View Full Version : WTB 1 MP Prowl Exclusive Launcher, And/Or Coin

19th September 2013, 04:40 PM
I'm hoping that there's someone here who's pre-order MP Prowl with the exclusive launcher (Amazon, RK before Sep 15, not sure who else), who doesn't want it.

I'm happy to pay whatever you think is a fair price for it. I was thinking/hoping somewhere around $20? So you could end up saving somewhere from 20-25% off your cost for it, for an accessory you may not even want to use.

And it's not like anyone is going to arm him with only one of those launchers. It's either two or none, and I think most are going to be going for the cartoon-intended no-cannons look.

I've really got my fingers crossed on this, and would appreciated anyone willing to help out!

I'm also after the coin. I've got one on the way, but want an extra, for a project I have planned. These two don't have to be together for a transaction. I'm fine buying them off different people if you want to keep the coin, but sell the launcher, or vice versa. I was thinking about $10 for the coin? So saves a bit more if you don't want it.

Those prices don't include shipping costs either, obviously. And I'm negotiable.

So please PM me if you're wanting to part with either or both, and can help me out.

Cheers and thanks for reading!

19th September 2013, 07:14 PM
hey cat .... i order a spare figure so that i can customise one planing to make a blue- bluestreak :) ....if my one come with them then i pass it to you no problem....

19th September 2013, 07:23 PM
That's awesome on two counts.

1. Thanks, and I'll gratefully pay whatever you want for the spare launcher.

2. I'm DYING to see a blue Bluestreak out of this mold.

19th September 2013, 07:59 PM
anyone else have a spare? /beg

19th September 2013, 09:11 PM
i pre-ordered from chimungmung so don't know if they have a launcher but the coin is forsure ... finger-crossed .

19th September 2013, 10:01 PM
You sure, mate?

On their site at the moment it says theirs come with no coin or Amazon extra.

I also don't think his normally do get the extras?

I mean, either way I still appreciate the fact you offered to help me.

19th September 2013, 11:44 PM
You sure, mate?

On their site at the moment it says theirs come with no coin or Amazon extra.

I also don't think his normally do get the extras?

I mean, either way I still appreciate the fact you offered to help me.

i preorder early and it the one with the coins option ... but don't know if he going to get the amazon extra with it...

20th September 2013, 04:11 AM

21st September 2013, 01:17 PM
anyone else have a spare? /beg

ill just wait to see if my one does come with them before i can offer it just incase then...

11th October 2013, 05:35 PM
anyone else have a spare? /beg

Hey my finally came .... so if you still need it?.. but i think there a 3rd party one that going to be released that has 2 and looks abit better as well...

11th October 2013, 08:28 PM
yeah thanks for the offer mate but i think i'll hold out for dr wu does look very nice