View Full Version : Toy Review - TFPrime Legion Tailgate

25th April 2013, 11:26 PM
(Please post photos, comments or even a fully comprehensive review - these are just brief details to get you started)

Series - Transformers Prime
Sub-line - Cyberverse
Size/class - Legion
New/remould/redeco - Redeco (of Cliffjumper)
Wave - 4
Released here - April 2013 (globally August 2012)
Approximate Retail Price - $7-9 (US$5)
Approximate Size - 7cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Muscle car
Main Features/Gimmicks - none
Main Colours - White, blue, black
Main Accessories - gun


28th April 2013, 09:39 PM
Nice to get a toy of the infamous Tailgate, who's death scarred Arce so badly.

The colours are a nice homage to G1 Tailgate. His vehicle form (while based on TFPrime Cliffjumper) isn't too dissimilar to G1 Tailgate as well. A shame they didn't modify the robots head somewhat so there would be not so much a resemblance to CJ, but still a nice figure :)

29th April 2013, 06:28 PM
Opened this toy last night. A really nice repaint of Legion Class Cliffjumper, who is already a really nice mould. The metallic blues used are really nice; not sure if Hasbro's ever used metallic paint on a toy of this size class before. 1 minor complaint: the legs on mine are prone to popping off if I swing them forward. :/

His vehicle form (while based on TFPrime Cliffjumper) isn't too dissimilar to G1 Tailgate as well. A shame they didn't modify the robots head somewhat so there would be not so much a resemblance to CJ, but still a nice figure :)
I initially thought that too, then I remembered that Tailgate's show model is just a straight up redeco of Cliffjumper. :p Hasbro have taken greater lengths to differentiate Tailgate than Polygon Studios -- in the cartoon Tailgate still sports a red body w/ white arms. :o I like how Hasbro's gone to greater efforts to make Tailgate look more distinctive from Cliffjumper. :)

Omega Metro
3rd May 2013, 07:22 PM
Looks great. Simple transformation. No complaints here.