View Full Version : 2013 Transformers size-class Price Rises

17th February 2013, 09:01 PM
In case anyone missed it during all the Toyfair excitement, a number of size classes are having price rises this year.
And since Australian retailers (like other non-American countries) have to pay double the wholesale price as American retailers (for Hasbro America to get their commission), we can expect to see some significant price rises here this year as well.

US$ Prices from 2012 (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=13011) Vs 2013 (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=15196) (most are from the Hasbro site (http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/en_US/) and the Toyfair wrap-up (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=15461) if you want to verify these)

TFPrime Legion - was $5 - now $6 (up $1 (20%) this year)
TFPrime Cmdr - was $8 - now $9 (up $1 (12.5%) this year)
TFPrime DLX - was $12 - now $15 (up $3 (25%) during 2012)
TFPrime VOY - remains at $20
TFPrime Vehicles - remains at $20

BotShots Singles - was $4 - now $5 (up $1 (25%) this year)
BotShots Launcher - was $8 - now $10 (up $2 (25%) this year)
BotShots 3-pack - was $10 - now $13 (up $3 (30%) this year)

Generations Legends, DLX, VOY - all remain unchanged
Kreo & Rescue Bots - matching size classes remain unchanged
(Kreo Blind packs have a RRP of $3 for Wave 0, but Wave 1 are $2.50 - so are actually cheaper)

17th February 2013, 10:16 PM
Well, if said price rises are reflected locally then we can only expect the same mess we've been used to with massive overstocking of the 1st Wave, shelf/peg warming, lacklustre clearance sales & hence more entire waves & lines being skipped. :(

Not wasting my time or money this year with local retailers, Online is where you'll find me. :cool:

17th February 2013, 10:51 PM
Not wasting my time or money this year with local retailers, Online is where you'll find me. :cool:

Preaching to the choir my friend.

18th February 2013, 07:38 PM
Kreo's calling out my name

Tetsuwan Convoy
18th February 2013, 08:03 PM
Not wasting my time or money this year with local retailers, Online is where you'll find me. :cool:
And I'll be standing next to you.:D

Unbelievable. How much more expensive can these things get before people stop buying them? I am not paying more than $50 for a Voyager that's for sure.

As much as I like some Bot Shots, $7 is the upper limit for me and I will just stop buying them if they get any pricier.

Sorry local retailers, I want to support you, but this is getting beyond a joke.

I wondr if this will affect other lines as well, such as the smaller actionf figs they do for the movies (like Iron Man). Those things were a total rip off at $18.