View Full Version : The Transformers Collection Count & Historical Events Game

1st March 2015, 11:38 PM
Here's how it works:
* Count your Transformers toys - ANY method you like :cool: (so long as it produces a number)
* Correlate that number to a year, then tell us at 3 interesting facts about that year!
* You may play as many times as you like as your collection number increases. ;) You may also include both B.C.E. and C.E. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Era) years. B.C.E. years will be essential if your collection count exceeds 2015; although you may need to simply round your collection count if there isn't enough exacting historical data for your precise collection count. e.g. If your count is 3383, well, I don't think there's enough data on that exact year, but we do have information about some cool things that happened in that Century (e.g. the Greek city of Troy is built). :)


Okay, I'll start.
My current TF count is 1866. Here are 3 things that happened in 1866:
The Bread Riots happened in Queensland when 250 men stormed Parliament House in response to work and food shortages.
Italy declares war on Austria on 20/6. The war ends on 12/10 with the signing of the Treaty of Vienna
Alfred Nobel has a blast and invents dynamite, yo!

7th March 2015, 10:12 PM

* William Lanne(y), the last full-blooded Tasmanian Aboriginal, dies. William Crowther (Member for Hobart Town and future Premier of Tasmania), dismembers Lanney's body. He also removed the skull and sent it to the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Even in 1869 this act outraged many people; a brawl ensued outside the Council chambers. Crowther was reprimanded. :rolleyes:

* Mahatma Gandhi is born.

* All Japanese domains are returned to Emperor Meiji, forming a fully centralised government. This is the second year of the Meiji Period where Japan is thrust out of being an isolated feudal society to becoming a modern industrialised nation.

9th March 2015, 11:15 PM
* The fireman's pole is invented.
* In the United States, blacks and women gain the right to vote.
* Japan adopts the Hinomaru ("Circle of the Sun") as its flag.

18th March 2015, 08:35 AM
Well it's probably not 100% accurate (doesn't include my Armada, Binaltech, TP and micros teams are counted as one) but my count is 537 so:
*The construction of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is completed.
*Battle of Camlann: King Arthur fights his last battle against the forces of his rebellious son Mordred and is mortally wounded.
*Pope Vigilius succeeds Silverius as the 59th pope, when the latter is deposed by Belisarius at the order of Justinian I.

Source: Wikipedia :p

19th March 2015, 08:56 PM
32 ( :( )

Saint Peter becomes the first pope
Roman Emperor Marcus Salvius Otho is born
Gnaues Domitus Ahenobarbus and Lucius Arruntias Camillus Scribonianus become Roman Consuls (that was a mouthful to type :eek:

19th March 2015, 09:58 PM
Updated my count to 598:
*the year began on a Wednesday
*and really not a whole lot else... well nothing really worth mentioning anyway.

4th April 2015, 12:22 AM
* The Anglo-Zulu War begins. Napoléon IV (great-nephew of Napoléon Bonaparte and pretender to the French throne) is killed in this war.
* Albert Einstein is born.
* The Kingdom of Ryuukyuu is annexed by Japan, becoming the Prefecture of Okinawa. Ryuukyuu's last king, Shoutai, is exiled to Tokyo and stripped of his royal title, however is granted the title of marquis in compensation.
* Ned Kelly writes the Jerilderie Letter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerilderie_Letter).
* The Torres Strait Islands are annexed by the British colony of Queensland, Australia.
* Thomas Edison invents the first practical light bulb (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Edison_bulb.jpg).

9th April 2015, 11:51 PM
* Louis Pasteur establishes L'Institut Pasteur (The Pasteur Institute), a not-for-profit organisation which continues to dedicate itself to the study of micro-biology, diseases and vaccinations.
* Gottlieb Daimler unveils his first automobile.
* Anne Sullivan begins to teach Helen Keller. They become life long friends.

17th April 2015, 12:25 AM
* Banjo Paterson's The Man From Snowy River is published
* Vincent Van Gogh moves to the outskirts of Paris where he received medical care from Dr. Paul Gachet. Under his care, Van Gogh produces over 70 paintings. Despite Gachet's effort, Van Gogh shoots himself 2 months later.
* Convicted murderer William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed via the electric chair, after intense lobbying from Thomas Edison in his attempt to showcase direct current. The execution goes horribly wrong as Kemmler is slowly cooked; Edison's attempt to curry favour for his DC fails and major contracts for powering New York City instead go to his rival, George Westinghouse (who said that it would have been more humane to execute Kemmler with an axe).

19th April 2015, 05:17 PM
* Shearer's strike in Queensland, which would lead to the formation of the Labor Party. This also inspired Banjo Paterson's bush ballad, Waltzing Matilda.
* The United States Congress passes the International Copyright Act.
* Jesse W. Reno invents the escalator. Nathan Ames had previously patented a similar "revolving stairs" machine in 1859, but never actually built it. Reno would patent his 'escalator' in 1892.

28th April 2015, 12:37 AM
* Federal Bank collapses, starting the 1893 Banking Crisis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_banking_crisis_of_1893)
* Queensland is devastated by the Great Brisbane Floods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1893_Brisbane_flood)
* Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand travels to Australia to hunt kangaroos and emus.

9th May 2015, 09:25 PM
* German mechanical engineer Rudolf Diesel patents the diesel engine
* Russian rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky proposes the idea of a space elevator (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkPDKVkVaj0)
* Waltzing Matilda is performed for the first time at the North Gregory Hotel, Winton, QLD

25th May 2015, 11:24 PM
* A decision is made that Australia's capital should be located between Sydney and Melbourne.
* The United States makes peace with Spain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Paris_%281898%29) and goes to war with the Philippines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine%E2%80%93American_War).
* Edward William Barton-Wright, founder of the English Victorian martial art of Bartitsu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_vbmZJBXSA), begins publishing a series of magazine articles about the fighting form that he'd created the year before.

7th June 2015, 07:29 PM
Bought 3 toys... sold 2 toys... total net gain: 1! And with that, my Transformers collection count has entered the 20th Century. :o

3 fun facts about 1900:
* FC Bayern is founded in Munich.
* Australian Naval forces arrive in China to reinforce international efforts to quell the Boxer Rebellion
* Britain signs the Treaty of Friendship with the Kingdom of Tonga, allowing Tonga to become a British protectorate without absolving the Tongan monarchy.

17th June 2015, 12:48 AM
* Brisbane is declared a city
* Most Australian women are granted the right to vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act.
* Japanese Karate is created (http://taikyokuken.thoughts.com/posts/separating-some-basic-facts-from-fiction-in-martial-arts-karate) with many forms simplified for children. These are the forerunners for today's pre-black belt katas.

