View Full Version : two attempts at a DOTM deluxe Mirage

16th April 2013, 11:41 AM
Soooooo long trying to make one... started with ROTF Sideways, got disenchanted, tried a prime Wheeljack, disenchanted again, back to Sideways....
I followed the design by pradhika indra on tfw2005. Finding a head is proving as problematic as making the body. I've tried adapting a Crankcase and a Jolt head but neither do it for me. I think a ROTF Swerve head will be best but need to find one.
And after taking these pics the Sideways mold fell off the cupboard and one of the door wings snapped!!!! :mad: This mold is cursed.....

Prime Weeljack version:
I don't like the head I used. I also think this body doesn't fit the movie aesthetic. Guess I'll turn it into a Prime custom.

ROTF Sideways version:
You can see here that I miscalculated where the boot panels would line up :o
Head gone!
One thing I didn't like about Sideways was his skinny chicken legs. I do like how this version bulks them out a bit.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to update this with a completed version but frankly I've had enough of it.

16th April 2013, 02:38 PM
ROTF Sideways was always a nightmare to transform. Great work anyway!

16th April 2013, 06:54 PM
mirage is dino right?
have you thou about using a vehicon as a base figure for , looking at it the robot mode body very good match ... vehicle mode need abit of work and a new head