View Full Version : Thoughts about SDCC Combiner Wars Hunters

22nd July 2015, 07:15 PM
Hi everyone,

I was looking at the Combiner wars Hunters - Windblade, Arcee and Chromia, i got quite excited when i saw it was the three, however i noticed that they are only deluxe sized figures, so I'm quite mixed about it and am considering missing them altogether.

I'd love to get some thoughts and opinions from others.


22nd July 2015, 07:21 PM
At $120 PC's (http://www.premiumcollectables.com.au/products/sdcc-2015-exclusive-transformers-combiner-hunters) price on them is more than fair for 3 limited run Deluxe figures. They are good, detailed, quality repaints. I really like all 3 of the moulds but Windblade does have a huge gap in vehicle mode.

22nd July 2015, 09:09 PM
At $120 PC's (http://www.premiumcollectables.com.au/products/sdcc-2015-exclusive-transformers-combiner-hunters) price on them is more than fair for 3 limited run Deluxe figures. They are good, detailed, quality repaints. I really like all 3 of the moulds but Windblade does have a huge gap in vehicle mode.

I ordered mine from PC really good price considering how much they are going for on eBay them with shipping on top of that

22nd July 2015, 09:25 PM
that's a lot cheaper than even RK... might have to jump on that, as I love the moulds in use.

22nd July 2015, 10:15 PM
Holy Moley, that is an awesome price for those 3, dammit I just bought Windblade in normal paint scheme... ah well, the more the merrier!

22nd July 2015, 10:33 PM
Someone has to be *that* guy...
The colours look atrocious and the weapons are so ridiculously ill thought out it's painful.

23rd July 2015, 07:52 AM
Ok yeah I'll pay the stupidity of the weapons, but I actually really like the decos of Windblade and Arcee. Chromia not so much, but might do some parts swapping with the Generations version...

23rd July 2015, 11:48 AM
I had a friend once ask my why their guns were so small (transformers in general) I didn't really have an answer as his point was that they were immensely strong giant robots they should carry immense hard hitting weaponry.

It is for this reason and this reason alone that this set really grabs my interest. apart from the awesome moulds and excellent paint jobs.

23rd July 2015, 12:39 PM
I had a friend once ask my why their guns were so small (transformers in general) I didn't really have an answer as his point was that they were immensely strong giant robots they should carry immense hard hitting weaponry.

It is for this reason and this reason alone that this set really grabs my interest. apart from the awesome moulds and excellent paint jobs.

I dunno - G1 Astrotrains rifle was almost as big as him!

I'd like this lot - but I'm not paying that amount for repaints of figures I already have. If I was doing that I'd get the Tak/Tom versions for the box art :p

23rd July 2015, 01:20 PM
I dunno - G1 Astrotrains rifle was almost as big as him!

I'd like this lot - but I'm not paying that amount for repaints of figures I already have. If I was doing that I'd get the Tak/Tom versions for the box art :p

Lol I'm just a sucker I just must have, I also have the Tak TOm Arcee

23rd July 2015, 02:51 PM
Someone has to be *that* guy...
The colours look atrocious and the weapons are so ridiculously ill thought out it's painful.

Yep I agree. Windblade's colour is just lazy, or perhaps even a beta design that was discarded. Chromia's deco reminds me of white-Ultra Magnuses (Magni).

If they were purely out to increase revenue, and not want to duplicate Takara's exclusives (which are awesome on so many levels), they could have done the obvious Flamewar & Paradron Medic repaints?

I had a friend once ask my why their guns were so small (transformers in general) I didn't really have an answer as his point was that they were immensely strong giant robots they should carry immense hard hitting weaponry.

Gotta let your mate know it's not the size of their guns but how they use it ;)

23rd July 2015, 06:06 PM
These girls, along with SDCC Devastator are the Hasbro "specials" at Hong Kong ani-con this year so it will be interesting to see how much they retail for at the event.

I'll definitely be picking up a set for my daughter tomorrow (assuming I get over the bug I caught in Vietnam).

23rd July 2015, 09:08 PM
I must admit I have the TT Arcee, Chromia and Windblade. Plus I have a preorder for the 3 TT remoulds and this SDCC set of repaints.

My collecting method is get one of each character in the CHUG universe in each mould. So normally I don't get straight repaints that are not new characters like these guys are. I normally just settle on the "best" version, but I like these 3 and I really want to see more fembots in the future so I'm voting with my wallet.

23rd July 2015, 09:59 PM
If I can scrape together enough cash. I'll get these. I like the new paint but not the weapons. Probably get the Iron Lady weapon set too (though mostly for the Chromia axe and shield).