View Full Version : The JOKER!

21st February 2012, 01:17 AM
got this toy on the weekend and straight away knew i was gonna paint it. i would have really liked to give the Joker a sword and knife but alas, having only recently moved i can't find all my junk boxes of misc weapons etc so i happily settled for a fuel can and gun. everything painted, detailed and drybrushed with GW, Reaper and citadel acrylics. here's attachments of before and after shots. thanks for looking, hope you like it

21st February 2012, 11:46 AM
Wow. it always amazes me when a little paint makes a mediocre figure something spectacular. I never understood why Mattel made this cartoonish version of the Joker, and then turns around and makes that creepy as all get out Two-face for the 5'' scale line.

21st February 2012, 09:47 PM
thanks man
my shitty photos don't really show all the details but you get the idea
thanks for checking it out