is natural looking. The articlated trailer is a impressive even if it is a small angle. All wheels roll and there are no visible robot kibble. All accessories go into this mode too. If I have to fault it, the alt mode is small and not in scale with Optimus.

Overall, the best in the line so far and definately a must have in my opinion. The best by a million miles of all the movie Megatrons and one of the best figures ever. I think it may have bumped off RtS Jazz for me. Bring on a Leader Class please Hasbro.

13th May 2011, 08:23 PM
I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my favourite DOTM toy on the Citadel.

13th May 2011, 08:39 PM
I agree with all comments about this guy. He is awesome. Needs paint badly, particularly in altmode, but that was to be expected. I'll wait until there's some more good reference pics of him from the movie itself before I start that though.


13th May 2011, 11:47 PM
As with deluxe Crankcase, I'm scared that when I see this guy at retail I won't be able to resist. :( Awesome looking toy, certainly looks worthy of all the praise.

14th May 2011, 08:17 PM
Clearly the best movie-related megatron toy so far, and will no doubt prove very popular. For that reason, it will not doubt get a repaint, so I will skip this one and wait in hope of a better redeco with less hasbro grey and no injured eye.

14th May 2011, 08:54 PM
OK Sky Shadow. You spoke. I listened. Got him today (price-matched for $40) and yeah, he's pretty good. Yes, he's the best movie Megatron ever, but that's really not a very impressive title.

The alt mode concept is awesome. It's very Road Warrior (aka Mad Max 2) and is very suitable to Megatron. The cape and busted eye must be plot devices, and remembering how Prime blew off half of Megs face in ROTF, I think they're a really nice touch. The way they integrate with the alt mode only add to the awesome, menacing look it already has.

The new voyagers are definitely a bit small. I thought Hasbro admitted there was to be a bit of shrinkage across every size class, but then I thought someone debunked that. Regardless, he seems a bit small, and i think the mold suffers a bit for that. Not so bad as say Generations/Henkei Galvatron, but if all those bits of the cab were a bit larger, it would be a bit easier to get everything right. As it stands now, i can't get one of the final, outer-gray flaps to stay locked into place. The arm underneath doesn't really stay in its slot, and this has a cascading effect. I'd say it's just a slight bit of manufacturing tolerance, and a bit of a lemon. I might try another. Otherwise, the transformation is great. A bit complex, but still mostly gratifying.

The only complaints I have are likely to be the same across the entire line. Firstly, plastic malleability. Movie toys have always required more of this than most other lines. It's just part and parcel with the complexity required in making Michael Bay's vision into safe toys for children. It gives the toy a cheap feel. Naturally, that's highly subjective. Secondly, this toy has next to NO paint. Seriously. There are a couple minor touches, and the rest is brown and Hasbro Gray plastic. Scale this thing up, use some nicer plastics and paint apps, and this thing coulda been a contender.

Sky Shadow
14th May 2011, 08:58 PM
OK Sky Shadow. You spoke. I listened.

I think I've spotted your first mistake. :p

15th May 2011, 02:40 AM
great review skyshadow!
this is an awesome figure indeed!
worth purchasing!

15th May 2011, 11:57 PM
After messing around with him the last couple of days and transforming the hell out of him all I can say is Voyager Megatron is the best DOTM toy out right now, I'm not even joking!

Looks like it was third time lucky for Hasbro, buy him now before he sends the good doctor out to "examine" your cranium!

16th May 2011, 12:33 AM
Indeed Fonecrusher. I can't really rave on about this figure enough. People appear to be wary after the previous atrocities fromt he movie line. Everyone appears to be doting over Voyager Shockwave but that figure is the movie 1 Megatron of this line with a crap alt mode and an ok botmode.

This Megatron is just so incredible. Not sure what else they can repaint this to. Nemesis Prime? Motor Master?

16th May 2011, 12:38 AM
So nobody else is having trouble getting the lower legs to lock properly?

16th May 2011, 12:47 AM
So nobody else is having trouble getting the lower legs to lock properly?

