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26th May 2008, 12:13 AM
I really hated it.

I'm not a purist by any means and only watched the franchise itself late last year w/ a mate on a lazy weekend. I can't say I had high expectations but nor did I have low expectations. I didn't expect to get blown out of the water but just expected a bit of fun.

But that plot is so convoluted its ridiculous. What the hell were the writers and Luca smoking? To be terribly blunt, that required the imagination of a 8 yr old.

We had the "Force" moments, the ET moments, the lightsaber sounds... it was awful. I half expected Yoda to pop out of the Incan pyramids at some point.

I'm not attacking the movie from a believability angle. I mean, we had immortality and the like in the other movies. It just pissed me off that it strayed so far from the historical adventure comedy mix of the movie. That's what excites you about archealogy.

There just also wasn't that sexual tension till much later on which was always part of the humour. The chase scenes never had that intensity. It was like a stroll in the park. With the other movies, you had the against the odds feel. Here, it was more "oh what's next".

There were also a lot of leaps in logic that just jarred me. The one that stuck out was how they enter the cavern w/ battery operated torches when they fell through a three sets of waterfalls. Did they even have anything left at that point?

Probably one of the worst movies of the year imo.

26th May 2008, 09:16 AM
I've never seen a full Indiana Jones movie so I didn't have such high expectations. I enjoyed it enough but wasn't blown away by it.

I was surprised by the alien influence but it made sense since they were homaging the 50s B films, instead of the 30's film serials.

Did you really want 50-60 year olds with sexual tension?

I did find the climax a bit lacklustre.

One of the worst movies of the year? Hardly when there's all that torture porn and crap US remakes of Asian horror movies coming out.

26th May 2008, 11:41 AM
I've never seen a full Indiana Jones movie so I didn't have such high expectations. I enjoyed it enough but wasn't blown away by it.

I was surprised by the alien influence but it made sense since they were homaging the 50s B films, instead of the 30's film serials.

Did you really want 50-60 year olds with sexual tension?

I did find the climax a bit lacklustre.

One of the worst movies of the year? Hardly when there's all that torture porn and crap US remakes of Asian horror movies coming out.

Okay, okay, okay... one of the worst movies I will see this year. :p

I don't think I'm suicidal enough to watch some of the other crap due out this year.

26th May 2008, 11:42 AM
phew..i went to watch Ironman again on Saturday instead of Indiana Jones...
alternative source coming up....

sexual tension...i'm indi, indiana, indiana jones

26th May 2008, 11:50 AM
Sheesh, you guys sure are doing a good job in convincing me not to see it. :D

26th May 2008, 12:19 PM
I saw it with Dirge and Lord_Zed.

Now that it has settled in, here is my verdict:

I liked it but some of it was way over the top even by Indiana Jones standards such as Shiah swinging his way back to the cars with the monkeys and the triple waterfall drop.

It was also a bit weird how the end went more into Sci-Fi than the usual mystical stuff they have. It felt completely out of place for an Indy movie.

I saw it as maybe a bit better or on par with Temple of Doom but lacking memorable scenes such as the rope bridge. However no where near as good as Last Crusade or Raiders. A good effort but nothing ground breaking.

Both Lucas and Spielberg are now seasoned Hollywood veterans so its a bit dissapointing to see their latest movie to be a lesser cousin to the previous movies. It is also scary how you can point out the 'Lucas driven Ideas' such as the monkeys and stuff.

26th May 2008, 03:44 PM
I liked it, sort of. I would watch it again but I wouldn't call it a really great movie. In fact it felt like a National Treasure movie set in the 50's.

It was Indiana Jones, but it didn't "feel" Indiana Jones.

Frankly I think this is another fine testament to just how much of the plot George Lucas has lost. He's never really been a great writer (go and read Star Wars novels written by the likes of Timothy Zahn and you'll see just how bad Lucas is) and this movie really showed that.

Given that Lucas, Speilberg and Ford have wanted to do this for years but never found the time, it felt to me like they'd quickly thrown the story together the week before filming began.

