View Full Version : Combiner Wars Toyline: Rumors, Speculation, Ideas etc

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25th January 2015, 02:38 PM
Like many I've been getting right into the debate about what else we are going to see in the Combiner Wars toyline. But it's such a hot topic and so widely discussed I've lost track of all the different threads that feature it so I thought I might create one thread here where everyone can go. I've put down what is confirmed, semi-confirmed and is speculation. :)

Note: There may be some spoilers for people not completely up to date with the IDW comics so read at ones own peril.

Constructicons: Devestator
Main body & limbs:
Long Haul?

Last Comic Appearance: Currently featuring heavily in the IDW comics
Last Toy Appearance: Appeared as a Kre-O Microchange Combiner & two individuals. Before that the ROTF combiner.
Last Media Appearance: Devestator and the Constructicons were in ROTF, Mixmaster & Scrapper were in Transformers Animated.

Speculation: It’s highly rumoured that Devestator will of Titan-class size when combined, meaning that all the individual Constructicons may be Voyager sized.

Protectobots: Defensor
Main Body: Hot Spot?
First Aid

Last Comic Appearance: All characters (bar Rook) are currently on the Lost Light and an upcoming comic cover has shown Defensor.
Last Toy Appearance: All the Protectobots showed up as part of the Thriling 30 line as Asia Kids Day exclusive figures. Before that as a Kre-O Microchange combiner (with 5th member individual).

Speculation: Groove may turn out to be a gun like Powerglide or perhaps as some large cycle vehicle if they intend to use him as a limb and retool him for Afterburner.

(All the following are SPECULATION)

Combaticons: Bruticus
Main Body: Onslaught?
Blast Off?

Last Comic Appearance: The Combaticons featured in the Autocracy comics last year
Last Toy Appearance: All the Combaticons were released and formed Bruticus as part of the Thrilling 30 lineup as well as the FOC Generations toys before that. Before that as a Kre-O Microchange combiner (with 5th member individual).
Last Game Appearance: Rise of the Dark Spark
Last Media Appearance: Swindle featured in TF Animated and Brawl was in the first live action movie.

Speculation: I didn’t think it was likely that we would see another Bruticus so soon but after the announcement of Defensor its becoming more likely. Brawl and Swindle have both appeared in movies or cartoons in the past few years so are well known to younger audiences. There are already molds that could be retooled into Swindle (Off Road) and Vortex (Alpha Bravo).

Terrorcons: Abominus
Body: Hun-Grr?

Last Toy Appearance: Abominus and the Terrorcons were released as part of the Beast Hunters Toyline (note: were not actually officially called Terrorcons). Before that as a Kre-O Microchange combiner (with 5th member individual).
Last Comic Appearance: The Terrorcons were in Monstrosity, have shown up in crowd scenes in more recent comics.

Speculation: Through the Beast Hunters toyline they have become more well known to younger audiences so it’s possible. All 5 would require original new molds though so may only appear if the toyline proves to be a big seller. Blot is already dead in IDW but that probably wouldn’t make a difference.

Technobots: Computron
Main Body: Scattershot?

Last Toy Appearance: Afterburner is to appear this year as a TFCC non-transforming exclusive. Before that as a Kre-O Microchange combiner (with 5th member individual).
Last Comic Appearance: Scattershot has been assisting Fixit in semi-recent comics. A couple died when Kimia exploded

Speculation: Not well known to younger audiences. A couple of limb characters are already dead in IDW. Lightspeed could be retooled from maybe Breakdown or Dead End but the others would require new molds. Strafe’s name got nicked for the-Swoop like character in AoE. Conclusion – unlikely.

Predacons: Predaking
Main Body: Razorclaw?

Last Comic Appearance: Appeared as a team in the Autocracy comics.
Last Toy Appearance: G1 Predaking was released as part of the Thrilling 30 toyline. Before that as a Kre-O Microchange combiner (with 5th member individual). A Predaking character was part of the Beast Hunters toyline.
Last Media Appearance: Predaking appeared in Beast Hunters and was orange and black with huge wings, but was an individual rather than a gestalt.

Speculation: All five characters would require new molds. The fanbase may yell out for 5 figures all the same size (could they rationalize it for Razorclaw to be bigger than the other 4?) necessitating them doing the gestalt a different way. Predaking will be more recognizable as a different character to the younger fanbase due to the TFPrime cartoon. Probably unlikely.

Seacons: Piranacon
Body: Snap Trap?

Last Toy Appearance: Kre-O Microchange combiner, reissue of the G1 toy, BW space pirates.
Last Comic Appearance: Many of the Seacons have appeared in MTMTE, many damaged but not fatally (despite appearances).
Last Media Appearance: Masterforce (Beast Wars II for God Neptune)

Speculation: (Paulbot) They are the one classic combiner that actually has a sixth member who turns into a gun for the gestalt. Of course all the limbs become a gun for their gestalt, but you could pick one - I'd like Nautilator to be it. There might be some way to reuse/remould some limbs for parts of Abominus/Monstructor/Predaking. They have recolour potential for Beast Wars fans.

Monster Pretenders: Monstructor
Main body & limbs:

Last Comic Appearance: Has been (until recently) the most used Gestalt in the IDW’verse
Last Toy Appearance: Going all the way back to the 1980's!

Speculation: This group did not even get a Kre-O Microchanger combiner. The Pretender gimmick would probably be ignored which could irritate a lot of Geewuners. All 6 characters would require new molds (unless Wildfly shared with Divebomb and thats IF Divebomb got made in the first place) and it would require a different form of combining gimmick unless they left a character out or copied the new Devestator's way of combining. Conclusion – the least likely of the lot to be featured.

25th January 2015, 03:21 PM
I want to throw in the forgotten Scramble City combiner:

Seacons: Piranacon
Body: Snap Trap
Legend weapon: Nautilator

Last Toy Appearance: Kre-O Microchange combiner, reissue of the G1 toy, BW space pirates.
Last Comic Appearance: Many of the Seacons have appeared in MTMTE, many damaged but not fatally (despite appearances).
Last Media Appearance: Masterforce (Beast Wars II for God Neptune)

Speculation: They are the one classic combiner that actually has a sixth member who turns into a gun for the gestalt. Of course all the limbs become a gun for their gestalt, but you could pick one - I'd like Nautilator to be it. There might be some way to reuse/remould some limbs for parts of Abominus/Monstructor/Predaking. They have recolour potential for Beast Wars fans.

Also if they did a Predaking some sort of exclusive version as the Anibots (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Anibots) would be cool.

I was just looking at the Kre-O exclusive combiners in store yesterday (Grimstone, Lazerbolt, Obsidian, Volanicon). Their animalistic limbs could also be a way to reuse animal modes for Predaking, Piranacon, Monstructor and Abominus.

25th January 2015, 03:55 PM
I want to throw in the forgotten Scramble City combiner:

Seacons: Piranacon
Body: Snap Trap
Legend weapon: Nautilator

Last Toy Appearance: Kre-O Microchange combiner, reissue of the G1 toy, BW space pirates.
Last Comic Appearance: Many of the Seacons have appeared in MTMTE, many damaged but not fatally (despite appearances).
Last Media Appearance: Masterforce (Beast Wars II for God Neptune)

Speculation: They are the one classic combiner that actually has a sixth member who turns into a gun for the gestalt. Of course all the limbs become a gun for their gestalt, but you could pick one - I'd like Nautilator to be it. There might be some way to reuse/remould some limbs for parts of Abominus/Monstructor/Predaking. They have recolour potential for Beast Wars fans.

Also if they did a Predaking some sort of exclusive version as the Anibots (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Anibots) would be cool.

I was just looking at the Kre-O exclusive combiners in store yesterday (Grimstone, Lazerbolt, Obsidian, Volanicon). Their animalistic limbs could also be a way to reuse animal modes for Predaking, Piranacon, Monstructor and Abominus.

Oh crap! I forgot the Seacons! I even own them lol. Will paste your post into my initial one now :)

25th January 2015, 05:45 PM
Hotspot and Groove almost certainly confirmed with the wireframe models in the Transformers voting app

EDIT: and with a bit of retooling, swapping out the ladder for cab mounted guns, add a landing pad for space shuttle (or any other deluxe design) we'd have Onslaught...

25th January 2015, 11:16 PM
Hotspot and Groove almost certainly confirmed with the wireframe models in the Transformers voting .

Hmmm, that means either Streetwise or Blades won't make up part of the initial 5 (guessing that like The Stunticons and Aerielbots there is gonna be an extra limb character)

26th January 2015, 05:25 AM
I believe Groove is a Legends sized "weapon" for Defensor, with Rook (Offroad repaint/retool) taking his place as a limb. Based off the comic cover Blades is in as an Alpha Bravo repaint/retool.

26th January 2015, 10:24 PM
I believe Groove is a Legends sized "weapon" for Defensor, with Rook (Offroad repaint/retool) taking his place as a limb. Based off the comic cover Blades is in as an Alpha Bravo repaint/retool.

That's what I took from the image, with the other two being based on Motormaster/Blackjack and Silvebolt/Powerglide - at least this way we won't have a helicopter sized motorbike...

27th January 2015, 11:59 AM
Trev, next year I'm gonna ask Paulbot to include a longest post category in the OTCA awards. I reckon you're a shoe in ;)

27th January 2015, 01:15 PM
Trev, next year I'm gonna ask Paulbot to include a longest post category in the OTCA awards. I reckon you're a shoe in ;)

You are just saying that because you know I nominated you for Ozformer of the year this time round ;) (and how in the name of all that's sordid did you know that anyway?!? :eek::confused:)

I was just hoping they had had a pic of the year - reckon I might have won it with my 'Grimlock in Horsefloat' photo :D

27th January 2015, 02:53 PM
I was just hoping they had had a pic of the year - reckon I might have won it with my 'Grimlock in Horsefloat' photo :D

Consider it an honorary win

27th January 2015, 03:23 PM
You are just saying that because you know I nominated you for Ozformer of the year this time round ;) (and how in the name of all that's sordid did you know that anyway?!? :eek::confused:)

I was just hoping they had had a pic of the year - reckon I might have won it with my 'Grimlock in Horsefloat' photo :D

Paulbot can be bought. Cheap.


7th February 2015, 02:56 PM
I know that Slingshot and Wildrider are getting released as part of the Tak/Tom Superion/Menasor gift sets but anyone know if they are going to get individual releases by Takara and/or Hasbro?

7th February 2015, 03:14 PM
I know that Slingshot and Wildrider are getting released as part of the Tak/Tom Superion/Menasor gift sets but anyone know if they are going to get individual releases by Takara and/or Hasbro?

I believe Wildrider and Slingshot were also found in an American Toys R Us database so it's possible they'll get exclusive single releases outside of Japan

7th February 2015, 06:46 PM
I bought a cw powerglide figure, the figure is great but the thigh pieces were all scuffed up when I took him out of the pack.

Can one get a replacement set of thighs ?

8th February 2015, 12:06 AM
I was just hoping they had had a pic of the year - reckon I might have won it with my 'Grimlock in Horsefloat' photo :D

15th February 2015, 03:04 PM


Air Raid
Alpha Bravo

Dead End

Hot Spot
First Aid

Long Haul

Fan Made Combiner
- Going to be an Autobot combiner with a truck body, two aerial vehicles and two cars as limbs.

*Cyclonus who is going to be the body of a gestalt named after Galvatron
*Optimus can be a gestalt body, not sure if he will get limbs specific to him yet

Conjecture - will they happen?

Monster (Pretenders)

16th February 2015, 08:59 AM
I don't think the Predacons / Predaking will happen. It's already been stated / promoted that Devastator is the largest combiner, it wouldn't make any sense if they released something a few months later that was bigger still, unless of course Predaking was smaller but that would just be silly.

Ode to a Grasshopper
16th February 2015, 09:11 AM
I wonder if we'll get a CW Scourge/Sweeps to go with Cyclonus?

16th February 2015, 10:16 AM
I don't think the Predacons / Predaking will happen. It's already been stated / promoted that Devastator is the largest combiner, it wouldn't make any sense if they released something a few months later that was bigger still, unless of course Predaking was smaller but that would just be silly.

Upsetting the fans who'll say "no Predaking must be bigger, Hasbro sucks and third party rules" is not a reason that would stop Hasbro releasing a Predaking that was smaller than Titan Devastator.

16th February 2015, 12:01 PM
I think it is highly likely we will see the Combaticons next, given they can retool the following:

Hot Spot - Onslaught
Blades - Vortex
Rook - Brawl
Offroad - Swindle
Firefly - Blast Off

16th February 2015, 01:05 PM
I agree with that for the most part, with one I disagree with.
Swindle - considering the level of retool First Aid got, turning that mould into a Jeep style vehicle is almost a given - may get a new Hound out of it one day.
Vortex - Keep Alpha Bravo's head, repaint and its Vortex. I would like to see anew front cockpit section and maybe different weapons on the arms.
Brawl - Rook mould looks pretty likely, even seems to have a peg to attach the hand/foot piece as a turret on top the way Dragstrip does. Though I'd prefer a new, tank mould.
Onslaught - Easily Hotspot. Replace the ladder with cannons, and based on Hotspot's transformation, you've still got his classic cannons sticking out from his back.
Blast-off - I can see a new mould for this, if Defensor is anything to go by, there should be at least one new limb mould per combiner, so I'm calling it a shuttle. Again, may be wrong.

Edit: Another thought on Blast Off - Given Alpha Bravo's legs give an Astrotrain vibe, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled a Skydive/Air Raid retool on that mould, same legs, different upper torso...

16th February 2015, 06:38 PM
The speculation surrounding the Combaticons sounds right on the money, but that still leaves us with the "Masquerade" Autobots that were found in the TRU database to come. Of course, either wave could now be planned for next year.

We should now be able to work out what the Masquerade Autobots will be based on, though:

Ironhide - a red repaint of Offroad.
Sunstreaker - yellow repaint of Brakedown.
Mirage - blue repaint of Dragstrip.
Prowl - the obvious choice is a repaint of Streetwise (himself a retool of Deadend). However, that might be too close to Streetwise's actual toy, and doesn't really fit Prowl's character either. I'd speculate that he'll actually be a repaint of Rook, based on his recent appearances in IDW as a similar-looking SWAT vehicle (the robot modes are also reasonably similar). That would also make the Autobot car combiner (dare I call it Masqueraider?) significantly different to Menasor, especially if we're to use Optimus Prime/Maximus as the torso.

