View Full Version : What happened to the Megatron Club?

6th February 2015, 03:42 PM
More of a curiosity than anything, but does anybody know what happened to Tibor Csupo and the Megatron Club (http://megatron.net.au/)? I used to be a member in order to "legally" own my MP-05 Megatron, but stopped receiving the e-mails and annual renewal requests a few years ago after that news about clubs requiring approval.

Probably shouldn't be advertising it on a public forum, but looks like I'm now technically a criminal :-P

6th February 2015, 04:58 PM
There was a change in state laws a few years ago, last I heard/researched Victorians were in the clear.... I don't think anyone bothers to check any more.... evidenced by MP-05 being available in "retail" shops around the city (Retail = import stores etc)

Note: I tried to get megs on my gun license once... the District Firearms officer laughed at me!

Note: MP-05G came in ok, no need to get approval

I don't mind looking up the Vic regulations again.... but I think the club was more for those north of the boarder.

6th February 2015, 05:03 PM
Shhhhh... you don't talk about Fight Club...

Let's just say all of us NSW members are members of the Megatron Club and let's move on...

*walks away whistling....

On a serious note I thought Tiby posted something about this not too long ago. I'll try track the thread down.

Update: Link to post. (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?p=427212#post427212)

6th February 2015, 09:36 PM
There was a change in state laws a few years ago, last I heard/researched Victorians were in the clear.... I don't think anyone bothers to check any more.... evidenced by MP-05 being available in "retail" shops around the city (Retail = import stores etc)

Note: I tried to get megs on my gun license once... the District Firearms officer laughed at me!

Note: MP-05G came in ok, no need to get approval

I don't mind looking up the Vic regulations again.... but I think the club was more for those north of the boarder.
Is that true for Victoria? Now I'm confused.

6th February 2015, 10:26 PM
Is that true for Victoria? Now I'm confused.

I looked it up after I posted earlier... Vic just needs a "chief commissioners approval", which is about 170 and has a list of questions/points you need to answer, over about 10 sections.

The main condition on Imitation Firearms is:
" Limited to genuine collectors who can demonstrate the theme of their collection, defence, historical re- enactment, commercial/trading (retail), martial arts (if applicable)."

So as transformer collectors, and Megs being part of the collection, you cover this.

Nearly every section asks "Why your needs cannot be met by non-prohibited weapons.", and well saying that you need a TRANSFORMER for your TRANSFORMER COLLECTION" covers you pretty well.


6th February 2015, 10:54 PM
I'm still working on the info guide for Gun-Formers, and the Victorian section is the following...

VICTORIA (Legal - with Police Commissioner Approval letter)
Contact details
1300 651 645
http://www.police.vic.gov.au (Firearms Division (https://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=34098))
Fact sheet about imitation weapons here (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/retrievemedia.asp?media_id=70080), plus more info here (https://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=34442) and here (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?document_id=32826).

To import - A chief commissioner approval letter (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=25560) ($178.70) - AND - Customs Import Permit (form B709B (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/retrievemedia.asp?media_id=30731)) - info sheet here (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=34423)
To purchase domestically - (yet to determine, but doesn't look like anything else is needed if you already have the "approval letter" to own one)
To own - (No Licence or registration needed) A chief commissioner approval letter (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=25560) ($178.70).
To Sell - A chief commissioner approval letter (http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=25560) ($178.70)

Note - you only need the one approval letter to cover you, but if you buy any more Gun-Formers, you will need to have it adjusted to include the new ones.
The Approval Letter asks for a lot of things, but nothing too difficult to legally own your Gun-Formers.

If you have already have a license to own or purchase working handguns, you only need an import permit each time you import an imitation weapon.
(the import permit is a once only use for each time you import imitation guns of any amount)

The NSW section is proving difficult to put together because it looks to be the only state that treats imitation weapons the same as real weapons... but there are still exceptions to registration or licensing, which I have to find out for sure haven't changed since the Megatron Gun club was set up about seven years ago.

9th February 2015, 10:35 AM
The NSW section is proving difficult to put together because it looks to be the only state that treats imitation weapons the same as real weapons...

I'm sure this is not likely to change any time soon either, especially with the events of last December.

9th February 2015, 11:05 AM
Seriously Griff, you need to make a sticky for this topic somewhere mate. About 3 times a year this topic with the same queries comes up.

I don't think anyone bothers to check any more.... evidenced by MP-05 being available in "retail" shops around the city (Retail = import stores etc)

Note: I tried to get megs on my gun license once... the District Firearms officer laughed at me!