All the hype won't save it from being massacred in the long run by Iron Man.

26th May 2008, 04:37 PM
I liked it but some of it was way over the top even by Indiana Jones standards such as Shiah swinging his way back to the cars with the monkeys and the triple waterfall drop.

I didn't mind the triple waterfall drop so much. Hiding in a fridge to avoid the atomic bomb explosion was pretty bad. But Shiah swinging with the monkeys was definitely the worst.

26th May 2008, 04:55 PM
:)I actually enjoyed it. My wife dragged me down to the local cinemas to watch it with some friends. It wasn't on my must see list as I was going to wait until it came out on DVD. I would say go and see it and decide for yourself, if you don't expect anything to serious and GOD forbid that 60 year olds can have sexual tension, (yes people your parents do have sex and can have the sexual tension that goes with it) then I think you may enjoy it. :) Then again you may hate it, could be a generation thing for all you whippa snappas:p:D.

26th May 2008, 05:15 PM
Indiana and Marion were a cute couple but not knowing their history, I thought Indiana and Irina Spalko was the relationship were all the sparks were.

26th May 2008, 06:05 PM
Well as mentioned above I saw it with Kup and Dirge a few days ago, and overall I liked it. It wasn't awesome but it still did its job.

The movie I think was esentialy Indy, it had all the standards like it was ticking of boxes, the chase scenes, creepy crawlys, nasty death scenes for some of the bad guys, the magic Hat, I could go on and on.

uh oh Spoilers

The two main things that bugged me were there was abit to much over the top special effects. Sure the ants were cool, and the nuclear bomb was to, but add it to the spaceship and the monkeys and the Prarie dogs and it was just to much. I don't know if this is cause they have to compete with all the new effects driven block busters or cause Lucas Just loves putting in excessivie CGI scenes but it was all to much. Indiana Jones has always had a fantasy element but usualy it was only one thing, magic Ark, or Heart Ripping Ritual master, Crystal Skull just seemed to have so many that that individualy they didn't feel as special.

I also agree the plot was unecessarily scatered, they took a simple plot and tried to twist it around and make it clever but failed. They should have left it simple, here's the Skull go return it. I mean the other movies were simple.

My last gripe is that you saw the silly alien at the end, Spielberg always shows you the damn alien, but somethings are better left to the imagination. You think he'd have learned this from Jaws 1.

Overall though still enjoyed it, it was still Indiana Jones. Not Classic Indiana Jones, modern but still Indiana. Much like the new Star Wars films are still Star Wars but not classic Star Wars.

And best of all they still used the same old unrealistic but meaty sound effect when Indy punches someone, gotta love Indy's magic punch.

29th May 2008, 10:53 AM
well i saw it last night with some uni friends

Now listen and listen good

I was going to dress up as either a Nazi or Mutt because i have their clothes, but then i thought to myself "Nah why bother its just a local suburban cinema no one cares"

So i didnt dress up, and guess what? The Freackin paparazzi were there takin snaps, people were dressed up, 1 guy was wearing a Sean Connery rubber head!

Bloody hel!! Then i thought, im not going to buy the Indiana Jones combo-too expensive. I ended up buying something similiar and didnt get the key ring,special cup etc

And listen to this

Stupid Hoyts, this is the 2nd time its happened, They didnt show the movie from the start!!!!!!!

They missed the fraccking start!!!!!

I missed at max 3 minutes!!! I didnt get to see the Title card on the big screen because of their incompetence! The same thing happened with the Simpsons!

I hate you Hoyts!!!! YOur gonna die!!!!!

Too much CGI and Cate Blanchett Cant act for crap!!!! Shes soooo overated and shes stuck up in real life, my sis met her at some Labour Party thing

29th May 2008, 01:08 PM
Excellent review Roller! :D

Only some 10% of your review tells us your opinion of the flick while the other 90% covers the crappy cinema experience that you had... :p

Now this is how critics are supposed to write their reviews. :)

Gutsman Heavy
29th May 2008, 03:00 PM
It was all good untill the aliens came to life, it was all batsh*t loco from there on out.