There is another possibility, that the G1 Autobot car names are actually placeholders for the fan-built combiner. Given that the fan-built combiner is confirmed for 2016 and the G1 cars are supposed to be wave 4, though, and fit so well as redecoes of what's already been released, I'd say it's unlikely.

16th February 2015, 11:47 PM
Well, since it's pretty much a given we will get announced at some point the Combaticons, I think we will see the Technobots too since there a a lot of molds that can be retooled to make them. That will keep the numbers even at three Vehicle gestalts a piece. That leaves the four animal based Decepticon ones.

I don't think we will see any animal ones until they guage how well the current (and hopefully future) vehicle ones sell. But if they sell well and they decide to go ahead, mold sharing will probably play a big part on what they make.

So taking into account the alt-modes of the four animal-based gestalts, I think we could see the following mold sharing with retooling and resizing done as necessary:

Winged Creatures
Divebomb (Predacons)
Cutthroat (Terrorcons)
Wildfly (Monster Pretenders)
Seawing (Seacons)

Feline Quadrupeds
Rampage (Predacons)
Razorclaw (Predacons) Possibly Voyager Sized?

Stocky Quadrupeds
Ramhorn (Predacons)
Headstrong (Predacons)
Birdbrain (Monster Pretenders)
Bristleback (Monster Pretenders)
Snap Trap (Seacons) Voyager Size

2-Headed Dragon Quadrupeds
Sinnertwin (Terrorcons)
Hun-Grrr (Terrorcons) Voyager Size

Aquatic Bipeds
Rippersnapper (Terrorcons)
Overbite (Seacons)
Skalor (Seacons)

Mammalian Bipeds
Blot (Terrorcons)
Icepick (Monster Pretenders)
Scowl (Monster Pretenders)
Slog (Monster Pretenders)

Multi-limbed Sea Creatures
Tentakil (Seacons)
Nautilator (Seacons)

I know a lot of these are a stretch, but considering what a great job they did of turning Jetfire into Thundercracker and Silverbolt into Cyclonus, I reckon they could pull a lot of these mold sharing/retools off :)

7th March 2015, 09:23 PM
Latest rumor: Ironhide will be a deluxe combiner limb released later in the year

7th March 2015, 09:26 PM
Latest rumor: Ironhide will be a deluxe combiner limb released later in the year

I'm pretty sure a while back Ironhide, Prowl, Mirage and Sunstreaker were all found in a store database and were listed as deluxes.

7th March 2015, 09:29 PM
I'm pretty sure a while back Ironhide, Prowl, Mirage and Sunstreaker were all found in a store database and were listed as deluxes.

True - but now they have found a sketch of a retool of Offroad with Ironhides head to back it up, first real evidence I've heard of

7th March 2015, 09:33 PM
True - but now they have found a sketch of a retool of Offroad with Ironhides head to back it up, first real evidence I've heard of

This (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generations-classics-44/optimus-maximus-promo-art-featuring-sunstreaker-and-mirage-182232/) was also found today revealing Sunstreaker and Mirage as the arms of Optimus Maximus???

7th March 2015, 09:55 PM
This (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generations-classics-44/optimus-maximus-promo-art-featuring-sunstreaker-and-mirage-182232/) was also found today revealing Sunstreaker and Mirage as the arms of Optimus Maximus???

Thats very cool! Considering Sideswipe is that bit closer to Breakdowns alt-mode because of the rear mounted engine Sunstreaker sports, makes you wonder if they went with Sunstreaker instead because Sideswipe is in the new RID cartoon and didn't want to confuse young fans. Also I dont think Bumblebee is going to be a Combiner Wars toy so for once the 'yellow sports car' slot isnt already taken.

As for Mirage being a retool of Drag Strip - well I think we all saw that one coming ;)

7th March 2015, 10:05 PM
Thats very cool! Considering Sideswipe is that bit closer to Breakdowns alt-mode because of the rear mounted engine Sunstreaker sports, makes you wonder if they went with Sunstreaker instead because Sideswipe is in the new RID cartoon and didn't want to confuse young fans. Also I dont think Bumblebee is going to be a Combiner Wars toy so for once the 'yellow sports car' slot isnt already taken.

As for Mirage being a retool of Drag Strip - well I think we all saw that one coming ;)

The combiner hand/foot makes a pretty good (oversized) engine block.....

10th March 2015, 03:19 PM
The bios for the first wave of the toys were shocking! Hasbro must have been listening because the bios on the next wave look like the best we have seen in years! Check it out:


12th March 2015, 12:25 PM
Edit: Another thought on Blast Off - Given Alpha Bravo's legs give an Astrotrain vibe, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled a Skydive/Air Raid retool on that mould, same legs, different upper torso...

this has been my thought since i first played with alpha bravo. Yes he'd end up upside down compared to g1 transformation, but the could make a new more solid back, but how to do the hands, he might end up with scultped hands in a curved arm to fit snug to the fuselage... But yeah to me the front already looks space-shuttley, so i'm keen to see if they make a new front (vortex) or new back and head (blast off), cos i like that mold.

12th March 2015, 03:08 PM
I'll actually be kind of disappointed if we get a Bruticus out of CW, especially if it happen before other combiners like Computron. Bruticus, Superion, and Devastator are obviously the best remembered three from G1, as evidenced by the number of times they've been redone already:

Bruticus was re-released as Ruination in RID, in multiple colour schemes.
Bruticus, Superion, and Devastator Constructicon Maximus were released as "Maximus combiners" in Energon.
Constructicon Maximus was released as Devastator during Classics.
Bruticus and Superion were re-released in Universe 2.0 and ROTF, depending on where you were in the world.
Silverbolt (Superion torso) and Onslaught (Bruticus torso) got ultra class toys in Universe 2.0.
Devastator was released as a supreme for ROTF.
All of the Constructicons got individual voyagers or deluxes in ROTF.
Devastator was released as a set of six legends class toys in ROTF, with multiple redecos including two different G1 homages.
Finally, Bruticus was released in at least three different colour schemes for Generations FOC.

In my opinion, the releases of Bruticus in particular are far too numerous and too recent to warrant wasting an entire wave of CW toys on when that wave could instead be made up of some of the more interesting G1 combiners. Given his importance to the IDW mythos, for instance, who wouldn't want a Monstructor? Abominus got a legends-sized release recently in Beast Hunters, but what Piranacon? Or homage some of the later releases with a new Magnaboss, Landfill, Rail Racer, or Tripredacus. People want the Predacons, so Predaking is surely an obvious choice? I'd prefer to see any of these before yet another Bruticus.

12th March 2015, 03:39 PM
I thought Computron was already rumoured as wave 4? I have t read the last couple of pages but yeah, it makes sense from a buriness point because they can repaint/retool existing figures easily for modt of bruticus, but yes I'd love piranacon (TakaTom King Poseidon bix set?!?!), and ofc predaking (need more cons imo.

12th March 2015, 03:58 PM
I'll actually be kind of disappointed if we get a Bruticus out of CW, especially if it happen before other combiners like Computron. Bruticus, Superion, and Devastator are obviously the best remembered three from G1, as evidenced by the number of times they've been redone already:

Bruticus was re-released as Ruination in RID, in multiple colour schemes.
Bruticus, Superion, and Devastator Constructicon Maximus were released as "Maximus combiners" in Energon.
Constructicon Maximus was released as Devastator during Classics.
Bruticus and Superion were re-released in Universe 2.0 and ROTF, depending on where you were in the world.
Silverbolt (Superion torso) and Onslaught (Bruticus torso) got ultra class toys in Universe 2.0.
Devastator was released as a supreme for ROTF.
All of the Constructicons got individual voyagers or deluxes in ROTF.
Devastator was released as a set of six legends class toys in ROTF, with multiple redecos including two different G1 homages.
Finally, Bruticus was released in at least three different colour schemes for Generations FOC.

In my opinion, the releases of Bruticus in particular are far too numerous and too recent to warrant wasting an entire wave of CW toys on when that wave could instead be made up of some of the more interesting G1 combiners. Given his importance to the IDW mythos, for instance, who wouldn't want a Monstructor? Abominus got a legends-sized release recently in Beast Hunters, but what Piranacon? Or homage some of the later releases with a new Magnaboss, Landfill, Rail Racer, or Tripredacus. People want the Predacons, so Predaking is surely an obvious choice? I'd prefer to see any of these before yet another Bruticus.

Bruticus is pretty much a quick and easy remould.

Onslaught - Hot Spot
Vortex - Alpha Bravo
Swindle - Off-road
Brawl - Rook?
Blast Off - ???

So, with most of them just needing new colour schemes and heads, it's not a far reach to say that they'll be along at some point. Especially with CW running for 2 years.

The problem with the beast combiners, Abominus, Monstructor, Predaking, Pirañacon is that it is not as easy to reuse moulds. And that is what Hasbro is all about these days.

12th March 2015, 04:30 PM
Bruticus is pretty much a quick and easy remould.

Onslaught - Hot Spot
Vortex - Alpha Bravo
Swindle - Off-road
Brawl - Rook?
Blast Off - ???

So, with most of them just needing new colour schemes and heads, it's not a far reach to say that they'll be along at some point. Especially with CW running for 2 years.

Yeah, its pretty much a foregone conclusion we will get the Combaticons. However I dont have an issue with this because frankly the Combaticons rock! I like'em more than all the animal gestalts combined :D

The problem with the beast combiners, Abominus, Monstructor, Predaking, Pirañacon is that it is not as easy to reuse moulds. And that is what Hasbro is all about these days.

Nah, I already solved that problem for'em:

Winged Creatures
Divebomb (Predacons)
Cutthroat (Terrorcons)
Wildfly (Monster Pretenders)
Seawing (Seacons)

Feline Quadrupeds
Rampage (Predacons)
Razorclaw (Predacons) Possibly Voyager Sized?

Stocky Quadrupeds
Ramhorn (Predacons)
Headstrong (Predacons)
Birdbrain (Monster Pretenders)
Bristleback (Monster Pretenders)
Snap Trap (Seacons) Voyager Size

2-Headed Dragon Quadrupeds
Sinnertwin (Terrorcons)
Hun-Grrr (Terrorcons) Voyager Size

Aquatic Bipeds
Rippersnapper (Terrorcons)
Overbite (Seacons)
Skalor (Seacons)

Mammalian Bipeds
Blot (Terrorcons)
Icepick (Monster Pretenders)
Scowl (Monster Pretenders)
Slog (Monster Pretenders)

Multi-limbed Sea Creatures
Tentakil (Seacons)
Nautilator (Seacons)

And since Hasbro listens to everything I say I'm sure it'll all get announced in the next week or two they are going with my suggestions ;)

Omega Metro
12th March 2015, 04:37 PM
No beast combiners please!...thanks.:)

12th March 2015, 04:44 PM
I totally understand not really wanting a Bruticus in combiner wars, only because he has already been done many times before in other lines. But been a fan favorite he is destined to show up later in the line. That said I would absolutely love Computron! preferably as the next big release, Bruticus can wait.

12th March 2015, 04:58 PM
I thought Computron was already rumoured as wave 4? I have t read the last couple of pages but yeah, it makes sense from a buriness point because they can repaint/retool existing figures easily for modt of bruticus, but yes I'd love piranacon (TakaTom King Poseidon bix set?!?!), and ofc predaking (need more cons imo.

Wave 4 is probably the Masquerade Autobots, as discussed elsewhere: Prowl (from Streetwise or Rook), Sunstreaker (from Breakdown), Mirage (from Drag Strip), and Ironhide (from Offroad). Computron does seem very likely, though.

Come to think of it, with Silverbolt in the mix, a CW Magnaboss is more than likely, if in names only... :p

14th March 2015, 07:15 PM
I was moving my Generations Decepticons on their shelf the other day, and realised I have nearly the entire crew of the Ark-1 from IDW (AKA the Dead Universe crew), minus Tailpipe and Grindcore.

Then, as I was thinking some more about this phenomenon, I got to thinking about CW Cyclonus/Galvatronus and how we've been wondering if he'll get his own full crew or just be a torso. I've seen suggestions that he needs a crew of sweeps, but then I thought, wouldn't it be cool if instead he was made up of his fellow Dead Universe 'cons? The full list of Ark-1 crewmen (that we know of) is below, along with my ideas for how they could fit into the Combiner:

Grindcore - redeco of a possible Combaticon Brawl.
Tailpipe - redeco of Groove. The only problem would be that AFAIK the Silverbolt/Cyclonus mould doesn't have a spot to attach a chest piece. But given that we've not seen the full combined mode of Galvatronus, only illustrations thereof, this might be a problem that's been solved by a timely remould.
Scourge - remould of one of the Aerialbots.
Straxus - bit of a question mark, but his existing alt mode is Jeep-like enough that he could be a remould of the Offroad mould. Edit: DeltaPrime points out below that Rook would make a good base body for a new Straxus.
Jhiaxus - also a remould of an Aerialbot. But a bit unlikely given he had his last release was only last year (not that that's ever been an issue for Optimus, Bumblebee, Megatron, or Starscream :rolleyes: ) (you wait ages for a Jhiax-bus, then two come along at once)
Cyclonus - the torso, obviously.
Galvatron(us) - the combiner itself.
Nova/Nemesis Prime - could be left out to stand on his own. REALLY needs his own leader class mould, though.

So what do people think? Is this a cool idea, or is it dead in the universe water?

14th March 2015, 07:55 PM
Straxus - bit of a question mark, but his existing alt mode is Jeep-like enough that he could be a remould of the Offroad mould.

I reckon you could possibly do Straxus out of Rook from the upcoming Protectobots

14th March 2015, 08:22 PM
I reckon you could possibly do Straxus out of Rook from the upcoming Protectobots

Oooh, good one. I hadn't thought of that.

15th March 2015, 10:11 AM

15th March 2015, 09:36 PM
^This! :D

...or as a 30th Anniversary compromise for Beast Wars next year, I'd be willing to accept a modern take on Tripredacus/Tripledacus &/or Magnaboss/II! :D


21st April 2015, 09:54 AM
An image has surfaced for a figure that they figure will either be a Combiner Wars Ratchet or Prowl:


Personally I'm hoping for a Ratchet as I dont have a decent CHUG figure of him, though he would be a bit small in scale compared to many of the others from the Generations and Classics lines

21st April 2015, 03:39 PM
I just discovered that Unite Warriors UW-02 - Menasor is going for $100US from HLJ as opposed to $135US from BBTS so just ordered myself one :D I don't usually buy doubles of figures but I'm loving this series so much I'm getting the CW as well as the UW figures so I can have the gestalts and the individual bots on display :)

What do people think the odds are that we will get a Unite Warriors Defensor? One the one had if they've done it with the last two Combiner Wars teams it seems likely they will do it here. However part of the appeal is that UW Superion and Defensor come with Slingshot and Wildrider respectively, replacing the new characters with classics - whereas Defensor already has all 5 original Protectobots (plus the new Rook) so it might not have as much selling appeal for those that don't like the roster changes.