23rd June 2015, 10:53 PM
Just a reminder that anyone can join in this game at any time. Doesn't matter what your count is. :)

* Toy history: the first teddy bear is made
* The High Court of Australia convenes for the first time
* A bicycle race known as the Tour de France is created

26th June 2015, 12:15 AM
* scientia ac labore -- the University of Queensland is established.
* Serbia accepts Austrian control over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This can only end well. ;)
* Joan of Arc is beatified by the Church. Ya know, 478 years after they allowed her to be burned at the stake for heresy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Years%27_War#French_victory:_1429.E2.80.93 53). :rolleyes:

1st July 2015, 02:06 AM
* In Munich Germany, an automobile company is created called Bayerische Motoren Werke ("Bavarian Motor Works"), or B.M.W. for short.
* Yuan Shikai, the last Emperor of China, abdicates the throne.
* Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes is expelled from the Labor Party.

5th July 2015, 08:34 PM
* The Great Kanto earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama, killing approx. 143,000 people.
* Prince Albert (aka King George VI) marries Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (aka The Queen Mother)
* Half of the Victorian police force goes on strike. Melbourne suffers widespread rioting and looting.

11th July 2015, 12:44 AM
* Brisbane City Council is formed
* The Shūeisha (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B6AoRVGsTQY/VRAkE-r_EGI/AAAAAAAALTI/QkM1k6Y8yrQ/s1600/TF_AHM.JPG) Publishing Company is founded in Tokyo
* The Chrysler Corporation is founded

13th July 2015, 10:46 PM
* Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova tours Australia. Australians create the Pavlova cake in her honour.
* The League of Nations abolishes slavery
* Germany signs a treaty with the Soviet Union. This can only end well. :p

16th July 2015, 11:37 PM
* Australia looked like this (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Australian_states_history_16.png)! :eek:
* China's People's Liberation Army is formed.
* Leon Trotsky is expelled from the Soviet Communist Party, giving Joseph Stalin undisputed control of the USSR. This can only end well. ;)

26th July 2015, 12:15 AM
* Wall Street crashes and the Great Depression begins.
* Fremantle WA becomes a city.
* Alexander Fleming publishes his accidental discovery of penicillin.

27th July 2015, 11:58 PM
* Qantas makes its first international flight, from Darwin to Singapore.
* Under Adolf Hitler, Germany begins violating the 1919 Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding its military strength.
* Persia is renamed 'Iran.'

28th August 2015, 10:26 PM
Moments in cartoon history...
* Tom & Jerry debuts (though nameless until the following year) in "Puss Gets the Boot"
* Disney releases Pinocchio and Fantasia
* Elmer Fudd debuts ("Elmer's Candid Camera")
* Bugs Bunny debuts ("A Wild Hare")
* In Japan, only one anime film is released; キンタロー体育日記 ("Kintaro's P.E. Diary")
Brisbane's Story Bridge opens
The British begin bombing Germany in May. In September, the Germans return in kind; both countries are now blitzing the crap out of each other
Moments in comic book history...
* Captain America Comics #1 (cover date March 1941) hits newstands
* Robin debuts as Batman's sidekick
* The Spectre debuts
* DC's Captain Marvel debuts
* The first superhero team up occurs, known as the Justice Society of America
* Many manga artists were placed under strict control of the Japanese Imperial government. Those who weren't outright banned from working were recruited to draw manga that promoted government/military propaganda, such as a giant robot trashing New York (http://www.arteeast.org/newgray/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/robot4.jpg)
Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, born Lhamo Dondrub, is declared to be the fourteenth regeneration of the Dalai Lama

1st September 2015, 06:46 PM
2000 (well 1999 and a headmaster head)

I was born
the Olympics were in Sydney
Car robots was aired in japan
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Moon align

18th September 2015, 10:21 PM
:eek: So you're just 15 years old and you have a collection of 2000 Transformers?!? It's taken me 31 years to amass my current collection of 1940! Wow! :eek:

22nd September 2015, 12:39 AM
Okay, recently acquired a few more toys, but also decided to remove some toys that I'm currently selling from my count. So now I'm on: 1941 (UCM)!

* The Holocaust begins. :(
* Japan bombs Pearl Harbour.
* You think Australian politics is crazy now? Australia had three Prime Ministers within one year! Robert Menzies, Arthur Fadden and John Curtin! :eek:

25th September 2015, 11:35 AM
* Japan invades the Dutch East Indies, and are actually welcomed by the local Indonesians who have grown tired of living under Dutch colonial rule (the enemy of my enemy...). Many Indonesians actually welcomed the Japanese with open arms. The Dutch aren't so keen and execute a Scorched Earth strategy, deliberately destroying much of the East Indies' infrastructure before leaving.
* A Jewish girl turns 13 and begins documenting her life. Her family flee to the Netherlands and hide in an attic. Her name was Anne Frank.
* In Papua New Guinea, Australian and Japanese forces battle each other in the Kokoda Track Campaign. Many local Papua New Guineans assisted Australian forces and came to be known as the 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels,' including carrying wounded Australian soldiers under heavy enemy fire. In spite of this, the Australian government has not officially recognised the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels' contribution and many Aussie lives saved (e.g. better foreign aid to improve local health, education in villages around the Kokoda track etc.). On a darker note, Australian forces also bullied local PNGs into only assisting them, and any locals accused of assisting the Japanese were brutally punished, even publicly executed in front of children (http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2007/s2038364.htm). :eek:

29th September 2015, 01:27 AM
* One of the worst battles in human history (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stalingrad) finally concludes.
* Jacques Cousteau and Émile Gagnan invent the Aqua Lung, the precursor to the Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA), which itself is a precursor to rebreather technology used in spacesuits.
* After forming minority government in 1941, John Curtin begins to serve another term as Prime Minister after the Labor Party defeated the Coalition in the greatest landslide victory in Australian history (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_federal_election,_1943). This guy's totally a keeper. ;)

6th October 2015, 12:03 AM
Sold a toy, which brings me back down to 1942, so...
Little Golden Books begins! :D
Disney's Bambi hits cinemas
December 1941's attack on Pearl Harbour saw a law that prohibited the production of toys containing "critical materials" such as iron, steel, zinc and rayon if it made up more than 7% of that toy's weight. This law remained in effect until the end of WWII in 1945. This saw a rise in the popularity of play things such as:
* board games
* model kits
* paper craft toys (e.g. dolls (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-S_zfSWI-mO0/TyR8O8zJGaI/AAAAAAAAB4s/lc9kbCVbK_E/s1600/paper_dolls.gif), train sets (http://home.mindspring.com/~railroadimages/papertrain.htm) etc.)
* puzzles

