View Full Version : Is anyone else a TF:Prime convert?

Ultra Mackness
1st April 2012, 10:25 AM
So even back six weeks ago, I was a fence sitter on this series and was flat cynical about the toy line. I'm not exactly sure how or what happened but the toy line grew on me (I'm loving all the new designs) and with the cartoon screening on cartoon network I find myself really enjoying this new chapter of the transformers universe. A few things have yet to make sense to me (like why do all of the robots blink?) and I was shocked about cliffjumper, but all this serves to compel me to park in front of the tv every Sunday night! It's like a weekly slice of 80s experience all over, especially hearing Peter Cullen's hypnotically courageous voice behind the best red and blue truck ever :)

I know a lot of people here were fans from the start, but is anyone like me, a convert?

1st April 2012, 11:02 AM
Hey Mickymac, glad to hear you're enjoying the show. :)

It took me quite a while to warm to the series too, but now I love it! Before Airachnid entered the fray I was about ready to write off the series as a yawn-inducing snooze fest. Thankfully things started picking up, the characters, action and story became interesting to me and then so to did the toys! :D Like you I now eagerly await every new episode, me mate Terry Torrent can't hook me up fast enough!

1st April 2012, 11:44 AM
Wow didn't realise it was on Fox now. Last time I checked it hadn't started.

I'm starting to get into the show, after a previous false start. I've already watched up to and including ep6, having difficulty viewing 7 onwards, and looks like CN is showing eps 12 & 13 tonight.

Do I miss much in 7 - 11 if I don't see them?

Keeping an eye out for a decent priced Prime toy that interests me, but would like to get at least one to see what they are like.

1st April 2012, 05:10 PM
I didn't mind the show at first, but it didn't "rope" me in, and soon my interest in it dwindled because quite frankly... there was no toy line. Transformers is, to me, first and foremost a toy franchise and I found it difficult to get into a toyless show and I stopped watching after about midway through Season 1. After I ordered my first batch of First Edition toys in November (received in December) that resparked my interest in the show and made me bother to catch up and watch the rest of Season 1. Since then I've been collecting the toys, which in turn has sustained my interest in the show. Having said that... the toyline has been rather ordinary. (-_-)

I'm still really not a fan of a Transformers show being developed before the toys -- I much prefer the traditional way where the toys are developed first, then the show is based on the toys. :/ Season 2 is more enjoyable then Season 1... but IMHO Beast Wars remains the best Transformers TV series.

1st April 2012, 05:45 PM
Gonna be bold and go out guns blazing and say nope, I found the show to be boring in both the visuals and the writing. I've only really seen maybe the first 10 episodes of Prime and just couldn't get hooked onto it. That's just me though.

1st April 2012, 07:49 PM
i liked it from the opening scene of the cartoon and have liked all i have seen and purchased of the toys, it fills the void left by the ending of animated

1st April 2012, 08:15 PM
So even back six weeks ago, I was a fence sitter on this series and was flat cynical about the toy line. I'm not exactly sure how or what happened but the toy line grew on me (I'm loving all the new designs) and with the cartoon screening on cartoon network I find myself really enjoying this new chapter of the transformers universe. A few things have yet to make sense to me (like why do all of the robots blink?) and I was shocked about cliffjumper, but all this serves to compel me to park in front of the tv every Sunday night! It's like a weekly slice of 80s experience all over, especially hearing Peter Cullen's hypnotically courageous voice behind the best red and blue truck ever :)

I know a lot of people here were fans from the start, but is anyone like me, a convert?

I was never going to but any of the Prime stuff as I am a G1/classicverse man through & through. Then I watched the Darkness Rising episodes & am becoming a big fan of TF Prime. The toys are great & I don't care about them being smaller or anything like that.

I do not play with my toys but I enjoy the transformation process & maybe posing them sometimes. The engineering impresses me & out of all the figures I have including the First Editions I find Wheeljack floats my boat in every way.

1st April 2012, 08:17 PM
I was never going to but any of the Prime stuff as I am a G1/classicverse man through & through. Then I watched the Darkness Rising episodes & am becoming a big fan of TF Prime. The toys are great & I don't care about them being smaller or anything like that.

I do not play with my toys but I enjoy the transformation process & maybe posing them sometimes. The engineering impresses me & out of all the figures I have including the First Editions I find Wheeljack floats my boat in every way.

