View Full Version : Gathering Darkness

21st October 2013, 01:37 PM
G'Day all,

Some of you might remember that earlier in the year I posted up a one-shot Comic piece called Burgeoning Darkness (http://otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=16149).

Burgeoning is part of a trilogy -- the Darkness Trilogy -- and I'm happy to inform you all that another piece of the puzzle is now complete.

Transformers: Gathering Darkness

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2013/292/9/f/transformers__gathering_darkness_by_rh1n0x-d6r39nd.jpg (http://rh1n0x.deviantart.com/art/Transformers-Gathering-Darkness-408299161)

The story, while naming no names, addresses a large story gap in the pre-Beast Wars, post G1 universe. Which gap exactly? Well, I won't give it away, so all I'll say is:

But I, and the Tripredacus Council, have different origins...

The final part, Entering Darkness, should be done in the coming months, so keep an eye out for it.

Happy reading :cool:
- Verno.

21st October 2013, 09:34 PM
Thanks for sharing! Not sure if I've said this before, but I really enjoy reading your writing - none of it feels forced when I read it.

22nd October 2013, 03:23 PM
Thanks for sharing! Not sure if I've said this before, but I really enjoy reading your writing - none of it feels forced when I read it.

Cheers Sam, I really appreciate that.

I'm dancing around an important revelation throughout this trilogy, so you saying the story doesn't sound forced is about a good a compliment as I could hope for :cool: