View Full Version : Plastic Quality on RID 2015 toys

28th May 2015, 07:32 PM
I was wondering what others thought of the quality of the RID 2015 toy releases.

Asking because so far my son has had 2 legion and 1 one-step break apart on him in really odd places (eg Bumblebee's shoulder). And warrior Grimlock came with strain marks already on the plastic around the leg.

I find the breakage rate on this line odd because my son has all the Transformer Prime figures, CW figures as well as loads of AoE of varying sizes and none of them have ever snapped or broken... certainly not the legion size which he actually pulls apart to mix and match the parts from at times.

So I'm curious - is anyone else having breakages with this line? Is the plastic quality not as good as previous releases? Or is my son simply having a lot of bad luck with his figures?

28th May 2015, 07:45 PM
I only have one RID toy, a Warrior Bumblebee. I noticed the plastic seems a little different than previous lines. I also have a bunch of TAV figures, I find Steeljaw feels fragile and my Grimlock has stress marks on his arm.

28th May 2015, 07:53 PM
I haven't had any issue with them, though I read online that Grimlock's arm ratchet was too tight so caused stress marks on the earlier waves of the toy :(
I have the rest of the current Hasbro lineup (Warrior Wave 1/2 and Legion Wave 1) and have no problems.

28th May 2015, 11:20 PM
I only have Strongarm and she does feel light for her size (so much empty space).
I think it's not the plastic itself but instead, is the thickness (or thinness) of the plastic.

29th May 2015, 02:39 PM
I've had no probs in regards to plastic quality so far.

29th May 2015, 09:48 PM
I'm aware of issues with grimlock's arms and I'm fairly careful with him. My legion figures are fairly sturdy no issues (knock on wood.)

30th May 2015, 07:53 PM
Whenever someone posts something about plastic quality, all I can think of is "cheap orange plastic".

31st May 2015, 12:11 AM
I've had problems with the legions. Had to replace strongarm as the tolerances weren't right, and leg kept popping off. Similar thing with the bumblebee legion

6th June 2015, 04:58 PM
I have Jazz and Strongarm in uh, warrior size, and they feel really solid in robot mode, but very light in vehicle mode. They hold together pretty well in both modes so I don't feel like they're going to break.
Legion Strongarm is the same quality as the Prime series legions.