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View Full Version : Femisapian

31st July 2008, 06:15 AM

This thing is pretty amazing. The robosapian v2 really blew me away, and now this one with it's apparent level of articulation.

Ultimate bumblebee was such a wasted opportunity.........
Toyota production system (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/Toyota_Production_System)

25th August 2009, 09:22 PM
So anyone else buy one of these yet?

26th August 2009, 04:54 PM

This thing is pretty amazing. The robosapian v2 really blew me away, and now this one with it's apparent level of articulation.

Ultimate bumblebee was such a wasted opportunity.........

I totally agree. thats what i've been telling everyone too. Esp Bumblebee - with new hat (u know, battle mask). He's stupidly heavy, has trouble firing, and mine has a losse pin. he acts like an old bastard! Yes, i also have Femibot. I got bored with her after a while, but the kids (under 4s) love it. Her problem is, the height of her sight. you have to put BB up on bricks, if you want her to interact with him. My femibot gives BB lap dances! and yes, he does show his appreciation by firing off!:)
I only got the femibot cause shes made by SEGA and her real name is EMA!

26th August 2009, 10:01 PM
Yea, she was originally the "kissing robot" that sega made. :)

I got one yesterday at a mega cheap stupid price. I couldn't believe how cheap it was. :)

26th August 2009, 10:41 PM
that is awesome.... imagine how advanced the future versions will be...

I got one yesterday at a mega cheap stupid price. I couldn't believe how cheap it was. :)

how cheap and where?

27th August 2009, 08:55 PM
$55. I kid you not. PM me for location.