View Full Version : Transformers Trivia Night - Sydney CBD 23rd June

11th June 2014, 04:34 PM
On Monday June 23rd at the George St Event Cinema, there will be a trivia contest and costume opportunity.

Details are vague as I can only find this one small facebook banner (https://www.facebook.com/events/888395654510712/) (I was tipped off by Hasbro AUS about it), but it looks like it is being hosted at the "Set Bar" in the Event Cinemas in Sydney CBD at 6pm, and hosted by Kings Comics.

Seats are free but limited, so you need to email the address in the facebook banner.

Prizes will be awarded for the trivia contest, AND best costumes... and some prizes may be toys from Hasbro.

Also, there will be a screening of the TF3 DOTM movie afterwards (9pm) for just $10 inside the theatre (normal booking fees apply if movie tickets are bought online).

Lets see some Ozformers members in there, to win some prizes for the fans... or just correct the quiz-master when he gets things wrong. :p

11th June 2014, 05:37 PM
i'd completely fail the trivia part, but i wouldnt mind watching DoTM on the big screen again for a tenner

11th June 2014, 05:42 PM
I'd be up for that if I wasn't still in the US at the time.
I got an email from Kings about it the other day but only just got it as I've been having some phone issues this week.

I've had a poke around their website and there doesn't seem to be anything there, though you can sign up for the newsletter and other updates which comes out once a week.

12th June 2014, 06:49 PM
I will be seeing AoE at IMAX on the 23rd I might check this out afterwards