View Full Version : custom classics Brawl

17th June 2012, 08:44 PM
Thanks to Jaina and Finback on these boards I managed to pick up the materials to make a classics Brawl.

Base body is the two-pack deluxe Megatron. I used the arms from the deluxe Optimus that was in the pack as well, and the left shoulder joint from a second deluxe Megatron I had. I had to do this because the right shoulder joint has a different arrangement to accommodate the original's spinning arm.

Here he is with the cannons from a KO G1 Brawl.

One downside is the cannon barrel isn't firmly attached in tank mode. It's held in place by the arms that form the turret.

I rearranged his feet so they fold away properly for tank mode, but then put his legs on backwards to emulate the G1 Brawn and to differentiate him from Megatron. This also required cutting down the original kneepads.

I cut up a toothpaste tube for his mouthplate. Ideally I would have liked to have used a Grimlock head but I don't have any spares. Also I suspect the head on this mold is attached via a metal pin, so putting a new one on would have been hard.

I drilled a hole in his back and in the gun barrel connection, then put a plug in the hole in the tank that the gun can hook on to for robot mode. Luckily it doesn't get in the way of tank mode.

As for the other Combaticons, I have universe Onslaught and a custom Swindle. I'm pretty clear about what to do with Vortex, but getting Blast Off to work is taking some doing.

At this moment they are non-combining :(

17th June 2012, 08:49 PM
That's pretty good, mean looking too.

Tetsuwan Convoy
18th June 2012, 07:04 PM
Most impressive! the tanks mode works especially well!!

19th June 2012, 06:09 PM
Nice work! :)

24th June 2012, 02:53 AM
That's pretty good, mean looking too.

Too right, that's a damn tough looking bot! - Well done Snakey, top job as always. ;):cool:

4th May 2020, 12:18 PM
...and we're back on the air, with the head from a CW Brawl.

The original:

And now, given a black wash too:



Seraphim Prime
4th May 2020, 03:22 PM
Looks great!

Just looking at it with the modified Megatron head makes me think that this body would work well as a Guzzle custom too...

5th May 2020, 02:44 PM
Thanks Seraphim
It could, but I'm happy with the one I made earlier (pics have disappeared, so I'll re-upload here)


Seraphim Prime
6th May 2020, 12:32 PM

That one has a much better bulk more fitting of the character than my thoughts.

Love your work - you should do a group shot of all your custom characters when you get the time.