6th December 2015, 07:06 PM
Power Battler Vehicon has become my 1945th Transformer. So let's look at the year of 1945:
Adolf Hitler and his newly married wife Eva Braun commit suicide as Russian forces approach the Führerbunker in Berlin. He is succeeded by Karl Dönitz (President) and Joseph Goebbels (Chancellor). Dönitz is trialed and imprisoned for 10 years. Goebbels kills his six children via poisoning, then he and his wife committed suicide.
Japan becomes the first and only country to be attacked by nuclear weapons, as atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan unconditionally surrenders to Allied Forces, ending WWII.
John Curtin dies while still incumbent as Prime Minister. Ben Chifley is elected as the successor of the Labor Party, thus becoming the 15th Prime Minister of Australia

7th December 2015, 07:55 PM
Grim year 1945 was

7th December 2015, 07:58 PM
:eek: So you're just 15 years old and you have a collection of 2000 Transformers?!? It's taken me 31 years to amass my current collection of 1940! Wow! :eek:

Well having parents and relatives that collected helps. So does army building. ;)

19th December 2015, 01:23 AM
* Australian citizenship comes into being.
* Interracial marriage is outlawed South Africa under apartheid.
* The Neptunian moon of Nereid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nereid_(moon)) is discovered.

25th December 2015, 11:26 PM
* The Korean War begins
* British engineer and author Nevil Shute, who migrated to Australia, publishes his novel, A Town Like Alice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Town_Like_Alice).
* Kyoto's beautiful Kinkakuji (Gold Pavilion Temple) is burnt to the ground (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Burned_Kinkaku.jpg). :(

31st December 2015, 08:10 PM
* Jim Henson constructs the first Kermit the Frog
* The Vietnam War begins
* Sir Robert Menzies is re-elected as Prime Minister

11th January 2016, 11:24 PM
* Manga artist Takahashi Rumiko (creator of Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, Inuyasha etc.) is born.
* Theodore Geisel (a.k.a. "Dr. Seuss") publishes The Cat in the Hat
* In Liverpool, England, a teenage band known as The Quarrymen are playing a gig at St. Peter's Church. One audience member joins this band a few months later. The head of the band is John Lennon, and the audience member who joined them was Paul McCartney. 3 years later, The Quarrymen rebrand themselves as "The Beatles."

12th January 2016, 04:43 PM
Spent the weekend going through those storage tubs I got when my parents were sick of my habit (2007) I have so much it is ridiculous.

Got rid of Ko's and ones it horrible condition, also double ups.


Adolf Hitler runs for president of Germany

In February 1932, President Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to run again and announced his candidacy for re-election. Hitler decided to oppose him

Amelia Earhart Becomes First Woman to Fly Solo across the Atlantic

On May 20-21, 1932, Earhart accomplished her goal of flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean

German physicist Albert Einstein granted a visa to enter America

"The Mummy" directed by Karl Freund and starring Boris Karloff is released in the US - 1st Mummy horror film

23rd January 2016, 12:04 AM
* Algeria declares independence from France
* The first James Bond movie, Dr. No, is released in cinemas, starring Sean Connery as 007.
* James Meredith becomes the first African-American to be admitted into the then racially-segregated University of Mississippi. He had already twice failed admission but the court ruled in his favour, stating that exclusion of students based on race was unlawful. Many white students became enraged and rioted. Two people were killed. After Federal Troops regained control of the university, Meredith attended his first day under guard. Although some students were accepting of Meredith, he did experience widespread bullying and extreme isolation (e.g. if he sat at a table in the cafeteria, other students would get up and move to another table etc.). Meredith graduated with a degree in political science.

13th February 2016, 10:32 PM
* Tezuka Osamu's Tetsuwan Atom ("Astroboy") manga series debuts on New Year's Day.
* Martin Luther King Jr. utters these powerful words on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!"
* Marvel Comics releases #1 of a comic book series known as The Avengers.

8th June 2016, 01:05 AM
* Indira Gandhi (no relation to Mahatma Gandhi) is elected as India's first female Prime Minister.
* Australia switches to decimal currency and begins converting to metric weights and measures.
* Japan, having started converting to the metric system in 1924, legally declares the metric system as their official system of weights and measures. All government sectors now exclusively use metric weights and measures.

29th June 2016, 12:27 AM
Is noone else keeping count of their toys? :o

* Pulsars are discovered and the term "black hole" is first coined.
* The Australian government holds a referendum in order to change the Constitution and have it legally count Indigenous Australians as people. 90.77% of Australians voted "yes," and thus Aborigines were finally classified as fully human beings.
* Legendary voice actress Hayashibara Megumi is born.

29th June 2016, 10:16 AM
Is noone else keeping count of their toys? :o

I'd say to everyone else, its just a number, they care not for any numerical significance outside of their collection

5th July 2016, 01:51 AM
* John Gorton is sworn in as Prime Minister following the disappearance of Harold Holt.
* Marvel Comics debuts a new series: the Silver Surfer. Shueisha first publishes Weekly Shonen Jump. Shogakukan first publishes "Shojo Comic."
* Viet Cong officer Nguyễn Văn Lém, who had committed war crimes including the killing of civilians (including children) is arrested by South Vietnamese national police. Chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan (who had members of his own family killed by Lém) publicly executes Lém by shooting him in the head at point blank range. The execution is filmed by American photographer Eddie Adams, whose photography wins a Pulitzer Prize. The film also further fuels anti-war sentiment among the American public, and in other countries too. Simon Townsend (future host of Simon Townsend's Wonderworld) was a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War, an offence which was punishable by court martial and imprisonment. Townsend finally wins the exemption from military service after a fifth court appeal.

12th July 2016, 12:50 AM
* Ceylon becomes Sri Lanka
* The Whitlam Era begins in Australia
* Richard Nixon visits China (the first U.S. President to have ever done so) and meets with Mao Zedong, formally establishing relations between the two nations. Later that year the Watergate scandal occurs which of course led to Nixon's loss of Presidency 2 years later.

Watergate was a really big thing not only for America, but for Western society in general. The Western world had just been through major social upheaval during the 1960s with things like the Civil Rights Movement (including in Australia where the White Australia Policy was abolished and as a society we suddenly became ashamed of what happened to the Stolen Generations etc.), the Hippie Revolution, and of course the Vietnam War was still happening. Watergate added another huge blow to Western civilisation. Western society shifted from being one of relative unquestioning obedience and loyalty to one where people where people became increasingly more skeptical and questioning of authority.
Prior to Watergate, the American people never questioned the President even if the did questionable things. JFK was a womaniser, yet it was just accepted. Yet Bill Clinton was nearly impeached for his indiscretion.

