View Full Version : Are you going to collect TF:PRime toys?

29th September 2011, 12:33 AM
Are you?

I started off collecting the Bay Movie toys, then seeped into getting Generations/Classics/Henkei/Universe toys and the occasional G1/BW/Animated and even KREO but I don't really care for the PRIME series. And plus, I'm running out of room! :p

29th September 2011, 12:33 AM
I'll collect the show cast and any figures that may tickle my interest.

29th September 2011, 12:41 AM
As a massive fan of this series? - Hell Yes! :D:D:D
But, I will not be purchasing the figures locally, no, I'm not waiting for Aussie Retail to pull it's thumb out of it's A*** - It's online for me. ;):cool:

29th September 2011, 12:53 AM
terrible writing aside, the characters designs are awesome and seem to translate well into toys.

29th September 2011, 12:58 AM
As a massive fan of this series? - Hell Yes! :D:D:D
Hursti how do you rate it compare to other series, e.g. your lifetime favorite BWs? :p

29th September 2011, 01:00 AM
my response


After DOTM the prime figures look so cool, I've gotta get them all particularly cant wait for Bulkhead and Knockout :D

Prime might not be as great as beast wars, but it's still pretty good and the deisgns are pretty nice

29th September 2011, 01:13 AM
Yep. I sure will! Good thing about it is, there's only a limited number of figures to get, so it's easy and will not be heavy on the wallet. Mainly 5 from autobots and 5 from decepticons, and then there's about 6-8 more support/guest figs - oh and I'll prolly do a bit of army building of the car robos and jet robos for the decepticon ranks. From what Ive seen in the reviews posted on youtube, it's a bit smallish (just like the DOTM figs) prolly due more expensive materials these days. I hope no shortpacking issues - not that would possibly NOT happen here :rolleyes:

I also hope they don't do what they did to Tf animated and skip making figures for show important characters... Im still quite disappointed they never made constructicons and Supreme Class Omega Supreme toy for animated and instead made tons of recolored versions of Lockdown, and Megatron not to mention that uber big Animated prime which easily could've been a Supreme class Omega.

29th September 2011, 01:50 AM
I don't really like the show, as I think the animation is AWFUL. Hey look, muddy brown for 21 minutes.

Plus I'm not a huge fan of the sleek design, especially on, say, Starscream. It just doesn't quite work for me.

But I will get some of the figures. I'll be picking and choosing. I'll definitely be getting Ratchet and Wheeljack, they're a must-have.

Other than that though, I'll see.

29th September 2011, 01:57 AM
The fiction is secondary to me. If the figures are good then I will buy them, and the Prime figures look really good. :cool:

29th September 2011, 07:48 AM
Movie toys please leave and never come back. PRIME toys yes please :D

Ode to a Grasshopper
29th September 2011, 08:02 AM
I'm interested in a couple. Arcee is a must-have for Odieverse Chromia, Skyquake is probably bought, and if/when we get a G1esque Starscream redeco I'll nab that. Bulkhead, Cliffjumper and Knockout look interesting but I'll wait on reviews.

29th September 2011, 08:54 AM
I don't care much for the series itself but the toys look good.

29th September 2011, 09:13 AM
Movie toys please leave and never come back. PRIME toys yes please :D

I have managed to pick up the SDCC Excl Prime Figure. its in a safe spot until i move but these figures interest me so much more then the movie figures i guess it is a case of same old same old with the movie figures seriously how many primes and bees can one have before they get old hat...

the prime figures will be a fresh injection like animated was in the midst of movieverse.

so i will pick these up when i can

29th September 2011, 12:52 PM
Like Hursti, it's a big HELL YEA from me. :cool:

I am really digging the series and after seeing the voyager toys that we have seen so far, they look really promising. I will generally be picking my favorite version of each character though and not all of everything.

I say bring it, but only after my wallet recovers from the last couple months.:o

29th September 2011, 04:01 PM
Hursti how do you rate it compare to other series, e.g. your lifetime favorite BWs? :p

Personally, I'd rate it a 3rd place when it comes to my 'All-time Favourite' TF Cartoons, with my list looking like this:

Beast Wars
Generation 1
TF: Prime

Now, the only reason why I rank G1 over it is purely because G1 started my infatuation with Transformers and Beast Wars is #1 because of bias :p; but to be frank, G1 narratively is at the bottom of the pile really. :cool:

I can quite honestly say that TF: Prime's writing is just slightly under par with that of Beast Wars at the moment, which is saying something for a series in it's 1st season to be narratively as engaging as the franchises best written televised medium: Beast Wars. ;):)

