View Full Version : Weapons on TF toys - making sense?

5th November 2011, 12:36 AM
Is it me or is hasbro now just adding weapons onto alt modes and not really integrating them?

5th November 2011, 12:45 AM
What are some of your main examples? The C-clip weapons are what I thought of for this thread but they are usually the 2nd,3rd or 4th weapon I think :confused:

5th November 2011, 12:56 AM
For Mechtech toys yes, but isn't that their thing?

I wouldn't call it a new trend till it starts crossing between lines.

5th November 2011, 03:39 PM
I'd definitely say Mech-Tech weapons are a silly gimmick really, some work alright like that of the Voyager Class figures but other wise they look absolutely crap. :o
I thought the C-Clip/3mm Weapons were an excellent idea that should've been continued and furthered as they were far less intrusive and had far more play value IMO. :(

Aqua Prime
5th November 2011, 03:46 PM
Or Minicons. Some of those were as pointless as a frozen pea. I did like the Starsaber team that combined 3 planes into a sword around the same height/ length of a deluxe toy. The overall length being useless if being wielded by a deluxe, but anything Mega/ Ultra sized it was gold :)

Some of those Powercore Combiners Minicons were crap too.

5th November 2011, 05:05 PM
I always thought the Star Sabre looked too small when it was being held by guys bigger than deluxe size. I wish there was another Mini-con in that team just so the "blade" was longer.

6th November 2011, 12:09 AM
I like MechTech - it's a fun gimmick. :) And it's pretty cool how the MechTech ports can cover themselves up instead of remaining as gaping holes like on so many other Transformer toys... that's a neat feature IMO, and it doesn't impede on the overall engineering of the toy.

I also like Mini-Cons... for their size most of them are pretty well engineered. Sometimes better engineered than their larger and more expensive Autobot/Decepticon counterparts! Look at Armada Scavenger and Rollbar for example... Scavenger is an absolute craphouse toy, but Rollbar's a pretty decent Mini-Con. Scavenger's robot mode is notoriously compromised by its stupid "walking" gimmick (meaning that the toy has no true legs) - and the overall body itself is bricktastic. Rollbar on the other hand has a solid vehicle mode and pretty good articulation in robot mode - particularly the legs which have excellent articulation for such a small toy. Skyboom shield isn't that much better either (but again, each individual Mini-Con's quite nice). Perceptor is probably the best Mini-Con combined mode.

Star Sabre is not a great sword when combined -- falls apart too easily -- but the individual Mini-Cons are really well designed IMO with a lot of exquisite detail in the sculpt and design. The PCC Mini-Cons are fail. :( I don't like how Hasbro calls them Mini-Cons... feels insulting to other Mini-Cons. The cool thing about Mini-Cons is, even if you don't like the Powerlinx gimmicks on the larger toys, the Mini-Cons on their own are quite nice toys -- like Micromasters but with better detail and engineering.