21st April 2015, 04:12 PM
I just discovered that Unite Warriors UW-02 - Menasor is going for $100US from HLJ as opposed to $135US from BBTS so just ordered myself one :D I don't usually buy doubles of figures but I'm loving this series so much I'm getting the CW as well as the UW figures so I can have the gestalts and the individual bots on display :)

What do people think the odds are that we will get a Unite Warriors Defensor? One the one had if they've done it with the last two Combiner Wars teams it seems likely they will do it here. However part of the appeal is that UW Superion and Defensor come with Slingshot and Wildrider respectively, replacing the new characters with classics - whereas Defensor already has all 5 original Protectobots (plus the new Rook) so it might not have as much selling appeal for those that don't like the roster changes.
100% for a UNite warriors Defensor IMO

21st April 2015, 08:53 PM
Yeah 100% I don't think they will make a new Groove though unless there is an Afterburner mold we have not seen yet.

Regardless given the cost of the Japanese one is the same as the local one now, If I get one I will be waiting for the Japanese one because the paint aps will be nicer, and I'm hopping they paint the vehicles hubcaps to make them look less cheap.

21st April 2015, 08:54 PM
I think if TakaraTomy does Defensor, they will rename and recolour Rook into Groove... or hold off until there is a motorcycle Deluxe mould for them to use in place of Rook (if the Technobot rumour is true, that would be an option).
Even though we have Groove as a Legends toy from Hasbro, the TakaraTomy combiner sets don't include the Legends member of each team (Powerglide, Blackjack), so their Defensor set won't have Legends Groove to remain at the same size/price-point as Menasor and Suprion.

21st April 2015, 09:05 PM
The futuristic design of Streetwise makes me think *someone* planned to re-purpose a potential Afterburner as Groove sometime in the future. I think Takara will wait until Hasbro have announced the Technobots before announcing their version of Defensor. Remember Hasbro announced Superion/Menasor at least half a year or so before showing off the Protectobots...

Maybe at Botcon we'll see what Hasbro have planned for the next phase of the line.

21st April 2015, 09:29 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but whatever happened to profile/bio and tech spec info?

The CW figures only seem to have a very brief one liner about the figure's "specialty" and that's it.

21st April 2015, 09:39 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but whatever happened to profile/bio and tech spec info?

The CW figures only seem to have a very brief one liner about the figure's "specialty" and that's it.

There's very long bios in the comics that come with the US released CW deluxes. Wave 1 toys are 'international versions' and so have a very short bio so they can fit in the translations.

21st April 2015, 10:57 PM
second last page of the comics with the deluxes have pretty decent bios, sadly the other size classes have nothing

25th April 2015, 11:46 PM
Does hasbro intend to design/release any animal combiner wars figures like abominus or the seacons? Or even figures that split into two animals or two vehicles similar to duocons but with cool transformation, nothing spring loaded and decent articulation?

What two animals would you split into?

26th April 2015, 09:20 AM
Does hasbro intend to design/release any animal combiner wars figures like abominus or the seaconsIf we can think of enough minor mold retooling than hopefully Hasbro has too. Piranacon/Abominus/Monstructor/Predaking would all rely on this (unless they do something like a Titan Predaking next year).

4th May 2015, 04:21 PM
So I found my original G1 Thunderclash and he has a transformation scheme that's very similar to CW Prime, apart from the roof of the cab becoming his chest.

Add that to the White CW Prime image we saw in torso mode from the UK Toyfair makes me think there's a chance we might get a Thunderclash out of the OP Mould. We've already seen how the chest piece can be remoulded to make OP and Motormaster look completely different, it's not too hard a stretch to think we might get something reminiscent of the old G1 figure...

4th May 2015, 05:38 PM
So I found my original G1 Thunderclash and he has a transformation scheme that's very similar to CW Prime, apart from the roof of the cab becoming his chest.

Add that to the White CW Prime image we saw in torso mode from the UK Toyfair makes me think there's a chance we might get a Thunderclash out of the OP Mould. We've already seen how the chest piece can be remoulded to make OP and Motormaster look completely different, it's not too hard a stretch to think we might get something reminiscent of the old G1 figure...

Rumour was the Optimus redeco due to go along with deluce Wave 4 was going to be called Optimus Maximus, but that would make a better combiner name, so you could be right. Unfortunately the colour of the head isn't quite right for Thunderclash.

It occurred to me today that Liokaiser might be doable out of the Aerialbots. It'd make a good Botcon exclusive if nothing else - I'd imagine we're almost guaranteed to get a combiner from them next year.

4th May 2015, 06:21 PM
It occurred to me today that Liokaiser might be doable out of the Aerialbots. It'd make a good Botcon exclusive if nothing else - I'd imagine we're almost guaranteed to get a combiner from them next year.

That sounds like an excellent idea, plus you have the Arms Microns that can double as the Breast Animals, smart thinking there Zommael.


Leozack = Silverbolt
Guyhawk = Air Raid
Hellbat = Skydive
Jallguar = Off Road
Killbison = Rook


4th May 2015, 09:41 PM
You'd need to have six in the boxset, to match the six toys in the Gen1 set... with the Attendee toy being Deathcobra (the character that didn't get a toy), so that if you get a non-attendee boxset, you aren't missing a member of the main team.

4th May 2015, 11:00 PM
Rumour was the Optimus redeco due to go along with deluce Wave 4 was going to be called Optimus Maximus, but that would make a better combiner name, so you could be right. Unfortunately the colour of the head isn't quite right for Thunderclash

The only head we saw was the combiner head... We haven't seen the robot head yet...

4th May 2015, 11:54 PM
You'd need to have six in the boxset, to match the six toys in the Gen1 set... with the Attendee toy being Deathcobra (the character that didn't get a toy), so that if you get a non-attendee boxset, you aren't missing a member of the main team.

Deathcobra = Alphabravo/Blades/Vortex
Drillhorn = Rook


The Scream Man
18th May 2015, 12:26 AM
I'm really hopin' for the Technobots. never had em as a kid, but i had a friend who did, and i always loved 'em Plus he's the last of the original G1 Autobot Combiners.

21st May 2015, 09:59 PM
I thought I'd see what the new Groove would look like in Afterburner's colours and it works perfectly.

https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7725/17929992735_7eefc12950_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/tjpUaM)
CW Afterburner (https://flic.kr/p/tjpUaM) by Paul (https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulbot/), on Flickr

In fact I think the robot mode looks more like Afterburner than Groove. I've seen about 50/50 reactions to the image of CW Groove about if it could be retooled into Afterburner. The bike mode is different, but look at what they did to turn TF:Prime Arcee to GEN Chromia.

Golden Phoenix
21st May 2015, 10:16 PM
I thought I'd see what the new Groove would look like in Afterburner's colours and it works perfectly.

https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7725/17929992735_7eefc12950_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/tjpUaM)
CW Afterburner (https://flic.kr/p/tjpUaM) by Paul (https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulbot/), on Flickr

In fact I think the robot mode looks more like Afterburner than Groove. I've seen about 50/50 reactions to the image of CW Groove about if it could be retooled into Afterburner. The bike mode is different, but look at what they did to turn TF:Prime Arcee to GEN Chromia.

Well they do like to get multiple uses out of the mould. It wouldn't surprise me if they have an alternate tooling already lined up, much like they did with the Offroad mould

Crimson Prime
21st May 2015, 10:21 PM
I'm really hoping we get a new Wreck-Gar out of this too.

22nd May 2015, 07:51 AM
I'm really hoping we get a new Wreck-Gar out of this too.

Rumour has it we're getting Wreck-Gar out of Legends Groove.

22nd May 2015, 09:41 AM
I thought I'd see what the new Groove would look like in Afterburner's colours and it works perfectly.

https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7725/17929992735_7eefc12950_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/tjpUaM)
CW Afterburner (https://flic.kr/p/tjpUaM) by Paul (https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulbot/), on Flickr

In fact I think the robot mode looks more like Afterburner than Groove. I've seen about 50/50 reactions to the image of CW Groove about if it could be retooled into Afterburner. The bike mode is different, but look at what they did to turn TF:Prime Arcee to GEN Chromia.

How cool would it be if in alt mode TFCC Marissa Faireborn would fit on him :cool:

24th May 2015, 10:04 PM
I'm starting to wonder who could be the new sixth, and possibly seventh, members of the Combaticons when they they finally make them.

I mean, we got two new ones with the Stunticons with Offroad being a spare appendage and Blackjack as a chest piece. With the Aerielbots we got Alpha Bravo as a spare appendage and Powerglide as a gun.

Maybe they could redo two classic Decepticon Micromasters. Nightflight as a chestpiece (since there is a gray enlongated piece with wings there on the original Bruticus) and maybe Bombshock for a gun? Or do you think they would do an extra limb character like the others?

24th May 2015, 11:33 PM
There's rumours of a Legends Shockwave coming iirc, which if true, would be a pretty sweet throwback to that G1 episode of which name escapes me where Bruticus goes mental and uses Shockwave's gun mode

25th May 2015, 11:04 AM
There's rumours of a Legends Shockwave coming iirc, which if true, would be a pretty sweet throwback to that G1 episode of which name escapes me where Bruticus goes mental and uses Shockwave's gun mode

That's a damn fine idea :). Or maybe Starscream as a chest piece since he created Bruticus in the episode before that. They have done a little Thunder and Warp so sure that Screamer toy is on it's way anyway

I think the episode you were referring to was 'The Revenge of Bruticus' :)

25th May 2015, 04:08 PM
Yep, that's the one

CW Thundercracker and Skywarp are repaintts of the Thrilling 30 Starscream from 2013/14 (can't remember when)

26th May 2015, 08:08 AM
Yep, that's the one

CW Thundercracker and Skywarp are repaintts of the Thrilling 30 Starscream from 2013/14 (can't remember when)

Oh yeh - I have him already :p:o

26th May 2015, 02:10 PM
Yep, that's the one

CW Thundercracker and Skywarp are repaintts of the Thrilling 30 Starscream from 2013/14 (can't remember when)

TC makes a pretty reasonable chest piece for the Prime/Menasor mould so it's not out of the question that they could re-release Starscream to serve the same purpose. A red (Armada-style) repaint is a possibility.

3rd June 2015, 07:56 PM
So, with Groove announced for the Unite Warriors Defensor, we are only one limb away from a full set of four extras, who presumably would look lovely combined with Galvatronus.

So which of the rumoured/expected Combaticons will be replaced by a new member? Not Vortex for sure, not Swindle as he'd be easier to make out of Offroad, so either Brawl or Blastoff. It seems almost certain the replacement will be a retooled Aerialbot since plane is just about the only military vehicle not represented (unless Hasbro want to do a complete new tooling for a boat). And it's already been noted that Blastoff could easily be retooled from Alpha Bravo.

Or could Takara go all out and give us a true Maskerade Combiner? Somehow I can see Jazz coming out of Dead End and Sideswipe is obvious, but they'd still have to pull of a Windcharger somehow. But it does seem more likely gifen Takara's devotion to the G1 cartoon in recent years. Hmmm.

3rd June 2015, 09:59 PM
So, with Groove announced for the Unite Warriors Defensor, we are only one limb away from a full set of four extras, who presumably would look lovely combined with Galvatronus.

So which of the rumoured/expected Combaticons will be replaced by a new member? Not Vortex for sure, not Swindle as he'd be easier to make out of Offroad, so either Brawl or Blastoff. It seems almost certain the replacement will be a retooled Aerialbot since plane is just about the only military vehicle not represented (unless Hasbro want to do a complete new tooling for a boat). And it's already been noted that Blastoff could easily be retooled from Alpha Bravo.

Or could Takara go all out and give us a true Maskerade Combiner? Somehow I can see Jazz coming out of Dead End and Sideswipe is obvious, but they'd still have to pull of a Windcharger somehow. But it does seem more likely gifen Takara's devotion to the G1 cartoon in recent years. Hmmm.

I say Blast off would not be included with the Combaticons. If you look carefully at both the Combiner Wars and Kre-o, there is a bit of a pattern.

3rd June 2015, 10:10 PM
I say Blast off would not be included with the Combaticons. If you look carefully at both the Combiner Wars and Kre-o, there is a bit of a pattern.

I agree.
Hasbro could easily remould Rook (a.k.a his new name Quarterback) as Brawl.

5th June 2015, 06:54 PM
So, with Groove announced for the Unite Warriors Defensor, we are only one limb away from a full set of four extras, who presumably would look lovely combined with Galvatronus.

So which of the rumoured/expected Combaticons will be replaced by a new member? Not Vortex for sure, not Swindle as he'd be easier to make out of Offroad, so either Brawl or Blastoff. It seems almost certain the replacement will be a retooled Aerialbot since plane is just about the only military vehicle not represented (unless Hasbro want to do a complete new tooling for a boat). And it's already been noted that Blastoff could easily be retooled from Alpha Bravo.

Or could Takara go all out and give us a true Maskerade Combiner? Somehow I can see Jazz coming out of Dead End and Sideswipe is obvious, but they'd still have to pull of a Windcharger somehow. But it does seem more likely gifen Takara's devotion to the G1 cartoon in recent years. Hmmm.

Given that there are 4 Autobot combiner limb deluxes already announced, with only Mirage represented from the "Masquerade" Autobots, I think it's unlikely.

Further, I think Windcharger would be the easiest retool, as G1 Sideswipe and Jazz both have "bonnet chests", while none of the toys already announced/released do.

I say Blast off would not be included with the Combaticons. If you look carefully at both the Combiner Wars and Kre-o, there is a bit of a pattern.

Not sure if you can count the Kre-Os as a pattern, as each Kre-O combiner only had 4 of the 5 characters, rather than a replacement character like Alpha Bravo, Rook, and Offroad.

6th June 2015, 05:41 PM
I say Blast off would not be included with the Combaticons. If you look carefully at both the Combiner Wars and Kre-o, there is a bit of a pattern.

