View Full Version : But why.

21st January 2012, 01:55 PM
Just had a question regarding the value of Grand , Fort (Japan and u.s) and Brave Max.
Does anyone know what the retail on these 4 guys were back in the day?

Does anyone think there are any modern day transformers that are going to appreciate as much as some of those rarer g1's?

I can understand Japan (or 1 country) only releases are going to be more valuable in future due to lesser numbers being produced. But are there lesser numbers of certain molds being produced even when they're only sold in 1 country. Like maybe Artfire for e.g.
Is Artfire worth more than a real Stepper , is it because he has more easily lost or broken parts, or were there less produced?. (Was artfire less popular in the day, being the cause of less production) (did the re-issue of Stepper kill a real Steppers value)

Same with Minelba vs Go-shooter. I personally prefer the look of Go-shooter over Minelba. Same with Siren over Nightbeat.
But I see Minelba generally go for more then Go-shooter.. Were there more go shooters produced ,or is it just the masses prefer Minelba. (Probably a better comparison than inferno over jazz)

I could be wrong on 1 or all accounts. but that's just what i've been noticing lately.

21st January 2012, 02:00 PM
i have no idea man but i hope someone chimes in with a knowledgeable response because that is quite interesting to me too

Sky Shadow
21st January 2012, 08:48 PM
In the U.S. Fortress Maximus retailed for $89.99 (a bit less on sale, a bit more when sold by certain chains.)

Stepper used to fetch the same insane prices as Artfire, but the release of the shelfwarming Stepper/Ricochet reissues killed the vintage values.

Minerva was the first female Transformer toy and is far more conspicuously different to Nightbeat as a toy than Go-Shooter is to Siren.

Shortpacking did not occur in the same extremes as it does today. The only real case I can think of off the top of my head where it affects the value of a US toy is with Targetmaster Scourge. He was only available in 1987, wasn't released in most countries and when he was he was shipped in a ratio of 1:12 toys. And he's never been reissued. Hence his (and Fracas's) rarity today! (For anyone wondering, Cyclonus was 1:6 1987 Decepticon Targetmasters.) Bumblejumper/Bumper is also supre-rare, but it's impossible to work out how many were released since he was a random 'variant'.

Tetsuwan Convoy
21st January 2012, 09:16 PM
Wasn't BW Heinlad also ridiculously expensive until he was reissued as well? The market was flooded and now he is fairly cheap. I guess the same with God Ginrai.

22nd January 2012, 11:03 AM
Cheers, that helps a bit. $89.00!!!. admittedly the exchange rate was a bit different then. but that would still only make it around $130.00 ish (i guess). . If only we knew. . .
Do you know why they would've short packed TM scourge and cyclonus.
I thought cyclonus would have been extremely popular (so why make less)
(Still would like to know the original japanese release prices on the maximi)
As far as short packing with newer figs. (I collected the 2009 movie figs) There were no (concept) bumblebees that I found on the shelf but i guess every kid and his dog would have been buying him, understandable.
but I had a really hard time finding a barricade (probably my favorite from the movie) Was barricade short packed? or did not many make it over to Perth. Like a lot things..Bands/artists/festivals etc.

Tetsuwan Convoy
22nd January 2012, 07:48 PM
From the first movie, those COncept Bumblebees were rarer than hens teeth when first out. Then after a couple of waves, they were all over the place.

Barricade, I know I managed to get one easily from a local shop, so he didn't strike me as a short packed figure. But he was out at the very start of the waves I think.

Later on we of course had the security recolour.

This is all perth Related as well :D