To properly get a feeling for TF: Prime you have to look past the 5 part Pilot (Which isn't really bad anyway :rolleyes:) and You absolutely must see it in HD to get a full grasp as to how stunning the Animation actually is; Youtube does nothing for it visually and the 5 part Pilot is simply a taste test. ;)
Trust me when I say that after having just watched the 1st of a 3 parter that brings the show to it's 1st season's end, I can honestly say I haven't been this pumped for a Cartoon in over a decade. :D

The writing and what transpires in the series is very much geared for adult enjoyment, without being the depressive show that Beast Machines tended to be :rolleyes:, and it's so refreshing after the movies too for the fact that it does things the movies could never do and doesn't make the many mistakes the movies did either. :eek:
Points in case; Prime is not a Homicidal Maniac (Though I do love that Energon Lust of Movieverse Prime :p), Arcee is a thoroughly strong character (Both in personality and fighting prowess :cool:) being the favourite amongst many of the show's fans and doesn't die in three 5ths of a second :rolleyes:, as well as Bumblebee not being front and center of the whole bloody show. :rolleyes:

So basically, if I had to put the show in a list of 'Best to worst Transformers Cartoons based on writing', it'd look like this:

Beast Wars (Best to date)
TF: Prime (Very entertaining, well rounded)
Beast Machines (Quite good really, if not a little depressing)
TF: Animated - (Way too Hanna/Barbera until the 3rd Season)
Unicron Trilogy (Poorly ported from it's Japanese Telling)
RID (Next!)
G1 (It has great moments but not consistently enough)

That's why I damn want the figures for TF: Prime. :D

29th September 2011, 04:37 PM
and You absolutely must see it in HD to get a full grasp as to how stunning the Animation actually is; Youtube does nothing for it visually and the 5 part Pilot is simply a taste test. ;)
Yeah but if a story is well written, it should be enjoyable even with poor visual quality. For example, I first saw Beast Wars Seasons 2 and 3 on crappy NTSC VHS taped off US TV (because I couldn't wait for it to air here :p). The video quality was pretty shoddy, but I absolutely loved the story! Then later one when it did finally come out in Australia, I was able to watch it on TV and PAL VHS - then I was able to appreciate the marvel of the animation quality, although even in grainy NTSC the improved graphic quality and visual effects was noticeable.

TF Prime would be a whole lot better if Miko and Raf didn't exist though... those twerps are so freakin' annoying. Jack I don't mind, but those other two kids are just stupid. Especially Miko. (-_-)

29th September 2011, 04:59 PM
Yeah but if a story is well written, it should be enjoyable even with poor visual quality.

Yeah, I agree but my point was that the best way to watch the show is in HD because on Youtube and SD you don't get to see the full spectrum of the visuals; be it from the subtle nuances of the animators efforts with the characters emotional expressive facial animation, to the epic battle scenes and stunning environments. ;):cool:

Even though Beast wars, in comparison, is dated now what it did right was animate on a full spectrum, which, even with dodgy viewing (VHS Cassettes were annoyingly often eaten by my Akai VHS Machine :p) was very much essential to conveying the feeling of a moment within an episode's story. ;)

Sure, story is a major factor and this show, like Beast Wars, does that well but it alone wont carry a show and TF: Prime, I feel, is best enjoyed when one can appreciate all of it's facets. :)

29th September 2011, 06:12 PM
So to draw this back on topic to the toys. I sure will buy them. I was sold when I saw the deluxe Bumblebee (which looks better than any Movie version IMHO).

But it's not even a question I'd think to ask. :o As long as Hasbro keep making new TF toys each year I'll keep buying them. Never all of them but sometimes a lot and sometimes (Transmetals 2, Armada, DOTM) only just a few. So far I've liked what I've seen to think it will be many.

29th September 2011, 06:27 PM
I personally can't wait for the Voyager Prime and Bulkhead figures; Prime looked just amazing and I was astounded that the engineers managed to make Bulkhead's chest/torso pretty accurately reflect the on-screen model, I really want to know how they've achieved that. :eek:

With what has been revealed thus far, with a number of early test-shots and prototypes, I really can't wait to see what they haven't shown us yet; Namely a Voyager Megatron! :D

P.S. All Soundwaves are to be bought on sight, at least in my case anyway. :p

29th September 2011, 08:44 PM
There's a few Prime guys that are going to do double duty on my shelves as "Classics" characters. Ratchet, Knock-out and Bulkhead for sure.

