View Full Version : Toy Review - Age of Extinction Slog (Voyager)

7th September 2014, 11:59 PM
Series - Age of Extinction
Sub-line - Generations
Size/class - Voyager
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 3
Released here - September 2014
Approximate Retail Price - $50
Approximate Size - 18cm (16.5cm to top of head)
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Robotic Brachiosaurus
Main Features/Gimmicks - N/A
Main Colours - grey, black, red
Main Accessories - x2 ballistic lances, x2 dual cannons

Visually Slog looks suitably bulky and both robot and Dinobot modes (masking what is in actuality a rather lightweight and 'hollow' Voyager, as one would expect from AoE :rolleyes:). The relatively uniform dark grey of the toy makes it look the most screen-like compared to the other AoE Dinobots -- somewhat ironic considering that Slog doesn't appear in the film. :p Slog's robot form really carries the whole armoured knight theme of the Dinobots, including his 'elf shoes' feet. :p

The instruction sheet is virtually useless, and they're still showing the toy transforming from Dinobot mode to robot mode, even though the toy is packaged in robot mode. :rolleyes: Conceptually, the transformation offers an interesting take on trying to make both moulds bulky out of a lightweight toy, and this is achieved by having the robot torso expand and contract, as well as the legs unravelling to re-wrap itself to form the rear part of the Brachiosaurus' body. It's an interesting enough concept that tries to move away from making this toy too shellformery. Unfortunately the concept doesn't quite work out in practice as it does in theory. The toy just suffers from getting in its own way. In Dinobot mode, some of the spines (made from that soft rubber) which protrude end up squishing up against each other because of the girth of the hips underneath. The butt-flap which forms the dino mode's chest doesn't appear to have anywhere to lock into, and as such just hangs down the front like a massive baby bib. In robot mode, the dino head/neck/shoulder section doesn't seem to lock in. This wouldn't be too bad if not for the rubbery butt flap exerting slight upward pressure. The two side halves of the tail which form a "belt" get in each other's way whenever the legs move back and forth (e.g. in a walking action). However I personally find the most frustrating feature of this toy to be the elbow design. It suffers from the same problem as Slash and Strafe in that the elbows can only bend as if Slog is doing bicep curls. This could have easily been fixed by either giving Slog wrist articulation or just positioning the fists 90 degrees outwards giving the elbows natural frontal movement.

I do like the use of silver on the face and forearms (dino shins and toes), as well as two small red tampographed Autobot insignias. Other than the protruding body spines, Slog is relatively the least "monstrous" looking of the AoE Dinobots thus far. The mouth even has more herbivorous looking shorter teeth (as opposed to Slug, who has more carnivorous looking teeth despite Triceratops being a herbivore). No additional head/facial horns, no extra heads or tails. The way that the front feet slide out is also a neat feature.

The red on the actual toy is a rich and shiny paint, with airbrushing used on the tail tip. However, the red on the weapons is a bit too bright for my liking; makes it look too much like a toy (yeah, I know). The lances are pretty cool though. The tip of each lance looks like the end of a gun barrel, making them reminiscent of Anti Tank Lances (http://valkyria.wikia.com/wiki/Lances_(VC1)) from the computer game, Valkyria Chronicles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyria_Chronicles). The lances may be mounted on Slog's shoulders in both Dinobot and robot mode, and may also be hand held as melee lances. The shoulder mounted position is somewhat reminiscent of how real-life anti-tank lances (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PzF_44) were used, the pre-cursors to modern day RPG launchers.

Overall, there are some neat concepts in the design of this toy, but unfortunately Slog suffers from having various parts that either get in the way or just don't hold together. The elbow/wrist thing is inexcusable, and positioning the fists outwards would have cost nothing. Mildly recommended if you can get it at below RRP.


Robotic brachiosaurus mode

Robot mode

Comparison with G1 Slog

8th September 2014, 12:32 PM
He's not bad but he's no Scorn. Glad I was able to get him in the current TRU sale and not pay full price.

8th September 2014, 12:40 PM
He reminds me a Horde Trooper

9th September 2014, 11:55 PM
I have to say I strongly disagree with the review above. Slog is a great toy. However, that comes with some caveats about the quality: mine had stress marks out of the box on one of the lances, and the loincloth-like soft rubber part is twisted slightly. I don't want to take him back, I'd rather have him in my collection, but buyers beware.

