View Full Version : Bored Illustrators

17th October 2011, 03:30 PM
I can't draw. It saddens me when I see the exquisite TF Fan-Art that comes out of BotCon each year and appears on the board from time to time, as I can't contribute. I am in awe of the artists that produce them.

However, my imagination is quite vivid, and I find myself haunted by pictures and images I would love to see drawn, but am unable to produce them myself.

Unicron, in Planet-Mode, digging his horns into Cybertron.

G1 Megatron, slumped in a throne, with one hand covering his eyes in dispair.

G1 Megatron, seen through a gapping hole in the chest of whoever he's just shot.

Unicron, powering up, as he devours the remains of The Hub, after it was destroyed by the Autobots/Decepticons.

And that's just for starters.

So if any of you very talented artists are bored, I'd love to see those fleshed out, or any new work you're doing really. I've got more ideas if you want them :p

17th October 2011, 04:29 PM
You could always grab a cheap How to Draw book, a small sketch pad and a pencil and start yourself. It will take a while to get good, I know I have a loooong way to go, but every now and then I have a bit of time and I sit down and draw something.

I have a lot of work to do to develop my perspective and scale in pictures yet. but it is definitely an enjoyable side hobby, eventually I'll draw something that I'm happy to share.

I'd also recommend you try to pick up the "transformers: You can Draw" book that was released a few years ago, it's hard to find but it is totally awesome on the inside.

not as hard (http://www.amazon.com/You-Draw-Transformers-Simon-Furman/dp/1405318406/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318829268&sr=8-1-spell)to find or as expensive as it used to be!

I also found this (http://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Animated-Draw-Sadie-Chesterfield/dp/0060888202/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1318829268&sr=8-2-spell), which I'm going to have to get hold of for myself now.

17th October 2011, 04:58 PM
you know those are brilliant ideas Verno, see the thing is with drawing though... some people who can draw at times can't just draw.:p Confusing? Well for me, and I can only speak for myself ( and prolly my grandfather who is a professional painter back in Phil.) I have to be "inspired", I have to get enough good vibes so my mojo is set on "go" otherwise the result might end up sloppy, or worse I dont finish it at all.... which is why I havent drawn Tfs for a long time now... but when I was "inspired" to do so I finish the project even if my hand hurts like heck already - e.g my chibi TF art:p

Do I hate this , yeah, but it is just the way I draw which is now as time goes by I have come to terms with - I need a good muse for the talent to be used time and again:o:o also I need to learn Photoshop so I can color my works properly instead of old school coloring pencils hehehe:p:D:D

As Ultramarginal pointed out... you never know , you might have a knack for it once you've found your "style" and keep on trying ... try out sketching stuff first then refining it later as it is quite doubly rewarding if you are able to produce your own ideas yourself... but keep the ideas coming I'm liking them so far and who knows I might take upon an idea or two to start sketching it.....Ill be certain to post it here hehehh:D:D

17th October 2011, 06:18 PM
I can't draw. It saddens me when I see the exquisite TF Fan-Art that comes out of BotCon each year and appears on the board from time to time, as I can't contribute. I am in awe of the artists that produce them.

However, my imagination is quite vivid, and I find myself haunted by pictures and images I would love to see drawn, but am unable to produce them myself.

I can definitely relate to that. Time and again I think about these cool shots that appear in my mind, but when it comes to putting pen on paper, the results looks less than stellar. I had also wanted to do a TF:Mosaic, but that looks to be in a perpetually planning (daydreaming) phase.

Also, I've realised that I am really lazy. I'd much rather do something far easier (e.g. look at awesome pictures that other people draw).

17th October 2011, 06:43 PM
I can draw and create digital art (I have a Bachelor of Visual Arts, Graphic Design) but I've never attempted to draw any Transformers. I'd love to give it a go, I've just got absolutely no spare time. Those ideas sound amazing though! But sometimes, even someone who can draw can't get what they see in their imagination to appear on paper. Many pieces of paper have found their way in the bin because I'm far too critical of my own work. :(

17th October 2011, 06:47 PM
Me too jena , sometimes Id start on a drawing and if really dont like it halfway, I bin it which frustrates me and ends up not doing the drawing at all...

Sometimes an awesome drawing can be even more with the new digital coloring and all which is why I wanted to ( but never got around to it) learn photoshop so I can "create" something more than what plain pencils and paper drawing can do..