Do you mean clipping the tanker bits into his heels?

16th May 2011, 04:07 AM
Not sure what else they can repaint this to. Nemesis Prime? Motor Master?
Well Octane or Onslaught would make sense but it will probably just a black Megatron if history teaches us anything. Plus one of the Commander toys of Megatron (with the base thing) seems to have already had a black repaint. :rolleyes:

16th May 2011, 09:55 AM
This is the first movie Megatron toy I have bought... a recognisable alt mode at last, a balanced robot mode (i.e equal arms), the cloak can be used on other Transformers (me and my sons had it on Tracks yesterday)... My only issue is the scaling (the perennial argument). I think it would be in scale with Scouts/Commanders.

16th May 2011, 10:32 AM
Do you mean clipping the tanker bits into his heels?

Clipping the tanker bits into the sides of the "central" legs. Mine just lock in... they just sit there which gets annoying during play.

18th May 2011, 08:47 PM
Clipping the tanker bits into the sides of the "central" legs. Mine just lock in... they just sit there which gets annoying during play.

there is a bit that clips in to the bottom of the tank

19th May 2011, 01:09 AM
Like so many others, I'm totally in love with this new Megatron. If Guts from Berserk were a robot, this is how he'd look. :D The way he holds himself, the eye damage, the cloak...It just screams Guts to me, just wish he had the huge slab style sword to complete the look!

I'm not going to go on and say "Oh I hope there's a leader class toy in the making" because I don't need it. This toy is simply perfect as is.

Since buying him the other day I've been carting him around the house like some kind of inanimate pet....Don't think I've ver done that with any other Transformer :confused: He's just so cool to look at, the transformation is fun, he doesn't feel like he's going to break, everything slots into place and, and....You just need this toy okay. Best Megatron ever.

Pretender Megatron

19th May 2011, 03:10 AM
I'm not going to go on and say "Oh I hope there's a leader class toy in the making" because I don't need it. This toy is simply perfect as is.

Pretender Megatron


For the sake of continuity in scale from the last 2 movies I HOPE there is a Leader Class release, but considering the cuts in production costs I doubt it'll happen :(

I got this fig too, haven't opened it yet but will get to it!

19th May 2011, 09:20 PM
So does anyone know more about the Megatron 2 packs? Does the G1 version come with blue legs or red?

22nd May 2011, 01:09 AM
DotM Voyager Megatron
Series - Dark of the Moon
Sub-line - Mechtech
Size/class - Voyager
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 1
Released here - May 2011
Approximate Retail Price - $49-50
Approximate Size - 18cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - Tanker Truck
Main Features/Gimmicks - Convertible Mechtech weapon
Main Colours - Bronze-brown, grey, black
Main Accessories - Mechtech weapon, cloak


Mr Ed
22nd May 2011, 09:56 AM
I got Megatron out and played with him for the first time yesterday.

He is awesome and fanstatic. The detail is quite good, especially with the MACK signage and the little dog

I dont know if I will share the same view with the other DOTM Voaygers - Ironhide, Megatron or Skyhammer.

Maybe Shockwave?

25th May 2011, 06:55 PM
+excellent robot and alt mode design.
+very good articulation especially with the legs (but arms suffer a bit from no forearm/wrist rotation.) special mention to the trailer in alt mode - very nice and satisfying twisting.
+very nice abs that do not suffer from backpacks like the one on deluxe WFC Cybertronian Prime.
+very interesting and fun transformation
+very mysterious looking with the poncho
+looks awesome sitting in a throne.

-orange/brown marks spoil the look.
-left windscreen in alt mode looks weird. (i know megatron is supposed to look disfigured... but its stupid looking.)
-mechtech weapon is crap looking and why does it have wheels on it? they look so out of place.
-hands cant hold anything - some weapons will look weird on him.
-would have preferred poncho to be made of cloth
-is not leader class

the strange thing is he has mechtech ports on the side of his lower legs...
overall a must buy from the DOTM toy line.

