View Full Version : Toy Review - RID-15 Autobot Jazz (Warrior)

27th July 2015, 11:26 PM
Series - Robots In Disguise
Sub-line - N/A
Size/class - Warrior
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 3
Released here - ?
Approximate Retail Price - AU$?? (probably about $30)
Approximate Size - 13cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - sports car
Main Features/Gimmicks - insignia may be scanned for game app
Main Colours - white, blue, white, black, white, red, white
Main Accessories - lance

Stock photo (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bPxvkMy3aTA/VSQ5ezbVSXI/AAAAAAAAH6o/v17vjklpy9A/s1600/jazz-transformers-robots-in-disguise-warrior-class.jpg)

Okay, as you can tell from my description of the main colours, this toy really needs more colours to break up all the white, as can be seen in this digibash (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachments/transformers-fan-art/27499018d1424428936-prime-fe-jazz-beast-hunters-jazz-rid2015-picsart_1424133976376.jpg); the few added blue stripes not only better accentuates the figure, but also makes the toy more show (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/6/6e/CanYouDigIt_Jazz_vehicle_mode.jpg)-accurate (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/0/03/Jazz_2015.jpg). Colours aside, Jazz is one of the better Warrior Class figures I've seen from the RiD2015 line, almost as good as Bumblebee. The main drawback with this figure are the hands which suffer from a mild form of "Animated Deluxe Lockdown Syndrome" -- the curve inward and don't lock. Not nearly as bad as Lockdown, but it's somewhat irritating during toy play when the hands keep inadvertently flipping in. :o The toy is reasonably solid in both modes, and they've done a pretty good job in making him look imposing as he does in the show. :) Recommended.


16th November 2015, 09:50 PM
I'm not a fan of RID 2015 but the robot mode of this toy was the first thing to blow me away. Then the muscle car alt mode (Jazz purists will hate that it's not so Porsche). And finally the weapon that like certain CW weapons is melee weapon and firearm rolled into one.:D Definetly recommended.