I hadn't noticed the same members were missing from the Kreon sets. It may just be a coincidence but that's kind of interesting. That could mean that yes Blast Off would be dropped for a new member. I personally hope for another new mould be character. But an aerialbot remould seems most likely.
Then again I believe there were rumours that all 5 combaticons were getting made so, who knows.

If the kre-o sets are any indication that also hints at the potential dropped members for future combiners

computron: Nosecone
Abominus: Blot

6th June 2015, 06:15 PM
Not sure if you can count the Kre-Os as a pattern, as each Kre-O combiner only had 4 of the 5 characters, rather than a replacement character like Alpha Bravo, Rook, and Offroad.

Well the conidence is also with which figures are missing.

Slingshot - Left Arm
Wildrider - Left Leg
Groove - Right Leg
Blast Off - Right Arm

Sure Alpha Bravo was advertised as the Right Leg, but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a new Combaticon.

6th June 2015, 07:02 PM
Well the conidence is also with which figures are missing.

Slingshot - Left Arm
Wildrider - Left Leg
Groove - Right Leg
Blast Off - Right Arm

Sure Alpha Bravo was advertised as the Right Leg, but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a new Combaticon.

I agree it's likely there will be an alternative Combaticon, but like Slingshot, Groove and Wildrider, they will likely also release the missing character in time. Sell more toys that way!:)

7th June 2015, 08:40 AM
I agree it's likely there will be an alternative Combaticon, but like Slingshot, Groove and Wildrider, they will likely also release the missing character in time. Sell more toys that way!:)

This feels oddly a Games Workshop move...

10th June 2015, 09:46 PM
Just realized that we don't have a CHUG versions of Pipes & Outback. Practically all the other minibots have had a new version done. Outback can be made from the Henkei Brawn version. Though I have heard some ideas of the Swerve/Gears mold can be used. Pipes is an easy one, another version of the Optimus mold with a new head.

I know that RtS Fallback can be repurposed as Outback, it just doesn't fit well with the rest of my CHUG's.

Anyway, my 2 cents :D

10th June 2015, 09:50 PM
Botcon Fallback is a CHUG Outback too.

10th June 2015, 09:53 PM
Botcon Fallback is a CHUG Outback too.

I do have him. Cool, so all we need is Pipes :D

20th June 2015, 11:35 AM
Well from box art we are definetly getting CW Bruticus (we all figured that anyway) and the comic scan of the new Victorion combiner looks very cool!

Now just waiting to hear if Botcon gives out any teasers about what next years Combiner Wars line will be. Or if they are just going to move on to Titan Wars instead

22nd June 2015, 09:37 AM
When you think about it, the new Combiner that has Optimus, Prowl and Rodimus in it would have to be the most conflicted Combiner - the leg, torso and chestplate would all think that they should be the one in control of the gestalt - they'd be constantly telling other parts of the body to shut up! Might as well have a combiner made of Megatron, Starscream and Shockwave :D

Would make Menasor look downright sane :p

22nd June 2015, 04:20 PM
When you think about it, the new Combiner that has Optimus, Prowl and Rodimus in it would have to be the most conflicted Combiner - the leg, torso and chestplate would all think that they should be the one in control of the gestalt - they'd be constantly telling other parts of the body to shut up! Might as well have a combiner made of Megatron, Starscream and Shockwave :D

Would make Menasor look downright sane :p

In G1 it would be a perfect combiner, as everyone is like 'We are Autobots! Protect Humans! Stop Decepticons!'

In IDW, Optimus is like 'Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings', Rodimus is like 'Gotta be a hero' and Prowl is like 'That Autobot is expendable. Send him in and then I will calculate the distance of which this kick will send Menasor flying...'

Mirage: 'I've had a vision.... ooohhhh'
Sunstreaker: I'm better then all of you'
Ironhide: 'Your days are numbered now Decepta Chops!'

23rd June 2015, 08:42 PM
Wonder what they are going to call the TFSS 4.0 Gestalt made up of the Mayhem Attack Squad?

Mayhemius? Attacksquadion? Randomfraggertron? :p

In G1 it would be a perfect combiner, as everyone is like 'We are Autobots! Protect Humans! Stop Decepticons!'

In IDW, Optimus is like 'Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings', Rodimus is like 'Gotta be a hero' and Prowl is like 'That Autobot is expendable.

Heh - nice :D

27th June 2015, 08:19 AM
I'm really surprised that the Collector Club hasn't been catering to this demand, as we won't see anyone else doing any more Animated redecos... instead it's Shattered Glass and obscure concepts like Diaclone. And from next year we are likely to see a lot of Combiner redecos... so Animated toys are even less likely. :(

Hmm. Red Hotspot as Prime, Black Groove as Prowl, Green Offroad as Bulkhead, First Aid as Ratchet and Yellow Breakdown as Bumblebee?

27th June 2015, 09:03 AM
^ Please... no more Breakdown moulds... legs... so....crap....

Ode to a Grasshopper
27th June 2015, 09:52 AM
Hmm. Red Hotspot as Prime, Black Groove as Prowl, Green Offroad as Bulkhead, First Aid as Ratchet and Yellow Breakdown as Bumblebee?Maybe a green Rook rather than Offroad for Animated Bulkhead. I'd also consider CW Optimus for, well, Optimus, Deluxe Groove for Prowl, and Blackjack for Bumblebee.
Also, toss in a Jazz from Dead End so you could make a combiner. The combiner head should totally look like the Headmaster unit.:D

28th June 2015, 09:25 PM
What's the difference between Optimus Maximus and Ultra Prime character wise? I don't really understand why we need two Optimus Prime voyagers in the Combiner Wars toy line.


28th June 2015, 09:57 PM
Cos (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/To_sell_toys) ;)

28th June 2015, 10:06 PM
What's the difference between Optimus Maximus and Ultra Prime character wise? I don't really understand why we need two Optimus Prime voyagers in the Combiner Wars toy line.

apparently the white version's head is supposed to be a Star Convoy

28th June 2015, 10:10 PM
Custom CW Raiden/Trainbots (https://twitter.com/herakuwa/status/615095363511267329) - even uses an existing toy as the sixth member/combined form gun.

28th June 2015, 10:17 PM
Custom CW Raiden/Trainbots (https://twitter.com/herakuwa/status/615095363511267329) - even uses an existing toy as the sixth member/combined form gun.

Pretty cool!

10th July 2015, 08:15 PM
Id like to see some ocean going vehicle modes :D

10th July 2015, 11:29 PM
So G2 Protectobots and G2 Combaticons are pretty much a no-brainer next year right?

With all the repaints and retools already in play (nearly 80 already) could Guard City and Battle Gaia get a run, or any of the four versions of Ruination. It's getting cray-cray

Three of the speculated sets in the first post of this thread are released or will be, and Scattershot's coming and there's plenty of options to make the rest of the Technobots, but there's a noticeable absence with the rest, the beast modes.

I was thinking - and it's pretty sacrilegious but bear with - what if the remaining teams had vehicle modes. Proper new head sculpts for all, their classic colours, but they turned into vehicles instead?

Here's how it could break down, although I did cheat and create two new toys into the mix: a tank voyager body (teamed with the motorbike legend) and a deluxe speedboat (something like CYB Thunderblast's alt mode).

Razorclaw - *new* mold Voyager Tank
Divebomb - Air Raid repaint
Razorclaw - Breakdown repaint
Tantrum - Offroad repaint
Headstrong - Rook repaint
+Carnivac - Legend Groove repaint

Hun-Grrr - Onslaught remold
Cutthroat - Fireflight repaint
Rippersnapper - *New* mold deluxe speedboat
Blot - Rook repaint
Sinnertwin - Brawl repaint
+Sixshot - Shockwave repaint (thinking Energon Sixshot here)

Snap Trap - Razorclaw tank remould
Tentakil - Alpha Bravo repaint
Skalor - Swindle repaint
Overbite - Rippersnapper speedboat repaint
Seawing - Skydive repaint
+Nautilator - Legend Groove repaint

Slog - Optimus Prime remold
Icepick - Breakdown repaint
Wildfly - Alpha Bravo repaint
Scowl - Breakdown repaint
Birdbrain - Alpha Bravo repaint
+Bristleback - Legend Blackjack repaint

12th July 2015, 06:42 PM
Now that Scattershot has been announced, do you think we will see new moulds for Strafe and Nosecone? And will Strafe even be called 'Strafe' since they nicked that name for the flying Dinobot monster thing in TF4?

12th July 2015, 06:51 PM
If Blast Off can be a jet than so can Strafe. That's a trademark they have so they'll keep using it despite AOE having it. I can see them making a Nosecone out of Rook. Hasbro might use TakTom's Groove for Afterburner or maybe the Hasbro Groove.

12th July 2015, 06:54 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Nosecone was the Rook mould with a drill Arms Micron

13th July 2015, 04:13 PM
Ironhide: 'Your days are numbered now Decepta Chops!'

decepticreeps :p ;)

14th July 2015, 12:01 PM
So G2 Protectobots and G2 Combaticons are pretty much a no-brainer next year right?

With all the repaints and retools already in play (nearly 80 already) could Guard City and Battle Gaia get a run, or any of the four versions of Ruination. It's getting cray-cray

Three of the speculated sets in the first post of this thread are released or will be, and Scattershot's coming and there's plenty of options to make the rest of the Technobots, but there's a noticeable absence with the rest, the beast modes.

I was thinking - and it's pretty sacrilegious but bear with - what if the remaining teams had vehicle modes. Proper new head sculpts for all, their classic colours, but they turned into vehicles instead?

Here's how it could break down, although I did cheat and create two new toys into the mix: a tank voyager body (teamed with the motorbike legend) and a deluxe speedboat (something like CYB Thunderblast's alt mode).

Razorclaw - *new* mold Voyager Tank
Divebomb - Air Raid repaint
Razorclaw - Breakdown repaint
Tantrum - Offroad repaint
Headstrong - Rook repaint
+Carnivac - Legend Groove repaint

Hun-Grrr - Onslaught remold
Cutthroat - Fireflight repaint
Rippersnapper - *New* mold deluxe speedboat
Blot - Rook repaint
Sinnertwin - Brawl repaint
+Sixshot - Shockwave repaint (thinking Energon Sixshot here)

Snap Trap - Razorclaw tank remould
Tentakil - Alpha Bravo repaint
Skalor - Swindle repaint
Overbite - Rippersnapper speedboat repaint
Seawing - Skydive repaint
+Nautilator - Legend Groove repaint

Slog - Optimus Prime remold
Icepick - Breakdown repaint
Wildfly - Alpha Bravo repaint
Scowl - Breakdown repaint
Birdbrain - Alpha Bravo repaint
+Bristleback - Legend Blackjack repaint

I was a bit bummed when I heard over the weekend that Hasbro said they are not working on beast combiners right now. Of my G1 Combiners Predaking is my favourite cause he's unique. Maybe we can get them in a CW2 line after Titan Wars.

14th July 2015, 01:11 PM
When they say "Beast" Combiners, I immediately thought of Magnaboss, Tripredacus etc. Sky Reign is going to be a bestial looking gestalt (at least for the core robot (Sky Lynx)), although I guess there's less risk with that since they're only investing in the core robot and filling the rest with redecos. :o They have released some BW characters in the Generations line (Rhinox, Rattrap, Waspinator), but again, they're just stand alone characters. Making an entire gestalt team is a higher investment. There's also the issue of redeco potential (or lack thereof) --- TakaraTOMY could repaint the Piranacons as God Neptune, but otherwise I guess they'd be limited.

CW Magnaboss & Tripredacus could be repainted as UW Magnaboss (II) & Tripledacus respectively. Arrrrriba muchachos! :p

14th July 2015, 01:22 PM
If I were Hasbro, I'd probably look at doing something like making a new Predaking, then releasing the same moulds as a "reimagined" Magnaboss with two new members, possibly remoulding Tantrum or Headstrong to be more elephantine. I'm not sure the same could be done for Tripredacus though.

On the other hand, it might also be good for Hasbro to do three member combiners such as Rail Racer and the Beast Wars two, perhaps after Combiner Wars has run its course. It would be nice to see them mix up the formula, perhaps by finding a way to have parts still be interchangeable between different combiners, allowing for weird and wonderful combinations.

14th July 2015, 01:54 PM
If Rail Racer is done, I would want Ruination and The Build Team (Landfill)

Scourge (non-exclusive of course) can easily be done :D

15th July 2015, 03:49 PM
How close is CW wave 3 to wide distribution in Oz? I'm thinking of just pulling the trigger and buying a Rook off ebay for $36 shipped.

15th July 2015, 05:48 PM
How close is CW wave 3 to wide distribution in Oz? I'm thinking of just pulling the trigger and buying a Rook off ebay for $36 shipped.

It's shown up in a lot of Myers, Big Ws, Kmarts and TRUs. I'd say it's as widespread now as it's probably gonna get.

15th July 2015, 05:50 PM
How close is CW wave 3 to wide distribution in Oz? I'm thinking of just pulling the trigger and buying a Rook off ebay for $36 shipped.

Wave 3 deluxes are out but it depends on the store. Some are good, some are crap.

15th July 2015, 08:21 PM
Hasbro says there are no plans for beast combiners but based on their considered reuse and repaint minset so far I would say there is potential for the G1 variety..
The limbs are mostly made from 4 legged animals with the odd winged animal thrown in.
The team leaders are all quadrupeds (although torso modes vary).
Sky Lynx has already been designed. What else could Judy Dench be reused as? Maybe some more creative engineering is yet to be seen.

What ever happens, a hiatus from the rest of the G1 combiners will sadden me no matter how fancy a titan may appear.

22nd July 2015, 07:23 PM
If you make a Combiner with four helicopter limbs, is it called Bronwynbishopus?

22nd July 2015, 07:26 PM
If you make a Combiner with four helicopter limbs, is it called Bronwynbishopus?

I just don't get it.:confused:

22nd July 2015, 08:25 PM
If you make a Combiner with four helicopter limbs, is it called Bronwynbishopus?

I lol'd :) The memes going around have been quite amusing.

I just don't get it.:confused:

I assume you have been under a political rock for the last week?