15th July 2016, 12:53 AM
* Saigon falls and the Vietnam War finally ends (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY1jDRsOlnE).
* Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia. Splitters! :p
* Jaws is released in cinemas
* Indonesia invades East Timor, during which 5 journalists from Australia are killed in Balibo.
* Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Queen releases Bohemian Rhapsody.
* Takara's Microman enters its second year with the line, "Microman Victory" (http://www.microforever.com/1975projectvictory.htm)
* George Lucas forms the visual effects company Industrial Light and Magic
* Gough Whitlam is dismissed as Prime Minister!
* The Koutetsu Jeeg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RiXClx_p1Q) anime debuts with toys made by Takara. The head is clearly a forerunner for Wheeljack/Exhaust, and Takara have admitted that Koutetsu Jeeg was the inspiration for Headmasters. #titansreturn
* Taito releases the arcade game Western Gun, the first game to depict human on human combat. Midway later adapts this game for the West, becoming the first microprocessor-based video game (Taito's was based on transistor-to-transistor logic).

26th July 2016, 01:53 AM
Sentinel Prime makes 1976...
* Anyone reading this on an iPhone or iPad take note that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded the Apple Computer company in this year.
* The United States celebrates the Bicentenary of the Declaration of Independence.
* The Olympics are held in Peter Cullen's birthplace, Montréal, Canada.
* Indonesia declares East Timor to be an Indonesian Province after invading it in late 1975.
* The Viking 2 lands on Utopia Planitia, Mars.
* The Muppet Show debuts.
* The Aboriginal Land Rights Act is enacted.
* George Lucas finishes writing a script and begins filming Star Wars: A New Hope
* VHS wins the video home format war

Seraphim Prime
27th July 2016, 08:55 PM
Sentinel Prime makes 1976

40 more and you start predicting the future! ;)

Which, should be about this time next year, based on when you posted your 1935 update - exactly 1 year ago!

28th July 2016, 04:50 PM
40 more and you start predicting the future! ;)

Which, should be about this time next year, based on when you posted your 1935 update - exactly 1 year ago!

That is why I haven't been playing this game :D

30th July 2016, 09:35 PM
As stated in post #1, if your post count exceeds the current year then you may go into B.C.E. :) So ya know, you could potentially play this game until your collection reaches 13,820,000,000,000,000,000 ;)

5th August 2016, 10:26 PM
Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime brings my collection count to 1977:
* May 25: Star Wars debuts at Mann's Chinese Theatre. In an unprecedented move, Mann's Theatre holds a second opening on August 3 where See Threepio, Artoo Detoo and Darth Vader place their footprints in the theatre's courtyard.
* Star Wars also revolutionises the toy and merchandising industry.
* The Commodore PET debuts, becoming the first personal computer made available to retail consumers. Apple Computers is incorporated and a few months later releases the Apple II series. The Atari 2600 home gaming console is released.
* Harvey Milk is elected City Supervisor by the people of San Francisco, becoming the first openly gay official to be voted in office in a large US city.
* Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is the first Arab leader to visit Israel in an attempt to negotiate a peace settlement.
* Sydney experiences the Granville Rail Disaster (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granville_rail_disaster). That was my mum's train to work but she missed it because she was running late that morning. :eek:
* The Liberal Party under Malcolm Fraser is voted in for a second term of office.
* The first Space Battleship Yamato (Star Blazers) animated film is released in Japanese cinemas.
* Hasbro releases a new line of GI Joe figures known as the Super Joe Adventure Team, scaled down to 22cm to make them similar in size with competing Mego figures.
* Takara releases the Microman Micro Command (http://microforever.com/1977command.htm) series.
* Simultaneous filming for both Superman and Superman II begins.

9th August 2016, 12:32 AM
* The Pol Pot regime ends
* Thatcher becomes the first UK female PM
* Voyager I photographs Jupiter's rings
* Skylab crashes in Western Australia
* Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Alien are released in cinemas. Production begins on Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
* The Sony Walkman debuts in Japan
* Yokoi Gunpei is riding on a bullet train where he watches a bored businessman amusing himself by randomly pressing buttons on a calculator. This inspires him to develop the Nintendo Game & Watch (1980) and Game Boy (1989)
* Takara releases the Rescue Team Microman series
* Merrill Hassenfeld, son of Hasbro co-founder Henry Hassenfeld and CEO of Hasbro passes away. Merrill's brother Harold did not recognise Merrill's son Stephen as the successor to Hasbro.

14th August 2016, 04:05 PM
Legion Class Groundbuster makes 1980:
* Mt St Helens erupts, killing 57 people. This volcano and eruption was possibly the inspiration for the volcano that the Autobot Ark crashed into (Mt St Hillary) which erupted in 1984, reactivating the Ark's computer (AUNTIE or Teletraan-1).
* Japan becomes the world's number 1 manufacturer of automobiles.
* Voyager I transmits the first high resolution images of Saturn and confirms the existence of the moon Janus.
* Japanese toy company Namco releases the Pac-Man arcade game. Wok-wok-wok-wok-wok...
* The Empire Strikes Back and Superman II
* The Olympic games are held in Moscow, USSR. Australian athletes compete under the Olympic flag, not the Australian flag. 66 countries boycott the Moscow Olympics in protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
* Remember this (http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tomy/Tomy-CosmicCombat.jpg)? ;)
* A dingo ate their baby
* Homosexuality is decriminalised in Victoria
* Saaaaaale of the Century!
* SBS begins broadcasting
* Nintendo release the Game & Watch
* Journey to the West (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_(TV_series)) completes its second and final season

16th September 2016, 09:56 PM
* Tonka releases Bandai's Machine Robo toys as GoBots (known in Australia as Machine Men (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArAsVfsZ028)), sparking the transforming robot toy sensation in the west.
* Hasbro execs attend the Tokyo Toy Show and notice Takara's display of Diaclone and Microman Micro Change toys. They begin making plans with Takara for a joint venture...
Hasbro also makes a deal with Sunbow Productions to create a cartoon series for GI Joe A Real American Hero.
* Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi hits cinemas, marking the end of the Original Trilogy.
* NCP on ARPANET is replaced with TCP/IP protocols, giving birth to the internet.
* The Motorola DynaTAC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_DynaTAC) becomes the world's first commercially available mobile phone.
* The Ash Wednesday bushfires ravage across SA and VIC, becoming one of the worst bushfire disasters in Australian history.
* Bob Hawke becomes PM
* Tokyo Disneyland opens
* Philippines Opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. is assassinated.
* US President Ronald Reagan declares January 15 to be a new public holiday known as Martin Luther King Day.
* Treasurer Paul Keating floats the AUD
* Nintendo releases the Family Computer 8 bit game console. It would be later released in the West as the NES.

17th September 2016, 01:04 AM
For those old enough to remember & living in Melbourne at the time, February 1983 gave us the mother of all dust storm. Scared the crap out of this little school kid.

