View Full Version : Generations Legends Warpath revealed in Club Magazine #61

13th February 2015, 01:54 PM
The latest issue of the Club Magazine is arriving at some American homes, and inside is apparently a reveal (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generations-classics-44/tfcc-issue-61-arriving-generations-legends-warpath-revealed-182078/) of an upcoming Legends Warpath... using the Legends Megatron mould.

Members here will have another 3-4 weeks to wait before seeing it.


I think this redeco is just to reuse the mould, rather than give us a small-size Warpath toy (to homate the Gen1 toy)... because we already had a Classic-verse Legends Warpath toy in about 2008, who at least looked more like the Gen1 Warpath in robot mode (neither toy homages the alt-mode... and the robot mode on this Megatron mould won't look much like Warpath either).

13th February 2015, 02:05 PM
So that explains why Megs looks the way he does in TF: Battle Tactics.

13th February 2015, 04:41 PM
Unless his gun is protruding from his chest, it's not Warpath.

13th February 2015, 05:04 PM
Battle Tactics is based off his Leader version isn't he? Or are there several version of him in there?

Edit: as for Warpath out of that mould... Nah, happy with my Gen. Deluxe version.

Tetsuwan Convoy
13th February 2015, 05:27 PM
Unless his gun is protruding from his chest, it's not Warpath.

Well Said

13th February 2015, 05:33 PM
A random repaint I'll happily skip.

13th February 2015, 05:38 PM
A random repaint I'll happily skip.


I am still happy with Generations deluxe Warpath

13th February 2015, 05:38 PM
Well, my fears have realised. If they can pull it off well enough, I'm all for it, but by the sounds of it, it sounds a bit forced. I didn't mind Huffer, since he had enough going for him. However, the tank barrel chest is Warpath's one defining feature (pretty much).

If they can do it well, I might buy it, so I guess it's a test of time.

13th February 2015, 09:02 PM
This Megatron mould is actually based off the IDW Megatron Origins series.

14th February 2015, 08:56 AM
The Warpath picture has been shared on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=151255348266785) by the club. Looks better than I expected and better as Warpath than Megatron.

14th February 2015, 09:08 AM
Decent. It's a maybe.

14th February 2015, 09:10 AM
Also on their website for those not on Facebook

22nd February 2015, 04:30 PM
For anyone interested, the contents of Issue 61 (which I got yesterday in the mail).

Page 1/cover - Warpath in robot mode, promoting the NY Toyfair (see page 4).

Page 2/intro & contents - No paragraph by Brian this month. Their membership toy Lio Convoy "introduces himself" instead. "He" also notes that the BotCon brochure should be online shortly after this issue comes out (which was almost two weeks ago for Americans... so not really "shortly"). It also notes that membership cut-off for the toy is March 16th (I already got an email the other day to warn me of the automatic renewal soon). Plus, there is mention of this year's magazine comic (Another Light) will not be featuring the annual membership toy... but Lio Convoy will feature in other stories, including the 26 page Prose story currently on the Club website as a pdf file here (http://transformersclub.com/broken_windshields.pdf) (with some illustrations).

Page 3 - Gen1 Japanese "Kabaya Milk Caramel" Decoys (the rainbow of colours and different moulds to the Decoys released by Hasbro and Takara), written by Andrew Hall. This is the first of a series of articles, which may all be on Japanese Oddities, or Oddities in general with Transformers. The photos and information are a pleasant reminder of what this Magazine should include more of.... and less of the full page advertisements of items that the members receiving the magazine already know about. (see page 5)

Page 4 - a full page used up for promoting the NY Toyfair and Legends class Warpath, noting that the Transformers Club would be the first to show off what was revealed at Toyfair. (I looked, and all they had were the press-release images that are available on the Hasbro media website... no images of the Toyfair itself.) The one good thing is that for most Americans, this would have been a first look at Warpath... and for the rest of us non-American members, it is a first look at the backing card art (which has Warpath shooting his arm cannon like a classic Gen1 Megatron art would).

Page 5 - a full page on the Lio Convoy membership toy, saying that you have until March 16th to get it, and it should ship out Late Spring/Early Summer (US seasons - so about May/June... if they aren't delayed).
(page 4 & 5 could have been on the one page... there is so much empty space on both pages, and a larger than necessary image of each, considering Warpath was already filling the full front page, and Lio Convoy will be all over their website and isn't much different to the earlier photos anyway - it just seemed like padding out to fill an extra page)

Page 6 - A recap of the Shattered Glass universe before the second part of this year's comic story on the next page (the first part was the 4-page prologue in the last issue).

Page 7-12 - Comic story "Another Light" part 1. It is the Shattered Glass Universe, but follows on from the Beast Wars story of 2013 (with Ultra Mammoth, Grimlock and Magnaboss trio) arriving on the Mirror-verse Cybertron... so we see the return of a few past characters like the Bard of Darkmount, Cliffjumper and Aquarius the Quintesson. But while Ultra Mammoth are trying to get back to their universe, Mirror-verse Galvatron is preparing to head to his Earth, to play out events of the 1986 Movie (which was already shown in the Prologue... which I guess was actually in the future a little, as that was the scene that has Unicron first meeting the leader of the "evil" Cybertronians, which was Optimus in the Mirror-verse)

Page 13 - a profile page of eight of the creative people that will be doing work for the Magazine this year. Includes Robby Musso, Matt Frank, Jim Sorenson, Dan Khanna, Thomas Deer, Eryck Webb, Evan Gaunt, David Willis.

Page 14 - a single Transformers Profle page this issue, of the Membership toy Lio Convoy that doesn't come out until June... so could have been left until Issue 63, which would arrive in most members homes (in America) at the same time as the toy (start of June). I guess since the Prose story that is currently on the Club website is about Lio Convoy in the Beast Wars Uprising universe, they wanted to properly detail the character first.

Page 15 - Introduction to the Prose story "Broken Windshields", written by Jim Sorenson.

Page 16/back page - some creative "humour" with two new sections.