Also on that note, I do enjoy the majority of the TF:Prime toys despite not being a fan of watching the show.

1st April 2012, 09:00 PM
Gonna be bold and go out guns blazing and say nope, I found the show to be boring in both the visuals and the writing. I've only really seen maybe the first 10 episodes of Prime and just couldn't get hooked onto it. That's just me though.

Keep going mate! You're so close to when Transformers Prime begins to shine, and then it only gets better from there. :)

1st April 2012, 09:36 PM
I've been a fan since I first heard about it and watched its preview on the Hub thanks to a viewing by webcam from a friend over in the US. It's definitely filled in the void since TFC ended, my faith in Transformers had been shattered shortly after ROTF came to theatres and I thought I would never watch Transformers again, especially Animated because I didn't like it for its cartoony style, but was restored when TFP and DOTM came to being.

So, all and all, I'm VERY faithful towards Transformers: Prime. In fact, you could call me a Prymer if you'd like, I don't mind honestly. I love it very much, and I'm hoping there will never be another series like it again.

1st April 2012, 09:49 PM
I've been enjoying it since I could get my hands on it. I borrow it from Terry T as well. but I'll be buying the season Blue Rays when they arrive, and a Blue Ray player to watch them. I do enjoy it a lot better in Higher definition, there is sooo much more detail it feels much more lively.

So far I'm loving the toys, just wish I could have gotten hold of teh FE Prime, Bulkhead and Cliffjumper.

1st April 2012, 09:56 PM
Keep going mate! You're so close to when Transformers Prime begins to shine, and then it only gets better from there. :)
I was the same as SkyWarp91... watched the first half of Season 1 then I ceebs'd; but I'm glad that I did eventually push myself to watch the rest of S1. After doing that and getting the FE toys, I'm now a TF Prime fan. :)

I've been a fan since I first heard about it and watched its preview on the Hub thanks to a viewing by webcam from a friend over in the US. It's definitely filled in the void since TFC ended, my faith in Transformers had been shattered shortly after ROTF came to theatres and I thought I would never watch Transformers again, especially Animated because I didn't like it for its cartoony style, but was restored when TFP and DOTM came to being.

So, all and all, I'm VERY faithful towards Transformers: Prime. In fact, you could call me a Prymer if you'd like, I don't mind honestly. I love it very much, and I'm hoping there will never be another series like it again.
I'm not a fan of almost the entire first season of Animated -- so I can see how people might not get into it if they didn't force themselves to watch the ending. And S2 was very hit and miss. S3 was the best; chock full of really great stories (too bad it's the only season that was never released on DVD :().

To me, Prime S1 was hit and miss like Animated S2, and Prime S2 has gotten more consistently gooderer. But neither of these shows are as good as Beast Wars, in my personal opinion. :/ But Prime hasn't finished yet so I guess we'll see in due time. ;)

1st April 2012, 10:05 PM
I have not seen any of the shows but have all the figures. I like them for what they are as a toy.

1st April 2012, 10:37 PM
I've been enjoying it since I could get my hands on it. I borrow it from Terry T as well. but I'll be buying the season Blue Rays when they arrive, and a Blue Ray player to watch them. I do enjoy it a lot better in Higher definition, there is sooo much more detail it feels much more lively.

So far I'm loving the toys, just wish I could have gotten hold of teh FE Prime, Bulkhead and Cliffjumper.

Yeah I'll totes be buying the BD's too. Nothing looks as good on BD as 3D computer animation I reckon, it should look absolutely stunning!

re: the FE toys, they're very nice but at least Hasbro Cliffjumper looks 1000 X better than the recently shown Takara version. :)

I was the same as SkyWarp91... watched the first half of Season 1 then I ceebs'd; but I'm glad that I did eventually push myself to watch the rest of S1. After doing that and getting the FE toys, I'm now a TF Prime fan. :)

Yup, it can be a struggle to begin with but the reward for continued viewing is more than worth it!

I have not seen any of the shows but have all the figures. I like them for what they are as a toy.

Hasbro have given the Prime characters great personality, I think there's a good chance you'll enjoy your toys even more if you give the show a chance!

2nd April 2012, 10:22 AM
I've watched all the episodes to date and while they are entertaining (something to watch when there is nothing else on), I wouldn't say that I've converted. It's definitely improving but there is still a long way to go before I even consider it to be as good as Animated.

