View Full Version : BC12 panels - Activision & Jagex

30th April 2012, 03:57 PM
Combining the two game panels -Activision's Fall of Cybertron & Transformers Prime, and Jagex's Transformers Universe MMOG.

Sun 11am - Activision (Fall of Cybertron)

Transformers Prime
Confirmed it was only going to be for Nintendo platforms, aiming for a July release.
It will be an original story that stands on its own, set within Season 2.
The game will be a narrative-driven, action brawler.
And you can use transformation as a weapon to create damage (maybe like a battering ram concept).
The entire Voice Actor cast was signed onto the game, to make it sound even more authentic.

They showed us slides of location artwork within the game (a few Mayan scenes), plus, two new Vehicons - Tank Vehicon & helicopter Vehicons.
(maybe we might see the new Vehicons in the cartoon... a bit like the Beast Machines cartoon, with armies of several types of Vehicon Drones).

They showed a game trailer, that was a world premiere... not shown at any other event yet.

Other platforms beyond Nintendo are not planned.

Fall of Cybertron
They had a slide show, showing off some new artwork of the characters we already know or have seen.

Scale - wanted to make environments look BIG, compared the already big Robots.
They are trying to make the planet more diverse, more "mechanically organic" with plant-life, creatures, oceans, etc.
Transformations will be more creative, at least from the computer opponents. Enemy robots will have partial transformations between the two modes, like Gen1 Jetfire's Gerwalk mode.
18 special weapons in the game, and can be purchased at the Teletraan Store.
There will be a Jazz & Cliffjumper buddy mission.
They went to a lot of trouble to create a story to explain the Dinobots that works.
Grimlock - a new take on the character from the classic Gen1 "me Grimlock" version. Gregg Berger is the VA, thanks to fan demand.

Involvement of Omega Supreme in WFC inspired them to crank it up a notch by including a giant character that could actually be playable. Thus the Combiner element was looked at.
The choice of which Combiner came down to the variety of team members.
And Devastator had been over-used in recent years.

Multiplayer avatars can be customised visually to look like just about any classic Transformers character if you want, with various body parts and colours to choose from. You can also unlock extra body parts to use.

The 4 classes this time are - Truck, car, jet, tank. I guess it's the same as before, just different names.

Stated again that a PC version will not happen.

Transformers Universe MMOG

A UK company.
A lot of specific details are still yet to be worked out or announced.

TFU will be a free, browser-based game/community. They prefer browser-based to make it more accessible to people.
Extra things (like upgrades, weapons) in the game can either be earnt or maybe purchased.

It was originally planned as a tie-in to the TFPrime universe, but last 12 months they shifted their focus away from that, to be more "inspired by" now.

They will invite a few people from the early registrations to be involved in beta testing of the game.

The voice cast will be significant and respectful.

They want the game to last 10+ years, so expanding and adapting will be key to its longevity.

3rd person view, to see your own creations.
Air based alt-modes are not in the initial launch, but are working on getting them in later. Same with multi-changers, Beasts or Minicons - they want to set up the game first before getting too creative with more difficult elements.
Alt-modes are more than just for travel, they will be used in the game, like for combat.

5 classes, and you can't change your class once selected.

There will be minimal human involvement, but they will be there in the background".

Stories will be completely new and unique... not bound by existing stories in cartoons or comics.

Graphics will have look/feel of a console game.

There was a slide show as well, but mostly the same stuff (artwork) they showed last year and online.

30th April 2012, 05:33 PM
Transformers Universe MMOG
They prefer browser-based to make it more accessible to people.
3rd person view, to see your own creations.

So, basically Runescape but with robots?
I mean, this is Jagex afterall. :/

Gutsman Heavy
30th April 2012, 05:40 PM
yeah best to keep low expectations for this one

30th April 2012, 05:47 PM
I'm excited about all 3 games, I just don't know when I'm going to get around to playing them, I'm still playing War For Cybertron...:o