25th May 2011, 08:03 PM
Will there be a leader version? How about a megaton with pride and not a downtrodden rusty old truck with a rag and an injured eye?

25th May 2011, 08:24 PM
Will there be a leader version?
Personally don't care. The last two Leader Megatrons were abysmal, and Voyager DotM Megatron leaves them for dust! :cool:

How about a megaton with pride and not a downtrodden rusty old truck with a rag and an injured eye?
Hard to make a call on this until I've seen the film...

Sky Shadow
25th May 2011, 08:46 PM
Personally don't care. The last two Leader Megatrons were abysmal, and Voyager DotM Megatron leaves them for dust! :cool:

To be continued in 35 days' time... ;)

Personally don't care. The last two Leader Megatrons were abysmal, and Voyager DotM Megatron leaves them for dust! :cool:

Hard to make a call on this until I've seen the film...

Um... how's the multiple personality disorder going for you, Goki? :p

25th May 2011, 09:03 PM
So nobody else is having trouble getting the lower legs to lock properly?

I have this problem, one leg goes in fine. The other one doesn't want to and I've pushed pretty god damn hard :/
There is no plastic blocking it... it just doesn't want to go.

Also, mine had a stress mark out of the box... No biggie because it's one of those grey clips that just sits in the grooves on the front of the cab.

25th May 2011, 09:13 PM
Um... how's the multiple personality disorder going for you, Goki? :p

Freaky :eek:

25th May 2011, 10:52 PM
Um... how's the multiple personality disorder going for you, Goki? :p

Gah! I coulda sworn I hit "Edit" post... musta hit new post by accident.

No you didn't! Now drop and give me 100!

Don't listen to him, he's kuh-raaazzzeee, WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


25th May 2011, 11:08 PM
Oh so now Gok has 3 personalities ; the hopeful, the reservist and the insane

26th May 2011, 01:02 AM
i had some time to take some pictures!


Size comparison


Its Ultra Ma...Megatron?!


Boo! Wretched Human.


You're friends with Bay Right? Did he disfigure me down there? I've been emasculated haven't I!?!? I didn't want to be a truck like Optimus!


I don't like my new weapon - why does it have wheels!?


I'm 3rd party compatible!


I'm a martial arts master!


Why didn't I get cool dreads?


Your backpack is disgusting!


Nobody defeats Megatron!

31st May 2011, 01:01 AM
Finally opened this toy and got it out of its packaging.

And I gotta say, it's an odd-toy. It looks cool but his head just looks too small. His transformation is fiddly and I'm not a big fan of the shoulder blades that become the bull-guard in vehicle mode as they're on small joints that already have stress marks :( As of far I've been real impressed with the DOTM deluxes but this as my first DOTM voyager is actually pretty disappointing. You'd think after 2 Leader Class Megatron figures that had their flaws Hasbro would try to find a way to perfect at least one figure but I guess they can't get to that yet.

31st May 2011, 01:25 PM
Leader Class or GTFO.

31st May 2011, 03:57 PM
I much prefer a well made Voyager over a crappy overpriced Leader any day. How often have you purchased a Leader Class movie toy and thought, "Gee, that was totally well worth the $99 RRP!" (even if you bought it on sale, remember that the general asking price is $99). I got TF1 Optimus Prime, ROTF Optimus Prime and ROTF Megatron Leaders all at discount - which I'm glad for, but other Leaders I got at full price. And I cannot think of one Movie Leader which I would consider well worth shelling close to a hundred bucks for (the Optimus Primes come closest).

Is Voyager DotM Megatron worth $50? Debatable, but in terms of dollar value, I feel that I'm getting more bang for my buck than for a Leader. Put it this way - compare this toy to TF1 and ROTF Leader Megatron, and keep in mind that its RRP is approx. half the RRP of the Leaders. Yeah.