17th October 2011, 07:09 PM
Maybe you can start by posing your toys, taking a photo and attempting to draw it from there? Or even tracing might initially help improve your skills.
Adjusting proportions as you go and expressions to give it a bit more life.

18th October 2011, 07:20 AM
that's good advice kurdt.

18th October 2011, 10:28 AM
So far my drawing have consisted of terrible pen-drawn scribbles next to the comic ideas in lined exercise books. I did get some coloured pencils and a sketch book, but I feel guilty for wasting them in drawing such terrible pictures :p

The posing of the toys in a good idea. Apart from when I want to draw anything G1 :p But I've stumbled through up until this point.

I marvel at the creativity of someone like Don Figueroa, to design pre-BW forms in Gathering and Ascending, as well as all the Earth forms as well, adapting the unused toys. I don't have a lot of experience with comics, but his work is incredible!

18th October 2011, 12:07 PM
You are totally right there, the official artists that are employed by IDW are visionaries. I'd love to be able to draw like that but I doubt it will ever happen, just have to keep plugging away.

Don't forget either that these masters of the form probably "wasted" hundreds of pencils and books on the way to the quality of work they create now.

20th October 2011, 10:30 AM
Don't sweat it Verno, practice makes perfect as the saying goes... think of it as each "awful drawing you make as a step towards improving what you got wrong there into something better next time:) oh it's also better if you use a #2 pencil instead of a pen, makes it easier for you to erase the mistakes and re do it - use a soft eraser as well non smudging unlike the coarse hard types. I used to not follow the stick skeleton first to set up a pose for what Im trying to draw, but now in my later years in drawing I find it useful especially if I dont have the particular toy to reference immediately (pose in front of me). I also have one of those blank poseable wooden doll you often see in hobby shops, it helps picture out the action pose you want them to be in IF it's possible and not awkward looking even before you start putting pencil to paer- saves you the hassle of drawing , drawing then in the middle of it... nah that wouldnt work, looks awkward kinda situations. Keep on drawing;)

20th October 2011, 02:59 PM
Also, professional artists have been professionally trained, so I don't think it's fair to compare them with amateurs like ourselves who just scribble as a hobby. :) Try copying some of your favourite comic art first -- that way you can pick up some techniques from professionals. :D After you've done that then you can experiment drawing Transformers in original poses. Designing your own Transformer from scratch is pretty hard because it requires some clever creative engineering in terms of drawing a Transformer that looks like it could actually transform into its alt mode (as opposed to a robot with random alt mode kibble hanging off it).

Check out SofaMan's profile/sig pic (http://otca.com.au/boards/member.php?u=32) - it was drawn by a Japanese Transfan known as Tiger Convoy who actually studied at a manga school in Tokyo (he was an understudy of Yuu Watase (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuu_Watase)).

22nd October 2011, 11:35 PM
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

No-one's born an artist. Becoming one as an adult is quite feasible. The major hurdle is often the thought that it will be horribly embarrassing for the first thousand drawings because the results won't be perfect. If you can get over that and just draw, awesomeness will come in time.

As an example, I took up drawing for about three months once, when I went on long service leave from my employer at the time. I did it mainly because it was a complete break from my very left-brain-focused life and work - it's the same reason I picked up a guitar for the first time ever and learned to play just enough to make a couple of tunes recognisable.

On the art front, I drew everything from animals to robot toys to caricatures. In those months, I went from stick figures to this:


If I'd stuck with it in the years since, and researched techniques from multiple art boards, I'd probably be not half bad at all.

23rd October 2011, 03:05 PM
Thanks for the good avice everyone.

Here's my take on a Cybertronian Empire Scout Ship. I think it references what we've previously seen of CE ships, and forshadows Predacon design when the Tripredacus Brotherhood take over the reigns of the Preds when they assassinate Razorclaw (Vernoverse (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=12297)).

24th October 2011, 06:21 PM
I like it, you're already including a sense of 3D depth and it might be me but it seems you have squeezed a little perspective in as well.

nice work.

24th October 2011, 08:13 PM
Cheers UM.

The pic that's been doing my head in all weekend is a partially constructed Unicron. The challange is to make it not look like a partially constructed Death Star :(

25th October 2011, 02:23 AM
Cheers UM.