29th September 2011, 10:51 PM
The fiction is secondary to me. If the figures are good then I will buy them, and the Prime figures look really good. :cool:

^ This pretty much sums up my feelings too.

29th September 2011, 11:14 PM
I will be buying these as i don't expect heaps of figures, plus it would be good to collect a new series outside G1/Classics :)

29th September 2011, 11:49 PM
I will be buying these as i don't expect heaps of figures, plus it would be good to collect a new series outside G1/Classics :)

There may not be many moulds, but you need over 9000 of these.

29th September 2011, 11:55 PM
There may not be many moulds, but you need over 9000 of these.

nah prolly just 5 of each - the jets and sportscars then a whole lot of mirrors at the back :p:D

30th September 2011, 12:37 AM
There may not be many moulds, but you need over 9000 of these.

I would if I had the shelf space

nah prolly just 5 of each - the jets and sportscars then a whole lot of mirrors at the back :p:D

and that, is a Great Idea!

30th September 2011, 10:54 AM
I'll consider buying the figs if they stop making entire episodes based off Miko running into battle when she's told to stay put. :rolleyes:

I'm actually quite keen to pick up Voyager Prime, Bulkhead and Starscream so far.

30th September 2011, 01:21 PM
I can't say that I like TF:Prime (so far) too much for similar reasons that I don't like the first season of Animated. A good number of episodes in Prime have the Autobots making really stupid decisions influenced by the kids or as it's often the case, Miko's stupidity is the cause of the day's episode by following the Autobots when the go through the bridge. Another thing that is annoying about this is that she never learns from it after putting her friends in mortal danger - By the next episode she is back to endangering everybody for no other reason but her amusement.

Miko is definitely in my top 3 most annoying human characters ever. I would go as far to say that she challenges Daniel for first place.

When it comes to the plot, I find it very bland and boring as a whole - It's got some stand out episodes but just like Animated Season 1 (and 2 to a bigger extend) much of it is dominated by crappy single episode plots that go no where.

Gutsman Heavy
30th September 2011, 01:40 PM
I don't like the show, but I might grab some figures to assimilate into the classic collective (Bulkhead, Cliffy & Knockout. Maybe Skyquake)

4th October 2011, 02:54 PM
I just started watching TF:Prime (I'm up to episode 4) and I'm really enjoying it so far, so I might end up grabbing a few of the figures. I think I'll definitely get Optimus.

4th October 2011, 10:36 PM
I just started watching TF:Prime (I'm up to episode 4) and I'm really enjoying it so far, so I might end up grabbing a few of the figures. I think I'll definitely get Optimus.

Have you seen the pics of the Voyager class Optimus?, I haven't wanted an Optimus toy so bad since Classics Prime! :eek:;)

4th October 2011, 10:42 PM
Have you seen the pics of the Voyager class Optimus?, I haven't wanted an Optimus toy so bad since Classics Prime! :eek:;)

Skyquake. 'Nuff said.

4th October 2011, 10:59 PM
Skyquake. 'Nuff said.

Nah, you forgot Deluxe Soundwave. ;):p

5th October 2011, 12:59 PM
Have you seen the pics of the Voyager class Optimus?, I haven't wanted an Optimus toy so bad since Classics Prime! :eek:;)

Somehow, a really humorous pic comes to mind after reading your post Hursty.... with the Op Prime toy running for dear life in the forefront arms flailing in the air in panic (think Woody on crack) and fear ( Daffy duck ranting) with your one hand closing in on it aiming to grab it from behind looking as big as Devastator all a grinning like a cat on the verge of swallowing a canary.... :D:D

I know I have a weird imagination....:p

5th October 2011, 01:30 PM
I know I have a weird imagination....:p


5th October 2011, 01:32 PM
Somehow, a really humorous pic comes to mind after reading your post Hursty.... with the Op Prime toy running for dear life in the forefront arms flailing in the air in panic (think Woody on crack) and fear ( Daffy duck ranting) with your one hand closing in on it aiming to grab it from behind looking as big as Devastator all a grinning like a cat on the verge of swallowing a canary.... :D:D

I know I have a weird imagination....:p

But an imagination that entertains me greatly. :p:D

I imagine the Prime figure would very much feel like that with me after it; though he'll be quite surprised when his perceived sense of security within his asylum of HK is dashed by my outsourced mercenary team, codenamed: RobotKingdom, upon the moment they capture him and transport him directly to my detention facility. ;):D