View Full Version : Twinstrike hip de-pinned

4th April 2013, 10:47 PM
Tonight while transforming my newly aquired twinstrike [sinnertwin], the pin that acts as a hinge and a displacement device popped out and the yellow panel from the rear left leg, came off.

If any one knows how to fix this permanently, could you please help a mech out.

6th April 2013, 10:21 AM
Mine had the opposite problem. The pin in too deep that it was really hard to rotate the piece during transformation. Had buy a new one because I couldn't tap the pin out.

Have you tried tapping the pin back in with a nail punch and hammer yet?

My other solution is I can mail you my spare twinstrike's legs. One has some damage to the right leg but the left leg is fine PM if you're interested.

6th April 2013, 10:29 AM
I don't believe it. After posting my reply. The pin in the left leg came out! :o I should be able to tap it back in. Scared to look at my other twinstrike now :)

It's actually really easy to fix you just need:

A hammer
Nail punch
A was of blue tak

Just use the blue tak to rest the leg on.

Place the yellow piece into the hole and put the pin into the yellow piece.
Now use the nail punch to tap the pin into place. You don't need to go to town on it, a few taps then check that it's secure. If not a few more taps. Remember that the part needs to slide out to rotate!

7th April 2013, 01:14 PM
thanks, ill give it a whirl. I think it is a design flaw because you have to over extend the thig plate to get it over the hip when tfing. looks like he'll be a hell hound for the rest of his life now...:D

7th April 2013, 09:30 PM
I honestly don't have any problems with mine. Mebbe you guys lucked out and might like to consider getting an exchange.

10th April 2013, 05:46 PM
mine was fine for a while as well, but with repeated transformations [thigh plate gets caught going over the leg] the pin has obviously come loose, and fallen out.

17th May 2013, 06:08 PM
happened to mine too.... left robot leg, panel fell out. right robot leg panel doesn't extend out far enough to transform easily..... :(