Note: MP-05G came in ok, no need to get approval

Seriously - has ANYONE in Aus actually gotten charged for owning an MP Megatron? And if so was it even remotely recent? I really don't think with all the heavy stuff going down in our communities than anyone except the most pedantic of cops would care. And I bet no one is checking houses for them. All my neighbours own REAL guns - the coppers round here couldn't give two shits that I own a little toy robot that turns into a fake firearm and I would get openly laughed at if I brought it to their attention.

My advice, just don't worry about it. Unless you make a massive deal of it I don't think anyone in authority gives a crap - they have bigger fish to fry.

9th February 2015, 02:50 PM
I have to disagree. I know it seems like one of those things that they don't enforce but why take the risk? I had to fill out a few forms and join a Club. On top of that they waived (I presume they still do) the licence fee and that was it. I have a pretty looking licence that lasts for 5 years (renewed easily) and no worries about whether the cops are going to come knocking on my door (errr well unless they are doing an inspection which hasn't happened once in 7 years).

Then again I'm a stickler for the rules so it wasn't really an option for me.

9th February 2015, 03:22 PM
Seriously Griff, you need to make a sticky for this topic somewhere mate. About 3 times a year this topic with the same queries comes up.

I am, but it is a huge project, so it is taking time to complete... around all the other things taking up my time.

9th February 2015, 04:26 PM
Seriously Griff, you need to make a sticky for this topic somewhere mate. About 3 times a year this topic with the same queries comes up.

Seriously - has ANYONE in Aus actually gotten charged for owning an MP Megatron? And if so was it even remotely recent? I really don't think with all the heavy stuff going down in our communities than anyone except the most pedantic of cops would care. And I bet no one is checking houses for them. All my neighbours own REAL guns - the coppers round here couldn't give two shits that I own a little toy robot that turns into a fake firearm and I would get openly laughed at if I brought it to their attention.

My advice, just don't worry about it. Unless you make a massive deal of it I don't think anyone in authority gives a crap - they have bigger fish to fry.

I remember about 7-8 years ago a shipment of MP Megs coming into the country got impounded by customs... and my mind is like a steel trap... A really old steel trap that has been left out in the weather and rusted.

9th February 2015, 04:40 PM
I remember about 7-8 years ago a shipment of MP Megs coming into the country got impounded by customs... and my mind is like a steel trap... A really old steel trap that has been left out in the weather and rusted.

I helped an old Melb based online store collect their shipment back in the day.... was just after release, and about a week before the cops/customs realised it was a gun.... I still have the pics somewhere of ~100 figures....

9th February 2015, 04:40 PM
I have to disagree. I know it seems like one of those things that they don't enforce but why take the risk? I had to fill out a few forms and join a Club. On top of that they waived (I presume they still do) the licence fee and that was it. I have a pretty looking licence that lasts for 5 years (renewed easily) and no worries about whether the cops are going to come knocking on my door (errr well unless they are doing an inspection which hasn't happened once in 7 years).

Then again I'm a stickler for the rules so it wasn't really an option for me.

I dunno, seems like one of those laws, like technically the law in Australia says that lightbulbs may only be replaced by a licensed electrician :rolleyes::eek:. Sure its a law, but what copper is going to come around to your house to enforce it? :p

If it wasn't a hassle for you, then sure you may as well go for it. For other folks though it sounds like a major hassle and tons of hoops to jump through and in cases like that I'd just skip the whole thing

I am, but it is a huge project, so it is taking time to complete... around all the other things taking up my time.

And once again I am so glad I am not an admin or mod on this site. With great power comes great responsibility - and headaches and annoying tasks to perform :p. You are doing Primus' work mate and we all appreciate it :)

I remember about 7-8 years ago a shipment of MP Megs coming into the country got impounded by customs... and my mind is like a steel trap... A really old steel trap that has been left out in the weather and rusted.

lol :D Well they ya go, there has actually been a case of impounding. How many Megs were in the shipment? Has anyone ever been charged with owning one that's not registered or has had their single one grabbed and not returned by customs?

I helped an old Melb based online store collect their shipment back in the day.... was just after release, and about a week before the cops/customs realised it was a gun.... I still have the pics somewhere of ~100 figures....

That would be cool to see! :D

16th February 2015, 02:32 PM
lol :D Well they ya go, there has actually been a case of impounding. How many Megs were in the shipment? Has anyone ever been charged with owning one that's not registered or has had their single one grabbed and not returned by customs?

I had mine confiscated by customs on arrival at Sydney airport. I had my gun license with me and everything but I didn't realise I also had to get that import permit. So I had to get that, and returned to the airport to pick it up - they'd stuck tape all over it to seal it, so the box was totally ruined.