View Full Version : TFPrime Christmas stuff (in America)

25th October 2013, 02:15 PM
Since we aren't likely to have anything this year in Australia, for those wanting to have a Transformery themed Christmas this year, a couple of items have already been found in America.
A santa stocking and tree decorations (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-prime-39/transformers-prime-christmas-stocking-and-ornaments-178647/). Now you too can be like Circuit Breaker and have a collection of heads (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/e/e9/AerialbotsoverAmerica-soswearsCircuitBreaker.jpg) to hang around the place. :p

To get some, it's best to search online, or chase up an American friend (or ask someone on one of the American fansites).