View Full Version : Toy Review - GEN-15 DLX Dragstrip (combiner)

11th January 2015, 03:53 PM
(Please post comments, photos or even a fully comprehensive review - these are just some brief details to start you off)
Impressions of the group or a combiner as a whole can be posted here or in the pre-existing group review topic here (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=19989) if you prefer.

Series - Generations
Sub-line - Combiner Wars
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 1
Released here - scheduled for March 2015 (out in Asia & America December 2014)
Approximate Retail Price - AU$?? (probably about $30) US$17
Approximate Size - 15cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - Race Car
Main Features/Gimmicks - Combiner limb
Main Colours - Mustard, maroon, black, purple.
Main Accessories - gun, combiner fist/foot


11th January 2015, 07:40 PM
Drag Strip

Wow - so much like the original in transformation! But for some reason instead of being annoyed at its simplicity I found myself rather nostalgic, since G1 Drag Strip was one of my first ever figures. He lines up well in vehicle mode with Universe Drag Strip and while is not as flashy as DOTM Drag Strip as a racer looks better in robot mode. If I can ever find them all in my crates will take some comparison pics.

Overall very pleased with him in both modes, a great redo of a cool G1 character - cant wait to open the rest :D

12th January 2015, 05:43 PM
Depending on the angle, Dragstrip's backpack gives off a Dracula style collar/cape vibe, and the "sleeves" on his arms help out with that perception. Add in that face sculpt, with the "bleeding" eyes... Could be an interesting repaint/custom out of this.

Anyway, great solid car mode, good upgrade to the Classics Mirage redeco - I really need to stage a race photoshoot for these two, and a very menacing robot mode.

Omega Metro
12th January 2015, 06:07 PM
Universe Dragstrip is still by far better looking. The 4 screws on the torso are very annoying also.

12th January 2015, 06:44 PM
My least favourite of wave 1 (maybe because I'm bitter we didn't get all the Autobots in one hit :mad:) but still solid. Love that the hand/foot can attach as something other than a gun-he's the only one I'd display with the combiner part being used as a weapon etc.

15th January 2015, 06:20 PM
A question for those who have him in hand - how easy would it be to mod him into something that resembles Mirage? Where does his "bonnet" (such as it is on a F1 racecar) go when he is in robot mode?

Edit: never mind, I think I can see it. Now wondering how easy it would be to reverse his hands and pelvis, to make his back into his front...

16th January 2015, 08:01 AM
Not very easy to, as the front scoop sticks out a fair bit on his back, he's nowhere near as slim as Classics Mirage, and the contours of his arms preclude just rotating his hands around....

17th January 2015, 10:15 AM
Here's my review of the wave 1 Deluxe Combiner Wars Dragstrip. Pretty nice start to the 2015 Deluxe figures!


http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/w552/chockey88/Transformers/IMG_9400_zps589b57a0.jpg (http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/chockey88/media/Transformers/IMG_9400_zps589b57a0.jpg.html)

17th January 2015, 10:45 AM
Hey, is this additional step in the leg transformation of Dragstrip common knowledge? I had no idea myself, but was made aware by someone commenting on my photo in another thread!

To get Dragstrip to sit at the same height in leg mode as the Aerialbots, the rear wing of the alt mode actually swings up to reveal another hole to plug the foot piece into! Here's a pic I took of the difference. I'm sure this wasnt in the instruction book lol!!

http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/w552/chockey88/Transformers/IMG_9409joint_zps6f25a26c.jpg (http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/chockey88/media/Transformers/IMG_9409joint_zps6f25a26c.jpg.html)

3rd April 2015, 04:13 PM
Here's my review for Combiner Wars Deluxe Class Dragstrip. Let me know what you think. :)
