View Full Version : DOTM Megatron repaint

19th September 2012, 10:05 PM
Hi everyone,

Thought I'd share an in-progress pic of my DOTM megatron repaint that I started quite some time ago and have just picked up again recently. I still have a lot more work to do on it but here it is so far (well, alt mode at least):


The rust effects were pretty hard to get right and I still don't think it's quite there yet. Also needs a bit more brushing with black paint and thinner on the underside of tank to give it that dirty, worn look.

This was just a quick pic with my phone camera, I'll take some proper macro ones once it's completed.

Hope you enjoy!

19th September 2012, 11:00 PM
Looks great. Keep up the good work.

21st September 2012, 02:18 PM

I love this toy design.. I wouldn't mind having a go at customising one day as well but I wouldn't know where to begin. I'd especially love to create a Leader class version of DotM Megs (since he wasn't made available by Hasbro :()... but that's really ambitious.

What kind of paints do you use? How do you apply them? How many other customs have you already completed? Can't wait to see this one finished!


21st September 2012, 10:45 PM
I would've loved to have seen a leader class DotM Megs, if you ever do create one I'd be very interested to see it!

Regarding the paints, I just use the small pots of Revell or Humbrol and apply the paint by brush. This particular figure was too intricate to mask off and spraypaint in my opinion.

There's a lot of techniques that I've read up on and used like dry brushing, sponging and using thinners.

Most of this guy is painted, the worn metal look was created by doing a black undercoat on the parts I wanted to paint metallic, followed by a drybrush of Steel and then a lighter drybrush of silver to highlight the edges and create a more tarnished look on flat surfaces.

The rust was a bit harder, I started by applying thinned rust colour using a fine brush to the areas I wanted to rust up and also areas to produce the effect of the rust running down the paintwork, then used a small sponge (you can get these from art shops, basically just a stick with a bit of light sponge on the end) to dab on a few light highlights of copper then silver to produce the effect of recently exposed metallic areas, then went sponged over these with an ever so slightly heavier coat of the rust colour again.

I then thinned down some black (quite a bit) and got a larger brush, dried off some of the thinner then went over the whole model to give it a more worn and dirty look.

It sounds like a lot of work but patience is the key. I'm still very new to model painting, this is only my 4th attempt at it. I did a lot of reading and watched some youtube demo vids before attempting it myself. I still think it's very amateur compared to some of the repaints I've seen however it's very satisfying when your model turns out even remotely like you had hoped.

Here's some of my earlier attempts:

DotM Deluxe Roadbuster:

Dual Model Kit Bumblebee:

DotM Sentinel Prime (very minor and basic repaint in comparison to the first two).

The most important thing I think is to enjoy what you are doing and not be afraid to have a go. I attempted the drybrush and sponging techniques on one of the legends class figures first in case I messed up and was no good at it. Surprisingly it turned out quite well and wasn't that difficult.

I look forward to seeing how you go, if someone as inexperienced and bad at art as I am can make a figure look even halfway decent then no doubt yours will turn out amazing.

26th September 2012, 04:17 PM
That looks friggin' awesome AJ, really well done dude & I you'll continue posting some progress pics! :eek:

27th September 2012, 02:04 PM
I would've loved to have seen a leader class DotM Megs, if you ever do create one I'd be very interested to see it!

Regarding the paints, I just use the small pots of Revell or Humbrol and apply the paint by brush. This particular figure was too intricate to mask off and spraypaint in my opinion.

There's a lot of techniques that I've read up on and used like dry brushing, sponging and using thinners.

Most of this guy is painted, the worn metal look was created by doing a black undercoat on the parts I wanted to paint metallic, followed by a drybrush of Steel and then a lighter drybrush of silver to highlight the edges and create a more tarnished look on flat surfaces.

The rust was a bit harder, I started by applying thinned rust colour using a fine brush to the areas I wanted to rust up and also areas to produce the effect of the rust running down the paintwork, then used a small sponge (you can get these from art shops, basically just a stick with a bit of light sponge on the end) to dab on a few light highlights of copper then silver to produce the effect of recently exposed metallic areas, then went sponged over these with an ever so slightly heavier coat of the rust colour again.

I then thinned down some black (quite a bit) and got a larger brush, dried off some of the thinner then went over the whole model to give it a more worn and dirty look.

It sounds like a lot of work but patience is the key. I'm still very new to model painting, this is only my 4th attempt at it. I did a lot of reading and watched some youtube demo vids before attempting it myself. I still think it's very amateur compared to some of the repaints I've seen however it's very satisfying when your model turns out even remotely like you had hoped.

Here's some of my earlier attempts:

DotM Deluxe Roadbuster:

Dual Model Kit Bumblebee:

DotM Sentinel Prime (very minor and basic repaint in comparison to the first two).

The most important thing I think is to enjoy what you are doing and not be afraid to have a go. I attempted the drybrush and sponging techniques on one of the legends class figures first in case I messed up and was no good at it. Surprisingly it turned out quite well and wasn't that difficult.