The problem with all the movie Leaders is that Hasbro insists on giving them big, heavy and chunky electronic sound gimmicks (which in the case of Sentinel Prime, makes him a tricky sucker to balance!) - and of course the engineering of the toy is compromised, but ya gotta pay more for the electronics. While the engineering of Leader would definitely be above that of a Voyager, I'd say relative to the size and price, Voyagers can be better designed. The ONLY reason I didn't get Voyager TF1 Megatron and got the Leader was because of the non-removable ice kibble. And with ROTF I became a victim of my own spoiler-avoidance as I didn't realise there was going to be a Voyager, so when I saw the Leader figure, esp. on sale, I grabbed it straight away. Had I known I probably would've waited for the Voyager.

So I'm perfectly happy with the Voyager, and if they did release a Leader, I would be skeptical of its quality/value relative to the Voyager. But hey... HasTak are getting better with their designs in DotM... so who knows. :)

kaiden: That pic of Megs doing the "martial arts mastah" moves looks more like "Fabio's Dance of Lust." <Spanish.Flea> :D And there's something I would say about Megs holding Spike there... but it's too norti to post ;) (yeah yeah, I'm a sick puppy :p)

31st May 2011, 06:45 PM
Leader Class or GTFO.


I much prefer a well made Voyager over a crappy overpriced Leader any day. How often have you purchased a Leader Class movie toy and thought, "Gee, that was totally well worth the $99 RRP!" (even if you bought it on sale, remember that the general asking price is $99). I got TF1 Optimus Prime, ROTF Optimus Prime and ROTF Megatron Leaders all at discount - which I'm glad for, but other Leaders I got at full price. And I cannot think of one Movie Leader which I would consider well worth shelling close to a hundred bucks for (the Optimus Primes come closest).

Is Voyager DotM Megatron worth $50? Debatable, but in terms of dollar value, I feel that I'm getting more bang for my buck than for a Leader. Put it this way - compare this toy to TF1 and ROTF Leader Megatron, and keep in mind that its RRP is approx. half the RRP of the Leaders. Yeah.

The problem with all the movie Leaders is that Hasbro insists on giving them big, heavy and chunky electronic sound gimmicks (which in the case of Sentinel Prime, makes him a tricky sucker to balance!) - and of course the engineering of the toy is compromised, but ya gotta pay more for the electronics. While the engineering of Leader would definitely be above that of a Voyager, I'd say relative to the size and price, Voyagers can be better designed. The ONLY reason I didn't get Voyager TF1 Megatron and got the Leader was because of the non-removable ice kibble. And with ROTF I became a victim of my own spoiler-avoidance as I didn't realise there was going to be a Voyager, so when I saw the Leader figure, esp. on sale, I grabbed it straight away. Had I known I probably would've waited for the Voyager.

Well for the last two movies both Megatron and Optimus have been leader class. And though some of the leader class figures weren't THAT great, their size was at least consistent between the two movies. Now with DOTM there isn't a leader-class Megaton which I find annoying. I don't hate Voyager DOTM Megatron but when I stand him next to Leader Class 2007 and ROTF Megatrons it does look silly.

The upside of Leader Class figures is that for most of them (well except ROTF PRime in my experience) the pieces are generally bigger, meaning that at least they're not so small they're likely to break.

31st May 2011, 08:46 PM
Well for the last two movies both Megatron and Optimus have been leader class. And though some of the leader class figures weren't THAT great, their size was at least consistent between the two movies. Now with DOTM there isn't a leader-class Megaton which I find annoying. I don't hate Voyager DOTM Megatron but when I stand him next to Leader Class 2007 and ROTF Megatrons it does look silly.
It honestly doesn't bother me. Having said that, I haven't played with my DotM Megatron in a campaign where he fights Optimus Prime yet... but it should be similar to making him fight The Fallen who's a Voyager.

