View Full Version : Essay on Bay's Transformers movies

6th August 2011, 09:58 AM
I write a weekly blog. It's essentially an exercise in writing, for my own benefit - I'm practicing the use of language, style and form, as well as building the discipline to write and edit around 1000 words each week. The topics are varied.

This week I turned my attentions to Michael Bay's Transformers films, so I thought you guys may appreciate it a little more than most others who follow the blog each week. I'll be following it up with another piece next week, at the same site.

Enjoy, and feel free to feedback if you want. :)

It can be found at: http://michaelfouche.blogspot.com

6th August 2011, 11:40 AM
Thanks M-bot, that was a nice read. :D

It is true that if these movies stand out for any reason, it is the visual spectacle. The animation of the transformers stands out (to me at least) as some of the most beautiful, accurately crafted, artificial/digital movement out there. In regard to the first movie, I am still amazed by the ILM animator's ability to portray the transformers as agile beings, while managing, in tandem, to convey their significant bulk and size. But maybe thats just me. :o

8th August 2011, 05:23 PM
Thanks for your feedback Rage, I'm grateful you took the time to read what is essentially a vanity project. :)
You are dead right in your observations. I'm currently writing part 2 of this piece, where I go into much more 'fanboy' territory. I may end up using a similar thought to the one you've expressed - if so, I'll make sure I give you credit! :D
Look out for it at the same URL Friday evening.