View Full Version : Generations Toys-GT-01 Gravity Builder (Devestator)

8th June 2015, 09:12 PM
Our first actual MP scaled Devestator, I guess.

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj230/AUST_Tober/11147011_10152963002897621_1722047490774584099_n_z pswlmkvsfh.jpg (http://s273.photobucket.com/user/AUST_Tober/media/11147011_10152963002897621_1722047490774584099_n_z pswlmkvsfh.jpg.html)

8th June 2015, 09:22 PM
MP size maybe. But MP styled???

8th June 2015, 09:24 PM
That looks terrible. On top of that, people aren't going to be willing to fork out premium dollar for something like this when there's an official badass being released shortly at half the price

8th June 2015, 09:45 PM
That looks terrible. On top of that, people aren't going to be willing to fork out premium dollar for something like this when there's an official badass being released shortly at half the price

Terrible? U can only see a silhouette. Official one is nice but in no way it's premium quality and detail, now I'm not saying this one will be premium quality and detail but in recent times these third party companies have really upped their game, so there will be plenty of people who will fork out big dollars for this.

8th June 2015, 10:04 PM
Terrible? U can only see a silhouette. Official one is nice but in no way it's premium quality and detail, now I'm not saying this one will be premium quality and detail but in recent times these third party companies have really upped their game, so there will be plenty of people who will fork out big dollars for this.

Perfectly fine to make a judgement based on what I can already see - we all have our own opinions on what looks good and what doesn't.

A lot of people who were willing to pay premium for a detailed Devastator have already picked up either the Maketoys or the TFC versions. And with a pretty damn good official version coming out soon, I seriously doubt there'd be much of a market left for something like this - unless it's cheap and/or blows the other 3 out of the water with aesthetics. I just don't think it'll meet either of these criteria.

8th June 2015, 10:27 PM
Warbotron is proportionally beautiful. The biggest problem i have with the official combiners like all the CW combiners except Devastator, is that they look like giant Apes. It's enough to turn me off buying them. Devastator however is day one buy for me.

I dont know about articulation or transformation etc But i think if warbotron is anything to go by, their Devastator should be at least awesome looking.

8th June 2015, 10:28 PM
It looks big but not MP styled, not that you can tell much from the silhouette. and Hasbro's official Constructicons actually look quite geewun already although not much in the way of articulation. This company will need to bring something new to the table.

A lot of people who were willing to pay premium for a detailed Devastator have already picked up either the Maketoys or the TFC versions. And with a pretty damn good official version coming out soon, I seriously doubt there'd be much of a market left for something like this - unless it's cheap and/or blows the other 3 out of the water with aesthetics. I just don't think it'll meet either of these criteria.

While I'm not currently interested in this from the silhouette, I don't think that's quite how toy collecting works, otherwise we all should have stopped buying toys of Optimus, Starscream and Grimlock a while ago.

9th June 2015, 05:13 PM
While I'm not currently interested in this from the silhouette, I don't think that's quite how toy collecting works, otherwise we all should have stopped buying toys of Optimus, Starscream and Grimlock a while ago.

I hear where you're coming from - but this only applies to collectors when it comes to official stuff. People generally aren't going to buy new reincarnations/versions of the same characters available in the third party market again and again simply because of price. Very few collectors will have the disposable income to buy a TFC/Maketoys/GT Devastator and an official CW one as well

10th June 2015, 11:39 AM
I'm more interested in seeing how MMC approaches Devestator when/if they do. This one looks too puffy to me. Heck, I'd be happy to see Make Toys take another stab at a larger MP sized Devestator/Green Giant.

10th June 2015, 01:10 PM
Agreed, giant is still the best looking and best engineered and best detailed devi out at the moment imo, calling for a oversized ko maketoys giant please lol

In other news. Apparently some company is making a ko version of Warbotron not bruticus

10th June 2015, 02:36 PM
If it wasn't for the quite reasonable price tag (all things considered) and size of CW Devastator, I wouldn't be owning any other than my MakeToys Giant Type 61. :P

10th June 2015, 06:50 PM
I'm more interested in seeing how MMC approaches Devestator when/if they do. This one looks too puffy to me. Heck, I'd be happy to see Make Toys take another stab at a larger MP sized Devestator/Green Giant.

Not me, I want Maketoys to keep doing their own take on combiners in the CHUG universe not revisit the past, same with MMC. All this slavish devotion to MP scale and geewun aesthetics is going to get old after a while, the two companies mentioned as well as FP are excellent at putting their own mecha style spins on Transformers designs, and I hope they continue to do that while also entertaining the MP obsession with some of their other lines.

I'm hanging to see Maketoys completed Guardia, and to be honest I'd even consider their version of Superion if they do one, despite the fact by this time next month I will likely have 2 Superion like toys already.

10th June 2015, 08:20 PM
I find it very hard to form an opinion with just a silhouette to go on. I will wait for more pics. If its MP scale I would consider getting it as it seems unlikely TT will ever do an MP combiner.

