View Full Version : Why didn't Aussy G2 Constructicons have combiner parts or names?

9th March 2015, 04:24 PM
Why didn't Aussy G2 Constructicons have combiner parts or names? All those years of blue tax and sticky tape :(

9th March 2015, 08:48 PM
I think this was a world-wide thing, from what I can recall a bunch of European markets didn't get the combiner parts either - not sure if it was a safety thing or not

9th March 2015, 08:53 PM
I remember being heartbroken. I'd never gotten the G1 Constructicons even though I had most of the Scramble city combiners. They had finally brought Constructicons out on the shelves again and they were yellow and had no combiner parts :eek::(

I still bought them though :rolleyes::p

9th March 2015, 09:11 PM
We got the el cheapo versions along with Europe. the cards themselves were generic and didnt feature individual artwork -same as the 4 of the 6 Breastforce members who were rebranded as The Rescue Force released at the same time. At least they can combine to form *some* kind of robot :p

Jetfire in the sky
9th March 2015, 09:18 PM
The ones TFIguy are referring to are actually part of G1series 8-10 Euro releases. Note the packaging is not the G2 style, they are often referred to G1.5.

9th March 2015, 10:13 PM
The ones TFIguy are referring to are actually part of G1series 8-10 Euro releases. Note the packaging is not the G2 style, they are often referred to G1.5.

Really? I didn't know that... I always thought that the yellow ones were G2...
Come to think of it, I think I do recall picking them up well before G2 came out. You're right. Man what a cloudy memory...

9th March 2015, 10:21 PM
Even though there was a yellow Devastator and an orange Devastator for Gen2 (http://www.tfu.info/1993/Decepticon/Devastator/devastator.htm), a couple years before Gen2 a slightly different yellow set of Constructicons were released by just Hasbro UK (http://www.thevintagetoycollector.com/hasbro-toy---transformers---constructicon---moc---crane-1991-euro-figure-2479-p.asp) (which we were a part of until 1997) on purple cards with art for all six on the card to save money.
This was definitely a cheap, quick re-release by Hasbro UK that was neutered of its ability to combine and didn't come with combining parts... but then was reinstated for the Hasbro US Gen2 release, which is really weird for the UK branch to do to it.

9th March 2015, 10:44 PM
Here's a photographic comparison of Scrapper, from left to right: original G1, late G1, G2 and Encore reissue.

9th March 2015, 11:15 PM
Here's a photographic comparison of Scrapper, from left to right: original G1, late G1, G2 and Encore reissue.

Yep mine was G1 for sure!