22nd July 2015, 11:03 PM
I just don't get it.:confused:

Bronwyn Bishop used a $5,000 helicopter to fly 60-90 minutes from Melbourne to Geelong last week... which is actually allowed under politician entitlements, but doesn't look good when a car for a couple hundred dollars could have been more appropriate when she's part of the party that is trying to tell us that we have to cut spending as a nation.
(both sides do it though, so it isn't just Liberals doing it... each politician goes on first-class overseas holidays that are paid by Tax-payers as long as they do something "official" while away, like a public speaking event or meeting up with a politician)

Politicians get so many tax-payer funded entitlements, that their salary only makes up about half of what they earn/spend each year... and since the major parties (including the Greens) benefit so much from it, no party will ever put in any serious restrictions.
It's what you get when you let people dictate their own entitlements without anyone to stop them. It's almost like the perfect career for scam-artists, as they just need to get elected, and they are pretty much set for life and there are no requirements to do anything until the next election.

22nd July 2015, 11:15 PM
Bronwyn Bishop used a $5,000 helicopter to fly 60-90 minutes from Melbourne to Geelong last week... which is actually allowed under politician entitlements, but doesn't look good when a car for a couple hundred dollars could have been more appropriate when she's part of the party that is trying to tell us that we have to cut spending as a nation.
(both sides do it though, so it isn't just Liberals doing it... each politician goes on first-class overseas holidays that are paid by Tax-payers as long as they do something "official" while away, like a public speaking event or meeting up with a politician)

Politicians get so many tax-payer funded entitlements, that their salary only makes up about half of what they earn/spend each year... and since the major parties (including the Greens) benefit so much from it, no party will ever put in any serious restrictions.
It's what you get when you let people dictate their own entitlements without anyone to stop them. It's almost like the perfect career for scam-artists, as they just need to get elected, and they are pretty much set for life and there are no requirements to do anything until the next election.

Sigh, why am I not surprised.

23rd July 2015, 08:42 AM
Bronwyn Bishop used a $5,000 helicopter to fly 60-90 minutes from Melbourne to Geelong last week... which is actually allowed under politician entitlements, but doesn't look good when a car for a couple hundred dollars could have been more appropriate when she's part of the party that is trying to tell us that we have to cut spending as a nation.
(both sides do it though, so it isn't just Liberals doing it... each politician goes on first-class overseas holidays that are paid by Tax-payers as long as they do something "official" while away, like a public speaking event or meeting up with a politician)

Politicians get so many tax-payer funded entitlements, that their salary only makes up about half of what they earn/spend each year... and since the major parties (including the Greens) benefit so much from it, no party will ever put in any serious restrictions.
It's what you get when you let people dictate their own entitlements without anyone to stop them. It's almost like the perfect career for scam-artists, as they just need to get elected, and they are pretty much set for life and there are no requirements to do anything until the next election.

It was nearer to 5 and a half grand than 5 :(. One of my big problems with it was that it was for transportation for a Liberal Party fundraiser - not for official Speaker business :mad:

I lol'd :) The memes going around have been quite amusing.

Yeah I never put that kind of stuff on my FB wall but even I've put one or two up - there been some damn funny one! :D

23rd July 2015, 10:28 AM
It was nearer to 5 and a half grand than 5 :(. One of my big problems with it was that it was for transportation for a Liberal Party fundraiser - not for official Speaker business :mad:

When you have the two major parties joining forces to vote in favour of things like making Party functions that aren't government related eligible for free travel, anything that they want for free, they just allocate it as being a legal entitlement or a paid allowance.
That's what makes it so disgusting for us who work hard and pay taxes for politicians to get everything for free, plus get a massive salary that doesn't need to be so huge because they get everything paid for.

23rd July 2015, 11:15 AM
When you have the two major parties joining forces to vote in favour of things like making Party functions that aren't government related eligible for free travel, anything that they want for free, they just allocate it as being a legal entitlement or a paid allowance.
That's what makes it so disgusting for us who work hard and pay taxes for politicians to get everything for free, plus get a massive salary that doesn't need to be so huge because they get everything paid for.

Yeah I remember when Gillard proposed a 30% pay rise for all MPs. Only policy ever where no one on either side objected :rolleyes:

Her own annual wage went up an extra 90 grand - that was more than my whole wage for a year :eek:

23rd July 2015, 01:46 PM
Last year Bishop wrote off $812,000 in taxpayer money yet so many worthwhile organisations miss out on funding. The fact that this is just ONE politician is saddening and a cause for concern. Not many are in touch with the common Australian anymore.

And $90,000? She was allowed to spend that much taxpayers money on a job application that was completely self-serving. In no way it would have benefitted Australia (but she didn't win it anyway).

23rd July 2015, 01:55 PM
I meant to just make a joke, but it looks like I accidentally started a political discussion. Sorry everyone.

Golden Phoenix
23rd July 2015, 04:07 PM
Speaking of which, maybe lets move on from the political pot shots (which I do rather enjoy) and get back on topic

23rd July 2015, 04:46 PM
Oops, sorry... I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot what topic we were in. :o

23rd July 2015, 09:19 PM
I meant to just make a joke, but it looks like I accidentally started a political discussion. Sorry everyone.

Speaking of which, maybe lets move on from the political pot shots (which I do rather enjoy) and get back on topic

Oops, sorry... I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot what topic we were in. :o

I kinda enjoyed it :D. It's so hard to have a political discussion even with intelligent people without it turning into a big argument because of differing opinions. It seems that the issue of politicians spending tax-payers money on frivolous and self serving things such as helicopter rides to party fundraisers at golf clubs was something we could all agree on ;)

Ode to a Grasshopper
24th July 2015, 08:30 AM
The really bad bit is now I want one of those fembot helicopter limbs to repaint into a Bronwyn Bishop-esque Transformer.

Dammit...now my stupid brain is putting together a whole Tony Abbott Cabinet combiner. Groove into Chris Pyne...Joe Hockey into the only car-mold...budgie-smuggler-esque combined-mode colour scheme with blue tie deco...

24th July 2015, 08:42 AM
The really bad bit is now I want one of those fembot helicopter limbs to repaint into a Bronwyn Bishop-esque Transformer.

Dammit...now my stupid brain is putting together a whole Tony Abbott Cabinet combiner. Groove into Chris Pyne...Joe Hockey into the only car-mold...budgie-smuggler-esque combined-mode colour scheme with blue tie deco...

I would totally buy that.

24th July 2015, 09:57 AM
From a TF group on Facebooks:

Inside Reissue Trypticon's box...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11057462_10204488284512157_4825735022646152731_n.j pg?oh=4f1a4106621f4b78faa1fd8c69ce4556&oe=564A4B80&__gda__=1448005631_b15458deede75f887a7abba3ccf507f 7

https://scontent-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/10521818_10204488284672161_2435514725806954112_n.j pg?oh=5fde9df57ed138d3e932f4f5a04080df&oe=56544640

24th July 2015, 01:23 PM
It would be nice, but I think they are just doing fan service with some of the sketches.

24th July 2015, 03:00 PM
If you make a Combiner with four helicopter limbs, is it called Bronwynbishopus?

The really bad bit is now I want one of those fembot helicopter limbs to repaint into a Bronwyn Bishop-esque Transformer.
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/meme_bishoptf_zpsrbus6wf6.jpg :p

Ode to a Grasshopper
24th July 2015, 04:37 PM
It would be nice, but I think they are just doing fan service with some of the sketches.Can anyone see if that's a CW Leader Megs or a G1 gunformer Megs?

If it is a reveal for a Titan-class Unicron, I'm all in for that.

24th July 2015, 06:25 PM
Can anyone see if that's a CW Leader Megs or a G1 gunformer Megs?

If it is a reveal for a Titan-class Unicron, I'm all in for that.

The Meg's was on the earlier products packaging also. People jumped to the conclusion that it was a new Takara Tomy G1 MP Megatron (Walter P38) because it was on the same cardboard as a sketch of a Prime that looked like MP-10. I really think that some of these sketches are not of upcoming product but just general iconic Transformers.

24th July 2015, 09:09 PM
The Meg's was on the earlier products packaging also. People jumped to the conclusion that it was a new Takara Tomy G1 MP Megatron (Walter P38) because it was on the same cardboard as a sketch of a Prime that looked like MP-10. I really think that some of these sketches are not of upcoming product but just general iconic Transformers.

Yeah I'd love to think the sketch of Unicron was an upcoming Titan Wars toy but it just looks too movie-accurate and too good to be true

24th July 2015, 09:55 PM
The Meg's was on the earlier products packaging also. People jumped to the conclusion that it was a new Takara Tomy G1 MP Megatron (Walter P38) because it was on the same cardboard as a sketch of a Prime that looked like MP-10. I really think that some of these sketches are not of upcoming product but just general iconic Transformers.


24th July 2015, 11:49 PM
I was wishing they revived raiden train combiner but that's not happening.

Golden Phoenix
25th July 2015, 12:42 PM
The Meg's was on the earlier products packaging also. People jumped to the conclusion that it was a new Takara Tomy G1 MP Megatron (Walter P38) because it was on the same cardboard as a sketch of a Prime that looked like MP-10. I really think that some of these sketches are not of upcoming product but just general iconic Transformers.

Also, look at those legs on Megatron. Looks like he is wearing flares. Disco Megs

25th July 2015, 10:28 PM
I wonder what ever happened to that UW Optimus combiner set? It was teased before UW03 Defensor but we have not had any update since the teaser image. I really want to know what characters are going to be in it and if it's a red or white Optimus.

25th July 2015, 10:44 PM
I wonder what ever happened to that UW Optimus combiner set? It was teased before UW03 Defensor but we have not had any update since the teaser image. I really want to know what characters are going to be in it and if it's a red or white Optimus.

If anything it should be

Drag Strip - Mirage (which is already a part of the Hasbro team)
Breakdown - Sideswipe (which isn't a part of the Hasbro one, but would probably get a release sometime in the future)
Dead End & Wildrider - Windcharger and Jazz

28th July 2015, 12:48 PM
Also if they did a Predaking some sort of exclusive version as the Anibots (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Anibots) would be cool.

This is news to me! :eek: Followed the external links and found a scan of the draft of the original TFTM script! Good times ahead!

28th July 2015, 06:48 PM
I got the urge to buy extra limbs (cheaply) and build all the uncombined combiner torsos I have and will have into gestalt's. I have Alpha Bravo, Off Road and Rook all uncombined. What other limbs would you guys suggest for Ultra Prime, Gavatronus and whatever Grand Scourge's combined form is called?

28th July 2015, 07:15 PM
I got the urge to buy extra limbs (cheaply) and build all the uncombined combiner torsos I have and will have into gestalt's. I have Alpha Bravo, Off Road and Rook all uncombined. What other limbs would you guys suggest for Ultra Prime, Gavatronus and whatever Grand Scourge's combined form is called?

My optimus has alpha bravo and rook as arms and streetwise and wildrider as legs. Waiting for smokescreen and hound to use for optimus.

28th July 2015, 08:09 PM
I got the urge to buy extra limbs (cheaply) and build all the uncombined combiner torsos I have and will have into gestalt's. I have Alpha Bravo, Off Road and Rook all uncombined. What other limbs would you guys suggest for Ultra Prime, Gavatronus and whatever Grand Scourge's combined form is called?

Galvatronus: repurpose Takara Groove as Tailpipe and Brawl as Grindcore. Repaint Rook as Straxus, and the Aerialbot of your choice as Jhiaxus. Voila, Dead Universe combiner (yeah, I suggested this waaaaay back at the beginning of this thread). I've left Scourge out because Grand Scourge exists and I hate name reuse.

Ultra Prime: don't bother picking up Battle Core Optimus Prime and just use the Wave 4 guys. Simples. :D Or use the Wave 6 guys and don't combine Sky Lynx, because he has a more unique alt mode than combined mode.

Grand Scourge: Grand Scourge is based on Black Convoy from Car Robots (I'm using the Japanese names to avoid confusion, as there are many other things with the same Western names as BC and CR). Black Convoy was created at the same time as Baldigus, who was a redeco of G1 Bruticus. Therefore, use the deluxe Combaticons, either repainted into (one of) their CR schemes or just leave them if you can't be bothered. Call the combined form either Baldigus or Ruination.

29th July 2015, 05:57 PM
Body: Hun-Grr?

Last Toy Appearance: Abominus and the Terrorcons were released as part of the Beast Hunters Toyline (note: were not actually officially called Terrorcons). Before that as a Kre-O Microchange combiner (with 5th member individual).
Last Comic Appearance: The Terrorcons were in Monstrosity, have shown up in crowd scenes in more recent comics.

Speculation: Through the Beast Hunters toyline they have become more well known to younger audiences so it’s possible. All 5 would require original new molds though so may only appear if the toyline proves to be a big seller. Blot is already dead in IDW but that probably wouldn’t make a difference.

[B]I have BH Abominus and so to find that he/they are featured in Monstrosity gives me more reason to buy this graphic novel!

29th July 2015, 07:28 PM
Grand Scourge: Grand Scourge is based on Black Convoy from Car RobotsActually he is a character from the Energon/SuperLink series (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Grand_Scourge). It would be best to combine him with figures that closely match the 4 drones he combines with (it would be super sweet if Takara did officially made the repaints).

29th July 2015, 08:21 PM
Actually he is a character from the Energon/SuperLink series (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Grand_Scourge). It would be best to combine him with figures that closely match the 4 drones he combines with (it would be super sweet if Takara did officially made the repaints).

Car Robots Black Convoy, while not the first black repaint of Optimus Prime or a Convoy, was the first to play a central role as part of the main fiction (the CR cartoon)' and was the first Decepticon repaint of a toy previously released as Optimus Prime (as far as I am aware). He was also the first such toy to be named Scourge, in the Western adaptation of Car Robots as Robots In Disguise. He was followed by Armada Nemesis Prime, which was named Scourge in Japan. Grand Scourge was a model kit which extended the concept to Energon Optimus Prime, and that's what the Combiner Wars release is based on.

Thus, Grand Scourge IS based on Black Convoy, and the Combaticon idea has a solid foundation in the history of the brand.

30th July 2015, 11:07 AM
Ok, I see the link you are making. Personally I see Grand Scourge remaining a separate character to Scourge until they make a back story linking them (e.g. how did he become ‘Grand’? Or is he a puppetmaster of many Scourgii?). The TFWiki link above mentions that Grand Scourge is a separate entity in his new eHobby bio but the article did not provide proof of this either. Oh well.

By the same token i think CW Onslaught would make a better torso for Ruination but still I am all for more combiner limbs so bring them all I say.