29th May 2008, 03:17 PM
It was all good untill the aliens came to life, it was all batsh*t loco from there on out.

I call it the Spielberg effect, Indiana Jones and the temple of Close Encounters.

In the words of Phil Ken Sebben "Ha ha ha third kind!"

29th May 2008, 03:26 PM
well i saw it last night with some uni friends
Stupid Hoyts, this is the 2nd time its happened, They didnt show the movie from the start!!!!!!!

They missed the fraccking start!!!!!

I missed at max 3 minutes!!! I didnt get to see the Title card on the big screen because of their incompetence! The same thing happened with the Simpsons!

I hate you Hoyts!!!! YOur gonna die!!!!!

How can they possibly not show a film from the start? That doesn't make any sense to me and you should have complained to the management. Sure the first three minutes were only some crazy college kids racing an army convoy so you weren't missing much, but if you're paying for a movie you should be shown it uncut.

29th May 2008, 05:02 PM
I really enjoyed it!!! :)

Uh- that's dodgy though roller - that you didn't get to see the start :S

29th May 2008, 08:33 PM
I enjoyed it. It is meant to be simple and nonsensical and fun. The hype has made it into more than the series ever was.

I don't get why the alien combined at the end. The rest I loved.

29th May 2008, 08:36 PM
It had some good parts - mainly Harrison Ford :D. But the "action" was very dull. Overall, I didn't think it was very exciting, but had some nice character moments.

The "Tarzan" scene was laughable! The Alien was terrible! At least the FX in Transformers were better!

29th May 2008, 11:11 PM
he shoulda used the whip more

CateBlanchettcan'tactsoyoumuststopher!stopherstoph ernowthissubliminalmessagewillselfdestruct

30th May 2008, 12:22 AM
CateBlanchettcan'tactsoyoumuststopher!stopherstoph ernowthissubliminalmessagewillselfdestruct.com

That's one hell of a long website address ;)

3rd June 2008, 08:32 AM
I liked it.
People need to remember it's not 100% real, there is a fair bit of "Tounge in cheek" humour involved in all of the Indiana Jones films.

3rd June 2008, 11:12 AM
I liked it.
People need to remember it's not 100% real, there is a fair bit of "Tounge in cheek" humour involved in all of the Indiana Jones films.

We know but I think that this time it has not only gone overboard but lost its charm in generics and CGI.

3rd June 2008, 11:44 AM
Not...real???? What are you saying?


I agree with Kup, it had some amounts of generic, appeal to the lowest man content

3rd June 2008, 07:17 PM
Please note my post is full of spoilers.

Saw this last night. I just don't know what to think. I mean I liked it and I have a soft spot for both Harrison Ford (Star Wars :P and Blade Runner especially) and Shia LaBeouf (Disturbia was great in my opinion... and of course Transformers :P). The action was well paced in my opinion, but the stuff like surviving nuclear explosions in lead lined fridges and strange interdimensional beings just killed it a little bit. Along with the very camp wedding scene where Shia nearly steals the hat.

Loved the cameo by Neil Flynn as a huge Scrubs fan, along with the motif about Sean Connery's character dying made me give this film a solid 8/10, probably scoring points just because it's Indy. I recommend it for the fun factor, not the genius movie factor.

5th June 2008, 01:29 PM
As a Popcorn flick that you watch and never think about the giant plot holes and terrible cgi/live action blending, it was (like all the Indy films) as good as you can hope for.

However the plot holes, bad script and eye wrenching terrible cgi blending (looking at you monkeys) do detract from this film, it'll never be remembered as fondly as the original 3.

I really liked the film, even with all the negatives, well that is I liked it all barring the chapel scenes at the end, they were terrible.

12th June 2008, 02:09 PM
The fact that they had an alien kinda wrecked it, but I really did enjoy the film other than that fact.
I mean they've always had supernatural themes in all the indys, like pandoras box, holy grail etc..

18th June 2008, 12:45 AM
Just got home from it. Looks like most of you have said all that needs be said. All I'll add is "poop".