The upside of Leader Class figures is that for most of them (well except ROTF PRime in my experience) the pieces are generally bigger, meaning that at least they're not so small they're likely to break.
Erm... I assume you meant that since Leader Class pieces aren't so small they're not as likely to break. Most Transformers made since Beast Wars are pretty sturdy (unless they're made of brittle plastic, but thankfully that's a rarity - and DotM certainly seems to free of brittle gold/brown plastic syndrome)... you'd have to be pretty merciless with a post-G2 Transformer to break 'em.

I've never understood why kids break their toys really... (-_-) It bugged me watching other kids break their Transformers when I was a kid, or worse still, break my Transformers (grr)... I'll never understand why some kids trash their toys

1st June 2011, 04:58 PM
I much prefer a well made Voyager over a crappy overpriced Leader any day. How often have you purchased a Leader Class movie toy and thought, "Gee, that was totally well worth the $ 99

Starscream, RotF Prime (especially Buster edition), Brawl

1st June 2011, 08:55 PM
I don't have Starscream nor have I handled him IRL out of box, so I can't comment on that toy.

ROTF Prime, as I mentioned in my previous post, the Leader Optimus Primes are the best made movie Leaders IMO - not sure if they're worth the full RRP though. I got them on sale for $80 each and felt thoroughly satisifed with that. One disappointing thing with ROTF Prime is the swords - how they interfere with arm articulation when retracted. And yes, we know you're Optimus Prime, now shut up!! :p

I've seen and handled Leader Brawl IRL, and I definitely don't think he's worth it. As the review for this toy on cliffbee.com states:

"A frustrating toy that so easily could have been fantastic. The basic transformation scheme of Brawl hasn't really been expanded upon here - instead the designer has crammed light and sound gimmicks in, and made them far too easy to trigger. The tank mode suffers visually as a result, so the smaller Deluxe works better as a tank despite not having the imposing size. The robot mode displays well, but the poseability is hurt by the lazy transformation and the designer's fetish for electronic gimmicks (the hip cannon). Throw the loose cannons into the mix and this is a very frustrating figure, even if you take the batteries out. Whilst it's not a bad toy, it's far from the great toy it should have been, and there's no way this figure is worth three times the Deluxe, which is more satisfying despite the problems it has with its shoulders. I'd recommend the deluxe over this figure - it's barely worth twice the price of the smaller toy (and that's mainly for the size difference), let alone four times - which is the difference in RRP. I actually find Leader Megatron more rewarding, because while Brawl takes a good idea and stuffs it up, Megatron takes a crappy idea and makes it respectable - 4.5/10"

(you can read this review in its entirety here (http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/leaderbrawl.php))

So it's not that the Leaders are terrible... but I've yet to see one that I thought was absolutely worth paying close to a hundred bucks for. At any rate, TRU are selling Leader Sentinel Prime for $69.99 atm which I think is a great price for a Leader :)

1st June 2011, 09:19 PM
Wow. Gok. Seriously get yourself a Leader Class Starscream. It's...it's stunning...there aren't words for how awesome it is.

1st June 2011, 09:29 PM
I much prefer a well made Voyager over a crappy overpriced Leader any day. How often have you purchased a Leader Class movie toy and thought, "Gee, that was totally well worth the $99 RRP!"

Pricing aside (which is less relevant for the different markets with better prices than Aus don't forget!), what you're saying is pretty silly. Who wouldn't prefer a well made toy over a crappy one? Higher cost just rubs salt in the wound! It works the other way - who would rather 4 crappy deluxes over Buster Prime?

That said, i've tried to avoid leaders (shelf space, cost) as much as possible because often, value-wise (not price-wise), it makes sense to get more good toys than a single good toy. But, there are other factors that come into play, such as one wanting a larger toy for scale, or the added transformation complexity the larger scale often (not always!) affords.

What i find interesting is, when i come across what i believe to be 'best of class' toys... say Buster Optimus for leader, WFC Optimus for deluxe, i wonder why, when i consider these toys 10/10, do i want other toys that are 8 or 9/10's? Character or some other aspects start to affect decisions!