30th July 2015, 01:30 PM
Ok, I see the link you are making. Personally I see Grand Scourge remaining a separate character to Scourge until they make a back story linking them (e.g. how did he become ‘Grand’? Or is he a puppetmaster of many Scourgii?). The TFWiki link above mentions that Grand Scourge is a separate entity in his new eHobby bio but the article did not provide proof of this either. Oh well.

By the same token i think CW Onslaught would make a better torso for Ruination but still I am all for more combiner limbs so bring them all I say.

They're separate characters, but only in the same way that Movie Optimus Prime and G1 Optimus Prime are. One is clearly inspired by the other. That's what I'm getting at, plus the fact that there aren't really limbs that work for an Energon Optimus mode at present, other than the helicopter.

30th July 2015, 08:38 PM
there aren't really limbs that work for an Energon Optimus mode at present, other than the helicopter.

What might work down the line: Take the helicopter blades off for the submarine, replace the claw arm with a ladder on Rook for the fire engine. And when they do Nosecone for the Technobots recolour him for the drill tank

30th July 2015, 09:30 PM
What might work down the line: Take the helicopter blades off for the submarine, replace the claw arm with a ladder on Rook for the fire engine. And when they do Nosecone for the Technobots recolour him for the drill tank

I'd almost be surprised if this isn't released as a boxed set one day - maybe with a gold/yellow repaint of Blackjack as Sparkplug for more homage-y goodness. But I have my doubts about whether we will actually get the Technobots. *wanders off grumbling about Betatron and Bruticus*

12th August 2015, 01:43 PM
How far does everyone thing Combiner Wars will go?
How many more waves of toys will there be?
As im secretly hoping they release Computron *hopes*

12th August 2015, 02:47 PM
How far does everyone thing Combiner Wars will go?
How many more waves of toys will there be?
As im secretly hoping they release Computron *hopes*

With Scattershot having been shown they probably will

12th August 2015, 03:21 PM
How far does everyone thing Combiner Wars will go?
How many more waves of toys will there be?
As im secretly hoping they release Computron *hopes*

I am hoping for the beast combiners - Predaking and Abominus atleast, Monstructor and Prianacon would be a bonus as they both had 6 figures.

12th August 2015, 05:22 PM
I'd say Computron will come. The Betatron thing is kind of obvious, it being a "work in progress" or whatever they said.

14th August 2015, 10:25 PM
I'd say Computron will come. The Betatron thing is kind of obvious, it being a "work in progress" or whatever they said.

Ok maybe someone can shed some light here, i am a touch confused.
So is Betatron Computron but Hasbro lost the naming rights?
As scattershot will be for Betatron or will he be for both modes?

14th August 2015, 11:11 PM
Ok maybe someone can shed some light here, i am a touch confused.
So is Betatron Computron but Hasbro lost the naming rights?
As scattershot will be for Betatron or will he be for both modes?

Betatron is apparently Scattershot combined with the wave 6 Autobots. The name, and the fact that Scattershot has no retooling in robot or combiner mode, makes a lot of people think Hasbro may be hiding Computon up their sleeve ("Beta" being the term used for uncompleted computer software that is being tested). I certainly hope they are - the fact that yet another Bruticus is being made rather than Computron drives me nuts.

14th August 2015, 11:47 PM
Betatron is apparently Scattershot combined with the wave 6 Autobots. The name, and the fact that Scattershot has no retooling in robot or combiner mode, makes a lot of people think Hasbro may be hiding Computon up their sleeve ("Beta" being the term used for uncompleted computer software that is being tested). I certainly hope they are - the fact that yet another Bruticus is being made rather than Computron drives me nuts.

Scattershot is a remould of Silverbolt (new jet parts, but not different in robot mode), and comes out in wave 1 of 2016 with Onslaught.
Official artwork of the combined mode was shown at SDCC with the Wave 4 Deluxe Autobots (Prowl, Sunstreaker, Ironhide, Mirage), and since the Wave 1 Deluxes are Combaticons while Wave 2 is four more Autobot cars (Hound, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Trailbreaker), I don't know if there will be any Technobots...

So far released and known...
(Voyager, 4x Deluxe, Legends)

2015 w1
- Silverbolt (forms Superion), Skydive, Firefly, Alpha Bravo (and Dragstrip), Powerglide
- Optimus Prime (forms Ultra Prime) (no exclusive team members)

2015 w2
- Motormaster (forms Menasor), Breakdown, Offroad, Deadend (and Air Raid), Blackjack

2015 w3
- Hotspot (forms Defensor), Blades, Streetwise, Firstaid, Rook, Groove.
- Cyclonus (forms Galvatronus), Viper.

2015 w4
- Battle Core Optimus (forms Optimus Maximus), Mirage, Sunstreaker, Prowl, Ironhide, Rodimus.

2016 w1
- Onslaught (forms Bruticus), Brawl, Swindle, Blast Off, Vortex, Shockwave.
- Scattershot (forms Betatron) (no exclusive team members)

2016 w2
- Sky Lynx (forms Sky Reign), Hound, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Trailbreaker, Wreckgar.

2016 exclusive teams
- Gen2 Superion - Silverbolt, Skydive, Firefly, Alpha Bravo, Airraid, Powerglide
- Gen2 Menasor - Motormaster, Breakdown, Offroad, Deadend, Dragstrip, Blackjack
- Victorion - Pyra Magna, Stormclash, Skyburst, Jumpstream, Dustup, Rust Dust.
- Mayhem Maximus - Bludgeon, Windsweeper, Ruckus, Needlenose, Spinister. (no legends team member?)

That's ten full combiners so far known, and probably two more in 2016 if they have four waves like this year.
Plus an extra four Voyagers (Optimus Prime, Cyclonus, Scattershot, Grand Scourge) to make four more combiners if there were enough extra Deluxe limbs released to cover them.

15th August 2015, 08:48 PM
HasTak can go nuts with these moulds. How's Ironfist out of the Off Road mould work for people here?

Keeping with topic, I really do hope Hasbro release the Takara Groove mould. I can use Rook with Sky Lynx instead of getting the rest which I am not really wanting too. Use the limbs for new characters HasTak!!!

19th August 2015, 10:04 AM
Oh no Betatron!:p

HasTak can go nuts with these moulds. How's Ironfist out of the Off Road mould work for people here?

Not at all really, the only similarity would be he kind of turns into a vaguely similar vehicle mode and presumably he would be painted like Ironfist with a new head? Which I guess is exactly what they've done for the Autobot cars.

Sure it would be nice to have an official CHUG representation of the character, but take that away from it and it's another dull repaint, of a toy with a very simple and now overused transformation which works as a combiner team member, but does little on it's own. That's why as much as I want those new Subscription figures of Needlenose, Spinsters etc, I wont be getting them. The toys are just too simple and uninteresting to justify the price for me.

19th August 2015, 03:21 PM
Sure it would be nice to have an official CHUG representation of the character, but take that away from it and it's another dull repaint, of a toy with a very simple and now overused transformation which works as a combiner team member, but does little on it's own. That's why as much as I want those new Subscription figures of Needlenose, Spinsters etc, I wont be getting them. The toys are just too simple and uninteresting to justify the price for me.

This largely reflects my dilemma at the moment. I really want this team, but from all the reviews I watched regarding the quality of the moulds, combined with TFCC's track record, I find it really hard to justify.

I guess if they end up being terrific representations, chasing them up on BBTS/eBay won't be too bad as the after-market prices for the last 3 lots of FSS figs has been stagnate.

19th August 2015, 04:54 PM
This largely reflects my dilemma at the moment. I really want this team, but from all the reviews I watched regarding the quality of the moulds, combined with TFCC's track record, I find it really hard to justify.

I guess if they end up being terrific representations, chasing them up on BBTS/eBay won't be too bad as the after-market prices for the last 3 lots of FSS figs has been stagnate.

I think that the aftermarket value for this FSS will be expensive, as this FSS has been meet with alot of excitement, where as previous FSS have only had 1 or 2 figures that everyone wants.

19th August 2015, 06:04 PM
No new scouts I have only ever seen wave 1?
No new Voyagers I have only seen wave 1, Motormaster has been found at Target, but my Locals are filled with everything and very little in the way of Combiner Wars.
No new Leaders, I have only seen wave 1 with Megatrons, are we getting Ultra Magnus and Thundercracker?
Deluxes have been great, heaps of Wave 1, Wave 2 was very hard to find, we have Wave 3 fully stocked at several Kmarts, showing up at Toyworld and Toys R Us. This is very promising, but its a shame Wave 2 seems to be skipped in most locations. Im a bit worried about wave 3 shelf warming, as it doesn't seem to be selling as well as wave 1.
To sum up everything, Im disappointed with how everything is distributed, I think it sucks big time. I wish it was done differently, because it just does not work for me as a customer.

19th August 2015, 06:58 PM
Yeah distribution is terrible. Never seen Motormaster in Adelaide and only saw Skydive once. If I hadn't gotten Megatron when I had my only choice would've been the Legends one (which if I had seen I may of gotten anyway).

22nd August 2015, 10:59 PM
I would like to see a female combiner; Alita-1, Arcee, Chromia, Windblade, Starfire & Moonracer.:)

23rd August 2015, 11:58 AM
I would like to see a female combiner; Alita-1, Arcee, Chromia, Windblade, Starfire & Moonracer.:)

There is a female combiner, the fan voted one. None of these characters make her up though

23rd August 2015, 05:49 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to see HasTak focus on pumping out the remaining G1 gestalts before focusing any more on new gestalt characters. Although in Hasbro's defence, the "new" ones are just redecos of existing moulds, so there's relatively little cost being put into R&Ding them, and of course, they help to reduce the price of the existing traditional G1 character gestalts that we're getting. So while I personally have no interest in them, I don't begrudge Hasbro for making them. :)

Anyway, here's a list of G1 gestalts and whether they have CW toys made or in the works for them...
Gestalt: ABOMINUS / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: BATTLE GAIA / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: BRUTICUS / CW Toy Status: Upcoming
Gestalt: COMPUTRON / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: DEFENSOR / CW Toy Status: Released
Gestalt: DEVASTATOR / CW Toy Status: Released
Gestalt: DINOKING / CW Toy Status: See Monstructor
Gestalt: GUARD CITY / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: KING POSEIDON / CW Toy Status: See Piranacon
Gestalt: LANDCROSS / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: LIO KAISER / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: MENASOR / CW Toy Status: Released
Gestalt: MONSTRUCTOR / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: PIRANACON / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: PREDAKING / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: RAIDEN / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: ROAD CAESAR / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: SIXBUILDER / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: SIXLINER / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: SIXTRAIN / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: SIXTURBO / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: SIXWING / CW Toy Status: Nil
Gestalt: SUPERION / CW Toy Status: Released

Note: This is not meant to be any kind of criticism towards Hasbro. I'm super chuffed that they're doing Combiner Wars and I don't expect them to wave a magic wand and release all of these gestalts at once (my wallet couldn't handle it!). But there's certainly enough G1 gestalts there to keep Hasbro pumping out CW for the next couple of years. And I'll be right there, waiting to throw my money at them! :D

23rd August 2015, 06:14 PM
I think Guard City & Battle Gaia could easily be done by TFCC I would rather Hasbro release the G2 giftset versions of Defensor and Bruticus.

1st September 2015, 05:57 PM
is victorion an exclusive? and if so where to?

1st September 2015, 07:24 PM
is victorion an exclusive? and if so where to?

I don't think we know yet how it will be released. I'd say there is at least a chance of local release, but it might end up being that Victorion, G2 Superion, and G2 Menasor are next year's toy sale exclusives, so we might get them some time after the US. (I would love it if they were Big W, Target, and Kmart, but think that is unlikely given Kmart doesn't have toy sales anymore, and it's more likely they will go to Myer and TRU)

12th September 2015, 07:40 AM
Hasbro has re-registered the trademarks for Predacons and Terrorcons so fingers crossed :)

12th September 2015, 07:43 AM
Hasbro has re-registered the trademarks for Predacons and Terrorcons so fingers crossed :)

But doesn't Combiner Wars end next year? After that we roll into Titan Wars. If they have only just registered trademarks then the toys may not be anything more than sketches right now. If that is the case, we're looking at atleast 18 months until release.

Unless they have already prototyped the toys and chase the name after the fact?

Ode to a Grasshopper
12th September 2015, 12:25 PM
It's possible they might still do some combiner teams as part of Titan Wars, albeit as less of the 'main focus' of the line.

I'm more concerned about Hasbro saying there were no plans for non-vehicle team combiners (or the Technobots) at BotCon (IIRC) a while back. Here's hoping that was wrong, or that they've changed their minds...

12th September 2015, 12:43 PM
^ Yes. There can easily be mold re-tinkering in beast combiners Hasbro!!

12th September 2015, 02:45 PM
They might have Titan Wars alongside Combiner Wars as Generations subsets. You'd probably have half as much from each than normal (unless they expand the reach of the line), but it might help them get more on the shelf, stores seemingly wanting new and 'different' lines.

13th September 2015, 03:24 PM
But doesn't Combiner Wars end next year? After that we roll into Titan Wars. If they have only just registered trademarks then the toys may not be anything more than sketches right now. If that is the case, we're looking at atleast 18 months until release.

Unless they have already prototyped the toys and chase the name after the fact?

Dunno - could be they were always going to re-register 'Predacons' anyway since it's such a big name in TF's now, though it and 'Terrorcons' being done at the same time seems to tip the scales in favor of some Combiners down the line, unless the Terrorcons are going to be zombies in RID like they were in TFPrime

13th September 2015, 06:57 PM
Maybe a zombie combiner? That would be SO COOL!:eek:

14th September 2015, 07:26 AM

Well we've already had in fiction the Necrotitan, so yeah that could work.

I think Hasbro are just trying to keep their IP current by re-registering those names... Both were used in the Prie series, but hopefully we get combiners out of it.

14th September 2015, 08:19 PM
IDW's Monstructor is possibly the nearest thing we currently have to a zombie gestalt. IDW's Devastator was partially zombie for a while when they combined with a dead Scrapper as the right leg! (which of course, didn't work well, hence Prowlstator ;)).

15th September 2015, 01:07 PM
Isnt TFCC Nexus Prime also a zombie combiner... Skyfall was killed by SG Alpha Trion :p

16th September 2015, 06:53 PM
I just got my replacement UW Menasor in the mail from HLJ. This Motormaster has the correct ratchets in both hips thankfully. I'm just wondering in gestalt mode where should one store the limb-bots robot mode weapons. Also I think it's cool Breakdown can store his foot/hand on his back, that's going to look real good on Sunstreaker.

