View Full Version : What specific type of F15 was Starscream?

10th March 2015, 01:43 PM
anyone know?

10th March 2015, 02:19 PM
A gray one with bits of red and blue :p

10th March 2015, 02:47 PM
Given the toy was released after the C model had gone into production (roughly 1979/80), and the size of the canopy ruling out a trainer, I would suggest he's supposed to represent a single seat A or C (or J - being the C models produced for Japan from about '81 - but the toy may predate the J :confused:).

From memory, there's no external differences between the A and C - it's all upgraded avionics, engines, etc. There were some external changes between early and late A's but can't recall what they were off the top of my head (and therefore if they're external or even able to be made out on the approximated version of the toy).

However, I think later/updated toys of Starscream, based on canopies, are two seaters (and very mixed in that they could be a B, D or E. Though I haven't really looked at the Masterpiece versions which should be accurate enough to have some tell tale signs to narrow it down... might have a look tonight).

(I've wondered this before too but not delved too deep into it :p)

10th March 2015, 03:09 PM
Well, I know it's not an E, as the originals didn't have the bulges on the sides of the air intakes. So the G1 seekers were not 15Es. MP03, however was an E.

I think I'll go for an F15A, C or J... now to decide which model to get...

I'm thinking of making 1/72 F15s in G1 colours... SS TC and SW...

10th March 2015, 03:10 PM
wiki says F-15 Eagle.

the F-15 A, C and J were the only variants to have single seat configuration.
the B and D were 2 seat training versions.
The F-15N was a carrier capable variant.

The 15-E is the most current and capable version of the aircraft but I'm pretty sure it's a twin seater.

I don't know how many seats the original toy had, but the original toy had flat sides to the fuselage so you could argue that it's probably one of the A, C or J variants. I'd prefer C, as it's the more advanced version, though given the origin of the toys, it could just as easily be the J which was the variant sold to Japan. from what I can see on the Wiki, the pre-F-15E variants that had 2 seats were training variants.

the generations toy and the original masterpiece release (MP-03) had the conformal fuel tanks on the side of the fuselage, making it clearly the F-15-E Strike Eagle. This is a two seater plane however, with a pilot and a co-pilot/WSO(weapons system officer). I'm not sure about the generations toy but I recall the MP only having 1 seat, though probably room for two if it didn't have to transform.

so, I'd say G1 Toy, F-15C, modern toys, F-15E, though MP-11 is probably the F-15C also.

EDIT< or what Stug and Dinkydarth said > :o

10th March 2015, 03:21 PM
G1 Cartoon version? A,C or J?

10th March 2015, 04:04 PM
well, I've just done a bit of a Google search and can't even find a picture of his vehicle mode from the show.
given the amount of animation errors in the original show, you could probably pick whichever suited your fancy. based on what Stug Was saying I'd say it's most likely his show model was a C

10th March 2015, 04:39 PM
If you're looking for a model I'd go with any A, C or J as I don't think the differences are notable (especially as you're talking 1:6 scale). ;) The only easy way to tell is look at the tail numbers (the first 2 digits - or smaller digits - on US aircraft are the year of manufacture) and given the Deceps/Teletran/Aunty didn't have that great an eye for detail in establishing their disguises it's anyone's guess! :D

Also I posted this (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showpost.php?p=400333&postcount=29) over in the model building thread. They're not mine but wish they were! :)

A note on the "bulges"/conformal tanks too: C, D and E all can carry them (they're removable - just that the E is commonly seen with them on because their strike role generally requires the additional range). So it's actually easier to ID if it's a single seater with the tanks as it can only be a C.

10th March 2015, 04:42 PM
I always thought he was an A. But he could be a C.

Absolutely beautiful planes up close. Amazing afterburners... I've got a picture of my head in one from when I got to see an F-15 in person on one of the US aircraft carriers (Constellation I think) back in the day. Pilot was absolutely chuffed I was so enamoured with his plane. ;)
F-15 was one of my favourite models to make when I was a kid (yes - I'm a girl who loved making aircraft models too) behind the F-14's.

10th March 2015, 05:09 PM
I always thought he was an A. But he could be a C.

Absolutely beautiful planes up close. Amazing afterburners... I've got a picture of my head in one from when I got to see an F-15 in person on one of the US aircraft carriers (Constellation I think) back in the day. Pilot was absolutely chuffed I was so enamoured with his plane. ;)
F-15 was one of my favourite models to make when I was a kid (yes - I'm a girl who loved making aircraft models too) behind the F-14's.

you sure it was an F15? they are not commonly seen on carriers. ditto re F14/F15... the new jet fighters just don't do it for me like the older ones...

10th March 2015, 05:20 PM
Far as i know the only ones on carriers were the navy f14 tomcats and the navy didnt operate the f15 eagles but from what i read there was a f15n seaeagle designation for a carrier version

10th March 2015, 06:23 PM
F-15 was one of my favourite models to make when I was a kid (yes - I'm a girl who loved making aircraft models too) behind the F-14's.

Nothing wrong with that, the first model airplane I made was with help from my mum because I was way too young, but it was her model from when she was a kid that she'd never put together.

you sure it was an F15? they are not commonly seen on carriers. ditto re F14/F15... the new jet fighters just don't do it for me like the older ones...

Far as i know the only ones on carriers were the navy f14 tomcats and the navy didnt operate the f15 eagles but from what i read there was a f15n seaeagle designation for a carrier version

yep, the wiki talks about the F-15N as a carrier variant, larger wings, folding wing tips, stronger landing gear and a stronger tail hook.

the JSF has similar differences between the F-35A and the F-35C.