Man, who thought deciding which toys to buy was such a difficult process! :p

2nd June 2011, 12:09 AM
Pricing aside (which is less relevant for the different markets with better prices than Aus don't forget!),
Okay, but I live in Australia and I pay Australian retail prices. Thus I judge the value of the toy according to the standard prices in my region.

what you're saying is pretty silly. Who wouldn't prefer a well made toy over a crappy one? Higher cost just rubs salt in the wound! It works the other way - who would rather 4 crappy deluxes over Buster Prime?
Well I thought the argument was that Leaders than Voyagers simply because they're bigger, and I'm trying to say that bigger isn't necessarily better. But some people buy bigger toys even though they're not that good, just cos they're big. Combiner Devastator is a classic example of this (I should know... I bought him :p (on sale... still feel ripped)).

But, there are other factors that come into play, such as one wanting a larger toy for scale, or the added transformation complexity the larger scale often (not always!) affords.
Fair enough, and for that I personally find the Voyager size big enough. Like I said before, when I was playing ROTF, my Leader OP was rasslin' with Voyager The Fallen... no probs there. Commander Class Megatron is probably too small to tango with a Leader Prime though -- it's probably subjective depending on one's personal tolerance to size differentials.

I'm not fussed about Voyager DotM Megatron's size difference compared to Leader TF1 and ROTF Megatron though, since I'm not gonna be making him fight past incarnations of himself. Or am I... ;)

Man, who thought deciding which toys to buy was such a difficult process! :p
Don't you miss the old days when there was just ONE version of each Transformer toy/character to collect!

Damn you, Beast Machines!! *shakes.fist*

2nd June 2011, 12:22 AM
I'm not fussed about Voyager DotM Megatron's size difference compared to Leader TF1 and ROTF Megatron though, since I'm not gonna be making him fight past incarnations of himself. Or am I... ;)


I'll be buying my Voyager DOTM Megs specifically to pose fighting HFTD Voayger Prime from the previous movie, Shockwave is already to go, but can I get a better Starscream?

Don't you miss the old days when there was just ONE version of each Transformer toy/character to collect!

Damn you, Beast Machines!! *shakes.fist*

Well if they are improvements its not an issue, however if they are much the same, or even somehow lacking compared to their predecessors as a few DOTM toys look like they might be, then yes I do.

2nd June 2011, 12:23 AM
Well I thought the argument was that Leaders than Voyagers simply because they're bigger, and I'm trying to say that bigger isn't necessarily better. But some people buy bigger toys even though they're not that good, just cos they're big.

I know some of the biggest toys aren't even that great, but like my sister I have an OCD-like tendency to keep things 'neat' , and with my TFs I want them in scale as much as possible, even though the scaling isn't perfect. I don't collect Legion figures unless it's the ROTF Legends Class Wheelie or HFTD LEgends Class Ravage.

2nd June 2011, 01:48 AM
I buy based on if i like the design or not.

I think battle ops bumblebee was my first movie toy - it really got me past the disgust i had for bayformers. the dotm leader bumblebee sucks balls in comparison (imo)

I do feel that Voyager Megatron is well worth the price you pay for him (as long as its not RRP!) because he is a very well designed toy. So saying 'Leader or nothing' is kind of silly if it comes to the fact hasbro/takara do release a DOTM Leader Megatron and it ends up being worse than the Voyager version.

Do I think there should be a Leader Megatron? Yes.
Should you ignore Voyager Megatron? Hell No.
Should you buy both if available? Hell Yeah.


Assassin Megatron. You know you want him.

3rd June 2011, 11:57 AM
I know some of the biggest toys aren't even that great, but like my sister I have an OCD-like tendency to keep things 'neat' , and with my TFs I want them in scale as much as possible, even though the scaling isn't perfect.
If it bugs you that much, you might consider getting Voyager DOTM Megatron, then selling off your Leader Class OPs and Megs from the previous movies and get the Voyagers for them instead.

If scale consistency is something that matters to you, stay the hell away from G1! :D

3rd June 2011, 12:08 PM
If it bugs you that much, you might consider getting Voyager DOTM Megatron, then selling off your Leader Class OPs and Megs from the previous movies and get the Voyagers for them instead.

