View Full Version : New BW Dinbobot prototype

Ode to a Grasshopper
19th July 2015, 12:55 PM
Courtesy of Weibo via Seibertron.com, we have a mysterious Beast Wars Dinobot prototype video (http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/rumour-new-beast-wars-dinobot-figure-prototype/33522/).
Could it be the next BW Masterpiece? A new Classics-y mold? A 3rd-Party offering? Verno's hitherto-latent psychic powers bursting forth and forcing his subconcious mind onto a hapless, G1-centric reality?!

Speculate away, friends!

For my part, it really doesn't look Classics-y to me, especially not with the simplified design HasTakTom have adopted lately. It's got a lot of parts for poseability and a pretty involved transformation - I'm betting Masterpiece or 3rd Party.

19th July 2015, 01:14 PM
It could be a Voyager class figure like Generations Rhinox. I don't think it's MP as it doesn't quite look like MP level, and also they haven't even released images of a proper prototype for MP Beast Convoy, only that maquette that was recently revealed.

It'd be interesting if a third party company released an add-on kit to put feathers all over Dinobot to make him a paleontologically accurate velociraptor (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150124220850/dinosaurs/images/f/f2/Velociraptor_u4hjbq.jpg). ;) Even if it were just like a cloth coat w/ velcro or something. :)

19th July 2015, 01:28 PM
I just had a vision of Dinobot in a chicken suit :D

19th July 2015, 02:07 PM
I want it.


19th July 2015, 02:47 PM
Please be real and not a third party offering! :eek:

19th July 2015, 09:46 PM
I doubt it would be a MP because Takara Tomy tend to keep a tight lid on upcoming MP's till they are ready to announce them. I would like a new Deluxe Dinobot to replace my Henkei Dinobot (and a Cheetor to replace Henkei Cheetor). I was so disappointed to get both those guys in hand.

It'd be interesting if a third party company released an add-on kit to put feathers all over Dinobot to make him a paleontologically accurate velociraptor (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150124220850/dinosaurs/images/f/f2/Velociraptor_u4hjbq.jpg). ;) Even if it were just like a cloth coat w/ velcro or something. :)

Dinobot is based on the "Velociraptors" from Jurassic Park. They are not actually Velociraptors, which in reality are closer to a chicken in size than what's in the Jurassic Park movies. The dinosaur they actually used in Jurassic Park, and subsequently the dinosaur that Dinobot actually is based on is Deinonychus. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinonychus)

19th July 2015, 11:12 PM
Sadly it's been revealed to be a fan-made figure.

Damn great work by a fan, but damn.


20th July 2015, 12:10 AM
Dinobot is based on the "Velociraptors" from Jurassic Park. They are not actually Velociraptors, which in reality are closer to a chicken in size than what's in the Jurassic Park movies. The dinosaur they actually used in Jurassic Park, and subsequently the dinosaur that Dinobot actually is based on is Deinonychus. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinonychus)
Yes, I know. I wouldn't expect HasTak to do it for the official toy, for the reasons that you've described. The Dinobot toy should more closely reflect Dinobot from Beast Wars, who was a JP-inspired 'Raptor. That's why I was suggesting that a third party could release an unofficial add on kit to make Dinobot more paleontologically accurate; it's something that's far too niche for HasTak to do, but perhaps possible as a third party accessory kit.

Anyway, this toy's proven to be a fan-job, so it's all moot now. :p

P.S.: Velociraptor actual size (http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/147508/4635536-8083-004-0bf20bad.jpg); bigger than a chicken, closer to the size of a turkey. But I take your point, they are much smaller than they are portrayed in Jurassic Park... far less dangerous too. An average person would probably beat a 'raptor. And they weren't pack hunters like Deinonychuses were. :p ;)

20th July 2015, 07:57 AM
:( As much as I love reading and discussing dinosaurs, we don't need to have a big debate in this section (maybe in the Jurassic world toys?) besides, Jurassic World even admitted that the park had inaccurate dinosaurs " we could have had them more accurate, but you wanted them scarier, with more teeth"

20th July 2015, 07:58 AM
Also Velociraptors were pack hunters...

20th July 2015, 11:50 AM
I am SO sad right now :(

But also glad at the same time that I've learned that fun fact about Jurassic Park's Velociraptors! :p

20th July 2015, 12:14 PM
Also Velociraptors were pack hunters...
In movies, yes, but not IRL. Deinonychuses were pack hunters. As DELTAprime rightly said, the JP 'raptors were really Deinonychuses, but Crichton thought that "Velociraptor" sounded cooler, so he called them that. JW does offer a canonical explanation for why the JP/JW dinosaurs differ from real world ones (which I won't go into lest I expose spoilers) :)

20th July 2015, 04:11 PM
Sadly it's been revealed to be a fan-made figure.

Damn great work by a fan, but damn.


Now only if 3d print designers used their powers for good instead of evil...

20th July 2015, 06:43 PM
To bad, a Voyager size Dinobot would go well with Rhinox.

Now only if 3d print designers used their powers for good instead of evil...

But evil is always better, because good is dumb! :D

20th July 2015, 07:28 PM
Shame it's fanmade. They did a killer job as well.

20th July 2015, 07:35 PM
Do we have any digi-bashers here who could throw some colours on a pic?