View Full Version : custom classics Devcon

15th December 2011, 11:59 AM
What's the time? It's Devcon one!

....what, no one else knows Pop Will Eat Itself? :(

Anyhoo, this is a repaint of Scourge with the head removed and replaced with Blurr's, the wings removed and the arms mistransformed.

The head connection isn't perfect but it will stay in place.

I used sculpy to cover the cockpit windows. Unfortuately I was tad over-eager with the hairdryer when drying it and the corner of his back flap has warped. I might try turn it into battle damage later.

And if you don't like it as Devcon, think of it as Cybertronian Blurr :D

TF wiki reference: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Devcon_%28G1%29



15th December 2011, 01:39 PM
Devcon (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Devcon) is certainly a challenging character to create a toy for, as I suspect it was never intended to be a Hasbro toy (despite it seeming like a significant cameo). But then again, there are certainly a fair few non-toy cameos and recurring guests in the original series that have since been homaged with a toy... so here's hoping an official Devcon toy is eventually done.

Hmmm... maybe next year's botcon set, which sounds like it has a gen-1 theme, with a character that has "never had a homage toy yet".

I like the way this one turned out though, as a wing-clipped Scourge works quite well in capturing that Cybertronian curved vehicle look.

15th December 2011, 06:04 PM
That's a pretty nice job, well done!

17th December 2011, 08:29 PM
that's great, dude. i'm honestly impressed.
The bot mode is reeaally good. Your mold choice is absolutely unbeatable. Blurrs head has great character resemblance and that was very well spotted. good looking out for parts, man.
The vehicle mode is far from seamless in regards to the original animation model but hey, no shit sherlock.
anyway, it's a unique cybertronian vehicle and looks just fine.

This is the best Devcon custom i've ever seen and i won't be in the least bit surprised to see some copycats with this one really really soon. Well done man

18th December 2011, 09:16 AM
that blurr head head fits in perfectly and those colours are spot on!!