You're being sarcastic right? I already have DOTM Voyager Megatron, and I love my ROTF Leader Class Megatron and Prime. If they don't end up releasing a Leader Class Shockwave or DOTM Megatron in the end I'll live with that. It's an OCD-LIKE tendency I have, not OCD.

9th June 2011, 11:01 AM
Best Movieverse Megatron I own.

I have TF1 Leader Megatron, ROTF Voyager and Leader and now this guy.
He's got proper arms with no kibble, a neck and a decent looking alt mode.
I like everything about him. Conversion is a bit fiddly but once wored out it's easy.

Most of the leader toys have been good IMO.

7th July 2011, 08:35 PM
You make a decent sales pitch Sky Shadow, I was leaning on the fence with this guy but I think I'm sold! :D

Hopefully we'll see a decent 3rd party custom cloak pop up soon...

Yep, I was in the exact same debacle Fone but this week I just couldn't walk past him any longer - Especially not at the $35 price tag Big W had him at, so now he and Shockwave can squabble and make up as often as they like. :p:D

Finally! Does this mean we can stop hearing about Lugnut?

The Glory of Lugnut is everpresent in it's Glorious Gloriousness, give over to it's whim! :D

Lugnut has countless acolytes, of whom I am merely one. The only cure for hearing about Lugnut is deafness or death, whichever comes first.

Holy crap SS, this seriously brought me to tears man and it's becoming a trend with a number of your posts - lol. :p:D


Well, after long deliberation and procrastination I finally picked up Voyager Class 'Poncho' Megatron and I've got to say he is a really, really fun figure. ;):D

I love his Alt mode both with and without the tarp, the trailer articulation is truly a massive step in TF engineering (Even though some may think it is a thoroughly trivial achievement) and really could only benefit from having his missing, forward protruding star posts mounted in his Bull-bar (ala Carmageddon). :p:cool:

His Bot mode is exceptional with delightfully well balanced proportions, a stunning sculpt from head to toe and a wicked removable poncho that does a cool job of concealing Megatron's vanity. :p:D

My only gripes with the figure are:

Having to constantly be aware of the little 'Mack' dog hood ornament when transforming him and avoiding snapping it off in the process. :(
The rather sad lack of paint applications that is apparent across the board with DOTM figures. :o
The Mechtech weapon, whilst needed for Alt mode, look dreadful IMO in Bot mode and I would've much preferred him to have his Double-Barrelled Sawn-off Shotgun looking weapon that he had in the film. :rolleyes::cool:

And other than those rather minuscule issues, he is an absolutely rewardingly awesome figure to transform without the use of instructions and is a pure steal at $35. :D

8th July 2011, 10:10 PM
Bought one the other day for $28.99 at TRU. Wouldn't pay any more than that!! Do think it's a great LITTLE toy but too small! The deluxe DOTM Optimus from Big W is the same scale to this in alt mode.

19th November 2011, 11:24 PM
Considering the junk Hasbro had been spitting out for Megatron in the previous two movies, this one's transformation and even the alt-mode make up for the flaws of this figure. Actually, some of the "flaws" are only there because of what Michael Bay wanted his Megatron to look like on-screen - the rubbery cloak that does nothing, and the scar face that didn't even make sense in the movie and just detracts from the look of the toy.

I like the legs on this figure, as it feels more robotic and solid, and less (Ridley Scott) "Alien", as most limbs on most other Decepticons seem to have (including the arms on this figure). The truck mode is good, but could have looked a little less "Mad Max" or post-apocalyptic. Then again, a normal tanker truck probably woulda looked boring.
I think people would have hoped or expected a Leader class version of TF3 Megaton, so it is surprising that we don't seem to be getting one. It kinda makes you question the point of that size class being called "Leader" if it doesn't include (or even only include) actual Leaders.
Worth buying, unless they end up releasing a bigger and better one.