10th March 2015, 08:24 PM
It was definitely an F-15 I saw. Unfortunately the pics are in storage in Sydney or I'd pull them out to prove it. ;)
I didn't think or care what the plane was doing there (at the time I was so hyped up not only being ON a carrier but seeing my 2 fave planes up close and touching them (I was fangirling over the F-14 something TERRIBLE!) I didn't care about much else). The F-15's rear engine nozzles were distinctly different from the other planes around it which is why I had to stick my head into them for a good look - that much I do remember... but it was MANY years ago.

Starscream was no fool when he chose his alt mode. I miss those "old" jets.

10th March 2015, 10:50 PM
well, I've just done a bit of a Google search and can't even find a picture of his vehicle mode from the show.
given the amount of animation errors in the original show, you could probably pick whichever suited your fancy. based on what Stug Was saying I'd say it's most likely his show model was a C

There's a couple of images at the TFWiki page for Seekers (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Seeker_%28body-type%29), but the majority are robot mode.

10th March 2015, 10:59 PM
Nine basic models (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle#Variants), and one is indeed Carrier capable - the F-15N that Bladestorm referred to and UltraMarginal noted... but it says "proposed" so not sure if that means none were ever built.

For further reading - how they assign numbers and letters to the aircraft types (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1962_United_States_Tri-Service_aircraft_designation_system), and, all the different US military aircraft designations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._DoD_aircraft_designations).

10th March 2015, 11:43 PM
I have a sort of headcanon in that each Seeker (or group/squadron etc) has a different purpose in battle - air to air dogfight, air to surface, air to air larger target etc, so having each Seeker/group being a slightly different revision of the F15 in my own headcanon puts me in a happy place.

Of course none of this is relevant to the conversation above...

11th March 2015, 12:28 PM
I'm tempted to go with the F-15C or F-15J, since they were the versions in production (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle#Basic_models) when the first Diaclone toys were released.

However, not all of the vehicles were the latest vehicles available at the time: Jazz's Porsche 935 is from 1976 and Wheeljack's Lancia Stratos is from 1977, to give two examples, so Starscream could easily be an F-15A.

11th March 2015, 03:26 PM
I thought about this some more and thought their may have been some real world facts, paralleled with cannon that could make a definitive argument for one model over the other. However, after a little bit of research, of the 2 avenues one proved inconclusive and the other suggests he's an F-4 Phantom :D:

1. Based on Starscream's capability of dropping cluster munitions (from his tech specs) this would make him an F-15E. I think the A was air-to-air only. The C can carry and deliver air-to-ground munitions but not cluster bombs. Only the E uses cluster bombs... but then construction didn't start on the E until 1985 and exclusively a 2 seater so that's completely inconsistent. And if this had been logical I'd have found it hard to reconcile the null ray armament into this! :confused:

2. Starscream (and TC and SW) were rebuilt to resemble fighters The Ark had found (as per MTME Pt.1). With Mt St Hillary in Oregon, in 1984 the closest fighter squadrons all seemed to be Air National Guard Units in Portland, Kingsley Field (southern Oregon) and Fresno (California - which is a bit of a hike). Unfortunately, they all seemed to be flying F-4 Phantoms at the time (maybe one had converted to F-16s by then... not 100% sure). They all now fly F-15C's but only since 89/90 at the earliest. :rolleyes: All the other bases in neighbouring states (both USAF and ANG) were transport, refuelling and strategic bombing squadrons.

There's nothing to suggest Sky Spy didn't go further than that (except I'm not spending more time tracking through histories of all USAF bases and units). It's also possible that F-15s transited through nearby bases right at the time Sky Spy was exploring ;)

11th March 2015, 08:39 PM
I'd always though they were a mix of various F-15 models.

12th March 2015, 09:20 PM
I have a sort of headcanon in that each Seeker (or group/squadron etc) has a different purpose in battle - air to air dogfight, air to surface, air to air larger target etc, so having each Seeker/group being a slightly different revision of the F15 in my own headcanon puts me in a happy place.

Of course none of this is relevant to the conversation above...

I like that head canon.

Movie verse, I've always thought it would be neat if the original 3 were F-22's like Starscream is and the conheads were F-35's. unfortunately that's probably not going to eventuate any time soon.

12th March 2015, 10:01 PM
Hasbro's lawyers would like to remind you that Starscream was of course a generic, non-specific jet fighter and not meant to resemble any particular real-world aircraft


15th March 2015, 09:57 PM
Hasbro's lawyers would like to remind you that Starscream was of course a generic, non-specific jet fighter and not meant to resemble any particular real-world aircraft


LOL! :p:D

I was going to say: "NERRRRRRRDS!!!" - But to be honest, I've loved reading every line of this thread ;):), as someone who LOVES aircraft but really knows very little about them, beyond certain names and (Flight) concepts. :o

I've 3 favourite types of Aircraft: The F-15 (Just so wicked & largely thanks to G1 :D), The Spitfire (They look & sound incredible, not to mention they're iconic ;)) and the Lockheed-Martin SR-71 Blackbird (Friggin' sex made airborne! :D:cool:) - But my 1st ever model kit that I built was an F-15 too, as was the 2nd (Much larger scale though), but for the life of me I can't categorically remember what revision they were as they're both LONG gone now... I think one was a "D" and the other an "E" though...

Anyway, enough of my derailing - back to it you guys, I'm digging this discussion!
(...and now also thinking about obtaining a bloody model kit! :eek::p)