18th September 2015, 10:07 AM
I just got my replacement UW Menasor in the mail from HLJ. This Motormaster has the correct ratchets in both hips thankfully. I'm just wondering in gestalt mode where should one store the limb-bots robot mode weapons. Also I think it's cool Breakdown can store his foot/hand on his back, that's going to look real good on Sunstreaker.

I put Dead End and Wild Rider's weapons in Motor Master's hands as exhaust stacks, MM's weapons combined in Menasor's right hand, Breakdown's gun in the top of Menasor's left hand, and Drag Strip's blade in the bottom of Menasor's left hand.

18th September 2015, 10:08 AM
You know what's getting on my nerves with CW? The number of different shades of white used for the characters.

Basically, there are two shades: a really bright almost pearlescent white, and an off-white. The pearlescent white is used for Firefly, Alpha Bravo, Blades, Rook, and First aid limb-wise, while the off-white is used for Streetwise and Breakdown.

What's irritating is that the off-white is used not only for the two limbs it is, it's also used for Silverbolt, so you have this combiner who has really bright white limbs with a slightly off torso. It's also irritating that Streetwise has it when the other three members of his team don't, even if it is Geewun accurate - I'd rather have matching limbs, thanks.

I guess the thing to do is purchase Battlecore Prime and make a combiner out of all four bright white characters, but is Battlecore itself bright white or off-white? ARGH!

18th September 2015, 11:23 AM
Wonder how the CW line is fairing with the kids?

Really curious as many characters are arguably G1 based and not sure of how familiar the kiddies are

In saying that they seem to be selling well at least in my area. Im assuming the combining aspect and the fact the dont look like the AOE trash is probably helping them along. They look great on shelf i must say

Just a thought. Im on board as a collector and my son was initially quite keen until minecraft took over his world that is :P

Hoping its turning a profit

18th September 2015, 11:38 AM
I put Dead End and Wild Rider's weapons in Motor Master's hands as exhaust stacks, MM's weapons combined in Menasor's right hand, Breakdown's gun in the top of Menasor's left hand, and Drag Strip's blade in the bottom of Menasor's left hand.

Motormaster and OP's hands are a great place to put weapons when in combined mode for some additional over-the-shoulder firepower.

For my part, I have Skywarp as the chest piece since the jets hold better and look just as nice as the official cars when used as chest pieces. I have Skywarp's weapons in Motormaster's hands as over-the-shoulder blasters. I then have Breakdown's gun in the port on Skywarp's front (so in the middle of the chest of the combiner) as a blaster, but I have also placed Dead End's pipe there and it looks just as good. I have the axe from Offroad in the top of the left hand, and the blade from Drag Strip in the bottom, making it look like a single enormous polearm that Menasor is holding in the centre. Finally, Motormaster's weapons combined into the big sword in the right hand. I just stick Dead End's pipe out of the way on the side of Offroad.

If you don't want to use Skywarp as the chest piece, I'd recommend sticking Breakdown's weapon in one of the MM hands. Dead End's pipe looks odd there but it's better than nothing. My only problem with Prjkt's suggestion is that while Dead End's weapon doesn't look like a gun, Breakdown's weapon doesn't look like a smokestack. C'est la vie.

18th September 2015, 12:24 PM
I guess they want to avoid looking like Botcon 2012 boxset - which looks like FunPub just got a good deal on navy plastic :confused:;)

18th September 2015, 01:32 PM
I guess they want to avoid looking like Botcon 2012 boxset - which looks like FunPub just got a good deal on navy plastic :confused:;)

I know there will always be some fans who say things like "what, was white plastic cheap that week or something" when they see a uniform colour scheme, but I prefer it, especially for combiners. To me it makes it look like from many to one than a random jumble of different parts. Victorion's colour scheme might be garish but the uniformity, to me anyway, is appealing.

18th September 2015, 01:46 PM
On a completely unrelated note, it's just occurred to me that with one exception, the primary colours for the wave 4 characters actually do match the drones of Energon Optimus:

Copter-2 (white) - Prowl (white)
Digger-3 (yellow) - Sunstreaker (yellow)
Submarine-4 (blue) - Mirage (blue)

The one exception is Ironhide, who is red, against Fire-1's orange. But Fire-1 arguably should have been red in the first place, and is red in the Platinum Edition release of the toy (though none of the other colours match).

I can't help but think that, given the chest sculpt for Optimus Maximus/Ultra Prime, this must have been intentional.

18th September 2015, 05:01 PM
I know there will always be some fans who say things like "what, was white plastic cheap that week or something" when they see a uniform colour scheme, but I prefer it, especially for combiners. To me it makes it look like from many to one than a random jumble of different parts. Victorion's colour scheme might be garish but the uniformity, to me anyway, is appealing.

I know exactly what you mean. When I was small I always played with Fireflight less because he didn't have the same uniformity that the other limbs had. Though I never had the Technobots, I always thought they were super cool in their strange designs and colour scheme.

On a completely unrelated note, it's just occurred to me that with one exception, the primary colours for the wave 4 characters actually do match the drones of Energon Optimus:

Copter-2 (white) - Prowl (white)
Digger-3 (yellow) - Sunstreaker (yellow)
Submarine-4 (blue) - Mirage (blue)

The one exception is Ironhide, who is red, against Fire-1's orange. But Fire-1 arguably should have been red in the first place, and is red in the Platinum Edition release of the toy (though none of the other colours match).

I can't help but think that, given the chest sculpt for Optimus Maximus/Ultra Prime, this must have been intentional.

Hard to dismiss when they've already brought out Armada Megatron/Starscream.

21st September 2015, 08:48 PM
What's the names of the new teams? Prime's team?, Skylynx's team?, etc.

21st September 2015, 08:53 PM
What's the names of the new teams? Prime's team?, Skylynx's team?, etc.

Prime's team is named 'Optimus Maximus' after the Gestalt they combine into.

Dunno Skylynx's teams name.

21st September 2015, 10:13 PM
Prime's team is named 'Optimus Maximus' after the Gestalt they combine into.

Dunno Skylynx's teams name.

Sky Reign is the name of the combiner.

21st September 2015, 10:27 PM
I haven't heard of any team names yet for 2015 Wave 4 or Sky Lynx's team... only the combiner names so far.

21st September 2015, 10:34 PM
they might not have team names... at least in the fiction the W4 bots + Prime were kind of just thrown together...

22nd September 2015, 09:18 AM
I haven't heard of any team names yet for 2015 Wave 4 or Sky Lynx's team... only the combiner names so far.


22nd September 2015, 09:24 AM
I haven't heard of any team names yet for 2015 Wave 4 or Sky Lynx's team... only the combiner names so far.

It says in the character bios on the back of the comics with the wave 4 figures 'Subgroup : Optimus Maximus'

23rd September 2015, 11:16 AM
I know exactly what you mean. When I was small I always played with Fireflight less because he didn't have the same uniformity that the other limbs had. Though I never had the Technobots, I always thought they were super cool in their strange designs and colour scheme.

Hard to dismiss when they've already brought out Armada Megatron/Starscream.

Some are calling it Grand Convoy Prime, others Convoy Grand Prime, but whichever way you slice it looks like I guessed right. TakTom's "official" combination even has Ironhide and Prowl as the arms, which matches the usual layout of SL Grand Convoy's limbs since only the helicopter and fire engine drones had proper hands.

ETA: to finish it off, though, they still really need to redeco Blackjack/Rodimus as Armada Sparkplug.

23rd September 2015, 03:45 PM


23rd September 2015, 10:40 PM
It says in the character bios on the back of the comics with the wave 4 figures 'Subgroup : Optimus Maximus'

I just had a look... and damn that's lame. And doesn't make much sense either in a sentence like, "This toy is a Protectobot". Try substituting Optimus Maximus into that.

23rd September 2015, 10:44 PM
I just had a look... and damn that's lame. And doesn't make much sense either in a sentence like, "This toy is a Protectobot". Try substituting Optimus Maximus into that.

I guess you'd have to say "a member of Optimus Maximus". Hmmm. It is a decent name for a band, but I probably shouldn't give Hasbro any ideas...

23rd September 2015, 11:08 PM
Hasbro has re-registered the trademarks for Predacons and Terrorcons so fingers crossed :)


24th September 2015, 04:49 AM
http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo146/fatbot/55306490-3E91-49E8-A7DC-A8B0D9B37302_zpsq7pactmp.jpg (http://s370.photobucket.com/user/fatbot/media/55306490-3E91-49E8-A7DC-A8B0D9B37302_zpsq7pactmp.jpg.html)

24th September 2015, 09:37 AM
The real deco actually looks better than the touched up product images.

24th September 2015, 02:07 PM
The real deco actually looks better than the touched up product images.

Always count on Takara to get it right

24th September 2015, 03:20 PM
Always count on Takara to get it right

Except when they don't, which seems to be happening with increasing frequency

24th September 2015, 10:37 PM
Except when they don't, which seems to be happening with increasing frequency
I think STL was referring to how Takara's photography usually looks like the actual toy, whereas Hasbro's toy photography is often doctored like a McDonald's menu. ;) Takara typically relies on just good photography whereas Hasbro seems more reliant on Photoshop. :o

25th September 2015, 06:47 AM
Takara typically relies on just good photography whereas Hasbro seems more reliant on Photoshop. :o

That is true, however when there is an exception it can be pretty bad (ref: Shining Silver Creator Primus! (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_OcuFusD4rv8/TMJ7oJgUQjI/AAAAAAAAAbY/cz4LKbNxI_g/s1600/1277355402_Epic.jpg) vs This could be gunmetal grey if I didn't have my glasses on creator primus (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_mdqKe-BnWSw/TQHft7w5BUI/AAAAAAAABfA/mfDAddj0c_A/s1600/DSC_0071.JPG))

Back on topic though, I'm diggin that Brawl! So glad he's not a retool

Doesn't make up for the travesties that they are planning to pass off as Blast-Off and Vortex though. Even if a Fly-Off makes way more thematic sense.

25th September 2015, 09:26 AM
EDIT: I am talking about Unite Warriors Combaticons below..

Given Takara are leaning on cartoon accurate deco's for the Unite Warriors line what colour will Bruticus's chest shield be? I am having a hard time finding cartoon Bruticus with anything but a brown and purple chest shield.

My 2c: I love the silver shield from the G1 toy but i think we will get a brown/purple one.

And that brown and purple shield is made from Blast-off's shuttle wings and i think it has been confirmed that Takara are making their own Blast-off (like with Groove). What are the odds that they will engineer the toys so that a part of shuttle wings really do form the chest shield?

My 2c: I wouldn't right-off the idea completely but it is unlikely.
EDIT: I see the Bruticus chest shield has some molded bits that look like it will paint up nicely into that brown/purple cartoon look so I doubt a Takara will change the current shield at all.

25th September 2015, 09:29 AM
I think they are releasing two Onslaughts, one with a green chest and one witha grey chest, IIRC

25th September 2015, 10:59 AM
I think they are releasing two Onslaughts, one with a green chest and one witha grey chest, IIRC
CW Onslaught is shown to have a blue chest (http://news.tfw2005.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2015/06/Voyager_Onslaught_Robot.jpg), which is more G1 toy (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/8/86/G1Onslaught_toy.jpg), cartoon (http://toys.tfw2005.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2010/06/slaught_1_1277038603.jpg) and manga (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/0/0a/TVMGuideCombaticons.jpg) accurate. A silver chest version would be more G1 comic accurate (http://www.seibertron.com/comics/universe/original/onslaught.jpg) (or missing-chestplate toy accurate (http://www.bwtf.com/toyreview-images/universe2/onslaught/rmg1.jpg) :p)

A green-chested version would make more sense if they were making a Unite Warriors Dolrailer (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/8/86/RID-toy_MegaOctane-Dolrailer.jpg) or Combiner Wars Mega-Octane (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/2/2f/RID-toy_MegaOctane.jpg) (or Mega Tankor (http://www.unicron.com/tfitem/itemimage_imgsrc.php?imageID=1438&size=9999)? :p)

25th September 2015, 01:40 PM
Given Takara are leaning on cartoon accurate deco's for the Unite Warriors line what colour will Bruticus's chest shield be? I am having a hard time finding cartoon Bruticus with anything but a brown and purple chest shield.

My 2c: I love the silver shield from the G1 toy but i think we will get a brown/purple one.

And that brown and purple shield is made from Blast-off's shuttle wings and i think it has been confirmed that Takara are making their own Blast-off (like with Groove). What are the odds that they will engineer the toys so that a part of shuttle wings really do form the chest shield?

My 2c: I wouldn't right-off the idea completely but it is unlikely.
EDIT: I see the Bruticus chest shield has some molded bits that look like it will paint up nicely into that brown/purple cartoon look so I doubt a Takara will change the current shield at all.

Hasbro stated at Botcon that they were doing a running change with Onslaught, to enable collectors to get either toy accurate or cartoon accurate chest shield for Bruticus

26th September 2015, 09:02 AM
Hasbro stated at Botcon that they were doing a running change with Onslaught, to enable collectors to get either toy accurate or cartoon accurate chest shield for Bruticus Sorry i wasn't clear but i was referring to a Takara Bruticus in my last post.

But good on Hasbro for releasing both shield colours.

10th October 2015, 02:30 AM
So with Titans return does this mean there will be no more combiner wars figures after sky-reign, Victorion and bruticus drop? Feel like I could use a couple more con combiners to even it out just a bit more

10th October 2015, 09:11 AM
So with Titans return does this mean there will be no more combiner wars figures after sky-reign, Victorion and bruticus drop? Feel like I could use a couple more con combiners to even it out just a bit more

Given the Scattershot figure we may still end up with Computron

10th October 2015, 12:27 PM
So with Titans return does this mean there will be no more combiner wars figures after sky-reign, Victorion and bruticus drop? Feel like I could use a couple more con combiners to even it out just a bit more

I hope they do pull at least the rest of the Technobots so we can have Computron.

10th October 2015, 02:49 PM
I hope they do pull at least the rest of the Technobots so we can have Computron.

Yeah they could definitely pull it off with a few retools. Afterburner would likely have to be a retool of takara groove so maybe computron could be done by takara?

11th October 2015, 06:56 AM
Well the NYCC Prime Wars Trilogy video they showed ended with the VoiceOver "The Combiner Wars are just beginning" then a screen shot of the title 'Combiner Wars 2016' so that sounds like there is a lot more to come yet :)

11th October 2015, 07:21 AM

oh don't get your hopes up yet :p:p.... we're not even sure if they'll do animal (like) or creature moulds for combiners... though I am hoping as well...a good break from the usual vehicle repaints..