I look forward to seeing how you go, if someone as inexperienced and bad at art as I am can make a figure look even halfway decent then no doubt yours will turn out amazing.

Hmm.. thanks for that, it really helps so I have an idea of where to start. You've got plenty more experience than I do; I've never painted a toy in my life. Your DotM Megs is looking quite good so I could definitely pick up a few tips from you.

As for a leader class version of him... oh boy I'd looove to have the skills to create something like that but such a project is WAY beyond my basic skill level. I can barely transform a deluxe class toy wthout instructions let alone pull it apart and put it all back together again in a better configuration than it was before lol.

Coincidentally, a custom leader DotM Megs has been done before a few times, as I saw one or two for sale on eBay a few weeks ago. I was going to get one but someone else beat me to it. If another comes along and it is of exceptional craftsmanship I may grab it.

15th January 2013, 07:52 PM
Here are some updated progress pics, sorry it's taken so long. I've been distracted by Fall of Cybertron and Transformers Legends for a while, as well as other stuff. I've decided this year to finish some half-completed projects and this is on the top of my to do list. Robot mode will hopefully follow very soon, but in the meantime please enjoy these pics of completed alt mode:




Here is a comparison pic with the original figure. This shot also gives away the magic of how my background was created. Pretty simple really, just 2 separate desert shots I googled, printed and taped together.


15th January 2013, 08:11 PM
^ The difference is night and day. Thanks for the comparison pic too because i was just staring at the sweet background and forgot how bland the standard release is (fun figure though).

I like the effort you went to with your pics too; nice background, interesting angles and depth of field and all that. Now bring Megatron out of hiding :cool:

16th January 2013, 01:07 AM
That looks great.

The original looks so toyish next to yours. Fantastic job dude!

16th January 2013, 09:08 AM
:eek: So sorry I'm late or I would have said something sooner!!!

He looks fantastic! And the background... very clever!

I can't WAIT to see him in robot mode! :o

Well done! :)

16th January 2013, 01:28 PM
Beautiful work. as will your previous customs. you're patience shows through your work, the level of detail is outstanding.

Bring on the robot mode AJ.

19th January 2013, 12:03 AM
Thanks everyone, I've started working on the robot mode already. Hopefully will be finished in the next few weeks (I don't get much time to do the painting due to kids so can only do a bit some evenings). Hope it turns out okay.

5th February 2013, 08:09 PM
Ok, it's finally finished. I might have to print up a wider background, I realised while taking pics that this one didn't quite cut it. You get the idea though. I'm thinking of installing a red LED behind his eyes, but it depends how much room is in his head first... Either way might take some more pics with better background later.

Here are the pics of him in bot mode (I apologise for the orientation of the pics, they are the right way up in photobucket so not sure why they have rotated here... If anyone knows how to fix it, please advise).

Without cape or gun


Head close-up

Leg close-up

Torso close-up

With cape and gun


Comparison with original toy


Hope you all enjoy, I'm pretty happy he's now finished.

Omega Metro
5th February 2013, 08:15 PM
Looks brilliant! Such an improvement on the original. I reckon a little fabric canopy would be better than that rubber one.

5th February 2013, 08:17 PM
Thanks, I was surprised by how much detail was actually in the mold. It's a shame that it only really comes out with some dry brushing.

5th February 2013, 08:22 PM
Awesome work!:)

5th February 2013, 08:53 PM
:eek: He's absolutely gorgeous... he has that desert worn look just like in the movie. Great choice of colours and detail, he really looks fantastic!

I don't mind saying that you were one of the creative artists that I voted for in the 2012 Ozformers awards, and looking at this finished piece just makes me all the more glad that I did. :)

5th February 2013, 09:23 PM
Holy crap dude! :eek: - That looks amazing, especialy coupled with that background! :cool:
Bloody well done man. :D

5th February 2013, 10:10 PM
Holy crap dude! :eek: - That looks amazing, especialy coupled with that background! :cool:
Bloody well done man. :D

+1.:cool: And have read your tips on custom painting, and will help in my next crack at a custom.:D

5th February 2013, 11:15 PM
I don't mind saying that you were one of the creative artists that I voted for in the 2012 Ozformers awards, and looking at this finished piece just makes me all the more glad that I did. :)

Wow, thank you man! Very unexpected, but I really appreciate it. This is only my 4th attempt at a custom, so I know there is plenty of room for improvement. Lots of internet research on model painting techniques helped me with this one.

I'm humbled by all the positive feedback, thanks very much everyone.

And have read your tips on custom painting, and will help in my next crack at a custom.

Cheers crankcase, I'm very much looking forward to seeing your work. The effort that fans like yourself put into these customs is truly inspiring.

6th February 2013, 05:49 PM
that really nice, he's a work of art now.

7th February 2013, 07:57 AM
You did a fantastic job turning that lump of dull grey plastic into a really cool figure. Congratulations mate.

7th February 2013, 10:53 PM
Night and day! You have done a fantastic job all round here AJ Prime!