That said, he is, as I said, a great toy. Full range of articulation you'd expect from a modern Transformer, with the point Goki made about the wrists standing (I'm not sure who at Hasbro thinks elbows bend inwards towards the chest, but they obviously have way too much influence). The sculpting is beautiful, giving him more of a samurai than knight look. Dinosaur mode might be a herbivore but it's a heavily armed one. I love the lances and the multiple ways of attaching them.

The one point I have to address is the comment about the weight and size of the toy. Far from being an example of Hasbro being cheap, I feel the weight and illusion of bulk are instead a beautiful illustration of how far modern engineering has come with regard to toys. With Slog, the design team were able to create a powerful, bulky looking toy by cleverly utilising folding panels. As a result, he doesn't have the weight of previous toys, but nor does he need to; he's certainly not flimsy. I can better illustrate my point here by referring to Metroplex, the tallest but not heaviest TF ever. The reason he can still legitimately claim the title of biggest is because modern engineering advancements mean he simply doesn't need to weight as much as Fortress Maximus. There's no doubt that toys these days are smaller, but in many cases, they're also better engineered, and fans shouldn't overlook that.

Anyway, for me, Slog is a must buy. I love the design and features of this very cool, powerful looking toy. He reminds me of a boss from Dark Souls in his robot mode. Very good toy overall.

Bulkhead grade: Ownage! Total ownage!

10th September 2014, 12:21 AM
You don't find that parts of this toy tend to get in the way when you're playing with it? I find that the lower leg panels on mine are prone to coming apart during play. I'm talking about proper "real time" toy play, and not slow and deliberate fiddling or action posing.

That's what I was referring to when I said, "Visually Slog looks suitably bulky...", but I was too tired at the time to describe it properly as you have. :) It's somewhat reminiscent of what Takara did with Binaltech Grimlock. But of course, BT Grimmie is a die cast metal toy, so he has both size and weight! It makes BT Wheeljack look like he's on 'roids though (hence why I display my BT Grimmie in robot mode and Wheeljack in vehicle mode ;)). :p I do like how the front legs of the dinosaur mode also similarly 'bulk out' as well, to make them not just look like robot arms.

I must give HasTak credit for taking the effort to ensure that Slog wouldn't be another "stand up" transforming quadrupeds. While transforming the legs can be a bit fiddly, it's a lot more satisfying than just having the robot legs become the hind legs of the dino mode. Although the lower leg panels could've been more secure with just an additional tab on each leg to help lock it in tighter. I noticed that they did the same with TF Prime Voyager Predaking, although IMHO Predaking does it gooderer. :o Like Maruten, I got this toy at TRU's sale price of $35, which is fine. But I don't know if I would recommend paying a full $50 for this toy.

That said, he is, as I said, a great toy. Full range of articulation you'd expect from a modern Transformer, with the point Goki made about the wrists standing (I'm not sure who at Hasbro thinks elbows bend inwards towards the chest, but they obviously have way too much influence).
Evidently a person who enjoys seeing chest-beating robots. This is by far the single greatest point of contention for me about this toy. I can overlook the other 'flaws', but the elbow thing bugs me the most. :(

Ode to a Grasshopper
10th September 2014, 07:50 AM
How does he compare to G1 Sludge size-wise?

10th September 2014, 10:31 PM
How does he compare to G1 Sludge size-wise?

13th September 2014, 06:42 PM
Is he very articulated in dino mode? The legs look very stiff and stationary.

14th September 2014, 01:03 AM
There's some articulation in the forelegs, bugger all articulation in the hind legs. Neck and jaw are articulated.

15th September 2014, 02:18 AM
This is going to sound a little crude but the reason why I can't stand this bot is his weapons... they look like massive red d*ldos and it's extremely off-putting for me... i'll stick with me G1 Dinos thank you very much :)

15th September 2014, 09:04 AM
This is going to sound a little crude but the reason why I can't stand this bot is his weapons... they look like massive red d*ldos and it's extremely off-putting for me... i'll stick with me G1 Dinos thank you very much :)

Good thing you can detach them completely and not looks at them at all

16th September 2014, 10:59 PM
This is going to sound a little crude but the reason why I can't stand this bot is his weapons... they look like massive red d*ldos and it's extremely off-putting for me...
You'd better steer clear of Beast Wars Galvatron then. :p ;)

16th September 2014, 11:59 PM
You'd better steer clear of Beast Wars Galvatron then. :p ;)

hahahah, "drill"mode" does'n't quite cut it actually ;P
I just got this toy last month and when I transformed it into drill mode, well, I had a short giggle :p

1st December 2014, 03:50 PM
I was going to get the G1-coloured version through Amazon, then when I saw him discounted on the shelves yesterday I thought "Ah... what the hell eh" and got the regular version. Lets face it, being red, grey and black he is the nearest of the regular line to G1 coloured anyway.

