View Full Version : Generations 2011 Vol 2 Book coming

21st July 2011, 07:38 PM
Seibertron's got a report (http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=22390)of the second volume of the Transformers Generations book due for release at the end of this month.

They've got a image from a backup comic strip in the book, with the 80s style Marvel colouring seen recently and discussed in this thread (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=10589), but you can also see it, and other sample pages on the Book's website (http://millionhero.jp/tfg2011/index.html)

The cover shows a certain Autobot spaceship (well it was in the Japanese cartoon) and one of the sample pages has what looks like a prototype of that same big toy, perhaps as a counterpoint to the new Autobot spaceship toy. Perhaps it's the featured toy in the "Maniax" section. Perhaps it's a hint of something yet to be revealed? (Probably not)


21st July 2011, 07:39 PM
A Nemesis? - A Darkside? :eek:

21st July 2011, 07:50 PM
I was thinking more of an encore performance... but that's wishful thinking.

Sky Shadow
21st July 2011, 11:00 PM
One of the themes for the book seems to be Headmasters, so it's perhaps not surprising that the biggest Headmaster would be featured.

21st July 2011, 11:38 PM
Ah yes, I've just read that there is a showing of a particular prototype and I think I now get what Paulbot was meaning by encore. ;):cool:

21st July 2011, 11:54 PM
As I say wishful thinking. On the one hand: every toy on the cover of the past five books has been on Japanese toy shelves. On the other: that cover image says "Sample" so might not be final.

I've just been flicking through the past few volumes. Sure I can only read the toy names but there's no other printed material as comphrensive of the toys from both markets over the past few years. I'll be buying this without a doubt. I hope they go back and fill the gap from Beast Wars through Cybertron/Galaxy Force one day.

29th July 2011, 09:32 PM
More photos of the book's content here

Given the AM Arcee picture (unproduced! Why?!), maybe it'll feature some of the other AM designs they showed at BotCon.