View Full Version : Sky Shadow's Digitally Remastered Fiction.

Sky Shadow
31st March 2012, 09:57 PM
It's been ten years since I first posted my Transformers fanfiction on the internet. These stories were written at a time when there was no new Transformers Generation 1 media - this was before Dreamwave released Transformers comics and after G1 extended-continuity shows like Beast Wars and Beast Machines had shut up shop. It was fifteen years since the animated movie and a couple of years before anyone would even think of having the technology to put together a live-action film. It was a time when Transformers fanfiction flourished - there wasn't anything 'new' to read, so we wrote it all ourselves. There were plenty of gaps to fill in the canon and we filled them with our stories. We enjoyed writing and reading and giving and receiving constructive criticism. We were a flourishing community. Thus it was a time when I learned how to write fiction. Without the response that Best First received a decade ago, I would never have known that I could write and for that I am forever grateful. Best First won 'Best Fanfic Story of the Year' in the 2002 Trannies (Transformers awards) and won 'Best Fanfic Story Ever' at the most recent Trannies. To this day it remains the most reviewed story (http://www.transformersfanfic.com/toplists.php?list=reviewedstories) on the Transformers Fanfic Lexicon (http://www.transformersfanfic.com/), is 'featured (http://www.transformersfanfic.com/browse.php?type=featured)' and is still in the top ten 'most read (http://www.transformersfanfic.com/toplists.php?list=readstories)' and 'favourite (http://www.transformersfanfic.com/toplists.php?list=favstories)' stories on a site of five thousand tales. Particular thanks go to Iacon, Derik Smith, Zobovor, Aaron F. Bourque, Jackpot, Velvet Glove, Thomas Hamann and Kaeae. Extra special thanks to Merytneith, without whose feedback I would never have written a second chapter of Best First, and without whose support (and nagging and threats) I would never have finished the other seven chapters.

And so, the 'digitally remastered' versions of Best First (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/Best-First-270448932), His Own Two Feet (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/His-Own-Two-Feet-270455762), Horizons (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/Horizons-270459580) and Christmas Especial (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/Christmas-Especial-270465382) can now be found in my Deviantart gallery, in PDF form with snazzy new bookcovers. Best First is also available as an ePub file (http://www.mediafire.com/?52jxh6nvpx5rdrz) for eBook readers. (If you would like me to convert it to anything else, let me know.)

If you've enjoyed these stories before, I hope they live up to your memories. If you give them a try and haven't read them before, I hope you enjoy them now.

31st March 2012, 10:21 PM
And so, the 'digitally remastered' versions of Best First (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/Best-First-270448932), His Own Two Feet (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/His-Own-Two-Feet-270455762), Horizons (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/Horizons-270459580) and Christmas Especial (http://drancron.deviantart.com/art/Christmas-Especial-270465382) can now be found in my Deviantart gallery, in PDF form with snazzy new bookcovers.
Did you use the Cybernet Space Cube to computer-enhance them? ;)

Sky Shadow
31st March 2012, 10:32 PM
Did you use the Cybernet Space Cube to computer-enhance them? ;)

Yep - they're identical to their first release, only the transitions are more annoying, I cut out random chapters, reordered them and added a fight between Optimus and G2 Ramjet at the beginning of each story. :P