18th September 2016, 09:16 PM
1987 was when I first went to Melbourne. My brother and I wanted to bring our Headmaster Horrorcons along for the long car ride and also just to play while we were there, and we decided to leave the accessories at home, 'hidden' under a divider which looked just like this one (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/63/9d/df/639ddf96b2b0bbbe9faf48066c24cb08.jpg). But when we got home, for some inexplicit reason, the accessories were gone! :eek: Nothing else was missing, so it didn't seem that we were robbed. We never had mice at that house. Overzealous cockroaches? :confused:

5th October 2016, 01:08 AM
When I started this thread, one thing I was looking forward to was going through historical events during the G1 years. And I got excited at the prospect of doing this when my collection hit 1983 just before I went to Japan... but after coming back from Japan my collection count has now hit 1993, so... I'm going do things a little bit different and state just one fact about each year for my previous 10 acquisitions. ;)

* Q Transformers Tracks = #1984
Transformers debuts! :D

* TAV-56 Nemesis Prime = #1985
Feb 10: The South African government offers Nelson Mandela freedom from prison if he promises to reject the use of violence and terrorism. Mandela refuses.

* TAV Scorponok = #1986
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

* LG Weirdwolf = #1987
Hoddle Street Massacre; 19 year old Julian Knight goes commits a public mass shooting in Clifton Hill, Victoria. He kills 7 and wounds 19 before being arrested by police. He is currently serving 7 life sentences.

* Max-B = #1988
The Australian Bicentenary is celebrated, creating much controversy, including the largest national protests and demonstrations in Australia since the Vietnam War. The Uniting Church encouraged people to boycott the Bicentenary unless Aboriginal rights were recognised. A memorial is built to commemorate Aboriginal lives as a result of European colonisation.

* Nightbird Shadow = #1989
The Berlin Wall falls. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. declare the Cold War to be over.

* Animated Ramjet = #1990
Germany reunifies

* MP G-2 Sideswipe = #1991
The U.S.S.R. collapses

* CW Scrounge = #1992
The anime series, "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" begins airing on TV Asahi

* CW Cybaxx = #1993
Riots break out across Los Angeles as a result of the acquittal of the police officers who used excessive force against African-American suspect Rodney King.

7th October 2016, 01:34 AM
* Hasbro released Laser Rods, the first Transformers designed with fully articulated robot modes. Transformers takes its first steps from being just transformable toys to being transformable action figures.
* Sarin gas attack in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
* The Chase for Skase begins.

7th October 2016, 02:02 PM
* The Cyberjets take Transformers articulation to a whole new level with ball and socket joints.
* Move over laser discs, here comes the DVD!
* Japanese police arrest Aum Shinrikyou cult leader Asahara Shoko.

8th October 2016, 09:24 PM
Salvage makes 1996:
* Beast Wars debuts and revolutionises Transformers, single-handedly saving the franchise. :D
* An Australian Transformers fan community is established, initially known as AusTrans it would later be known as OzFormers Transformers Collectors Australia.
* Martin Bryant goes on a shooting spree in Port Arthur, Tasmania. He murders 35 people and wounds 21. 12 days later Prime Minister John Howard announces reforms to Australian gun laws.

10th October 2016, 10:18 PM
TR Blaster makes 1997:
* Beast Wars really picks up steam and becomes the 3rd best selling action figure line in the U.S. after Toy Story and Star Wars! Hasbro decides to test the market's interest in vehicular Transformers and releases Machine Wars. It fails... people want beasts!
* The United Kingdom returns Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China, ending British rule in Hong Kong and also what many consider to mark the end of the British Empire.
* Pauline Hanson launches the One Nation Party.

18th October 2016, 11:08 PM
2000! :D (feels like a collecting kilometrestone)

* The Y2k Millenium Bug ends the world ;) Some people begin prematurely referring to this year as the beginning of the new millenium and 21st Century, whereas in fact it was the final year of the old millenium and 20th Century. Maths, yo.
* Sydney hosts the Olympic Games, John Howard goes crowd surfing
* Australia introduces the GST
* Sony releases the PlayStation 2 in Japan
* Takara begins reissuing G1 Transformers
* Takara takes Beast Wars engineering and applies them to licensed vehicle modes, thus creating Transformers Car Robot. This would go on to inspire Transformers Binaltech/Alternators and Masterpiece. Meanwhile, Beast Machines continue to clog shelves and pegs in Hasbro markets.

30th October 2016, 02:53 PM
* After claiming that they wouldn't be importing Car Robot but rather had a fresh idea in store, Hasbro releases Car Robot under the title of "Robots In Disguise." None of the toys are even ready by the time of the New York Toy Fair, instead, Hasbro displays cardboard mock ups of Car Robot toys in otherwise empty RiD packaging. Nonetheless, this line proves to be highly successful in Hasbro markets with RiD toys flying off shelves in Australia months before the TV show would even debut. Australia misses many of the Predacons and Team Bullet Train. Hasbro also releases the final series of Beast Machines toys, Battle for the Spark. Most of these toys are not released in Australia.
* Spirited Away debuts and becomes the first anime to win an Academy Award.
* 11/9 attacks in the United States.

28th November 2016, 12:47 AM
2006 (Year of the Chicken)
* Hasbro releases Transformers Classics, beginning the "Classicsverse."
* Australian toy designer Alex Kubalsky begins working at TakaraTOMY designing Transformer toys. He has been the only non-Japanese person to work on TakaraTOMY's design team.
* The Human Genome Project is completed.
* Germany hosts the FIFA World Cup. Italy wins. #stellaquattro
* The Liberal government's controversial WorkChoices reforms begin.
* The anime film [i]The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" (時をかける少女) debuts.

2nd December 2016, 11:19 PM
2011 (Year of the Tiger):
* The year begins with Australia looking like this...
* On the West Coast, Perth suffers the longest heatwave on record :(
* Transformers Dark of the Moon
* US special forces assassinate Osama Bin-Laden
* NASA cancels its space shuttle programme
* #occupymovement
* A 9.0 magnitude offshore earthquake creates 10m high tsunami which hit Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, damaging the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.
* Polygon Studio in Minato Ward, Tokyo, loses 1/3 of its workforce as a result of the tsunami. Consequently Ratchet's historical recount (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikco2TIb_Rk) is animated with a diminished number of remaining animators who decide to use a series of painted stills with animated elements rather than a fully animated flashback as was initially intended. This became the standard format for historical recount scenes throughout the series, even after Polygon regained their labour capacity.

