View Full Version : Transformers Go! G26 Optimus EX Prime Triple Changer

20th October 2013, 10:02 AM
http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo146/fatbot/2qlfklh_zps14810575.jpg (http://s370.photobucket.com/user/fatbot/media/2qlfklh_zps14810575.jpg.html)

release date of around january 2014

Golden Phoenix
20th October 2013, 10:22 AM
Very very meh.

The bullet train looks good, and that is about it.....
Robot mode is a mess, and I have no idea what the 3rd mode is supposed to be.

Anyone have any ideas?

20th October 2013, 10:51 AM
It's supposed to be a dragon..

At least they did the train mode right.

Funny how it says the picture is not supposed to be released until 12/27.

20th October 2013, 11:37 AM
Optimus' robot mode is giving me a very Big Convoy vibe.

20th October 2013, 01:19 PM
Very surprised that the one mode that didn't get sacrificed is the train mode - although the train mode looks a bit odd?

Seems like the driver's window is disproportionately bigger to the passenger windows compared with other train-formers?

Via: TFSource

Via: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3264/2899332449_74d403cfc8_o.jpg

20th October 2013, 01:23 PM
Depends what kind of train it's supposed to be, if indeed it's even a licensed train or bullet train model. Henkei Astrotrain is a generic bullet train, but the CR/RiD Bullet Trains are all licensed (e.g. Railspike is a Nozomi 500 (http://muza-chan.net/aj/poze-weblog/shinkansen-500.jpg) etc.)

Omega Metro
20th October 2013, 02:14 PM
As with every 'train' transformer, there's just not enough train to make it a proper train. I can't really make a judgement on the dragon mode as it's not all that clear in the pic. Just wish they called it some obscure Japanese name and not Optimus Prime.

20th October 2013, 02:57 PM
that dragon thing look funny... doesn't have back legs :confused: and trying to call it a triple changer by sticking a head on it ..:p "just open the shell of the train and stick a head on it and call it a dragon don't worry kid like dragons!! "

Golden Phoenix
20th October 2013, 03:12 PM
It's supposed to be a dragon..

That's a Dragon?!?! :eek:
I think the designers need to have their eyes looked at......

20th October 2013, 03:15 PM
It'd be based more on an Eastern style Dragon, than a Western style. So think Shenron more than Prime Predaking.

20th October 2013, 05:01 PM
A Prime that turns into a Train and a Dragon? Go! really is just a new Yusha/Brave series. Which is pretty cool.

21st October 2013, 01:22 AM
It'd be based more on an Eastern style Dragon, than a Western style. So think Shenron more than Prime Predaking.


A mechanical eastern dragon might look something like this:D

http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac134/scorer24/MISC/MMPR_Red_Dragon_zpsc1d1b308.jpg (http://s893.photobucket.com/user/scorer24/media/MISC/MMPR_Red_Dragon_zpsc1d1b308.jpg.html)

Looks like they sacrificed the dragon completely for the bullet train mode.

21st October 2013, 11:50 AM
Looks like a train wreck with a dragon's head... but I'll probably buy it just because it's different :)

22nd December 2013, 11:56 PM
Another promotional image of the triple-changer Optimus toy (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/japanese-transformers-40/transformers-go-optimus-ex-prime-new-image-178963/).

Looks like the train was the base focus of the designers with it looking as good as the RiD Trains, but the Dragon mode is so bad it is partially obscured by the promo image. (and the robot mode has kibble everywhere).

24th December 2013, 01:23 PM
And another couple promotional images (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/japanese-transformers-40/images-of-transformers-go-optimus-ex-prime-combined-with-kenzan-and-gekisoumaru-178971/), focusing on the combining gimmick of this figure with other GO! combiners.

28th December 2013, 12:10 PM
Amazon Japan have put up some big official images of this figure (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/japanese-transformers-40/transformers-go-g26-ex-prime-official-images-178987/), with a release date of January 25th.
Pricing is about AU$55-60 which is about the same as Kenzan (electronic police car) and Gekisomaru (electronic lion)... so should be about the same size and similar gimmicks.

28th December 2013, 08:42 PM
I just don't like Go!'s unique figures. They look like Brave toys to me and I don't like the aesthetic.

30th December 2013, 09:15 PM
That's a dragon?

Golden Phoenix
31st December 2013, 02:04 PM
That's a dragon?

Apparently it is supposed to be an eastern dragon or something.

Maybe if you squint or look at it from a certain angle it works.

I won't be getting it, but if I did I would be saying it only turns into a bullet train.....

15th January 2014, 08:08 PM
More images of this triple changer (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/japanese-transformers-40/transformers-go-optimus-ex-prime-new-images-179066/), including its box... showing us that some of the parts are removable like armour for other figures.

Not surprisingly, none of the photos show the "Dragon" mode.... nor does the box have a window, both of which would probably hurt the promotion of it. :p

The kibble attached to the top of the train mode is a bit of a cheat, as I thought it was all in the train in previous photos.

Tetsuwan Convoy
15th January 2014, 08:10 PM
Looks awful! I LIKE IT!:D