16th June 2015, 04:53 PM
heres a few prototype pics, more pics seen at tfw


16th June 2015, 05:44 PM
That looks a lot better than I expected, but I'm not sold on it yet. Devestator and the bots look too chunky.

16th June 2015, 07:05 PM
That looks a lot better than I expected, but I'm not sold on it yet. Devestator and the bots look too chunky.

Me too. And I think the head and/or neck proportions is a bit off. But devi is my favourite of all time so I'll keep an eye on this.

16th June 2015, 07:22 PM

that looks expensive.
i guess i had better stop buying food now

16th June 2015, 07:24 PM
It looks pretty good to me. It is never going to perfect G1 but I think it looks more G1 than Warbotron.

16th June 2015, 09:32 PM
It looks pretty good to me. It is never going to perfect G1 but I think it looks more G1 than Warbotron.

I think this is more g1 in combined mode, but if you look at the separate robot modes, they are far from g1, all the head sculpts are way off. I don't think 5 out of the 6 constructicons have mouthplates... Then again I don't think I would be getting this (if I do) for their individual robot modes

16th June 2015, 10:19 PM
I did notice an abundance of mouth plates but like you said, I don't think people will be buying him for his individual robot modes.

16th June 2015, 11:05 PM
it's good but personally I still prefer the look of Maketoys Giant, if only there was an upscaled version

16th June 2015, 11:22 PM
I don't understand this obsession with big toys and MP scale. While this guy has a certain appeal, I don't really understand why it needs to be so big. it may be MP scale but the aesthetics look anything but the current MP style. The same with Warbatron as cool as he is. And the bigger they make this things the more unstable and harder to store they get.

I'll stick with Giant who in my opinion is the perfect scale for a CHUG Devastator, not everything needs to be done in MP style.

17th June 2015, 09:28 AM
I don't understand this obsession with big toys and MP scale. While this guy has a certain appeal, I don't really understand why it needs to be so big. it may be MP scale but the aesthetics look anything but the current MP style. The same with Warbatron as cool as he is. And the bigger they make this things the more unstable and harder to store they get.

I'll stick with Giant who in my opinion is the perfect scale for a CHUG Devastator, not everything needs to be done in MP style.

QFT. Except I don't see the appeal of this guy at all.

17th June 2015, 09:47 AM
QFT. Except I don't see the appeal of this guy at all.

Yeah the bigger they are the more little things they have going on that I think detracts from it. Sure a huge robot would have lots of little panels and stuff but for say warbotron for one, I would prefer a cleaner look with larger flat surfaces. Just from airburst or w/e the not blastoff is, I got turned off the line straight away due to the vehicle mode. Masterpiece scale is cool, but not just for the sake of it imo, maybe 3Ps are just trying to get bigger and bigger to outdo each other and have the top spot in people's collections (because they know people will buy it).

I for one, if I cant pick it up and move it one handed without it flopping etc I'm not keen. Then again if I had more money and more space I'd probably buy every 3P gestalt... except this one. The aesthetic doesnt do it for me, and the vehicles put me in mind of cybertron line, build king. Dont get me wrong, I'm not condemning people having their own ideas and renditions of figures (warbotron is actually awesome in concept and impressive but too much going on), but this just doesn't work for me at all.

Tl;dr if it weren't for CW devi I'd still go for giant due to the much better look, aesthetic over size imo.

17th June 2015, 09:52 PM
I agree. Its looks good but is not as streamlined and smooth as the MP. The aesthetic is not just the same and combiners like this and Warbotron have a sort-of CHUG/techno look to them that matches well with CHUG stuff but not MP's. If I were to get it it would be because I like combiners and would display it separately from my MP's.

19th June 2015, 06:28 PM
Up on TFi (http://www.tfidownunder.com/product-category/3rd-party-figures/generation-toys/)... but i wouldn't bother looking unless you've got about $720+shipping floating around!

19th June 2015, 10:42 PM
I don't understand this obsession with big toys and MP scale. While this guy has a certain appeal, I don't really understand why it needs to be so big. it may be MP scale but the aesthetics look anything but the current MP style. The same with Warbatron as cool as he is. And the bigger they make this things the more unstable and harder to store they get.

I'll stick with Giant who in my opinion is the perfect scale for a CHUG Devastator, not everything needs to be done in MP style.

Yeah I agree. This looks more like an over sized CHUG toy than MP.

20th June 2015, 03:35 PM
Up on TFi (http://www.tfidownunder.com/product-category/3rd-party-figures/generation-toys/)... but i wouldn't bother looking unless you've got about $720+shipping floating around!

Same sort of money as Warbotron and not too bad when you consider that some of the MP scale stuff is $150+ but yes still a lot of money (I don't even make that in a week!)

20th July 2015, 02:28 PM
c/o DaimChoc (https://www.facebook.com/DaimChocReports)

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