11th December 2016, 04:21 PM
2012 (Year of the Rabbit):
* Tokyo Skytree is opened
* The Pintas Island Tortoise becomes extinct
* The Labor Party holds an election for leadership. Julia Gillard defeats Kevin Rudd 71:31
* Japan ceases broadcasting analogue TV signals and switches over to digital
* Avengers assemble

19th December 2016, 11:31 PM
2015 (Year of the Sheep):
* Ireland becomes the first country to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote.
* NASA's New Horizons space probe flies past Pluto. NASA also discovers liquid water on Mars.
* Transformers: Combiner Wars and Robots In Disguise

11th January 2017, 10:05 PM
2016 (Year of the Monkey)
* The Titans Return and Rogue One shows everyone what a Star Wars Prequel done right looks like #nojarjar
* Rio de Janeiro hosts the Olympic Games, mired by pollution and crime
* The ABS pushes to have the bulk of the eligible population fill out the Census online. This is met with disaster as the web site crashes.
* The Brexit movement gains momentum in the UK where a referendum is held and the UK decides to leave the European Union. However, the majority of Scottish citizens voted against separation which has reignited discussion of Scotland separating from the United Kingdom. #Scotxit?
* Element 113 on the periodic table is named Nihonium, the first element to have its name partially derived from Japanese.

Seraphim Prime
13th January 2017, 03:49 PM
2016 (Year of the Monkey)

Excellent! Two more toys and we get NostraGoktimus! :D

15th January 2017, 10:44 AM
...it took me over a day to get your reference, cos "Nostra" means "ours" in Latin - e.g. "pater noster qui es in caelis" ("Our Father who art in Heaven") ... so I kept on thinking, "What does he mean by 'Our' Goktimus?!?" :confused:

As outlined in Post #1, once your count exceeds the current year, then you can switch from C.E. to B.C.E. :) Although I might do a combination of both - C.E. for upcoming (planned, scheduled or expected) events and B.C.E. for things that have already happened.

26th January 2017, 01:19 AM
2017 C.E. (Year of the Chicken)
* Donald Trump is inaugurated as US President.
* Millions of people around the world join the Women's March in protest of Trump's inauguration. It becomes the largest single day protest in U.S. history and one of the largest global protests in the world.
* 2017 B.C.E. = Year of the Monkey

4th February 2017, 08:44 PM
2018 (Year of the Dog)
* Japan's space agency will launch an unmanned mission to the Moon
* NASA will begin the maiden flight of the Space Launch System (to replace the now defunct Space Shuttle programme)
* The Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games will be hosted in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

19th February 2017, 10:53 PM
* Started on a Thursday :p

* Qatar will host the FIFA W⚽rld Cup
* Manned flights to M♂rs may begin as early as in this year

25th February 2017, 09:35 PM
* Disney's Steamboat Willie will fall into public domain
* It will start on a Sunday and be the Year of the Water Rabbit
* London will finish upgrading its sewer system (which was installed during the Victorian age)

28th May 2017, 03:14 PM
* On January 19th the Unix Millennium Bug (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem) is set to wreak havoc on computer systems around the world. Is your computer Y2k3da8OK?
* Australia and New Zealand will experience a total solar eclipse
* The world will run out of petroleum, as predicted by Futurama

22nd December 2017, 07:33 PM
* The Xia Dynasty (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xia_dynasty) begins in China.

1st January 2018, 10:44 PM
* On January 19th the Unix Millennium Bug (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem) is set to wreak havoc on computer systems around the world. Is your computer Y2k3da8OK?
* Australia and New Zealand will experience a total solar eclipse
* The world will run out of petroleum, as predicted by Futurama

I would believe The Simpsons than Futurame at predicting the future at the rate The Simpsons is racking them up.:D

9th July 2018, 01:24 AM
I'm adding a new rule to this thread (cos it's just too hard to do chronology once you've hit past 2018) and include any other real life number stuff that you can relate your collection count too, e.g. postcodes etc.

My current count is the same as the postcode for Parramatta.

5th August 2018, 10:59 PM
Postcode for Dural NSW

11th October 2018, 12:10 AM
2173CE: the year that Woody Allen's "Sleeper" film is set in.
2173 is also the postcode for the Holsworthy Army base in Sydney, NSW.

16th October 2018, 04:55 PM
Oh dear my history is very ancient.

In 25BC, Rome was estimated to become the largest capital city in the world.

In 25AD, the Han Dynasty was restored in China. Many Solo's rejoiced. (hurr hurr)

When I was 25, which is 12 years ago, I was working for Adam Internet and still single. I hadn't started my collecting resurgence yet, but had started on Simon Furman's IDW run in TPB form (the -ations series and Stormbringer, as well as Spotlights). I remember that the modern take on classic characters reallly appealed to me.

16th October 2018, 08:14 PM
2182CE: the Deltans make first contact with the Andorians

26th October 2018, 01:25 AM
2193BCE: Nomads invade the Mesopotamian city of Akkad.

18th November 2018, 10:03 PM
2202C.E.: Philippa Georgiou (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RRi434ycZY) is born.

26th November 2018, 12:10 AM
2205BCE: The Xia Dynasty begins in China.
2205CE: The USS Kelvin (NCC-0514) is launched from Tranquility Base

5th January 2019, 01:20 AM
* The USS Valiant makes first contact with Eminiar VII (http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Eminiar_VII). Contact is lost with the ship when they become a casualty in the war between Eminiar VII and Vendikar.
* The USS Enterprise on a return flight via a time warp to the year 2267 starts to decrease its momentum through the use of "engineering brakes". Spock reported braking at fifty years, forty, and then thirty, before being told by Captain James T. Kirk to discontinue his reports.

15th January 2019, 11:07 PM
2225 C.E. = the U.S.S. Kelvin (NCC-0514) is commissioned.

18th January 2019, 01:48 AM
2230 C.E. = Spock is born on the planet Vulcan

25th January 2019, 10:47 PM
One problem with getting several Transformers at once is that I bypass certain numbers, but here are years that I passed along the way to 2235...

2235 C.E. = Vulcan children begin bullying Spock for being half-human (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0BfZz8JVEE).

31st January 2019, 11:37 PM
* 2240BCE = Akkad, capital of the Akkadian Empire, surpasses the Egyptian capital of Memphis as the largest city in the world.

* 2241CE = Montgomery Scott joins Starfleet and Pavel Chekov is born (Kelvin timeline).

23rd February 2019, 10:33 PM
2286 - NSW postcode for West Wallsend, Holmesville and Seahampton?!? :eek:

2286BCE - Enheduanna, a Sumerian high priestess and the world's oldest named poet, was born a year ago.

2286CE - James T. Kirk and his crew take a Klingon Bird of Prey and travel back to the year 1986CE to retrieve some whales.

