View Full Version : Perfect Effect Constructicon upgrade kits PC-06 & PC-07

3rd July 2015, 01:51 PM
Perfect Effect keeps the combiner upgrade kits coming with PC-06, for a more G1 Devastator (and Prowestator head), and PC-07, improved elbows for Scrapper, Mixmaster, Longhaul and Hook.
No price yet but it might be enough to reconsider getting the Takara version instead.



3rd July 2015, 03:01 PM
I like the look of some of those components. However its not enough to stop me buying the Takara version as it can be had for nearly as cheap as the Hasbro version.
What is the deal with Mixmaster? I thought he was some sort of forward pointing cement truck for CW yet that looks like you use the new front to make it more G1 (and reversed)?

3rd July 2015, 04:29 PM
Cool! These addons look great. They fix a lot of the issues I have with the Hasbro Devi. I was planning to just get the Tak version. Now I'm thinking the local one might not be so bad ... if I can find one lol

3rd July 2015, 04:56 PM
I'm loving this upgrade package. Fixes my biggest issue I had with Devi which was Mixmaster's front. It just didn't look right as Devi's foot, so small and narrow. Great to see the arm adjustments too. I'll definitely pick this up.

3rd July 2015, 05:02 PM
I thought about (and pre-ordered but eventually cancelled) UW-01 because it was more G1 accurate.

I bought the two Amazon/Diamond exclusive CW deluxes.

I nearly caved when Defensor was announced with Rook as a deluxe in Japan.

I thought about getting replacement feet for the G1 accuracy of the existing Hasbro sets.

With the exception of Devvy (which I've ordered a Takara, while hunting a Hasbro, already owning a Giant Type 61), I've come to the conclusion that they're so far from G1 accurate, that spending extra dollars to make it "more G1" isn't how I want to spend my money. They'll never look like G1 as much as they can because they weren't designed that way.

But I'll be damned if my Hasbro CW figures haven't been frickin' fun. Much as I expect that Devvy will be great from Hasbro, I'm happy to leave him stock and spend the same money on some quality stickers for all my 3rd not-MPs.

22nd July 2015, 11:50 AM
Colour test shot.

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