Is Victorion even for mass release, Isn't she an exclusive club release or something?

12th October 2015, 06:39 AM
Victorion is a retail box set release like the two G2 releases, due April/May next year.

13th October 2015, 05:08 PM
Was looking at the teaser image for the Takara gestalt using Cyclonus as the body.

For limbs my first thought was use the Battle Squad (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Battle_Squad). Their colour scheme would work with Cyclonus.

Half-track could be a Rook repaint and Meltdown an Off-Road repaint and make this gestalt's legs. Fireshot and Vanquish could be two separate jets now, one for each arm?

Direct-Hit and Power Punch could always be later, TakTom Mall-exclusive repaints of Off-Road and Brawl.

The Military Patrol (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Military_Patrol) would make a great set of limbs for a combiner too as they could all easily be made from existing toys: Growl from Swindle, Bombshock from Brawl, Dropshot from Rook, and Tracer from Alpha Bravo.

Of course they were Autobots in Japan but Cyclonus is supposed to use any Transformer to make a combiner right?

13th October 2015, 05:37 PM
For limbs my first thought was use the Battle Squad (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Battle_Squad). Their colour scheme would work with Cyclonus.

If they sync these limbs with Cyclonus it would be complete a gravy-train.

16th October 2015, 07:04 PM
Would've liked Cosmos to be Skyreign's chest piece.

17th October 2015, 01:40 AM
Would've liked Cosmos to be Skyreign's chest piece.

Nice idea.

17th October 2015, 08:04 AM
Okay this is just straight up for now my idea....made this random reply in the thread on facebook, fro a post by fatbot.... I dunno if someone already has made the same but Im hoping Takara Tomy does a Liokaizer or mebbe Hasbro picks it up so we get an extra 7th member.

The base parts are already there, but will need a retool for the heads and some other parts...albeit minor I guess
and they have a albeit dead member they can use as a bonus figure too.

Leozack - a retooled Cyclonus/Silverbolt - coz unfortunately we need still a bigger base body for this incarnation to work ( logically Air raid mold should be his recoloured mould, but we need a base torso)

Hellbat and Guyhawk - both can be a recoloured, retooled Sydive

Jaruga - a bit more retooled or they can get away with just colouring one of the Stunticons and using the missle attachment foot/handplate to immitate the misslelauncher

Drillhorn - with the release of the botconDrilltank (Predacus theme) we now can speculate they'll use it for the official Nosecone figure (Computron) so just a recolour and new head mould and there you have him

Killbison - again they can retool the Brawl mould a bit, just give him another cannon or something to make him double cannon

As for the extra member

Deathcobra - you might have guessed by now, of course that ever overused Alpha bravo/ Blades mould...

and there you go Loikaizer!!!

What do you guys think?

17th October 2015, 10:12 AM
^I think, LiegePrime the President of TakaraTomy has a nice ring to it. I'd vote for you! :)

17th October 2015, 11:21 AM
While it would make a great fan made custom, an official toy of Liokaiser would need to have a bit more effort put into it before I open my wallet.
Hellbat and Guyhawk would work in both robot & vehicle mode, but their combiner modes wouldn't be right.
Drillhorn and Killbison probably could get away with all 3 modes.
Leozak & Jaruga would need to be new though.

17th October 2015, 12:34 PM
Hellbat would not be part of my Liokaiser.

17th October 2015, 02:10 PM
While new moulds would certainly be preferable for LioKaiser, based on existing moulds, I would say...

* Leozak = retooled Silverbolt
* Guyhawk & Hellbat = retooled Skydive
* Drillhorn & Killbison = retooled Brawl
* Jallguar = retooled Off Road
* Deathcobra = retooled Alpha Bravo

Also, they might be able to retool some CW toys to make Landcross. We might have...
* Wing = retooled Silverbolt
* Waver = significant retooling of Off Road (akin to Skydive-->Air Raid). Much of the robot parts (except the head) may be the same, but all the vehicle parts would be changed to make him a hovercraft.
* Dash = repainted Streetwise
* Tacker = retooled Brawl
* Mach = repainted Firefly
* Tackle = repainted Swindle

17th October 2015, 09:19 PM
Hellbat would not be part of my Liokaiser.

Deathcobra then? :)

21st October 2015, 06:06 PM
From what I read in the latest TFCC mag today in an interview with one of the toylines designers it doesn't sound like there are any plans for bestial combiner teams :(

Guess it's only the Technobots we can hold out hopes for now

22nd October 2015, 01:14 PM
Guess it's only the Technobots we can hold out hopes for now

And now they are saying that's it's pretty much confirmed Scattorshot is being released as just an extra torso, not as a team leader so there goes that dream too :(

Given the screen shots of Pred Ramhorn as a drill tank I really thought that was an indication that at least Nosecone was in the works. However in the interview I mentioned in the previous post the designer did say they were concentrating on terrestrial vehicles so besides Cyclonus and Sshot no Cybertronian alt modes

22nd October 2015, 04:22 PM
And now they are saying that's it's pretty much confirmed Scattorshot is being released as just an extra torso, not as a team leader so there goes that dream too :(

Given the screen shots of Pred Ramhorn as a drill tank I really thought that was an indication that at least Nosecone was in the works. However in the interview I mentioned in the previous post the designer did say they were concentrating on terrestrial vehicles so besides Cyclonus and Sshot no Cybertronian alt modes

With all the elements for the limb members being available, it's odd for them to not capitalise off by finishing off the team.

9th January 2016, 07:26 AM
Well now we have unconfirmed rumours of both Computron and Lio Kaiser so looks like the Combiner Wars might not be over yet! :D Of course both could be nothing.

But say they do actually do these two - since we know we are not getting any animal combiners are there any more vehicle combiners from G1 & G2 left to do? All I can think of is G2 Deve that could use the current molds and adaptable configurations. After that they'd have to start making trains and dune buggys and stuff or move into other lines like RID(2001)

9th January 2016, 07:47 AM
The CW Swindle/Hound mould works pretty well as an armoured dune buggy, I'd be surprised if it doesn't end up getting used as Beachcomber somewhere down the line.

G2 Devastator is almost a given, probably more the yellow variant than the orange due to it being the "real" colour used by such vehicles out in the world, though due to the size I'm not going to say it's a guarantee...

9th January 2016, 10:07 AM
I wanna see a train combiner, because then they can redeco and retool it to all the other train combiner out there!

9th January 2016, 10:48 AM
are there any more vehicle combiners from G1 & G2 left to do?

They've got all the right vehicles to do (five member?) versions of Sixwing and Sixturbo. And Sixbuilder too I guess but that might be a little harder to sell. A bit of reworking of existing toys could possibly produce a Landcross too. (A Blast Off space shuttle would come in handy for Sixwing and Landcross).

Guard City and Battle Gaia gives us two more repaint box sets.

And we still don't have a Jazz, Sideswipe and Windcharger who can combine with Prime and Mirage for Masquerade Menasor.

I wanna see a train combiner, because then they can redeco and retool it to all the other train combiner out there!

Raiden and Sixtrain and Sixliner for starters. I'd be all for a new version of the Trainbots.

9th January 2016, 12:43 PM
The CW Swindle/Hound mould works pretty well as an armoured dune buggy, I'd be surprised if it doesn't end up getting used as Beachcomber somewhere down the line.

G2 Devastator is almost a given, probably more the yellow variant than the orange due to it being the "real" colour used by such vehicles out in the world, though due to the size I'm not going to say it's a guarantee...

Beachcomber from that mould would be awesome and is say we would probably see a g2 Devastator way down the line considering we just got 3 different variants already maybe after all the other Titans (fort max, trypticon, omega supreme and scorponok) are eventually released.

13th January 2016, 08:20 PM
Repaint of Lio Kaiser as the Rescue Force please! Throw them another jet member and (finally 24 years later!) canon English names and bios.

13th January 2016, 09:38 PM
I would still like to see "Rescue Force" + their original numbers tampographed on the toys are homage to their ridiculous G1 names. ;) And yeah, maybe have "B.R.F." somewhere on the gestalt robot's form.

14th January 2016, 08:29 PM
I really reeeeeeeeally wanted an Abominus. Especially knowing they are doing a Computron

Golden Phoenix
15th January 2016, 02:55 PM
I'm liking the looks of this

Could be a sign of another wave of extra limbs (Groove and Blast Off)

15th January 2016, 06:55 PM
I really reeeeeeeeally wanted an Abominus. Especially knowing they are doing a Computron
I'm in two minds about this sentiment...

Part of me wants to tell you to be patient, as the original Abominus and Computron didn't come out until G1 was in its fourth year, and we're just in the second year of Combiner Wars. Even if we consider 1985 as the first year of G1 gestalts (where all we had was Devastator), by Year 2 (1986) we had Superion, Defensor, Menasor, Bruticus and Predaking. So out of the first two years worth of G1 gestalts, Combiner Wars has given us all of them except Predaking.

But another part of me totally agrees with you, because I see Combiner Wars/Titan Returns as just the next installment of Classicsverse, which of course started in 2006. So we're in our tenth year of Classicsverse. I'm still spewin' that it took HasTak 5 freakin' years to release all of the Decepticon Jets as mass retail figures. :rolleyes:

Yep... nothing like having a nerd debate inside your own head. :p

15th January 2016, 07:27 PM
I'm liking the looks of this

Could be a sign of another wave of extra limbs (Groove and Blast Off)


http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah260/chileno18_2000/Shut-up-and-take-my-money_zpslytwixln.jpg (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/chileno18_2000/media/Shut-up-and-take-my-money_zpslytwixln.jpg.html)

15th January 2016, 09:04 PM
I'm liking the looks of this

Could be a sign of another wave of extra limbs (Groove and Blast Off)

Not wanting to deflate the excitement of a Deluxe Groove by Hasbro (which I would bet money on it happening eventually... probably as a pair with JP Blast Off, like they did with the first two), but there is a story behind that Seibertron news story (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-news-rumors/1059173-transformers-combiner-wars-deluxe-groove-proof-post13265281.html), and even TFW front paged it as news as well.

The Hasbro page was first noted by a TFW/Allspark member, who was pointing out how half-assed Hasbro had done the Combiner Wars pages, with image and info errors for almost all of the characters (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-news-rumors/1059173-transformers-combiner-wars-deluxe-groove-proof-post13265812.html) (not just the Protectobots). Unfortunately, some fans on both fansites (TFW & Seibertron) assumed that the Groove image/info errors were actually Hasbro announcing the Deluxe Groove toy coming soon, and the News staff on both sites then front-paged it.

15th January 2016, 09:30 PM
Not wanting to deflate the excitement of a Deluxe Groove by Hasbro (which I would bet money on it happening eventually... probably as a pair with JP Blast Off, like they did with the first two)

Be great if they did a wave consisting of Quick slinger, Break-neck, Blast off and Groove considering the rarity of the former pair and how that would be a complete wave then

15th January 2016, 09:44 PM
Be great if they did a wave consisting of Quick slinger, Break-neck, Blast off and Groove considering the rarity of the former pair and how that would be a complete wave then

Or release them in a boxset with one of the JP-exclusive Voyagers, and give it some sort of pun name that notes their replacement or absence by Hasbro as general release toys.

15th January 2016, 09:57 PM
Or release them in a boxset with one of the JP-exclusive Voyagers, and give it some sort of pun name that notes their replacement or absence by Hasbro as general release toys.

Now im hoping for some kinda franken wave to happen :p

20th January 2016, 09:38 PM
First image of UW Bruticus with Blast Off as a Space Shuttle and a Vortex having four blades :D


27th January 2016, 06:12 PM
I wonder if they'd get desperate enough with the milking of moulds to redo any of the Power Core Combiner sets? I mean, given what was trotted out in that line and the current figures it would be pretty easy to do and PCC was the last real combination-oriented line of toys.

Guess the real problem is very few of those characters were particularly iconic and the limb-drones didn't even have individual names

29th January 2016, 12:03 AM
How about a UW-09 Sky Reign with Sky Lynx as the body and as his limbs the Autobots not infected with the hate plague in the Return of Optimus Prime: Kup (Ironhide retool), Blurr (Drag strip retool), Goldbug (Dead End retool) and Steeljaw (BotCon 2016 Ravage repaint) with bonus Wheelie (Blackout repaint).

Also UW-10 Grand Magnus? Ultra Magnus (Battle Core Prime with blue rather than gold highlights), Springer (Blades retool), Sandstorm (Rook retool), Broadside (Fireflight retool) and Wreck-Gar (Deluxe Groove retool). Could alternatively have the Wheelie repaint of Blackout instead of the Sky Lynx set.

29th January 2016, 08:48 AM
After this Titan nonsense is all over I will be waiting patiently for Micromasters to get rehashed :p

Though if we're doing this chronologically we still have Pretenders to get through first :D

Golden Phoenix
29th January 2016, 10:27 AM
After this Titan nonsense is all over I will be waiting patiently for Micromasters to get rehashed :p

Though if we're doing this chronologically we still have Pretenders to get through first :D

Can't wait for Action Masters

29th January 2016, 11:09 AM
Can't wait for Action Masters

Heh - non-transforming TFs seem to be part of each line now anyway, especially the movies

After this Titan nonsense is all over I will be waiting patiently for Micromasters to get rehashed :p

Though if we're doing this chronologically we still have Pretenders to get through first :D

Think MMs have given way to Minicons. Not sure we will ever see Pretenders again, though it would be cool to finally get an Alice from ROTF

29th January 2016, 12:11 PM
Right, Action Masters are called "Titans" now, not to be confused with Titan-class or Titan Masters. Micromasters are called "Mini-Cons".

I would like to see more Pretenders like Bludgeon, Skullgrin and Thunderwing with a transformer that incoroprates aspects of the shell and inner robot where possible. (Sky High, Vroom, Crossblades high on my wish list) Still surprised there's not been a Metalhawk toy after his comic prominence, his Masterforce fame, and the number of good customs.

But we digress.

29th January 2016, 01:39 PM
Think MMs have given way to Minicons.

I'd settle for Minicon bases. I just want bases back. They could even incorporate the minicon port to activate base transformation or firing of weapons. Two throwbacks in one!

But we digress.

That we do. So how about a CW Rail Racer? :p One new voyager, one new legend and four deluxes that are retools of each other. So cheap!