10th March 2019, 09:21 PM

* The Indus Valley Civilisation flourishes in modern-day Eastern Pakistan
* Northern Europeans begin using metals
* The waterway from the Nile to Lake Moeris is widened and deepened to create the Bahr Yusuf Canal

20th March 2019, 02:37 PM
Got my 666th Transformer today. :cool: Happy that's it's not only a Decepticon, but also my favourite Decepticon. Thank you Gok for grabbing him for me! :D
https://i.ibb.co/n6WS9cn/666.jpg (https://ibb.co/yd3JtyY)
The year 666 in Europe:
Duke Lupus of Friuli revolts against King Grimlock -- er, Grimoald I, with allied Avars. Grimoald takes and devastates Friuli, tracks down Lupus's son Arnefrit (allied with the Slavs), and kills him in battle at the castle of Nimis. Grimoald appoints Wechtar as the new duke of Friuli.

21st July 2019, 11:20 PM
2323CE: Jean-Luc Picard enlists in Starfleet

3rd September 2019, 10:29 PM
2353BCE: 3rd anniversary of the destruction of the city of Mari (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari,_Syria)
2353CE: William T. Riker and Geordi LaForge enter the Starfleet Academy. Jonathan "Jack" Crusher, husband of Beverly and father of Wesley Crusher, is killed in an away mission while serving aboard the USS Stargazer.

29th December 2019, 10:38 PM
* Cpt Christine Vale, Cmdr Dalit Sarai and Lt Ethan Kyzak are promoted as captain, executive officer and operations officer respectively of the U.S.S. Titan.
* The U.S.S. Titan's former captain, William T. Riker, is assigned as acting sector commander in the Alpha Quadrant frontier zone.

31st December 2019, 01:32 AM
2390CE: A robot known as MACC travels back to 1987 and helps the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles defeat Krang and his henchmen.

2nd January 2020, 03:24 PM
2392CE: While in a simulated mental prison, Miles O'Brien murders Ee'char. Although this character only existed in O'Brien's simulation, he is later haunted by this "murder."

3rd January 2020, 11:06 AM
Okay, so this is a historical historical TF count post. Retroactive!

* 6/4~29/5: siege and fall of Constantinople. Combatants are able to see a lunar eclipse on 22/5.
* 17/7: the French defeat the English at the Battle of Castillon (re: Hundred Years' War), leaving the English only retaining Calais in France
* 10/11: Grand Prince Suyang kills General Kim Jong-Seo, ending the Gyeyujeongnan coup d'?tat. Two years later Prince Suyang was crowned King Sejo.

7th January 2020, 01:00 AM
2393CE: the crime lord Laurus rules Kariwak on Tropicana with an iron fist, jealously guarding control of the bitek trade ("Candy Buds," A Second Chance at Eden)

My latest acquisition is a Bot-Bot, which happens to be my 101st Bot-Bot, so...

* 30/7 - The Roman consuls Gaius Marius and Manius Aquillius defeat the Cimbri tribe at the Battle of Vercellae.
* Ptolemy Apion inherits the Kingdom of Cyrenaica (in Modern day Libya).

* Plutarch writes "Parallel Lives of Famous Men" containing fifty biographies comparing Greek and Roman celebrities; e.g. Alexander the Great vs Julius Caesar. It's like Epic Rap Battles of History... only without the rap. Or YouTube.
* Begin the Dacian Wars has.

3rd February 2020, 01:09 AM
* Jean-Luc Picard retires and becomes an ambassador
* The Federation makes first contact with the Lorian aboard the USS Voyager
* The Klingon Empire blockades the Gorn homeworld

17th March 2020, 12:59 AM
* Kings in Sumer have ceased to be automatically high priests of the city deity.
* Infiltration and conquest of Mesopotamia by ancient Semitic-speaking peoples begins.

10th April 2020, 03:07 PM
* It is the Year of the Wooden Pig. Oink.

* The planet Vrazon is hit by an asteroid. Starfleet delivers a massive shipment of vacuum cleaners for the residents to clean up the mess.

1st May 2020, 11:58 PM
2416B.C.E. = Sa'umu is crowned king of the Mariotes. During his sixteen year reign he would launch multiple attacks on neighbouring city-states (predominantly in the middle Euphrates valley), leaving paths of destruction in his wake.

2416C.E. = Seven of Nine and a Starfleet away team are sent back to the year 2063, the night before First Contact, to covertly assist the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise in stopping the Borg.

UN2416 is the shipping number for trimethyl borate.

5th May 2020, 01:47 AM
2417BCE = Year of the Fire Rat

2417CE = the USS Orville makes first contact with Regor 2

8th May 2020, 02:27 AM
2421 = NSW postcode for Fishers Hill
UN2421 = shipping code for nitrogen trioxide

12th May 2020, 12:40 AM
2423BCE = Year of the Water Goat
2423 = NSW postcode for Upper Myall

17th June 2020, 12:10 AM
Earth has established a totally balanced and ecologically stable underground society. However one man, Cranwitz, regarded as a deviant and eccentric because he keeps a few animals as pets, refuses to get rid of these animals, the last non-human inhabitants of the planet. He is finally persuaded by his sector representatives to exterminate his pets, but also commits suicide. This leaves Earth in 'perfection', with its fifteen trillion inhabitants, twenty billion tons of human brain and the 'exquisite nothingness of uniformity'.

8th August 2020, 10:12 PM
2447: postcode for Taylors Arm NSW

23rd August 2020, 01:00 AM
* End of the Early Dynastic IIIa Period and beginning of the Early Dynastic IIIb Period in Sumer.
* Kish is lost to Hamazi tribesmen of the Kurdistan mountains.
* Elam under the Awan dynasty occupies parts of Sumer.

* The Star Triangle Advanced Guard reverse engineers and duplicates Borg transwarp coils

2450 = NSW postcode for Coffs Harbour

3rd October 2020, 09:01 PM
2453: Postcode for Billys Creek NSW. Population: 61 (https://www.australias.guide/nsw/location/billys-creek/)

1st November 2020, 10:18 AM
2-4-6-8, who do we appreciate?

9th November 2020, 08:11 AM
1001 - woohoo cracked the 1000 barrier!
The Changbai Mountains volcano, located on the present-day Chinese-Korean border, erupts with a force of 6.5, the fourth largest Holocene blast (approximate date).

25th November 2020, 01:08 AM
2480 = postcode for Lismore NSW

29th November 2020, 09:10 PM
2490 = postcode for Tumbulgum NSW, a tiny town located just south of the NSW/QLD border.

21st December 2020, 08:26 PM
2500 B.C.E.
* The rice crop is introduced to Malaysia.
* Scribe schools boom in Sumer.
* The Kingdom of Assyria is established, with its capital located in the city of Assur.
* The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum in Paola Malta is abandoned and remain hidden until it would be accidentally discovered by builders in 1902C.E.!
* The Valley Temple of Khafra and Great Sphinx are built in Giza, Egypt, in honour of the Pharoah Khafra.
* Peruvians are relying predominantly on fish and mussels for food.
* The Neolithic settlement of Skara Brae in Scotland is abandoned after 600 years of occupation.
* Mohenjo-daro, one of the largest settlements in the Indus Valley Civilisation, is constructed in what is Sindh, Pakistan today.

