View Full Version : Galvatron costume

14th July 2012, 08:17 PM
I am starting to make a G1 Galvatron Costume that actually transforms since my transforming Grimlock costume didnt go as planned. I was thinking of using a medium sized barrel shaped cardboard box for the torso, but I'm unsure on the legs. Since it needs an accurate altmode and Galvatron has quite skiny legs that are not as 'boxey' as someone such as Optimus or Megatron, I have gathered that I could use thick grey pants and add whatever details needed. I think this would allow a compact altmode, but it might make the torso box seem big. I would probably use a small-medium sized poster cardboard tube for the particle cannon, whihc as we all know, goes into the neck in altmode. Is there any suggestions for the costume as I am a huge Galvatron fan and want this to be as accurate as possible. And for the legs, I might add some type of cardboard to the bakc fo the legs to make it more, 'Galvatroney' in appearance. I will upload pictures as soon as I start the design etc. LEt me know your ideas and thoguhts and wish me luck!

14th July 2012, 10:02 PM
Maybe have the front half of your legs look like the cartoon model, and the back halves look like the toy. Because as you rightly said, the cartoon model's legs are quite slim and humanoid with no alt mode kibble -- it's a complete animation cheat where they just magically morph into the rear part of the cannon... and that just doesn't work IRL. The toy of course rotates the waist 180 degrees which also doesn't work for a cosplay unless you're an extremely talented contortionist. ;) So perhaps go for a leg design where it looks cartoon accurate from the front, but toy accurate from the back, so when you lie down to transform your legs have already formed the rear section of the cannon (all you have to do is keep your legs together).

<shrug> Just a suggestion. And good luck! Please post photos when you're done. ;) Are you planning on wearing this costume at a particular event?

15th July 2012, 10:23 AM
Maybe have the front half of your legs look like the cartoon model, and the back halves look like the toy. Because as you rightly said, the cartoon model's legs are quite slim and humanoid with no alt mode kibble -- it's a complete animation cheat where they just magically morph into the rear part of the cannon... and that just doesn't work IRL. The toy of course rotates the waist 180 degrees which also doesn't work for a cosplay unless you're an extremely talented contortionist. ;) So perhaps go for a leg design where it looks cartoon accurate from the front, but toy accurate from the back, so when you lie down to transform your legs have already formed the rear section of the cannon (all you have to do is keep your legs together).

<shrug> Just a suggestion. And good luck! Please post photos when you're done. ;) Are you planning on wearing this costume at a particular event?
Maybe Armageddon in October or some other tf event. I think if i fold that back spike thing down and bend my legs to basically make me smaller, I can tuck my feet into the back and then fold it over my legs to get that sort of look.

15th July 2012, 12:48 PM
You may need to make the gun handle ("spike thing") swing around your waist, because it sits on the underside in cannon mode. Or possibly omit it altogether -- the handle only really exists for the laser pistol mode... it's just kibble in robot and cannon modes.

15th July 2012, 02:23 PM
You may need to make the gun handle ("spike thing") swing around your waist, because it sits on the underside in cannon mode. Or possibly omit it altogether -- the handle only really exists for the laser pistol mode... it's just kibble in robot and cannon modes.

I've done a quick sketch, (I'll scan soon) i have the legs figured out and I think ill put the particle cannon in the head thing, (like the G1 toy) and the sike, its either your option or make it fold out to the back, kinda like grimlock's tail but different. It's kinda hard to explain. Next up, I need to decide which purpl paint is the best. I'm gonna go amber orange for the particle cannon, and bley for the grey bits, just which purple. I was thinking a neon/electric kinda purple but those seem a bit too bright. I was thinking royal iris, but tht's a little too bland. I need something bright but not too bright. Also, where can I get good paint cheap. I was thinking officeworks or something, but I want acrylic. So ill decide soon.