View Full Version : WTB. pleeeease.

9th August 2014, 08:09 PM
G1 large large left ultra magnus fist and the 2 ramps on the back of his trailer pleeease anyone...also g1 starscreams 2 lil grey horizontal tail wing dealy's and both fists..any help would be much appreciated. Cheers guys.

9th August 2014, 08:15 PM
Try Transformerland.com (http://www.transformerland.com/).

I don't touch G1 so I have no personal experience with them but they look pretty good if you're after parts.

10th August 2014, 05:26 PM
I have the following accessories for Starscream.
Funnily enough I am looking for Ultra Magnus's right fist!http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa468/Andrew_Duthie/Transformers/Ozformers/72665552-2DCA-49E5-9ACE-EFE0987CC73A_zpspdpgewup.jpg

21st August 2014, 06:50 AM
Still interested?