7th January 2021, 11:37 PM

NCC-2509, the registration number for the U.S.S. Callisto, a Constellation Class starship.

27th March 2021, 10:20 PM
2550BCE: conflict erupts between the neighbouring Sumerian city-states of Lagash and Umma. King Mesilim eventually settles the dispute, ruling in favour of Lagash.

28th April 2021, 12:55 AM
2558: postcode for Eagle Vale NSW

28th May 2021, 08:59 PM
2566 - postcode for Minto NSW

11th June 2021, 01:11 AM
2573; postcode for Tahmoor NSW

20th June 2021, 11:47 PM
2576: postcode for Bowral NSW

29th June 2021, 01:32 AM
2578 = postcode for Bundanoon NSW

6th July 2021, 11:23 PM
2579 = postcode for Exeter NSW

25th July 2021, 02:17 AM
2587: Postcode for Wombat NSW

4th August 2021, 11:24 PM
NCC-2590, USS Valkyrie

7th August 2021, 01:38 AM
2592km; this distance would span from the Okinawan capital of Naha right past Hokkaido and into the southern small islands that lie near Russia's border.

11th August 2021, 02:01 AM
2593: The Australian Safety Standard code for boilers.

18th August 2021, 09:40 PM
2600 B.C.E.:
* First Early Minoan Period in Crete begins
* Third Dynastic Period begins in Mesopotamia
* Sumerian King Akalamdug begins his reign as king of Ur

25th September 2021, 09:57 PM
NCC-2610, U.S.S. Chosin

16th October 2021, 03:33 PM
2617 = postcode for Belconnen ACT

25th October 2021, 01:40 AM
2620BCE: the reign of Pharaoh Sneferu ends

19th November 2021, 09:27 PM
2630 - postcode for Cooma NSW

27th December 2021, 02:43 PM
2647 - postcode for Mulwala NSW

23rd January 2022, 11:42 PM
2657 B.C.E. = Early Dynastic II Period in Mesopotamia (2750~2600BCE).

2657 C.E. = There will be a solar eclipse on September 29.

28th January 2022, 09:29 PM
2658 C.E.: Kal Dano invents the quantum phase inverter, a palm-sized device that can stop nuclear fission within a star.

19th February 2022, 07:37 PM
2666 Gramme is a 30km wide asteroid that orbits mainly between Mars and Jupiter.

26th February 2022, 07:36 PM
2670 BCE: the reign of Pharoah Sneferu begins.

18th March 2022, 06:25 PM
2673: postcode for Naaldwijk, South Holland, the Netherlands.

30th March 2022, 11:39 PM
2675: postcode for Hillston NSW

9th April 2022, 09:17 PM
2678: postcode for Riverina NSW

30th June 2022, 09:46 PM
2681: postcode for Myall Park NSW

3rd July 2022, 10:19 PM
2682: postcode for Otaua, New Zealand

16th August 2022, 07:09 PM
2690: postcode for Santa Iria de Azoia, Portugal.

21st August 2022, 10:08 PM
2698km = the distance from Greenwell Point Bowling and Sports Club in NSW to the Daly Waters WWII Historic Air Strip in the NT.

31st August 2022, 02:07 AM
2700 BCE: The beginning of statuary in Egypt, with shale and limestone statues of Khasekhemwy created in Nekhen (capital of Upper Egypt).

12th October 2022, 12:13 AM
2713 = postcode for Blighty NSW. Population: 138, no camels.

16th October 2022, 10:04 PM
2715 C.E. = humanity makes first contact with energy beings. The Possessor Wars (https://www.possessorwars.com/) begin.

9th December 2022, 12:08 AM
2732 = postcode for Noorong, NSW

10th January 2023, 12:01 AM
2745 = postcode for Mulgoa NSW

2nd February 2023, 09:58 PM
2754: postcode for Richmond NSW

6th February 2023, 01:06 AM
2759: postcode for Erskine Park, NSW

19th February 2023, 09:13 PM
2760: postcode for St. Marys NSW

2nd April 2023, 09:20 PM
2775: postcode for Wisemans Ferry, NSW

23rd April 2023, 09:25 PM
2788C.E. is when the Earth Girl short stories take place (Earth 2788).

2775: postcode for Wisemans Ferry, NSW
2775B.C.E. was also when the Second Dynasty Wars in Ancient Egypt started (ending in 2650B.C.E.).

27th April 2023, 10:38 PM
2797 = postcode for Garland NSW

1st May 2023, 10:06 PM
2800 B.C.E. = soap is invented

5th July 2023, 11:22 PM
2805 C.E.: the events of WALL-E occur.

9th July 2023, 10:01 PM
2806: postcode for Eugowra NSW.

Traditional custodians were the Wiradjuri people
Electorate is Orange
Population = 779

10th August 2023, 10:19 PM
2810: postcode for Grenfell NSW

3rd October 2023, 11:44 AM
2830: postcode for Dubbo NSW

31st December 2023, 12:01 PM
2860: postal code for Sřborg, Denmark.

18th January 2024, 07:15 PM
2867: postcode for Cumnock NSW (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumnock,_New_South_Wales)

23rd February 2024, 08:45 AM
2873: postcode for Tottenham NSW

9th March 2024, 05:30 PM
2875: postcode for Trundle NSW

6th April 2024, 06:28 PM
2879 BCE: The Hong Bang Dynasty (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%E1%BB%93ng_B%C3%A0ng_dynasty) is established in Vietnam.

15th April 2024, 10:06 PM
2880 BCE: the germination of Prometheus the pine tree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus_(tree)); the world's oldest known organism which was cut down in 1964 CE. :(

19th April 2024, 09:53 PM
UGC2885 is the official name for the Godzilla galaxy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UGC_2885).

13th May 2024, 11:22 PM
2888 = name of an Iranian movie about the Iran-Iraq War.

27th May 2024, 09:30 PM
2895: Asteroid 2895 is called Memnon, 56km in width.

21st June 2024, 10:12 PM
2900 B.C.E.
+ First Marionite Kingdom founded
+ Early Dynastic Mesopotamian Wars begins
+ Sumerian pictographs begin evolving into phonograms
+ Work begins on the Votive statues from the Square Temple of Eshnunna in modern day Iraq
+ Beginning of the First Early Dynastic Period in Sumer

6th July 2024, 10:00 PM
NGC 2910 is an open cluster in the Vela constellation, more visible from the southern hemisphere.