View Full Version : Bumblebee Dual Model Kit Repaint

11th September 2011, 10:15 PM
Hi everyone,

This is my 3rd attempt at a repaint, Dual Model Kit Bumblebee. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, although I was disappointed that while building it many of the pieces were hidden, hence why I have included some (unfortunately slightly out of focus) shots of him prior to adding the car panels.

I think he looks a bit like a bumblebee version of the Terminator in the earlier shots... Or a protoform.

I also attempted some action poses including sad bumblebee (like in RoTF when he thinks OP is dead), a 'The Thinker' pose, and a couple of hero poses.

I couldn't be bothered adding his battle mask because, quite frankly it's incredibly fiddly and personally with this kit I think the standard head looks better.

Anyway I have added a couple of close ups to highlight some of the finer details, and you will see that even in terminator mode the wires in his legs were starting to get hidden. They are barely visible after the panels are added.

All up though I would highly recommend the model kit if anyone doesn't have it, the model is incredibly posable (albeit a bit fiddly at times). Now I'm just looking out for a dual model kit OP (for a good price) to complete the set...

If anyone knows where I can get one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg I'd be really interested.

Also I think I'll wait until the end of year toy sales and try and pick up the DotM Voyager Megs for repaint as promised.

Hope you all enjoy the pics!