3rd April 2012, 12:20 PM
I gave the show a good run. Watched all of Season 1 and frankly, it's not doing it for me. I find it rather dull with nothing to make it stand out. Too 'by the numbers' episodes with not much creativity in the script. It is also a bit too Armada with all the kids and humans that don't really have a reason to be there but be annoying.

Also there are too many episodes following the formula of 'Miko does something stupid and endangers everyone but doesn't learn her lesson so she does it again by the next or second episode'.

To me, it's another TF cartoon that I am writing off as lackluster. At least I have the new Ongoing IDW series keeping me entertained with what what I regard as worthy Transformers fiction.

Ode to a Grasshopper
3rd April 2012, 06:34 PM
I quite enjoyed a few episodes, especially the last 6 or so of S1. I quite like a few of the characters and some of the designs.
I never had strong feelings on it either way, but I'd say it's pretty decent as far as TF series go. Not up there with BW or Animated, but worth a watch.

3rd April 2012, 10:03 PM
Also there are too many episodes following the formula of 'Miko does something stupid and endangers everyone but doesn't learn her lesson so she does it again by the next or second episode'.
In general I find this show doesn't have enough character development. Much like the G1 cartoon the Transformers seem to be more like a bunch of archetypal caricatures rather than fluid characters. Arcee's arguably the one Transformer who's had the most character development in the show, but it's still rather mild compared to Beast Wars or the G1 comics. :/ We're not seeing any characters go through major shifts (at least without the presence/absence of some Cosmic MacGuffin like the Matrix of Leadership :p :rolleyes:)

Miko is one of _many_ stagnant characters in the show who just doesn't evolve... but the thing that makes her stand out is that she's highly annoying! Having said that - Miko's far more subdued presence (and absence in recent eps) has been a welcome change to Season 2! :D

4th April 2012, 01:23 AM
I'm watching all the episodes, and having a second run with the DVD I got the other day - which I'm finding is easier to watch a second time around... but still not a fan of the show (yet).
The lack of Autobot characters bothers me - still just 5 in the main cast and only two cameo characters after 39 episodes. And the majority of Season One episodes start off with the humans or Autobots doing something, with the Decepticons showing up later... instead of the Decepticons pro-actively doing something, requiring the Autobots to respond and defeat them. The formula may sound old and tired, but it works (like in Gen1 and other classic cartoons), and I'm a fan of that formula, because it gives you stories to play out with your toys. Something to inspire more kids to buy and play with specific toys if there are episodes/stories worth playing out. These may be character-driven/focused stories, and older fans may like that, but this is supposed to be selling a toyline, and that sort of story format doesn't make it interesting to play out with the toys, or replay in your imagination.
Now if they had more than just five Autobots as the Main cast after 39 episodes, this sort of character-focused story format wouldn't make the show seem as boring. I want to see more Autobots, and learn more about THEM, not Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee over and over again.

4th April 2012, 11:23 AM
I've watched all the episodes to date and while they are entertaining (something to watch when there is nothing else on), I wouldn't say that I've converted. It's definitely improving but there is still a long way to go before I even consider it to be as good as Animated.

What he said.:cool:

janda the red
12th April 2012, 12:51 PM
i've never watched any TF series other than G1... and probably only the first 2 seasons of that if i'm honest.

i've been putting off finding episodes of tf prime online until last night... watched 4 episodes back to back with my wife.... while it's not perfect, i'm still really digging it!

cant wait to go home and watch more!

janda :)

14th April 2012, 02:00 PM
I was blown away by the very first episode, I have been a huge fan of films (please don't shoot me) and love how they have incorporated the whole cinematic feel of the films into the prime series, don't forget as beloved as G1 was/is it was basically advertising for the toyline, now many years later the Transformers brand is well established enough that new shows aren't constrained with having to show off the entire cast in every ep or always have the good guys win etc. couple that with the fact that kids(the main target audience) are a lot more savvy than they were 20 odd years ago and as a result the storylines can afford to be more complex and "mature" without the risk of alienating it's core audience.
I love the more in depth character developement, darker more cinematic style, the state of the art CGI animation, the movie mixed with animated animation style etc hell haven't seen anything i don't yet like (well Miko is annoying).
At the risk of being lynched Transformers:Prime is the best Transformers animated series yet
"nuff said":cool::D