View Full Version : First attempt at custom repaint

24th July 2011, 09:31 PM

This is my first attempt at a custom repaint, so thought I'd use one of the kids legends class bumblebees before turning a brush to my own collection. Having said that I think I'll still buy a second of each one I want to customise.

You will see I used dry brush technique to achieve worn metal effect, also had a go at sponging to create a rust effect on hand and leg.

It's a little rough but think I might buy a second deluxe roadbuster for second attempt as he has WAY too much grey for my liking...

Anyway let me know what you think...

24th July 2011, 09:50 PM
cool stuff AJ! looks spiffy!

24th July 2011, 10:02 PM
i like the rusting effect that you have done

24th July 2011, 10:07 PM
cheers guys, was thinking about having a go at voyager megs, he looks a bit plain, hence the attempted rust effect. Still a bit scared to destroy him in case I mess it up however, especially considering how new I am to this. I can justify spending $20-$25 on a roadbuster though for this purpose so will see how that one goes...

In fact I'm reluctuant to destroy any of my meagre collection with primitive painting attempts so might just stick to duplicates...

25th July 2011, 08:53 AM
That looks great AJ. Keep it up!

25th July 2011, 05:28 PM
I agree with the others AJ, what you've done so far looks really good and I'd encourage you to keep practising on duplicates mate until you're confident enough to do it to something like DOTM Voyager Megs. :eek::cool:

I feel the same way about painting or modifying figures I've only got one of :o, I learnt the hard way with a TM2 Cheetor I painted to make him a little more screen accurate, the figure's sans Cheetah spots normally? :confused:), but didn't seal it or anything and the paint flaked/rubbed off and then he fell from my shelf and the chrome was badly chipped and... yeah - You can see what I'm getting at. :p

25th July 2011, 08:09 PM
Nice effort. I agree with using a spare otherwise.........

I am thinking of stripping back my RTS Jazz & repainting him as maybe Stepper?

Keep it up as you will only get better & this is coming from a guy with no artistic talent whatsoever.

25th July 2011, 11:01 PM
cool thanks again guys, especially for the advice about practising on duplicates. I hear ya. Hursticon I didn't seal this one as it was really just a trial but that's a very good idea, was thinking maybe a clear coat or pearl coat?

The other thing I noticed when doing this one is that the paint job makes the original plastic look pretty average so will probably have to repaint the whole thing next time, perhaps even with different colours.

So any tips for next time? I've looked at what some others have done and can only aspire to get mine looking that good. Although I think some of them were done by professionals but geez they looked amazing!

If anyone can post pics of what they've done with perhaps a brief description of how they achieved their effects this could become a good thread for others who are interested in repaints. I would certainly be interested in seeing what others have done and am always open for suggestions on how I could improve.

25th July 2011, 11:48 PM
The other thing I noticed when doing this one is that the paint job makes the original plastic look pretty average so will probably have to repaint the whole thing next time, perhaps even with different colours.

your right, the painted bits are definitely the best bits! really good Job I think, especially for a first go. I've never painted my transformers, but I used to do a few plastic models. the only advice I have is, take your time, plan out what you want to achieve and apply many thin coats, rather than few thick coats. I'll see if I can dig up some photos. otherwise, when I'm home next I'll try to remember to take a couple pictures. though that will probably be Christmas time.:o

26th July 2011, 10:17 PM
it all comes down to practice, practice and more practice

and maybe a little experimenting