I REALLY like the robot mode. I think he looks freakin awesome! For some reason I thought he looked a bit crap in the box, then I popped him out and was like "Whoah! He actually rocks!" Big, sturdy, thick, looks like he should transform into some damn huge spiky bloated dino-monster! For some reason I really like his legs - dont know why that is.

The Dinosaur mode actually let me down a bit after the robot mode, doesn't quite measure up. Not keen on the gappiness half way down his torso, the lances look weird and there is something about the set of the neck that doesn't quite fit. A shame since I plan to display him in Dino mode along with the other AoE Dinobots. It's...ok.

The Transformation really shat me - since the instructions were arse-backwards I decided to go it alone. Because the hinges on his dino forelegs were so stiff I wasn't sure how it was supposed to go and I nearly snapped the damn thing. I'm sure it will be easier on subsequent tries but the first time irked me.

Overall I really like him and I'm glad I got him, but certainly not the best Dinobot figure I have. But that robot mode - damn! :D

12th January 2015, 11:20 AM
For those who have both the general release and the Amazon Exclusive, is there any issue with the chrome? does it effect transformation of clipping of parts together?

just a quick queery, I have both in box and am trying to decide which to keep to go with my others. I have the general release of most but the Takara Grimlock with shiny bits.

I feel that the general release is a bit bland looking next to all the bright colours of the others.

12th January 2015, 03:28 PM
I haven't had any problems with the chrome on the G1 version though I can only compare it with the Dinobots Unleashed version since I didn't get the normal one. Overall, it's much higher quality than the Dinobots Unleashed one, the parts that clip together go really. Then again I haven't transformed him much, I love the robot mode so much.

12th January 2015, 04:07 PM
well if that's not a glowing recommendation I don't know what is!

12th January 2015, 05:12 PM
I hate the mould too much to want to transform it... :p

I just wanted it to complete the set of Gen1 coloured Dinobots, and since it is packaged in robot mode, it probably won't be transformed unless someone comes over to see what it looks like. ;)

So unfortunately I can only comment on what I see from the Robot mode. :o
And that is, the silver parts look to be separated so that none come in contact with other silver parts (from what I can tell)... except the dino tail, which becomes two halves for the "belt" of the robot mode. The plug-n-post inside the tail might see some wear, as the tail is a frustrating part of the transformation, but if it does wear off some of the silver, it will remain hidden in both modes.

The red kneecaps look to be the only non-rubbery part that locks/links with a silver panel... and since it can be a tight fit with a knee joint working against it, that's probably the only silver spot that will show any wear (if wear occurs).
The shoulder holes don't seem to have any silver inside the hole itself, so attaching the red spiky things won't do any obvious damage. BUT, if you wanted to avoid any scratching of the surface from roughly plugging in the red spiky things, just don't stick them there. Keep them attached to the two lances instead, or stick them in the two black holes on his back that would hold the lances in Dino mode.
If you plan to keep it in robot mode, and maybe transform it once to see what it is like, that should be okay... but if you are deciding which of the two to open, it will come down to if you have the SDCC Dinobots.
If you do, and they are on display, then this one is kinda needed for the group display.
But if you don't have that situation or you need a Slog to have for casual transforming, or to figure out how it transforms without instructions, it might be best to keep the Amazon one sealed for display, and wear out the regular version, as it might be easier and cheaper to replace if you break it or scuff it later.

Tetsuwan Convoy
13th January 2015, 12:47 PM
This is going to sound a little crude but the reason why I can't stand this bot is his weapons...

Lol, I kind of dig his weapons, I get a weird Dino Riders vibe from this guy.

That was not intentional....

13th January 2015, 01:18 PM
I'll probably transform it a few times, but primary purpose will be to display with othe movie dinobots, I have the AD Leader Grimlock which has shiny parts and the AD31 Prime and looking at them next to the regular release of slog he's a bit bland.

Your peg information is very useful, I'll read it again when I have the two at home to check out tonight.

I have found myself using instructions for most Movie figures, they generally come not completely transformed so I end up going to the alt mode and all the way back again before seeing what the intended final modes are supposed to look like.