View Full Version : What ive been up to so far this week.

18th March 2012, 04:21 PM
So ive had a bit of time this last week to get stuck into a few projects... kinda of doing these all at the same time which means progress per figure is quite slow.

scorpanoks taken the most time so far..... ive wanted to do this for awhile since my TFCON stronghold(fortress) needs his rival for shelf equality.

this im not too keen on.... mostly just a practice fig since ill eventually redo chromedome from FOC jazz.

by far the easiest so far. took like 30 minutes to cover all the blue with black.

this was a spur of the moment thing yesterday.... was switching out my wooden shelves for glass ones and puting Universe galvatron back with the other 86 movie classics made me sad.... so i dug out WFC megs who wasnt doing anything since i use Voyager United megs as my classics megs these days.

this a $12 KO cliff i got back in the day from KOtoys.... he had a silver roof/chest which just wasnt going to cut it... so far its just a few coats of red but im gonna go back in and touch up the blacks and paint in the lights and bumper.

18th March 2012, 04:55 PM
I actually really like that chromedome.. what was that mold originally.

18th March 2012, 05:06 PM
pretty schmick stuff!!

18th March 2012, 05:06 PM
I actually really like that chromedome.. what was that mold originally.

Classics hot rod. More specifically the BIS one

18th March 2012, 07:20 PM
I definitely agree with Geiger's comments with Chromedome ;):), that has come out looking rather good IMO as with Galvatron. :cool:

Soundblaster I'm surprised hasn't been officially done yet :eek:, he too is quite good as with Scorponok but IMO that particular mold doesn't really feel like G1 Scorponok to me; I know he isn't meant to be but yeah, I think the Unicron Trilogy Scorponok and the G1 version are just 2 too different guys. :o

19th March 2012, 12:32 AM
That Scorponok is simply BADASS! :cool:

19th March 2012, 12:49 AM
WOW! :eek: They look like bought ones, the lines and paint jobs are so perfect!

Sky Shadow
19th March 2012, 01:09 AM
Chromedome is clever.

20th March 2012, 05:43 PM
got another 2 on the go now...... probs wont get a chance for anymore progress till i get back from work in a fortnight.

Diaclone black tracks... huge sticker is annoying me now.

the alternative diaclone colourization's are something im quite interested in doing.... police Sunstreaker, Red mirage, Blue Bluestreak and such.... in my personal proto-G1 continuity the diaclone "characters" are all autobots who relocated to earth after the decepticons took control of cybertron and simply had their earth alt modes lifted from what teletran had on file....

And microchange alt colours will be the decepticons obviously.... so black megatron, blue megatron, Enemy(red/blue frenzy), howlback(blue ravage), garboil(blue laserbeak), Blue/teal Blaster and magnificus(black perceptor)

a very WIP Snapdragon

Headmasters is also another "line" im focusing on..... ive got plans for Skullcruncher, apeface and mindwipe and am keeping an eye out for Botcon weirdwolf...... autobots are surprisingly a bit harder but i have high hopes that once i have some of the FOC molds ill be able to brainstorm(snicker) up some ideas.

another area id like to make some progress on is combiner teams.... My cutoms wont combine but im hoestly fine with that since i like the individual characters..... TFC Herc really is the only combining combiner i think ill need(although a diaclone repaint is tempting).

20th March 2012, 08:17 PM
Grimlock as Snapdragon works surprisingly well! Any plans for which mould you'd use for Apeface? This? (http://www.tfu.info/2006/Maximal/OptimusPrimal/optimusprimal.htm) <shrug>

Sky Shadow
20th March 2012, 08:29 PM
a very WIP Snapdragon

Once he has some turquoise and maybe a bit of yellow, that'll be great. (At the moment because of the feet he reminds me more of Hun-Gurrr.)

20th March 2012, 09:55 PM
Grimlock as Snapdragon works surprisingly well! Any plans for which mould you'd use for Apeface? This? (http://www.tfu.info/2006/Maximal/OptimusPrimal/optimusprimal.htm) <shrug>

yep thats the one. obviously im not going for triple changers here so i decided to keep them in theme with the other con headmasters and have beast alt modes..... oh and no headmaster gimmick.... but im fine with that.

23rd March 2012, 05:12 PM
wow, you've been pretty busy. cool s#!t

23rd March 2012, 06:53 PM
Wow man, that Snapdragon looks awesome man - I'm definitely looking forward to seeing his finished result. :eek::cool:

23rd March 2012, 08:34 PM
Wo you have been busy! Soundblaster and Snapdragon are awesome!

24th March 2012, 12:23 AM
I'm back at work again so no toys for 2 weeks. I've got 7 figs at home waiting to be worked on in addition to the ones on the go right now..... Plus I have 25 other deluxe/voyagers for custom fodder in transit..... A lot is "simple" diaclone repaints but also more characters from headmaster and maybe masterforce.

Essentially I've gone insane.

23rd May 2012, 01:42 PM
Ive been doing a bit here and there when im home but ive made very little progress on individual figs....

some of the more promising examples.



still very WIP Apeface and Snapdragon

And finally my two pride and joy projects!!!



way off in the project distance i have

and essentially everybody else as well.

23rd May 2012, 08:58 PM
Whoa! :eek:
You've got some extremely excellent work coming down the line Mentok, but that Motormaster is friggin' divine! :eek::cool::D

23rd May 2012, 09:55 PM
Wow thes paint jobs are Absolutely fantastic. I love the Galvatron. makes me want to buy a copy of that megatron mold for myself. now that I've sold off the MISB one I had... :o