The pic that's been doing my head in all weekend is a partially constructed Unicron. The challange is to make it not look like a partially constructed Death Star :(

ooooh, that I can see:). NIce imagination there Verno... start with a big round ball and add bits of detailing then erase chunks of it that'll give you some "parts under costruction , then draw in the minute details from there as youve seen prolly in construction sites, like scaffolds jutting out, plates misaligned and what not, some dangling wiring, add a couple of drones welding sparks and viola:D:D you can also put in some floating debris around for added "boken still" effect.

Do it and post it here, yeah?

25th October 2011, 09:45 AM
Also consider that the death star had decks for people to run around in, Unicron doesn't necessarily have that so you have a fair bit of freedom with what the insides look like, and perhaps unicron wasn't built by someone rather something ...?:D

25th October 2011, 09:51 AM
Also consider that the death star had decks for people to run around in, Unicron doesn't necessarily have that so you have a fair bit of freedom with what the insides look like, and perhaps unicron wasn't built by someone rather something ...?:D

In my intended story, Unicron was built (unknowingly) by an alien whose race was destroyed by the Cybertronian Empire, so he sets out to build a huge weapon (in the form of a planetoid) to destroy the Hub with. Unicron's essence takes over control of the weapon and crafts a new body from it.

You'll be able to read about it in Spotlight: Tarantulas :p

25th October 2011, 10:04 AM
In my intended story, Unicron was built (unknowingly) by an alien whose race was destroyed by the Cybertronian Empire, so he sets out to build a huge weapon (in the form of a planetoid) to destroy the Hub with. Unicron's essence takes over control of the weapon and crafts a new body from it.

You'll be able to read about it in Spotlight: Tarantulas :p

Gobots??:p:p:p:D their planet WAS something like an all eaten up Apple Core so i guess they're used to "damaged planets" heheheh

25th October 2011, 10:07 AM
Gobots??:p:p:p:D their planet WAS something like an all eaten up Apple Core so i guess they're used to "damaged planets" heheheh

I was thinking more of a new take on that little lizard-monkey-fish thing Primacron.

25th October 2011, 10:11 AM
I was thinking more of a new take on that little lizard-monkey-fish thing Primacron.

hheheheh oh that little guy, meh they're a wuss of a race no wonder they got massacred:p

25th October 2011, 11:29 AM
In my intended story, Unicron was built (unknowingly) by an alien whose race was destroyed by the Cybertronian Empire, so he sets out to build a huge weapon (in the form of a planetoid) to destroy the Hub with. Unicron's essence takes over control of the weapon and crafts a new body from it.

You'll be able to read about it in Spotlight: Tarantulas :p

very interesting take, I like it.
Something that has sprung to mind since my last comment that I've noticed on my drawing, is that it's the particular details chosen to include that make all the difference.

I was doing a top down view of a car, and had a basic shape but once I added mirrors, windows and lights, it suddenly really looked like a car, as opposed to a 5 year olds attempt at a car. If I could remember where I put it, I'd scan it and post it... :o but you get my point, you don't necessarily need lots of detail, but the right detail makes a lot of difference.

26th October 2011, 11:34 PM
The challange is to make it not look like a partially constructed Death Star :(

Have some Unicron robot mode parts half-visible in the interior?

29th October 2011, 10:40 AM
Don't know if it helps but Amazon have just announced this:


31st October 2011, 06:15 PM
Don't know if it helps but Amazon have just announced this:


I saw that today, I'm totally getting it when it comes out.

5th January 2012, 09:35 PM
I've been trying to track down a copy of You Can Draw Transformers (http://www.amazon.com/You-Draw-Transformers-Simon-Furman/dp/075662746X) by Furman and Guidi, but I'm not having much luck at all. It might have something to do with the fact that it's 5 years old now, but as I don't really want to draw TF: Prime-esk characters, I figure this is the better book for me.

5th January 2012, 09:54 PM
I've been trying to track down a copy of You Can Draw Transformers (http://www.amazon.com/You-Draw-Transformers-Simon-Furman/dp/075662746X) by Furman and Guidi, but I'm not having much luck at all. It might have something to do with the fact that it's 5 years old now, but as I don't really want to draw TF: Prime-esk characters, I figure this is the better book for me.

Would you trust this seller for that book?


6th January 2012, 10:34 AM
Would you trust this seller for that book?


Call me silly but I'd prefer to get it from inside Aus, and preferably a brand new copy. Sadly none of the online bookshops even have it listed anymore.

But I'll keep an eye on that auction, cheers SkyWarp.