View Full Version : Custom: CHUG Breakdown V2 the semi-tutorial

11th August 2011, 09:59 PM
I am now in the process of redoing my Classics version of Breakdown this time im going paint him closer to the G1 colour scheme i.e. the creamy colour and use more of flat colour to match in with the rest of the team and just do a couple of other little modifications.

This time though i will be using alot of the Red Alert generations figure as he is already white making it easier for me and along the way im going to try and post up a how to guide on what to do for preperation of paint and so forth.

Here is Breakdown and Red Alert next to each other as a comparison.


Now here i have popped Breakdowns arm off the ball joint and about to undo the screw that holds the window onto the arm i will also be taking out every other screw on this figure


Here im about to tap out the pin that connects his lowerarm to the shoulder joint for this you are going to need a small screwdriver with the head of it the same size as the pin if not a tiny bit smaller and a small hammer so that you can tap the pin out.
Now you are going to need to put the joint on a vice or two blocks of wood so that the pin has somewhere to go once you start to hammer it out.

When knocking out the pins you want to start tapping them out the side where they are sitting more flush with the panel this has proven to be the easiest way for me so far

Me about to tap the pin out

I also find it easier to put the joint on a flat surface (like the table im working on) first give it a couple of taps so the pin is starting to move and then put it in the vice that way its harder for the screwdriver to move off the pin.

After giving it a couple of taps the pin has started to move and now i can keep going to take the whole pin out.

As you can see here i have all but knocked the pins out in one arm and completely out of the other one


* when i say tap or knock i mean hit with the hammer with as much force as necessary sometimes it doesnt take too much force and sometimes it does

16th November 2011, 09:48 PM
i have found some enthusiasm over the last few days and have come up with this

-painted head arms and torso using tamiya spray cans
-filled in the roof and added a scoop to it, because i could
-started to fill in the sides of the car mode with green stuff so that i can eventually give it a more of a lamborghini reventon look
-i also colour matched the original G1 Breakdown toy for the white/cream colour which im a bit unsure to use as its a very creamy white i dont know if it will look good






16th November 2011, 10:21 PM
That's a great idea, I really like reading step by step posts.

11th December 2011, 09:16 PM
a little but more done, cut out some styrene and glued it to the "engine cover" to give at a different look


11th December 2011, 10:12 PM
This is looking very nice. Where do you usually buy styrene sheets?

11th December 2011, 10:47 PM
This is looking very nice. Where do you usually buy styrene sheets?

i usually buy mine from a local hobby shop called Hobby Habit, but i think most hobby shops would have them

12th December 2011, 01:03 AM
i was only just admiring this a second ago at the Sector.
the head is eFFin joy, man, and you got some super tidy styrene work happening too

12th December 2011, 07:12 AM
Yeah I'd have to agree. It's very nicely done. It's gonna look great when you finish it.

12th December 2011, 09:56 PM
Nice start, the paint on the arms and head is very nice. can't wait for the rest of your guide Loophole

13th December 2011, 12:33 PM
This is an awesome tutorial as I have a spare Universe Sunstreaker that I have wanted to turn into Breakdown for a long while.

When it comes to appying the spray paint, do you prep the plastic in some way so that the paint sticks?

13th December 2011, 09:37 PM
loopholes tools of the trade and some directions.

For preparing the plastic i will either use 400grit wetordry or 800 wetordry sandpaper.
Now i will only use the 400grit sandpaper if i have done any modifications and need to smooth them off, like when i filled in the roof of Breakdown with green stuff to make it flat. After that i would spray the primar surfacer let it dry and then rub it again with 800grit as any coarser sandpaper will show scratch marks in the paint. I also use a hard block with the sandpaper with any parts that i have modded and want to rub it nice and smooth.
With any parts that i haven't modified i will try and scuff as much as i can with the 800 grit sandpaper, but with the spray cans that i use are designed to stick to plastics so there is no need to stress if every part hasn't been sanded.
I mentioned "green stuff" before which is available from games workshop there are 2 types that you can get 1 is a 2 part epoxy type of material where you meld 2 strips together and then apply it to what you want, the other is in a bottle where all you need to do is get a brush and apply it straight away and the leave it overnight to dry to rub the next day.




Green stuff and brush. Just make sure to clean the brush with water after every use and wipe clean.


The spray cans i use are Tamiya TS remember the TS as there are other Tamiya Spray cans that wouldnt be suitable for this type of use.



Get yourself a screwdriver set i got this set from bunnings for about $12 and its great


I use these razorblades for cutting most of the time but i nick them from work so i dunno where to get them from but i think any hardware store would.


Onto breakdown I didnt like the bottom angled line as it stop short and wasnt consisntant like the others so i chopped it and changed the angle so it wouldnt stop short all i did was use the razorblade and cut it in a straight line to where i wanted it and then did the rest accordingly.


21st December 2011, 08:42 PM
been cutting and grinding a die cast lambo model so i can do this


2nd January 2012, 09:33 PM
ive done some more bits and pieces and actually got some priming up done!!


sorry about the pics, my good camera doesnt wanna work atm

dunno if you can see but ive changed the headlight to the angular style of the reventon

and here i have added a recessed scoop for the front bumper

10th January 2012, 10:22 PM
painted most of the car bits with 2k car paint as the spray can stuff absolutely pissed me off

you cant really see the colour in the next couple of pictures, also slightly modded the bonnet by filling in the indicators mainly because they were frustrating me so i cheated. And just gave the bonnet a slight angular look by sanding it to point.



after some assembly, also in this picture you can see the colour alot better


11th January 2012, 09:48 PM
car mode almost done just a few little things to do now and then i shall use a decent camera instead of my crappy phone





11th January 2012, 09:57 PM
Nice custom! Can't wait to see how it comes together.

11th January 2012, 11:16 PM
That is a mad looking job you've done there Loopy, especially dicing up a Diecast model; but that is going to add so much to the custom at the end of the day - well done mate. ;):)

12th January 2012, 01:56 PM
Love that you cut up a diecast model for this. The way youve changed the shape of the car is just gorgeous. (:
Looking forward to final product bro

20th January 2012, 11:26 PM
I know i missed a few steps but the final run on this custom gave me the absolute shits.

Now the car mode is done and here is a teaser pic before I get the decent camera out.


21st January 2012, 02:44 PM
yeah man!
that's wicked

21st January 2012, 03:23 PM
yeah man!
that's wicked

Hells Yeah! :eek::cool:

21st January 2012, 06:55 PM
That looks fantastic! It is pretty much the G1 toy classicssized with a hint of Alternity thrown in!

21st January 2012, 08:42 PM
took a whole bunch of pictures with my brothers DSL camera as my camera is away getting fixed. I hope they look good as its the first time using this camera.

First of all car modes pics with comparisons with Universe Red Alert as this is how Breakdown started out for a Before and After shot. Then comparisons with G1 and Animated Breakdown.






And now robot mode pics















21st January 2012, 09:17 PM
Looks good!

21st January 2012, 10:29 PM
So very pretty, loopy!
What do you do to prevent the paint from chipping with the tight fit of the doors? :)
REALLY, REALLY impressive work brutha! :D

*edit* also, you're totally inspiring me to do my own :D (some day soon I hope!)

22nd January 2012, 05:44 PM
Looks good!

thanks mate

So very pretty, loopy!
What do you do to prevent the paint from chipping with the tight fit of the doors? :)
REALLY, REALLY impressive work brutha! :D

*edit* also, you're totally inspiring me to do my own :D (some day soon I hope!)

well of you look closely enough there is a bit of paint chipping on the doors even after sanding/trimming down the lugs :( but that's one of the reasons why i used red alert as the base so if there was any chipping then at least the colour contrast would be so obvious if say i used sideswipe instead.

I think its great how us customisers are inspirations to each other I know you and the other guys have been for me.
Keep us all motivated and challenging ourselves to do better the next time, I love it!!

22nd January 2012, 11:52 PM
Amazing, simply amazing Loopy! :eek::eek::eek:
You've absolutely knocked this one for 6 mate! :D:cool:

23rd January 2012, 01:52 PM
Always amazed by your work;):)

23rd January 2012, 07:26 PM
Loopy my friend, this is simply top shelf work! There's something distinctively Giger-esque about the back end which makes me love it even more. :D Great job of the best Stuncticon!

23rd January 2012, 07:40 PM
Very very cool indeed. The colour is spot on & I love the angry con face.